Thankful. But?

Unexpected love and hate story

No ones POV:

Ji eun was at the center of the car and climbed near to the passenger seat to help the girl out which was near the dangerous side of the cliff while Kris grabbed the boys hand who got out of the car but was struggling to get on the road. The girl was finding it hard to take her belt her off and tears were falling. Ji eun couldn't stand the fact she was crying especially when the girl looked so scared. She climbed into the car.

"Ji eun what are you doing? Get out now!!!".

"Let me help her get out first".

The boy who got out the car was bleeding so Kris called the ambulance and was talking to them. Ji eun helped take the girls belt off and helped her to get on a branch that the car was hanging from. The car started to shake and the tree seemed to be a bit unstable.Kris finished talking on his phone .

"KRIS!!!! Help her. Grab her hand and stop her from bleeding".

Kris helped the girl who couldn't stop crying. Ji eun was coming out of the car when her leg got caught and she couldn't get it out. Then the tree started to shake even more and it looked like it was going to fall sooner or later.

"Ji eun.Get out!!!"

"I'm coming just take care of her and make sure she isn't hurt"

Ji eun was struggling to get her leg out. She heard the ambulance sirens and smiled that the others will be safe. The ambulance stopped and looked at the injured and took care of them.

Then they turned around to say thank you to Kris and then Ji eun. When they were going to say thank you to Jieun she had tears in her eyes 0e53e238a50.jpgand along with the car and the tree. Ji eun fell down the cliff. The two that were saved by her including Kris shouted "JI EUN!!!!!!".


Will Kris use his vampire powers to save Ji eun or will Ji eun die?

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