the breakfast

the desperate story of my brothers

You are on the way to breakfast . You saw your mom , and dad  were having a breakfast while Dongjun in the kitchen were cooking as usual . Yes , he cook ! Great ? Nahhh ~ In your eyes , he is like an ahjumma . Cooking , nagging , cleaning , and everythings your maids' works , he love to finish it for them ! 

"Morning mom !" you greeted and kiss her .

"Morning dear ." she said and continued sweaping jam on breads .

"Morning dad !" you also do the same thing on him .

"Morning my princess !" he said as he put down his newspaper which he was reading just now . You just seat for a few second and Dongjun just finished cooking right on the time and joined you guys .

"Anyeong , Dongjun oppa !" you quaked . 

"Woahh!" he  his chest several times because of  to much shocked . "Ouhh , its you . I though it was a monster from nowhere .." he said

"Yahh ! You're so mean !" you hit on his arm . "Im joking , you're the mooooost adorable sister i have !" he pinched your cheeks .

"Wait , it supposed to be big bro , not Dongjun oppa ." He always ask you to call him big bro , even though he is the maknae among the Kim's son . And he always tell you ; Everyone in the school always says that im the no 1 scariest maknae in the world , but hey , just look at those abs ! HAHAHA . *Still , immature minded can't take away when you are the youngest .*

"With whose consent ?"  you crossed your hand and facing him .

"Mine, the-no-1-scariest-maknae !" he beamed joyfully . 

*There he goes again , repeat those words without tireless.* "So what for the breakfast ?" you asked him to changed the subject as he removed the apron from him .

"Omelette and pancake , do you want some ?"

"Of course!" you beamed .

"There you go , your highness ~" he joked .

"Thank you , my hobgoblin !" you giggled .

"What ? Hobgoblin ?! This cannot be forgiven , take your punishment !" he started tickling you .

"Stop ! It's ticklish ! Okay , i'm sorry ! I'm sorry !" you groaned . Finally he stop doing it . Then you remembered something .

"Ouh , mom ! Dad ! Today i want to go to the stores to buy my uniform ."

"Really ?" your dad asked .

"Yes and im really excited !" you beamed .

"Thats good . By the way , you're not alone right ? Cause i won't le you go without accompany ..." your mom straight to the point . You was about to replied , but Dongjun interrupted .

"Sara-ah ~ Did you mind if i- " Dongjun about to finished his sentences but his phone interrupted out of blue . *GAWDD ! Why at this time ?! I just lose the best oppurtunity to be with her ! you , handphone !*  Dongjun sighed in his head . He looked at the ID number .

His eyes rounded as much as it can . Shock at what he see . *Hee chul ?! He never called me excepts for .... * 

"Hello ? .... MWOHHH ?! Okay , i got it . Be right there ." he put his phone down . "Im sorry , urmmm .... my friends ask me .... to come early to school . Today is my turn to clean up the classroom ! Yeah , its duty roster ! I'll go first , bye mom , dad . Bye Sara ." he planted a kiss on your cheek . Then he leave you and your mom and dad alone .

"Okay , back to our conversation just now .... who will accompany you ?" Mrs Kim asked once again .

 "I will go with Kyoungjae oppa . He will-". Suddenly , Kyoungjae bursted in out off from nowhere . "Sara ! Sara ! Sara !" Kyoungjae rushed to you , he lack of breathing .

*Ouh , no other than ert-mind-brother .* "Im here ~" you said without looking at him , while take a sip of milk and raised your other hand a bit . "Imsosorryicantgotothestorestodaycauseigotasdfghjkl; !" he said in one shot .

"What ? Talk slowly , one by one ..." you demanded .

"Im so sorry i cant go to the stores with you today cause , cause .... i , i , i .... have a meeting with the students council in the school ... yeah ! i have a meeting in school , im students council's member , remember ?" he sound a bit panicked .

"What ?! Really ?" you dissapointed with him .

"I know you mad at me . Im so , so sorry ~" he pleaded , hoping you would allow him to go .

*Student council my ! Meeting huhh ? Meeting or dating ? Sound more like dating !* you tought to yourself . "Its okay , i understand you . " you smiled to ensure him . 

"Really ?  Thank you ! I promise that i'll make it up another day , okay ? Got to go , byeobyeo sweetie! See you this night !" with that he ran off and disapeared .

*Who gonna accompany me today ?* you talked to yourself . Then , Myungsoo come to join the breakfast , right on the time .

"Ahhhaa ! I know who will you to the mall !" your mom suddenly said , more like shouting .

"Really ?" you started to frown . "Tell me who ?".

Then she raised her double-jerk eyebrow . "Perfectly person !" she said happily .

*Oh . No . Something's up with her .*


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HellenWu #1
Chapter 23: know what?? this is the sec time Im reread this fic again.
HellenWu #2
Chapter 24: nice story really.. i always love this kind of plot. good job authornim. so now I'm on my way to the sequel..
Cheesecake143 #3
Chapter 23: Waaa I love this story!!! jjang ✌
Chapter 24: kyaa ! this story jjang ! i'm finished this in a day ! its happy to be sara since she has 4 brothers who really care bout her <3 ..
Chapter 24: Gonna read the sequel . I like thud story ✌✌✌
Chapter 24: I enjoy read this story... Thanks for sequel... <3 <3 ^^
shabrputrii #7
Chapter 7: I think you misplaced wooyoung with woohyun. Woohyun in infinite not 2pm.
Whimsical_Princess #8
Chapter 3: Omg her brother in chapter 1 is a
Lol hahhahhahaha
Tarantulax #9
jinjee #10