Chapter 10

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Chorong's Pov

    It looks like the class have started but we still can't find the office for our enrollment. Damn this huge school. This is not going anywhere so i decided to ask the student who pass by. The two woods had no funtion at all. They just looking around

    "Excuse me. Where is the administration office?" The bodyguards look at her dumbfounded. Why wouldn't they didn't think about asking? I just ignored them.

    "Just walk straight , turn right and keep walking. You will find the o--" His words could not finish when his friend called him.

    "Nam joon, hurry up!" Said the white boy. 

    "Coming." He shout back and turn to me.  "Got to go.Bye,"he run towards his friend.

    "Thank you," I mutter. I start walking leaving the two boy. I follow the Nam joon boy words and keep walking after I turn right. Finally, i found the signboard 'Administration Office'. I am glad that i not following the two woods legs. Mabye, i still walking now if follow them. We enter the office. A women in thirty ( i think)  greets us. 

   "Are you guys the new transfer students?" She ask us. I am too lazy to answer so i let them two of them handle it. The women told us that the principal was waiting for us. She told us to enter the class after lunch time and ask the head students to show us around. The school was really huge that i think my legs going to break. There is a garden at the school back but the head student told us that usually no one will vist the place.

    After the tour, the three of us sit at one of the bench.Actually it was me who sit. The two of them stand up behind me. Ugh sooo annoying. Just then the bell rings.

   "Agashi, do you want me to go to get you foods?" Bogum ask. I nodded.

  "Yah, you two. Just call me by name at school and just act like i your friends. Just be friendly. The chairman not going to watch you all the tim

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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 18: upside*
PiKai_chu #2
Chapter 18: this story is actually making my brain uside down. theres a lot of suspense in here i cannot think anymore huhuhu
hope u will update soon authornim or i will haunt u in your sleep
Chapter 15: Please update soon authornim !! ?
Lilninabear #4
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating
Chapter 1: can't wait the next chapter><