Chapter 18

Tutoring Kim Hanbin
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“Dahyun!”, Jaebum’s voice rang in her ears. Dahyun blinked and stopped walking at the moment. She felt a warm thing around her wrist. It was Jaebum’s hand. Dahyun kept staring at her wrist then looked up to his face.

Jaebum looked surprised because he didn’t realized that he still grabbed her hand, “I.. I’m sorry”, he apologized immediately.

The girl shook her head, making sure that it was okay, “That was my fault, my mind went blank for a second”, Dahyun gave him a fake smile.

He knew that was a fake smile, he knew what’s bothering her mind. Jaebum knew the reason and he was sure the reason was Kim Hanbin. He didn’t hear what they were talking back at her classroom, but he was sure that Dahyun acted different after her talk with Hanbin.

“Where is Nayeon?”, Dahyun looked around. Neither Dahyun, Mark nor Jackson were around them.

Jaebum just sighed, “She tried to have a moment with Mark for sure”, Jaebum sat on the nearest bench and gesture Dahyun to have a seat too.

“How did you know about that?”, Dahyun looked surprised because Jaebum knew Nayeon’s plan to get close to Mark.

Jaebum smirked, “She’s my sister. I can read her mind like an open book”. She nodded, his reason is pretty reasonnable. He is Nayeon’s brother, of course.

“Should we go for them then?”, Dahyun remembered how protective Jaebum about Nayeon.

Jaebum lowered his head, “I don’t think so. I trust Mark”.

Dahyun giggled, knew that Jaebum still looked troubled, “You trust Mark oppa?”, She repeated his statement.

Jaebum nodded, then he smiled, “No, do you trust me?” he asked.


Jaebum chuckled, “I can make you forget problems on your mind right now”, Jaebum said confidently, “Do you trust me?”

She looked puzzled, and it made Jaebum couldn’t hide his smile. How could he never notice that Dahyun’s puzzled face was this cute?

“But..”, Dahyun wrinkled her eyebrows, “But I don’t have any problems right now”. She was sure she didn’t have any problems, Hanbin’s case was not her problem. It was just bothering her, but it was not a problem.... No. Maybe it was her problem, but she didn’t want to admit it. She didn’t want to admit that Hanbin’s excistence on her mind when she had a date with her beloved Prince Charming named Im Jaebum.

“I know you have one”, Jaebum said, then he reached Dahyun’s hand, “Let’s go to arcade”. He gave her a goofy smile before pulled her to follow him.

“O.. Oppa”, Dahyun muttered with widen eyes.

Jaebum stopped, looked at Dahyun who was behind him and smile. He never knew that her calling him ‘oppa’ was made him this happy.


Mark sat infront of Nayeon while looking around, he wasn’t sure that he should hang out with Nayeon without Jaebum.

“Jaebum might be worried”, Mark said before Nayeon rose her hand to order food.

Nayeon pouted, didn’t like the topic that Mark had brought up, “It’s okay. I can hang out with everyone I want”.

Mark’s lips curved a little, tried to surpress his smile, “You know, he’s just care about you”.

Nayeon pretended not to hear Mark. She really didn’t want to talk about Jaebum, “Should we tried this?” Nayeon pointed a menu to Mark to change the topic.

“Nayeon...”, Mark sighed, knew that Nayeon already upset.

Nayeon looked up, looking at Mark’s eyes directly, “I know you like me too”, she said bravely. Mark tried to look at something else before Nayeon spoke up, “Look at me and tell me that I just have one sided love”, Nayeon challanged Mark.

Mark sighed, but his calm expression was still there, “You are right”. Mark said with a bitter smile, “I like you too”.

Nayeon looked surprised that Mark was surrendered this fast, but she knew this was her chance, “Then why don’t we try? Things may work”, Nayeon suggested.

Mark smiled, without answered her suggestion.

One second..

Two second..

Three second..

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I will finish this story guys, thank you for always waiting me :)


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kirararai #1
Chapter 21: dang this story is really cute, i hope this will be updated :))
SATHurday #2
Chapter 21: Did this story really end here. Please have a conscience and finish this. Lol. Kidding aside. The story is good please give us a proper ending. Thank you.
bluerthanblue #3
Chapter 21: please update author-nim , wanted to finish this story :(
athala28 #4
Chapter 21: continue this story juseyooTT
Chapter 21: Omg....! Author nim? Where are you? Weve been waiting for ages already.. hehehhhe
Chapter 1: Oh.. why did i just found this now?! Why?! My son hanbin...
hanbinbelle #7
Chapter 21: jebal authornim, pls continue this story, i love it ㅠㅠ
// i only realised this story last updated 3 years ago when i finished reading chapter 21 ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: hi i just finish reading your story and i love it , it will be great if you finish this please .. I really love dahyun and hanbin .. please authornim ..
Chapter 21: Dear Authornim,
I stumbled upon this story today and immediately got hooked. I mean, i finished reading the whole chapters 1-21 in one sitting ( just finished reading before writing this comment). I would really appreciate it i you finish this story because i really like it. Pretty please.. Thanks
Chapter 21: Update please. TT #TeamHanbin