My Helper (Requested by Taemins_LittleNoona)

One Shot Story Request


Laura sprint off the lane and won first for the 100m race. Laura jumped in happiness.

V has been watching her since the start, smile proudly, to his crush won.


"You were fast Laura!"

Laura was hit with a lot of compliments when the race was over. Laura couldn't help but to smile.

As she was walking back to the changing room, she felt a sharp pain on her right ankle. She ignored it and continue walking to the changing room.

The next day, the pain got worse. Laura whined in pain. Laura's mom who happened to walk pass her room, heard her whined.

"Honey? Are you okay?"

Laura nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just that the pain in my ankle is getting sharper and sharper."

Laura's mom gasped. "You sprained your ankle. That's why you are feeling the pain. Wait here." Demand Laura's mom. Laura sat on her bed, waiting for her mom even though the pain was unbearable.

After 4 minutes, Laura's mom came back with an aidkit. She took out a bandage and wrapped it around Laura ankle. "This is lessen the pain. Remember. No running until you are fully recover." Warn Laura's mom. Laura sighed and nodded.

On the way to school, Laura's mom decided to send her. Laura waved to her mom and entered the school compound.

V who saw her first, smile but changed to a worried look. *Why is she limping?* thought V. So he decided to follow her.

Laura tried to walk as pernormal but the pain was too much that she had to limp. "No running. No sports. What can I do now?" Laura mumbled. "Chat with me."

Laura looked up and smile. "Hey V. Long time no see. When did you come back?" Laura asked. V smiled and sat in front of her. "Yesterday and Congratulation." V smiled again. V's heart beat getting faster. Laura smiled back. "Thank you."

When the bell ring, V had to leave to his sit. Laura smiled at V and focus back on the lesson despite the pain.

After school, Laura was suppose to go for her training but since she sprained her ankle, she has no choice but to go home.

She limped towards the school gate. At the same time, V was there. Waiting for Laura. After seeing her limping, V ran to her. "Laura. Are you okay? Do you need help?"

Laura shook her head. "Nah it's ok. I'm fine." V insisted and carried her bag while hold Laura hand. V turns red immediately.

"I told you it's okay but since you insisted. Fine. Let's go." Laura laughed at V.

As they were walking, they only heard  birds chipping on top of them. V was still holding her hand. Laura was blushing mad.

"Err Laura. What happened to your leg?"

"I don't know. It happened yesterday after my race. I think I overworked myself."

V shook his head. "Remember what I told you before I left?" Laura nodded. "Then?" Laura sighed. "I can't. You know these races are important to me. I can't just let it go."

V stop his track. Laura also stop. "Why are you stopping?" V looked at Laura in the eyes. "Laura. What am I?"

Laura was taken back with his sudden question. "M-my friend?" "Just friend? Not more than that? So is that why you didn't take my advise seriously?" Laura was speechless.

V sighed. "Can I be more than your friend?" Laura stunned. "I like you, Laura. I care for you. I want to confess to you but I don't know when." V tighten his grip on Laura. Laura smiled.

"Well I'm glad that this is not a one sided love." V beamed in happiness. "Are you serious?" Laura nodded. V hugged her and Laura hugged back.

"Shall we go?" Laura nodded and interwined together with V.

Story By: Heart_oppas99

(I kinda changed some of the plot. I hope you still like it :))

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exoticshawol101 #1
Chapter 36: Ahhahahahha that was so cute!!! Thanks so much!!
I have requested~
Chapter 34: thank you babyjeonnie for the cute story!!!! :DD can I request again?
exoticshawol101 #4
Chapter 33: Haha that was so cute!! Thank you!! I'll request again.
Chapter 32: awww!!! Thank you so much for writing this one, it so fluffy&sweet lyk candy I can't stop giggling<3 I can't wait for the next one hehe
author-nim! I have a request~ Thank You and Good Luck! >,<
Hello!! I requested, I messaged the author about the plot though
Chapter 31: No it's okayy
Everyone has lives outside of aff (or do they? /slapped)
Work at your own pace author-nims.. we'll be waiting patiently~~ ^^
xD requested!!!
exoticshawol101 #10
Chapter 30: Hehe that was so cute!!! Thank you!! I'm going to request again!! Thanks in advance!!