chapter 18

Please slow down the time for us
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„I expect you to kill him.“



The quiet ticking of the clock in YG’s office could be heard as nothing but silence dominated the room. It has been probably a few minutes already but neither of the two man said a thing. 

Jiyong’s mind tried to process what his boss just told him, his voice still ringing in his head, saying those few words over and over again, and Jiyong hoped that the meaning behind them would change, that they didn’t tell him what they did for the last passing moments. 

Nothing changed though, no matter how often he repeated the sentence, it stayed what it was and there was no way he could ever except it. 


„No.“ Jiyong whispered, looking at the empty space on the desk in front of him, looking at nothing actually.

„I don’t think you understand. You don’t have a choice, this is an absolute orde-“

„I SAID NO!“ Jiyong screamed, his eyes piercing through Hyun-suk’s as he jumped up and violently slammed his fists against the surface of the office desk.



Jiyong’s mind ran berserk, one step further and he would turn this office to shreds, tearing breaking, setting everything on fire including this motherer of a boss! And he wouldn’t stop! Nobody could tell him to kill the only stable thing in his life. He was told to kill an angel!


„Calm down. We are not done talking.“ YG said sternly, not moving but despite the lack of reaction to Jiyong’s outburst it was still obvious that even he was surprised.

Jiyong gritted his teeth glaring at his boss like he never did before. He was someone to always obey, YG had done a lot for him in the past, never had he thought he would talk to him like this one day.

„You really think-“ 

„Calm down I said. Then we will continue.“ 


The leader knew he had no choice, as much as he wanted to scream and shout at Hyun-suk to take his order back and leave Seungri alone, he also knew that the older was no one to back down and if Jiyong wanted to protect the maknae he had to find another solution. He had to keep his cool and think of a plan.

He slowly sat back in his chair, his expression cold but under control and with a forced nod he told YG to continue.


„I never thought you would find someone, other than Youngbae, you would care about so much. To be honest, I didn’t expect that reaction from you and don’t get me wrong, I understand you and I certainly don’t wish to harm the young Seunghyun.“ Yang started, averting his eyes to the giant window to his right. The weather was good, the sun was shining and warming up mother earth during this cold season, but Jiyong didn’t feel like appreciating it right now. If the weather matched his mood than a freaking thunderstorm would be more fitting.

„But I do have responsibilities for all of you, I have to protect my company and everybody else from any danger that could be cause by any of you. In such situations I have to choose between saving the life of the trouble maker or the lives of many innocent people. What would you choose, Jiyong-ah? They all have family and friends to leave behind.“ 


A sigh escaped the older as he turned back to look at orange haired boy. His hair color really suited his personality, passionate, dangerous and unpredictable.


„I want you to do this mission, because if you don’t, I’lI will have to make someone else watch over Seunghyun. I need to trust you, I need to be sure that you won’t choose his life over the ones of innocent citizens. Also we don’t know if you will ever get into this situation, maybe the collar can handle it.“


Jiyong hated to admit it but his boss was right and he definitely didn’t want anybody else to observe his maknae. He would find a way.

„I understand. I will do it. But we can’t tell Seungri about this, he has been so happy lately, if he finds out he might have to be killed everything he worked so hard for is going to be ruined. Please, I promise to do what you ask of me, but leave out the detail that the whole thing could cost his life.“


For a short time it was silent again, YG was visibly contemplating what the best option was and in the end he cleared his throat and nodded.

„Alright, you do your mission and I won’t tell him about that part. But we really need him to wear this collar, after all we can’t tell when it’s going to happen. It’s best to do it immediately. I will call him.“

„No! No, I can go to the hospital if he’s still there, and bring him here. I don’t want him to walk alone.“

Hyun-suk eyed the younger suspiciously but decided to let it go after all, he had stressed the boy enough.

„Fine, but don’t take too long. Also, don’t do anything stupid, you know what I am capable of.“ He added and Jiyong nodded, frowning because he knew indeed.






„Hyung! Hyung! Look at this! Look!“ Seungri raised his damaged leg a little, showing it off to his leader as he stuck out his tongue in concentration, trying not to lose his balance. There was still quite the distance between him and Jiyong but as soon as he lifted his leg the older didn’t wast any time to start running and be next to Seungri in a matter of seconds. Said one had been waiting in front of the hospital for a while after he received a call from Jiyong earlier.


„Yah! What are you doing, that’s dangerous!“ Jiyong scolded as he gently got a hold of Seungri’s arm to support him.

„No, look!“ Seungri pointed at his limb with his finger.

„Is that another orthosis? Wait, where are your crutches? Don’t tell me you broke them again, we are standing right in front of a hospital!“ The older said disbelievingly while looking around to search for the missing crutches.


„No, I don’t need them!“ Seungri squealed happily and, much to Jiyong’s shock, freed himself from the supporting grip.

„Yah, maknae, be careful!“ He nearly yelled, expecting the boy to fall or at least feel pain. But to his surprise nothing happened despite a cheerful blonde creature waddling around as if the orthosis on his leg didn’t even exist.

„Doesn’t it hurt?“ Jiyong asked worried, seemingly wanting to reach for Seungri and hold him close to keep him safe.

„Not really, Dr. Wang created this awesome thingy to support my leg and now I can walk again. It looks weird when I walk but at least I can move freely again, so no need to worry, hyung. Watch“

Seungri walks around the older once until he comes to a halt in front of him.

„isn’t that awesome?“ 


The panda boy beamed and Jiyong couldn’t help but return it. Seungri could see how happy the leader was for him, showing him his brightest gummy smile after being done with observing the new orthosis. Seungri was sure that Jiyong had absolutely no clue about those medical things but he still had to inspect it and of course approve of it in order for his maknae to be allowed to use it.


„That’s incredible! Look at you, nobody and nothing could ever stop you from being all active, huh? And now it doesn’t even hurt, I’m so happy for you!“

The older stepped even closer, if that was even possible, and wrapped his arms around the blonde boy, taking him by surprise.

„Uhm, hyung, we are in pub

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Chapter 26: Yes I love it
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
And I find myself here yet again!!!???
Tenkaichi2121 #3
Chapter 4: i am in tears reading this... its hormonal things hahaha.. i get easily cried over small things on my period... but i get carried away with your story and this is so sad.... i dont want to feel pitty for Seungri... he fights enough for his own survival... ^0^ i love this boy! and I love your story!
this is amazing... next chaps!
Tenkaichi2121 #4
Chapter 2: omooooo how cute.... off course he gotta be the panda! .... kyaaa i am gonna love this story :)
next chaps!
Chapter 27: So so beautiful
Chapter 26: I really love this story. Thank you^^
Woooow this story is really something!
AlicaLestrange #8
Chapter 26: Awww this story is so cute ;*
Chapter 26: Authornim ㅠㅠㅠ this is so great... I love you now :* But why does the end doesn't feel like the end yet. Can you update it with at least 1 last chapter. Pretty please?
Chapter 26: Aww this story was amazing ❤️ I just loved how overly protective Ji was of RI and the mistery you added to Ji's character. The Fluff was heartwarming, I nearly cried at their first kiss scene that was so god damn beautiful?