chapter 25

Please slow down the time for us
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Seungri was back.


And how he was back.

Seungri, in shape of his dragon-like form, blared out a screeching roar. He was giant but still a bit smaller than his opponent, though that didn’t seem to faze him at all as he exposed his fangs and raised on his hind legs.


„Holy …“ Tablo muttered. „In all of these years I’ve been working for YG I’ve never seen something like this, two giants fighting each other.“

„Same man…“ Seunghyun agreed and Youngbae could only shake his head in disbelieve.


Daesung had been taking care of Dara and Bom and after being unconscious for some time they both woke up just right to experience the spectacle.

„What the, what is happening?!“ Bom exclaimed, still sitting on the ground and not being able to hide her Fear. She didn’t even know Seungri was here, she has been out for too long.

„Seungri came to help us out, boss had the idea that our maknae could maybe defeat that monster if he himself turned into one. When he arrived and faced it, he was attacked and we thought he died, but apparently he didn’t because he shifted and now he is fighting the enemy.“ Daesung tried to summarize quickly. „At least that’s what we hope he’ll do.“


Both girls kept quiet at that, it was a horrendous scene that was taking place in front of them.

Everyone who worked under YG was taught to stay indifferent during a mission, especially when it came to fighting. But non of them, not even the older members like Tablo and Mithra, who were part of the company for quite some time now, had ever experienced something similar and it was hard to stay unconcerned.


„Do you think he can do it?“ Dara whispered, she was relieved to hear that Seungri apparently survived but it faded quickly when she noticed that there was no guarantee that their plan will actually work out.


„We don’t know, we can only hope. Tablo told Hyun-suk to not send any support for now, chances are that they’ll be killed as well if we can’t get this situation under control. The support group is working on a tactic to help us though, I hope they can do something about this.“ He motioned around himself.

„We need to make sure that the public won’t notice anything.“ Bom said but the brown haired man only shook his head.

„I think YG is smart enough to have taken measures against it, that should be our last concern. But we have to think of something to help Seungri.“


As if said person had heard Deasung mentioning his name, he once again made himself known by his loud bellowing and Deasung feared that it could be heard in the next city after all. Good thing they were far off from civilization.


Still standing on its hind legs, the dragon, which used to be Seungri, leaped forward towards the other monster in attempt to sink its teeth into the broad muscular neck it aimed for. The bigger beast though reached back only to smash his own claw against its opponent’s jaw and sent him flying backwards. 

Seungri landed on his back but didn’t lose any time to get back up again, letting out a deafening thunder-like growling. He looked so intimidating, even after having seen Seungri turn into it for the second time with his own eyes today, Jiyong still couldn’t believe that it was really him.


Seungri, yet again, jumped at his enemy but instead of attacking it right away he evaded it and landed behind the monster and before said one could turn around, the dragon had already launched at it, forcing and wedging his claws and sharp teeth into its flesh. The titan screamed and trashed around to get Seungri off him but the latter clung onto him, deepening his grasps.


It looked good for Seungri, he didn’t let go and his enemy wasn’t able to shake him off but then, out of nowhere, tentacle like tendrils shot out of the ground. Nobody saw this coming as they must have been a special ability of their opponent.

The shoots began wrapping around the dragons body, holding him securely, and hurled him in the direction where the team was located.

They quickly ran to dodge the flying monster, and when it landed it left a crater and a skid mark.


„Holy !“ Seunghyun called out startled.

„Where the came that from?!“

„Guys, it’s getting really dangerous!“ 


Upon hearing the group communicating, Seungri turned to them, fixating his deep black eyes on his team mates and it was then that Jiyong noticed something he’d rather not. 

Seungri wasn’t really Seungri. The dragon-like monster wasn’t on their side.


„GET AWAY FROM IT, HE DOESN’T RECOGNIZE US!“ He shouted to warn s and could just barely avoid a sudden attack from said creature. Seungri had been slamming his claws into the ground, whirling up the dirt, almost burying Jiyong under it.


„Bloody hell! HE CAN’T CONROL IT, WE NEED FIND A SAVE SPOT AND LET HIM FIGHT AGAINST THE OTHER ONE!“ Mithra yelled and everyone was relieved when Seungri turned back to the other monster, which had been making its way towards them.


„IT’S DISTRACTED! NOW!“ He waved everyone over and they all ran to a spot where the trees where bigger and thickset to hide themselves from the danger. The two creature didn’t seem to have a big attention span so it wasn’t that hard to stay unnoticed at least.


An oppressive silence spread through the group of adults, nobody was sure of what to say about the current circumstances. They were all so close to failure, death even, yet if the support team attempted to help, they’d be put in the same life threatening situation, so it wasn’t an option either.


„Are we going to survive this?“ Bom broke the silence and asked the question everybody had. Jiyong wasn’t sure himself but he wouldn’t lie to his friends, he would always tell them the truth.


„I don’t know, I really don’t. I’d tell you to leave but if Seungri is really able to kill that atrocious brute we still need to take care of him. At least we know that it’s possible to turn him back. Also, if we were to disappear to protect ourselves, the rest of the population would be in danger. We simply don’t have any experience with such a scenario.“


It went quiet again and Jiyong sighed, he could barely keep his anxiety and fear to himself. He’d like to lose it now, to just scream and freak out like he did earlier and like every normal person would do, not caring about anything anymore. His eyes were still sore from all the crying and his throat felt dry from shouting, a reminder of what had happened not long ago. Even though he saw Seungri turn, Jiyong still wasn’t over the shock he experienced and he was sure it would sit with him for a while. If he came out alive.


Thick dark blue clouds were slowly covering the sun, which despite all of the war and hate on this world, continued shining, even if it meant to hide once in a while; at some point it always came back.

Big shadows covered the forest and dipped the trees in dusky colors, at first only letting through a few sun rays, but soon it became so dark, one could think the day turned to night. It left a bitter mood and uneasy atmosphere, something you couldn’t ignore nor avoid.



„There are tendrils again!“ Youngbae held back his voice but the shock was evident. 


The tendrils were digging through the dry and dusty ground and moved as if they had muscles and a mind of their own. Those shoots were of different sizes but they looked strong and considering they tossed a giant through the air, it was more or less confirmed.

They started twisting around Seungri’s neck, torso and and legs again, already carving in cuts, leaving him no space nor option to free himself.


„What do we do?!“ Dara asked, panicking again. She wasn’t exactly known to stay calm. „Do we help him?“


Everybody looked at Jiyong, expecting him to have a solution but the truth was, leader wasn’t sure himself.

How was he supposed to make a decision? If he made everyone save Seungri, they could get injured badly or even die, but if he didn’t, Seungri would probably be the one ending up dead.

Jiyong was u

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Chapter 26: Yes I love it
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
And I find myself here yet again!!!???
Tenkaichi2121 #3
Chapter 4: i am in tears reading this... its hormonal things hahaha.. i get easily cried over small things on my period... but i get carried away with your story and this is so sad.... i dont want to feel pitty for Seungri... he fights enough for his own survival... ^0^ i love this boy! and I love your story!
this is amazing... next chaps!
Tenkaichi2121 #4
Chapter 2: omooooo how cute.... off course he gotta be the panda! .... kyaaa i am gonna love this story :)
next chaps!
Chapter 27: So so beautiful
Chapter 26: I really love this story. Thank you^^
Woooow this story is really something!
AlicaLestrange #8
Chapter 26: Awww this story is so cute ;*
Chapter 26: Authornim ㅠㅠㅠ this is so great... I love you now :* But why does the end doesn't feel like the end yet. Can you update it with at least 1 last chapter. Pretty please?
Chapter 26: Aww this story was amazing ❤️ I just loved how overly protective Ji was of RI and the mistery you added to Ji's character. The Fluff was heartwarming, I nearly cried at their first kiss scene that was so god damn beautiful?