Should we give it a try?

Looking back, Moving Forward



Taeyeon’s thinking about what will happen tomorrow. She and Ji decided to meet again. If you were to ask her, of course she really wants to but she’s nervous.

What will be his reaction if he finds out she’s SNSD’s Kim Taeyeon?

She lied to him but whatever, he told her he lied to. They’re quits.

“Should I wear a disguise? Ugh! Such a complicated life.” She said in frustration.

Suddenly, she remembered Jiyong again.

Does he think about her? Because she’s thinking about him.

Does he miss her? Because she misses him.

She sighed. Never in her entire idol life have she thought that G-Dragon will make her feel this way. Damn fantasy world, damn coward, damn feelings.

Damn the word “IMPOSSIBLE”.

After thinking more for a while, she decided to call her unnie to ask for her help.

“Unnie.” It was Taeyeon.

“Baby Taeng, what’s up?” Her unnie greeted.

“I need your help again.” She said.

Her unnie laughed.

“Oh, you’ll ask me to meet that hot phone pal again?” She asked.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes while shaking her head.

“Unnie, you’re such a ert. Anyway, yeah we’ll meet but I’ll go. Can we do it in your house?” She said.

“Do what?” She teasingly asked.

“Unnie, can you stop being so gross?” She irritatingly asked.

“Fine. Just text me the details. I’ll hang up now.” She said.

“Thank you, unnie.” She said.

Then they ended the call.

Then she texted Ji the details about their meeting tomorrow.



Jiyong received Kim’s text. So they’ll finally meet tomorrow.

Will she be shocked if she finds out he’s G-Dragon?

Though he hasn’t talked to her in person, he feels that she’s different. And since they’re both experiencing the same situation, maybe they can relate to each other.

Suddenly, he thought about Taeyeon and he silently cursed himself.

After that night, he thought the confusion he felt will disappear but he was wrong. That night made it difficult for him, Kim Taeyeon made it difficult for him.

He hasn’t seen her and she didn’t text him either after that night which is his fault anyway. He was such a jerk to even admit to her that he likes her yet he doesn’t want to do anything about it.

He was such a jerk to continue the deal. He was such a jerk because he was a coward.

And just right now, he’s tempted to text or call her, but he’s too coward to do that. He’s too afraid to take a chance because he doesn’t want complications.

He and Taeyeon are so different. He’s afraid that he might hurt her in the future if he chose to try. So he decided to just be safe and like her from afar.

But the woman liked him too. And that made it more difficult.

And his friend, Kim, is having the same situation. A jerk like him is hurting her too. And if she’s hurt, for sure, Taeyeon’s hurt too.

And if Taeyeon’s hurt, he’s hurt too.

But what can he do?

He closed his eyes trying to calm himself then he remembered that he needs to call his hyung.

He dialed his number then after a few rings, he answered.

“Mah man, what’s up?” His hyung said.

“Hyung, we’ll go somewhere tomorrow.” He said.

“Where to?” His hyung asked.

“Do you remember Kim? We’ll meet again. I want you to go with me but I’ll meet her. Help me explain.” He said.

“Just show your freaking face and she’ll never ask for an explanation.” His hyung suggested.

“She’s not just another girl, hyung. Don’t talk like that.” He said.

His hyung chuckled.

“Yeah, alright then. I’ll go with you. And Jiyong-ah, make sure your heart’s healthy tomorrow.” His hyung said with a slight laugh.

Jiyong frowned.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Nothing. Bye!” His hyung said then he hung up.


Our two idols had a sleepless night once again thinking of each other oblivious that tomorrow, they’ll have the biggest shock of their lives.



The next day, after practice, Taeyeon arrived at her unnie’s house wearing a simple disguise. If Ji is not a SNSD fanatic, maybe he’s not going to realize that she’s Kim Taeyeon. She hopes so.

But whatever, what’s important is they could talk.

It’s 6PM and they agreed to meet at this time so most probably, minutes from now, he will arrive.

And she’s now beginning to feel nervous.

“Unnie, was he nice? I mean, minus your intimate scene.” She asked.

Her unnie laughed.

“Find out for yourself. You’re asking too much.” She said.



Jiyong and his hyung are minutes closer to their destination and Jiyong’s freaking nervous. He doesn’t know why but he is.

“, I’m so nervous.” Jiyong said. 

His hyung laughed.

“Don’t be nervous just yet.” He said then he secretly smiled.

Moments later, they arrived at the address gave him. Jiyong’s wearing a disguise. But not a crazy one.

“So, are you sure you’ll meet her? Are you really sure?” His hyung asked.

Jiyong frowned.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

His hyung shook his head.

“Nothing.” He said.

So with that, they rang the doorbell.

And Jiyong wants to pee.

Seriously, he’s having cold sweats!



Ten seconds…

The door opened.















Jiyong saw the beautiful Kim. And just as he was about to talk…

















“Sweetie, how was your day?” His hyung asked the woman then to his surprise…


They kissed!

People, they freaking kissed!


“What the ?”

That’s his only words for what he’s seeing right now.


“Hi G-Dragon-ssi, I’m Ji Hye. Nice meeting you.” The woman said.

Jiyong stood there like a life-sized figurine.

Three things..

One… Certainly, this woman is not Kim…

Two… This woman is dating his hyung!

Three… She knows he’s G-Dragon!

What the hell?! Who’s Kim then?


“This is absurd.” He said while shaking his head.

The two chuckled. Aaahh, these two freaking addicts!

“This isn’t absurd just yet. Believe me. Not yet.” Ji Hye said laughing.

“Is she there, sweetie?” His hyung asked.

“Yeah, come in.” She said as she assisted the two.



Jiyong looked around the house and saw some pictures.

His gaze was rooted in a particular picture of a woman having an angelic smile.

Kim Taeyeon…

His Kim Taeyeon if only he gains a little courage.

But why would this house have a picture of her?

Aah, maybe Ji Hye is a fan of SNSD.



Moments later, Ji Hye appeared with a woman who seems to be looking at him. Their stares met, and somehow, Jiyong felt something different that he couldn’t explain.

Taeyeon felt the same too. It’s like the man in front of her is someone very familiar.

Having those thoughts, they didn’t leave each other’s gazes.

But let’s say thank you to the two machines.


“Yah, Kwon Dong Hae, let’s go to the kitchen and leave these two fools.” Ji Hye said.



Taeyeon heard her unnie say a name and that stopped her from looking at the strange man in front.

But wait a moment, Kwon Dong Hae? Did she just hear Kwon Dong Hae? How can Dong Hae be Ji?

“Wait a moment. Why are you calling him Dong Hae, unnie?” She confusedly asked.

But her unnie just smiled.

“Because it’s his name.” Ji Hye said.

Aaaahhhhh,this is so frustrating. Dong Hae do something.

“JI HYE, let’s go.” He said emphasizing the name which now made Taeyeon’s eyes wide.

Suddenly, her heart started beating so fast. What’s the meaning of this?

“Y-You know her real name?” She stupidly asked.

Dong Hae nodded.

“Yes. She’s my schoolmate in the university so I knew from the start who she was. And hell, she’s certainly not Kim.” Dong Hae said laughing.

Taeyeon felt so stupid upon hearing what Dong Hae said. He knew all the while that her unnie isn’t Kim. And her freaking cousin didn’t even tell her!

“And you didn’t tell me unnie?! You told me you almost had !” She exclaimed remembering the awkward moment she had to overcome and yet this freaking flirt machine Dong Hae knew that her unnie wasn’t Kim!

But Ji Hye giggled.

“Oh don’t worry, we already did.” She said.

Taeyeon’s jaw now dropped because of her unnie’s words. Kill her now, somebody kill her now, stab her, shoot her, anything!

“Unnie! You’re impossible! You’re so gross!” She said in horror.



All this time, while this woman is busy bickering with her unnie and his hyung, Jiyong felt his heart pounding. Her voice is so familiar. He knows this voice.


But no, this is beyond impossible. There’s no freaking way. No way.



To Taeyeon’s surprise, her unnie laughed again.

“Yah! What’s so gross about ? Sooner you’ll enjoy it with G-Dragon too.” She said.

When she heard that name, she felt her blood boiled more because she remembered how coward he is. She’s mad at her unnie and this freaking Dong Hae. Yes, she doesn’t want to call him Ji! And now, she has to remember the coward G-Dragon again.

“G-Dragon?! Why would I have with him?! He’s nothing but a freaking coward telling me we’re impossible. What’s impossible anyway? I would’ve even endured that crazy fangirl just to be with him but he, he is the greatest coward in the whole wide world. Ha! Don’t he ever come to me and tell me he misses me because even if he begs, I won’t tell him I miss him too even if I do!” She exclaimed in outburst.

Then right at that moment, Taeyeon realized everything she said and she wanted to cover her face, run and jump in the deepest sea. But amidst that, she grasped a more important thing.

“Wait. Did you just say G-Dragon?” She nervously asked with a pounding chest.

But her unnie didn’t answer. In fact, she laughed.

“What’s with that effing outburst?” She asked in between her laughs.

! Taeyeon think! Now use your brilliant mind because your gigantic mouth is so worthy to be killed right now.

“Goodness I’m so awesome! What do you think of my audition piece? I can beat Park Shin Hye with that, can’t I?” She stupidly said with an awkward laugh.

Kill your brilliant mind too, Taeyeon. That’s the most hideous statement you’ve ever said so far.

“I don’t know but you’re really crazy, Kim Taeyeon.” Ji Hye said.

Three things to kill. Taeyeon’s mouth, Taeyeon’s brain and Taeyeon’s unnie. And just now, she really wanted to do it.

“Unnie, my name!” She shouted.



Jiyong heard that outburst and there’s no freaking way this woman is not Kim Taeyeon.

Crap, he’s so stupid! How could’ve he missed it? Jiyong, seriously?

But he’s in awe that his mind is on a roller coaster. How in the world?

Kim Taeyeon… Kim… That explains the Kim…

And just then…

“. This is dope. This isn’t happening.” Jiyong unbelievably said.



It was the first time Taeyeon heard the strange man talk. And she froze after hearing the voice.

That voice belongs to someone…

Someone who’s bugging her mind in the past few days…

And just then, she looked at him again.

He’s wearing a disguise but hell, is he G-Dragon?

She was in thoughts when the idiot Dong Hae talked.

“This is happening, G freaking D.” He said.

Then Taeyeon heard that again. She wanted to shout but no, this isn’t true. How in the world? There’s no way! These people are fools. GD? Here? That’s the greatest joke of the year.  

But of course, Taeyeon’s just experiencing denial.

 “G-GD?” Stupid Taeyeon asked.

“Yep, GD to the world, Jiyong to Taeyeon.” Dong Hae said.

Taeyeon who’s in the state of denial laughed so hard.

“What do you mean GD? G freaking Dragon? What kind of a joke is that? How can he be here? This one?” He approached the strange man. “No, this is not GD. GD’s the cutest, but this one’s ugly. Anyway, let’s stop this prank because I’ve already got everything figured out. Now, who’s the real Ji?” Taeyeon asked with a pounding chest.

Please… Please let it not be you…

“Certainly not me.” Stupid Dong Hae said.

Deep inside, Taeyeon wanted to collapse. Anyone please catch her.

 “I’m Ji. And I’m GD too.” Jiyong said.

No Taeyeon, he’s lying.

“Yah, cut that out, ssshh. Believe me, you’re not GD.” She said. She’s GD, stupid blind minion!

Jiyong sighed.

“Smell me.” He said.

With that, Taeyeon felt her knees weakened. No, not his smell. Not that smell that she misses.

“How can I be so stupid?” Taeyeon said in frustration.

But her unnie whom she wanted to kill talked again.

“Oh, you finally noticed?” She asked teasing.

But to everyone’s surprise, Taeyeon cried loudly.

“Unnie, how can you do this to me?” She said in between her cries.

But her unnie giggled again. Oh this woman is so unbelievable!

“Blame it on his hormones.” She said.

Being the plotters that they are, Dong Hae talked again.

“Sweetie, c’mon. Let’s leave them and go somewhere fun.” He said.

“I’d like that.” Ji Hye said.

Taeyeon and Jiyong looked at them. They’re gonna leave them?

“Bye, Taeng. Good luck. I have y clothes there, just pick one.” She said.

“Make me proud, Jiyong.” Dong Hae added.

Jiyong threw a pillow to his hyung.

“Get the freaking hell out of here hyung.” He said.

And with that, the two machines who are actually angels left.



On the other side of the world, a couple is having some scheming night.

“Now, what’s your next brilliant plan? Tell me.” Tiffany said.

They’re at TOP’s condo brain storming. He pouted his lips.

“I couldn’t think of a brilliant idea because you’re not being sweet to me.” He said.

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“Blame it on your stupid first plan. Now, our more stupid friends than your less stupid plan are being the most stupid creatures on earth.” She said.

“I know, I know. Remind me to bang Jiyong’s head.” He said.

Then Tiffany sighed in frustration.

“What do we do now? I think we can’t accomplish another plan yet since you’ll be going to Japan.” She said.

Then suddenly, TOP thought of an idea.

“Japan? You’re a sweetheart, Miyoung.” He said with an evil grin.

“Huh?” Tiffany asked in confusion.

“I think I just thoughtof a plan. This would be our Plan B with a C.” He said.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Don’t ask anymore. Just prepare your YES, Hwang Miyoung.” He said.



Taeyeon and Jiyong were left in Ji Hye’s house. They were both sitting on the couch having their own thoughts. And until now, they’re still both in denial.

“This is a joke, right? How much did they pay you for this prank? I must congratulate those two freaking machines for their hardwork.” Taeyeon started.

Jiyong sighed still thinking that everything is really unbelievable.

“This is not a prank, Taeyeon.” He answered.

“How can this be not a prank? I mean, I randomly called a number. How in the world will you own that number?” She asked in disbelief.

“I don’t know, you tell me.” He answered feeling the same way too.

“I swear I didn’t know it was you! If I knew, I would’ve never called again.” She said in defense.

“And you didn’t even notice my voice?” Jiyong asked.

“I won’t be surprised like hell right now if I did. I should be the one asking you thought. I was your eternal crush---“ She said but was cut.

“Am. You still are, Taeyeon.” He said.

Taeyeon knew she’s blushing but this isn’t the time for that.

“Whatever. What about you, didn’t you notice my voice?” She asked.

“I didn’t. Or maybe I just didn’t pay attention.” He answered.

Taeyen smirked. Of course, he was flirting. And that time, she felt some bitterness.

“Because you were so busy flirting with Kim.” She said.

“I was?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, you were. You would’ve fallen in love with her and not with me, right?” She said.

“You’re her.” He answered.

“”But you didn’t know I was her.” She said.

“Maybe deep inside, I saw you in her.” He said.

“Because I was her. I was her yet you could fall in love with her and not with me.” She said.

Jiyong was taken aback with her words. He remembers everything he and Kim talked about. And right now, his stupidity is killing him.

His cowardice is killing him.

“I want to say something.” Taeyeon said.

“What?” He asked.

But he didn’t need to ask because he knows it already. He’s a coward.

“This is what I think. That fantasy night killed me and I didn’t see it coming. I agreed to it because I was selfish, I wanted you for myself. I wanted to hug you, to laugh with you, to talk to you, everything. I wanted everything with you. But I forgot that one night is just like a second in a day. It passes quickly. And when it passed, my heart was left because it started beating deeper feelings for you. I don’t know if I love you already, but I’m hurt that you chose to be a coward. I don’t know, maybe what you feel for me isn’t too deep so you chose to just bury it but I don’t want to care anymore because I won’t ask you to change your mind. This is what I think. I actually realized that we’re not impossible. So what If we’re idols? So what if we’re different? So what if it’s dangerous? I’ll endure as long as I hafe you. But at the end of the day, you chose to end everything.” She said.

Jiyong felt like he was poured with a bucket of ice cold beer.

“I’m sorry, I thought it’s what you want too.” He said.

“Should’ve I shown you I wasn’t okay? Then what? Be rejected? Be like a stupid lovesick fool in front of someone who’s bravely telling me that he doesn’t want to have to do anything with me? And that he would possibly fall in love with his phone pal than me?” She said.

But Jiyong didn’t answer. For a while, silence filled the room. Then…

“That’s all I have to say. Say goodbye to Kim, she’s never gonna call again.” She said then she stood up but Jiyong grabbed her arm.

“Wait.” He said.

They stared at each other again.


















“Taeyeon, do you want us to give it a try?”





Everyone was silent seemingly grasping the whole thing they heard.


“You were really such a coward, G-Dragon-ssi.” The reporter commented.

Jiyong smiled.

“Yeah, I was.” He answered.

“So, Taeyeon-ssi, what did you answer him?” The other reporter asked.

Taeyeon smiled upon remembering that thought.

“Here’s what happened after that.”






A/N: Hello guys! Let’s save the sweet moments on the next chapter. Forgive me first for lesser interactions here. At least Ji and Kim know each other already. HahaAHA. Thank you so much for all who voted, subscribed and commented. *bow*. MAHAL KO KAYO (I love you in my language)


And if you have extra time, I hope you can also check out my new story “15 SUMMERS”.



Thank you guys! Saranghaeyo!

GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute