chapter 10

Please slow down the time for us
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„I want you to go on a mission as a team.“


Seungri gaped at the CEO, Yang Hyun-suk, as soon as the words were spoken. He wasn’t able to believe them, it had only been six weeks since the beginning of their training and to be honest, Seungri thought they would have several months until they would be offered their first mission.

Unable to close his mouth or even blink, as shocked as he was, he looked around YG’s office and turned his head to his team. He was looking for any sign of surprise and hoping he was not the only overwhelmed one.

But of course he was.

The only thing he saw were four calm and understanding faces, nodding in acknowledgement. Why was he always the one who didn’t understand a thing?


 „This mission is an order so you will follow it, it’s your first one as a team and nobody will tell anybody about it, except for your members, am I clear?“

„Yes, sir!“ Everyone answered, while Seungri could only stare, kind of intimidated by the harsh tone of their boss.

„Lee Seunghyun, am I clear?!“

The poor boy flinched upon hearing his name being called with that sharp and strict voice.

„Y-yes, sir!“ He really needed to get used to those sudden mood swings of these people here.

„Alright, I will explain the mission now, so listen well! Tomorrow all of you will go to the Wong residence. It’s the mansion of a rich family and it lies here.“ YG points at a spot an a map he opened on his computer. Seungri didn’t know that family but he was sure the others were familiar with them, judging from their expressions.

„They are known for their expensive jewelry brands but that’s not the reason you are going pay them a visit. Those ’nice’ people have informations about our company that they are not supposed to have and your job to retrieve them. You will not leave any related information behind, understood? The files are on their computer but they probably saved them in different ways, make sure to find them all and make them disappear from their sight for good. The informations are coded and it is not possible for them to have them decoded already. Still, you need to get them before they do. The content is not supposed to be known by any of you, only Jiyong knows and it will stay that way.“

Once again Seungri wondered, why it was always Jiyong in every matter. He was the leader, he was excellent at everything and now he was chosen to know about secret informations nobody was supposed to know. 

He really was a mystery after all.


„I talked with your instructors to know about your strengths and who to use in which areas.“

Upon hearing that everybody looked tense, awaiting their task and being aware of the fact, that whatever the boss said was absolute and would have to be done. No complaints.

„Jiyong, I’m sure you know about your duty already. You are going to get and delete the informations from the computer, since you are the only one knowing about their content. Seunghyun will accompany you, making sure to look out for possible danger. Daesung, Youngbae and Seungri“ the blonde gulped in worry, he didn’t know if he could do what would be asked of him.

„you are going to oversee the whole residence. Keep in mind that you are only three guys and the house, as well as the property, is big. Seungri, I will give you a map of the mansion. You are going to create a plan for your group on how to get into the building smoothly. You and Daesung will be going there this evening and I expect you to find out about the locations of guards, security cameras and other important components. The family left the country this morning and will be back tomorrow around 11pm, so be quick. If you make a mistake, there is no chance for your team to carry out their duty and if you fail it will have consequences, not just for the one causing it but for everyone. Remember that.“



Way to get him used to missions.

Saying Seungri was concerned would be the understatement of the year. Or of the century. Why must it be him, out of all the members, that was trusted to construct a plan for the whole mission? Sure, he learned about it and he had to practice it as well but that didn’t mean he could do it in reality too. Just because they assumed he was the best at such things. 

But he didn’t have a choice, he would have to think of a way to make this mission a success if he didn’t want himself and s to get in trouble. They were more or less forced to trust him and he was in no position to disappoint them. 

All of his teammates have been unbelievably patient with him and even though he still didn’t quite understand what exactly was happening around him there was no excuse for Seungri to not try his hardest.

He would do it.

He knew he could.






„Look, the distance from here to the balcony is rather short. Do you think you can make it until there?“

Seungri and Daesung were on their way to the Wong residence, sitting in a black van and fortunately they had a driver so they could already talk about different methods on how to get the needed informations about the security. The maknae was sure that YG was going easy on them, providing them a driver, maybe he was worried since it was their first mission.

They were currently looking at the map their CEO gave them. It contained a rough plan of the mansion and the giant garden but it was difficult for Seungri to think ahead, he had no clue where the guards were and he certainly didn’t know about the cameras.


„Don’t you think it’s too dangerous? I’m not sure if the distance is to long to teleport and what if there are security cameras?“ Daesung expressed his concerns towards Seungris idea.

„I know, but we somehow have to get inside. If we don’t, we are only able to make a rough plan about the locations of the guards outside the building but Jiyong hyung and Seunghyun hyung need to get inside without being noticed and they need to be able move around there freely. We have to find possible dangers, we wont have time for that tomorrow. Also do you see this area here?“ He pointed at the space in front of the balcony on the map.

„It’s a pretty big area, if we are lucky they have trees or sculptures there you can hide behind, so you can get closer to your aim.“

„I don’t know Seungri, it’s really risky. I don’t think the balcony is the problem but the moment I enter the house. I could be spotted easily.“

„Are you able to take me with you when you teleport?“

„Not as a human but if you turn into your panda form it could work.“

„That’s alright, it was my plan to get in as a panda anyway.“

„What?! No way Seungri, that’s too dangerous, what if anything happens to you?! Your earpiece wont help you as long as you are a panda, you can’t speak!“ Daesung exclaimed, there was no way in hell he would let his maknae get into danger like this.

„Stop being so worried, I’ve been through worse.“ Seungri stated in indifference. „If I get caught they wont know I’m a human, they might get suspicious though,

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Chapter 26: Yes I love it
LoveHealsTheBroken #2
And I find myself here yet again!!!???
Tenkaichi2121 #3
Chapter 4: i am in tears reading this... its hormonal things hahaha.. i get easily cried over small things on my period... but i get carried away with your story and this is so sad.... i dont want to feel pitty for Seungri... he fights enough for his own survival... ^0^ i love this boy! and I love your story!
this is amazing... next chaps!
Tenkaichi2121 #4
Chapter 2: omooooo how cute.... off course he gotta be the panda! .... kyaaa i am gonna love this story :)
next chaps!
Chapter 27: So so beautiful
Chapter 26: I really love this story. Thank you^^
Woooow this story is really something!
AlicaLestrange #8
Chapter 26: Awww this story is so cute ;*
Chapter 26: Authornim ㅠㅠㅠ this is so great... I love you now :* But why does the end doesn't feel like the end yet. Can you update it with at least 1 last chapter. Pretty please?
Chapter 26: Aww this story was amazing ❤️ I just loved how overly protective Ji was of RI and the mistery you added to Ji's character. The Fluff was heartwarming, I nearly cried at their first kiss scene that was so god damn beautiful?