Chapter 07

A Race

It was around eight at night when Seventeen and Laboum’s members went out for a walk with their managers and assistant to somewhere only those three men knew with flashlight in each’s hand. They walked while talking to each other and even throwing a joke. The two managers and assistant led the way with Scoups, Hoshi, Woozi, Vernon, Jun, Dino and The8 after them then followed by the girls in the middle and the rest of the boys behind. Just like what Scoups told the girls that they, the boys, would protect them very well so they should not be worried.

“I saw what you did there~” Wonwoo nudged Mingyu’s arm during their walk.

Mingyu frowned. “What did I do?” he asked confusedly.

“I saw you help Solbin eating carrot,” Wonwoo replied.

“And it was a surprise for me,” Seungkwan joined them. “You hate carrot!”

“W-well, I just wanted to help her,” Mingyu shrugged it off, trying hard not to look uneasy.

“Really?” Joshua cocked an eyebrow. “It seems like you did not just want to help her. You wanted to impress her, didn’t you?”

Mingyu widened his eyes. “W-what?!”

“Look at his face!” exclaimed Jeonghan in amusement. “I can see it redden clearly even though it’s dark here.”

The boys at the back were all laughing except Mingyu.

“Just tell her already~” teased DK.

“Tell her about what?” Mingyu mumbled as he kicked the stone out of his way.

“That you like her!”

“Oh, guys!” exclaimed Mingyu in frustration. He was embarrassed at the time. What if Solbin hears what we are talking about? He wondered cautiously as he took a glance at the said girl, who was laughing at something Yulhee said.

“Admit it, that you like her!” Wonwoo kept on teasing.

Mingyu sighed heavily then he nodded. “Alright. That’s true,” he said. “I like her,” he added monotonously.

“Hey! What’s with the face?” asked Joshua. “You look down. Don’t you have to be happy?”

“How could I? She keeps on pushing me away,” Mingyu sighed again. “I think she doesn’t like me.”

“Nonsense!” Joshua, Jeonghan, DK, Seungkwan and Wonwoo exclaimed in unison. Mingyu was relief that they were pretty far from the girls in front of them.

“She likes you!” said Seungkwan that nodded by the others.

Mingyu frowned again. “You think so?”

“Yeah,” Jeonghan answered. “You should look at her face properly whenever she’s with you.”

Wonwoo nodded, agreeing Jeonghan’s words. “Her face would redden and she’d be super shy or nervous when she’s with you, don’t you know that?” he asked and then Mingyu answered it by shaking his head. Wonwoo sighed in disappointment. “What a pity! She looks so cute that way, I tell you.”

“Huh? Do you like her too?” Mingyu cocked an eyebrow at Wonwoo.

“Yes, I like her as a friend,” answered Wonwoo. “Out of the girls, I like Yulhee the best.”

“WHAT?!” they exclaimed in surprise.

“What’s happened at the back, guys?” asked the assistant because of their exclamation.

“No, hyung. It’s fine,” replied DK.

“You guys are so noisy!” said Woozi. “What are you talking about?”

“None of your business,” answered Joshua.

“But you keep on saying bad things at her, Wonwoo yah,” said Jeonghan. “You know that you’ve made her upset, don’t you?”

“I do,” said Wonwoo casually. “I did that on purpose because I think she looks prettier when she’s upset.”

Mingyu could not hold himself not to push Wonwoo away. “You’re insane!”

Wonnwoo chuckled in response. “I do think so.”

After who knew how long they had walked, finally their managers and assistant stopped walking. They were already in front of the forest and there were lots of big trees around them.

“Welcome to your surprise!” exclaimed the assistant, which made the boys and the girls frown.

“Are you kidding us?” asked Scoups. “What are we going to do with this surprise?”

“Are we going to make a tent here?” asked ZN excitedly at the thought of camping.

“No way!” Soyeon exclaimed. She was scared with their walk at the time and thinking about the camping idea made her scared even more. “What if there’s tiger here and wants to eat us?”

Some of them laughed at the worried Soyeon.

“Soyeon ah, this forest is safe,” said Laboum’s manager. “Don’t be worried too much!”

“Well, guys, your surprise is a game we planned earlier,” said Seventeen’s manager after no one talking. “You’ll play a race game.”

“A race?” asked Haein in confusion.

Laboum’s manager nodded. “You guys will be splited up into two teams and each team will be splited again into three sub units and the winner is the team who gets the treasure faster we put in there,” he pointed at the forest in front of them. “How to get it? We’ll give these maps to the first units of each team then they have to find the other map in the forest according to it. After that, they have to give the new map to the next unit of the team and they have to do the same until all units have come to the forest. The last maps lead to the treasure,” he explained as he showed the two maps in his hands.

“Woah! Treasure?” said The8 in excitement. “Is it precious? Like gold, silver…”

“Eyy… they won’t do that!” said Vernon.

Hoshi nodded. “I bet it’d be food or fancy things.”

“Yeah, keep on guessing, guys!” said the assistant with a wide smile on his face. “We’re sure this treasure will make you surprised.”

Yujeong sighed. “I think I’ve done enough with this surprise stuff,” she said uninterestedly.

Yulhee nodded. “And it makes me want to throw up,” she admitted.

“Eww, not in here, Yul!” Solbin pushed Yulhee away, cringing at the thought of Yulhee throwing up next to her.

“I’m just kidding, Sol!”

“So, what’re we waiting for?” asked Dino. “Let’s split…”

“No need, Dino yah!” cut Seventeen’s manager. “We’ve made the teams already.”

“Can all girls be in the same team, oppa?” pleaded Soyeon.

Seventeen’s manager shook his head. “No. You guys should be splited into two.”

Soyeon sighed in disappointment.

“Don’t worry, noona!” DK nudged Soyeon’s arm. “We’ll protect you! Trust us!”

“Ok, I’m going to announce the team members,” said the assistant. “The first team’s members are Yujeong, Scoups, Jeonghan, ZN, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Solbin, Mingyu and The8 and the second team’s members are Soyeon, Joshua, Jun, Haein, Woozi, DK, Yulhee, Seungkwan, Vernon and Dino.”

The boys and the girls started to gather with their teams after their names being called.

“Now, you can make your units by yourself! We’ll give ten minutes to decide,” continued the assistant.

“Can ZN, Solbin and I be in the same team?” asked Yujeong to the boys in their team.

“You can’t, noona! We won’t allow you,” said Hoshi. “It’s dangerous in there and you need at least a man along.”

“But we can…”

“Sorry, but we don’t want to take any risk afterward,” Scoups cut ZN’s words. “You guys can depend on us, the boys, in this matter. We can protect you for sure.”

“Alright,” said Yujeong after letting out a sigh. “Then what should we do to make units?”

“How about playing rock-paper-scissor?” suggested Jeonghan. “At the end, there will be rock team, paper team and scissor team. How?”

“Sounds good,” said The8. “Let’s do it!”




Double update! Finally I’ve got some free time to type these all…T^T

Where’s the race?? Heol… guys, I’m sorry I still can’t make it yet /sob/ do you want to wait a little longer? I’m so sorry to make the story goes slow… orz

I just finished the story and posted it right away and I haven’t re-read yet so yeah…^^”

Thanks for reading so far! Hope you like this fic so far too kekeke…

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Chapter 15: Finally it has ended. T^T
You write such a nice story..hope to see another story from you! :)
DeeSky #2
Chapter 15: Such a nice story. Hope u make another story soon. its always been fun to read ur story. Fighting!
Thx btw ^^
rion_01 #3
Chapter 13: Welcome back^^! Lol Jun is definitely the lucky guy here since the two boys are jealous at him. And omg, I love the kiss that Mingyu gave Solbin. Maybe because of that, she has already fallen for him yay. Now I'm hoping that Wonwoo will man up as well and try to tell Yulhee that he likes her^^. Thanks for the update~ Looking forward to the ending. Good luck!
Chapter 11: Aww, mingyu want to confess his feeling. Too bad that was not the right time. Anyway, love the update!!
rion_01 #5
Chapter 11: Omg, it's so frustrating that Mingyu couldn't confess before sobs. I hope he will next time soon. And I love Yulhee and Wonwoo moments here. Wonwoo should be brave and show her his feelings. Thanks for the update! Two chapters but I still can't get enough lol /greedy. Looking forward to more updates^^
maroon7 #6
Chapter 9: Waaaaaa I really, totally love Mingyu and Solbin too!! I'm soooo into them! Great job author! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
rion_01 #7
Chapter 9: Lool finally they're alone but they are in a very bad situation. I wonder where the8 has gone to... Omg, I hope none of those two will get hurt >.< Btw, I'm so jealous at Soyeon's team since she's having a bunch of gentlemen as her teammates lol. Thanks for the update~ I I'm curious on how Mingyu and Solbin are going to end up. ^^
I actually ship Solbin more with DK but I will read this since it sounds amazing
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating it! I think you elaborates it well though. Waiting for the next chapter ~ ^^
Chapter 5: This is my first time reading about Laboum fics and it's kinda exciting because they were pairing with Seventeen..haha. I got interested with the description and after i read it, i've fall to this story!! Update soon! Hwaiting! :D