This is how we met

Looking back, Moving Forward



Sometime in 2016…


Flashes of cameras, gossiping audience, endless questions from the media, name it. Everything is present in that room.

Well, why wouldn’t those be present? Today’s the scheduled press conference of a couple finally coming out in public.

Actually, there’s nothing new to this. Many idols have also admitted their relationship status with other idols. Some are loved, some are bashed.

Well, that is exactly the reason why this couple was afraid to come out before. They will be bashed. They would receive so much hate.

Well, of course they will. After all, they’re both the leaders of the country’s national boy and girl group. The two polar opposites. No one would have thought.

Kwon Jiyong, also known as G-Dragon, is the leader of Bigbang. Who wouldn’t know him anyway? He’s been in scandals before, dating, drugging, name it. He has it. But he didn’t care. Oh, he’s the other half of the couple.

Kim Taeyeon, the leader of SNSD, the dorky turned depressed turned happy beautiful woman. She’s been in dating scandals and has received many hates. She was used to it. She’s the other half of the couple.

They thought that their previous scandals were tolerable. But their relationship promised hate and hurt so they didn’t risk it. Two fandoms would proclaim war.

But, sometimes, life’s a joke. So they just decided to laugh with it.

And now, together with their CEOs, the two are in front of the public, ready to tell the world how they love each other; ready to stop the public’s judgmental attitude about idols dating. Anyway, they have nothing to lose as long as they have each other.


Both Jiyong and Taeyeon were nervous because after this, they would be dead or alive. But both decided that whatever happens, they’ll stick with each other.

Under the table, Jiyong held Taeyeon’s hand to tell her everything’s going to be okay as long as they’re together.

Taeyeon felt the warmth of her boyfriend’s hand. It made her calm.

“Once and for all, G-Dragon-ssi, Taeyeon-ssi, are you dating?” the reporter said.

There. The magic question.

Jiyong smiled before answering with a simple…


The whole room was filled with gasps and side comments. They expected it.

“Since when were you dating? You were in a dating scandal before and both of your agencies denied and laughed off the rumors. Was that rumor true?” another reporter asked.

Jiyong and Taeyeon both smiled remembering that time. Then Taeyeon was next to answer.

“Sort of. But we weren’t dating that time yet.” Taeyeon said.

“But why did you hide your relationship?” the reporter followed up.

“You know the reason very well. We were afraid of what’s gonna happen to our group. We were afraid of people’s rejection.” Jiyong answered.

“But why did you decide to come out?” the reporter asked.

“We’ve grown tired of hiding. It was not fun.” It was Taeyeon who answered.

“How did this happen? You weren’t even in the same company and you didn’t do projects together.” Another reporter asked.

Both of them smiled again.

“Destiny?” Taeyeon joked as she laughed which made the audience laugh too.

“Seeing the two of you now, we are very curious with how your relationship started. Would it be too much to ask when and how you met?” another reporter asked.

Taeyeon and Jiyong looked at each other. The both of them smiled. So that’s a YES.

“I’ve known Taeyeon the first time I’ve watched nine beautiful ladies dancing and singing their hearts out. But I’ve met Kim Taeyeon in a crazy, almost impossible way. Fate made a joke. So here we are. In love with each other.” Jiyong said.


Excuse me love birds, the reporters are asking something.


Okay, well, someone’s gonna have to travel the memory lane…



September 2015

That month was Taeyeon’s nightmare. She wasn’t able to eat, she wasn’t able to sleep, and she was depressed. Byun Baekhyun broke up with her. Can you believe it? That kid broke up with her. It had to happen when she was set to have a debut the next month.

The article that came up saying that their “busy schedules” were the reason for the break up was merely a cover-up. Hello? Would she tell the world that her ex-boyfriend dumped her? For what reason? She doesn’t know! She seriously wanted to kill the guy, strangle his neck and hang him in Han River! But how can she do that? She still loves him.

Taeyeon was about to cry again when Tiffany entered her room.

“Yah! You’re not allowed to cry. And please, don’t give me that “I love him” look or I’ll cut all your hair. Seriosuly, Taeyeon, those kinds of guys are just worth one minute of grieving!” Tiffany exclaimed.

Ugh, her bestfriend had to talk again like being heartbroken is the gravest sin in the world.

“You’re mean. Didn’t you cry when you broke up with Khun-oppa?” Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany suddenly stopped talking.

“Well, I did. Maybe for 2 days.” She said then shrugged. “But you, you have been crying for weeks! Look at the mirror, Taeyeon-ah, if not because of those make-up artists, I wouldn’t believe that you’re a member of SNSD. You’re making yourself ugly because of that infant!”

Who said Tiffany is a sweet lady with a killer eye smile? Change that to a mean lady with a killer mouth.

“Okay, I know that. But it still really hurts. I love him, you know.” Her voice cracked.

Tiffany sighed then sat beside Taeyeon while patting her back.

“Taeng, what I’m saying is that you need to help yourself. If he couldn’t leave without you, then he should’ve come back. But he’s nowhere to be found so don’t make a fool out of yourself. That isn’t you.” Tiffany said.

Yes, her bestfriend has always been sensible when it comes to things like this. While she was a cry baby.

“I’m trying, Tiff. But I really can’t, I’ve just loved him too much.” Taeyeon said sobbing.

“You love him, alright. But what you’re doing is not the best way to cope with that situation. Worse is, you’re crying for a useless guy. Hell, I would actually support you if the guy is not that freaking fetus Baekhyun. Had it been one of the Bigbang boys, I would also cry with you.” Tiffany said, fan girling mode.

“Why are we talking about Bigbang now?” Taeyeon asked.

“It’s because they’re hot! I know, watch their clip in Youtube. Oh my God Tae, they were so hot in China!” Tiffany said.

Taeyeon gave Tiffany a weird and irritated glance.

She actually doesn’t like Bigbang. Well, not that she hates them but she’s not this much of a fangirl as her bestfriend is showing.  

“Just sleep Tiff. I can manage now.” She said.


Later that night, she couldn’t sleep because she’s still thinking or her ex-boyfriend. Should she call him? It’s been almost two weeks after their break up and she misses her so much that she wants to talk to someone to pour her heart out.

Definitely, she couldn’t talk to her best friend about it anymore. Okay, she must admit that Tiffany’s right. Baekhyun was a jerk for doing this to her. But right now, she doesn’t need someone who’ll tell her the truth, but someone who’ll comfort her because she’s hurt.

Somehow, that night, she thought of a crazy way to talk to someone. Really crazy, really risky, but she didn’t care.

She got her secret cellphone. That’s the phone she’s been using for personal communications, the one her company doesn’t have an access to.

“Let’ see… My favorite numbers are 9, 6, 8, 3…” She said while trying to come up with a phone number she can call.

Moments later, she decided to call this made-up number. Maybe she can have a phone pal tonight.

She smiled. You are really crazy, Kim Taeyeon.


Jiyong just arrived home. He came from their victory party in a certain club. Bigbang recently finished their tour in China for their MADE World Tour. They were given just almost a month to rest then they’ll resume again in Taiwan.

He’s happy with his career, of course, but somehow he’s really tired of everything. Not to mention, he’s still healing a broken heart. Last month, her long time girlfriend, Kiko, broke up with her because she couldn’t take the hate fans were giving her. She’s been bullied.

He asked her for another chance several times after that but the girl was just too stubborn and too hurt to accept it. In the end, Jiyong stopped chasing her.

Without changing clothes, Jiyong decided to just lie down in bed and think about some things.

Suddenly, his phone rang showing an unknown number. He hesitated on answering. This was his personal number, and he’s not giving it to strangers so maybe, this caller is someone he knows but has ran out of battery or something and just used another phone instead. In the end, he decided to answer the call.

“Hello?” He asked.

He heard a gasp from the other line.

“Hello? Who’s this?” He repeated.

“H-hello?” the other line said in a shaking yet husky voice.

Jiyong froze. There’s something with the girl’s voice that made him stay on the line.

None of them talked for a couple of seconds but none of them hang up too. Until the girl from the other line talked.

“H-hi. Uhm sorry for disturbing you but I was just wondering if I can talk to you.” She said.

What the heck? Is this a prank call?

“Did someone from the boys hire you or something to do this?” Jiyong asked thinking that this was just a prank from his brothers because he ditched their victory party.

“What?! No! No! I was just----” She said but Jiyong cut her.

“Whatever. Okay, this is really pointless so I’m gonna hang up now.” Jiyong said but….

“No! Please don’t!” The girl said.

Jiyong is getting really pissed now but really, he can’t understand why he’s still not hanging up. There’s something with her voice that’s somehow familiar but he can’t point out where he heard it.

The girl continued talking.

“I’m pretty sure that you don’t know me, but please allow me to talk. Actually, this sounds pathetic but I’ve been dumped. Can you be an instant virtual friend?” the girl softly asked.

Jiyong was dumbfounded. Say what? Out of nowhere, an unknown girl called him asking him to be an instant friend? A counselor? This is a freaking joke! Jiyong could only shake his head in disbelief. There’s no way this girl was not asked by his brothers to make this call.

“Miss, please stop this non-sense because this prank is not going anywhere. Okay, I’ll really hang up.” Jiyong again said.

But the girl had to talk in her sweetest voice again.

“Please… I just need someone to talk to. This won’t take long.”  She pleadingly said.

Jiyong sighed. So that’s a YES.

“Just make sure you’re not any prank caller, if not, you’re gonna spend your whole life in jail with maniacs you every single day.” Jiyong said.

Silence. Then suddenly, the girl laughed. Jiyong, did you say something funny? Or better yet, did you do something good today to deserve hearing an angelic laugh?

“Did I say something funny?” He asked.

“You didn’t say something funny but YOU were funny. So , let me ask you again, can you be an instant virtual friend?” She hopefully asked.

“This is crazy, but I want to accept your offer. Okay, spill.” Jiyong said.


Wow, congratulations, Taeyeon. You’ve successfully gained an instant friend, oh, phone pal.

Taeyeon took a deep breath then started talking.

“You know, I’m beautiful.” Taeyeon started.

Before she can add something else, the guy laughed.

Huh? What was funny?

“You’re beautiful, you say? Is that the problem why you got dumped?” he said trying not to sound sarcastic.

Wait, that was an insult right?  

“Yah, hear my story first.” Taeyeon said.

“Okay, okay I’m sorry.” He said.

“Okay, take two. You know, I’m beautiful. I’m a nice girl too. I’m a sweet girlfriend. I’ve got a good voice. I’ve got a nice body though I’m a midget. Summing all up, I think I’m a good catch… But I’ve just got dumped. And I don’t know why.” Taeyeon said whose voice became sad saying those last two sentences.

“I, I, I, I, I. All you’ve said is I. Maybe your relationship was just all about you so your ex-boyfriend forgot all about YOU. So he dumped you.” The other line said.

Taeyeon thought for a while. Was she like that? Was she trying too hard to a perfect “I” so she forgot “WE”?

“Well, I’m not saying that it’s the real reason. But you know, boys really like girls who would take care of them and the relationship.” He added maybe feeling that she somewhat felt bad to what he said earlier.

“I don’t know well about that. By my problem right now is that, I can’t seem to stop crying about our break up. I don’t want to be like this anymore.” She said, somehow, her voiced cracked.


That cracked voice didn’t escape Jiyong’s ear. Suddenly, he thought about Kiko. Did she even cry about their break up like this girl is doing right now? Maybe not.

“You know, I’ve been in the same situation. A little different story though.” He said.

“Really? You can tell me if you want. I can be an instant virtual friend too.” The girl said.

Should he tell her? Whatever, let this craziness continue. Anyway, she doesn’t sound like an insider or something.

“I’ve been in a long-term relationship. On and off actually. But I seriously loved the girl. We broke up last August so it’s still fresh basically. The nature of my job is not that simple that she thought she couldn’t handle the situation we were in anymore so she gave up.” Jiyong explained.


Taeyeon felt the hurt the guy is talking about. So they both have the same situation. What a coincidence.

“It must have hurt a lot. How did you cope with it?” Taeyeon asked.

“Nothing much. I just kept myself busy. I had a good time. Being depressed isn’t going to help you. It will just make you feel low and weak. It’s a virus which can be treated though. Go out and have some fun. You said you’re beautiful, right? This might sound cliché to you but there are other guys out there.”

“You can be a counselor, I must say.” She joked.

“Yeah, maybe I can. A telephone-based counseling business. That would work, right?” He answered.

“You bet. I can give some testimonials and recommendations. Do you want to start your business now?” She said while having a smile on her face.

She’s enjoying this conversation. Suddenly, she forgot that she’s sad.                                                                   

“But life’s a little unfair, isn’t it?” the guy asked.

“Yeah. Life can be a joke. What’s happening right now is a joke. Here we are talking out of the blue and having the same situation. You wanted your girlfriend but she gave up. I wanted my boyfriend but he left me. Don’t you think it’s a little funny?” She asked.

“It is funny. I don’t even know why I trusted you.” He said.

TRUST. That’s so good to hear. The guy trusted her with his secret though he doesn’t know her. Just what would be his reaction if he finds out who she is? He’ll be dead.

Taeyeon silently smiled at the thought.

“What’s your name?” She asked.

She didn’t hear a response at once.


Crap, she asked my name. What will I say?

“Just call me Ji. You?” He said.

“Kim. Thank you for listening Ji. But am I interrupting something?” She said.

“No, not at all. So, this virtual friend thing, is this available for only tonight?” Jiyong asked.

Kim didn’t answer at once. Then…

“Well, do you accept my friend request?” She asked.

Jiyong smiled.

“Friend request accepted.”


The crowd laughed listening to the couple’s story of first meeting.

“That was indeed unique. Did you really not know G-Dragon-ssi’s  number, Taeyeon-ssi?” The reporter asked.

“I also asked the same thing. It’s like, what the hell? There are millions of mobile numbers existing, right?” Jiyong laughed.

Taeyeon just laughed.

“I really didn’t know. If I knew, I would’ve stopped talking to him. G-Dragon was scary!” Taeyeon exclaimed earning laughs from the audience.

“Yah, how can you be so mean, baby?” Jiyong asked.

Taeyeon just smiled at her boyfriend. Nothing can contain the happiness that she feels right now.

“What about each other’s voice? No one noticed?” The reporter asked with curiosity.

“At first, no one really did. We were confused the whole time.” Taeyeon said.

“ So what happened next?” the reporter asked.


Again, they smiled. 




A/N: Hello everyone! My crazy mind made some crazy and weird stuffs again. Haha. I don't know but I suddenly decided to update. Please tell me what you think. Thank you. Godbless everyone! 

GTAE Fighting! :)

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute