quick rant

I Told You Not To Fall For Me
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i have this Big urge to put this story in draft mode so please hear me out


im so stressed lately bc i can never convince myself to be satisfied with my writing.... most of the time i do get distracted but when it hit me, i feel super down with the way i write— they're just so terrible and i dONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING

and the plot/flow of this story is just all over the place bcs my 15 years old self was stupid enough to write but not think of the consequences UGH IM SO STRESSED

i cant even write the future chapter neatly because everything is so hard to fit in place --'


now 17 years old me, freshly graduated from high school is just shaking my head in disbelief;;;; like honestly who tf can be a doctor at 23?? it just doesnt make sense at all!1!!!!!  

i thought of doing the changes after the story's done but god knows when that is and its been bugging me lately i need to do something


so i changed up some things and from now on, please remember:

luhan, minseok and yifan will be 27 years old 

sehun is 26 and on his first year after residency, basically now a cardiologist

miyoung is the same age as luhan

kai, baekhyun are younger and they're only 24 

so all the formalities in the way they're speaking, please ignore them;;; i'll do something to fix it up soon.


yall are probably super annoyed at me rn and im really sorry (◞‸◟;)

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with this pace, i think i'll be able to finish this whole story in 40 chapters max, it'll be hard to say goodbye later ;;


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TellThatGirl #1
Chapter 39: I'm still here 🙂
hyunA95 #2
Chapter 39: Hope you will come back soon 😭😭
hyunA95 #3
Chapter 36: I didn’t lose hope and here I am reading this great chapter from my favorite story 😭😭 thank you so much
TellThatGirl #4
Chapter 39: hi eve, not sure if you can read this, but I'm still here waiting for the story to finish, it's been years since I read this story of yours but it's still one of the most painful story I've read, hoping to see the end of this story soon 🙂
hoping one day you come back to this but if not it's okay <3 wishing you well!
lulululu07 #6
Chapter 39: hoping for an update~
B9nnyByun #7
Chapter 39: i miss this story TT
exosmain #8
Chapter 39: i want to slap sehun istg i hope you would update this again soon huhuhu stay safe!!!
Chapter 39: Ah I wish you’d update it
Take care tho!!!
LuHaeani #10
Chapter 39: Hello. Hope you're in a good shape. Thank you for not abandoning this fic. Been anticipating it for a long time. Please dont give up on this pic. Thank you. And please take care.