You're a dead meat

Looking back, Moving Forward


Kim! Someone’s asking you if you can meet!




“Hmm, why do you want to us to meet? Don’t you enjoy this mysterious phone pal thing?” She nervously asked.

How in the world will she meet with him? No matter how she badly wants to, she can’t risk it, right?

The other line laughed.

“Wow, someone’s afraid to fall in love with me.” He said.

Kim smirked.

“A little flirt, aren’t we?” She asked.

“Am I? Well, aren’t you curious to know how handsome I am in person? This can actually be a dream come true for you.” He joked. 

“Can I ask something?” She said.

“Yeah?” He asked back.

“Are you drunk?” She asked.

“What?!” He said.

“Because I’m actually torn if you’re hallucinating or you’re just plain crazy to think of what you’re thinking right now.” She said.

“You know what, you talk too much, I can’t decide if it’s still cute.” He teased.

“Yah! If you will see me at this moment, for sure you’ll realize that I’m prettier than your crush. Maybe you’ll forget all about her and like me instead.” She said.

Then he laughed again.

“Exactly why I want to find out. You’ll never know, I might agree with you. Plus, you can also use this as a chance to grasp the fact that I’m hotter than your crush.” He said.

 “Hah! I doubt that mister. My crush is the coolest person in South Korea, you’re only second. Second to the last.” She said.

“That hurts babe.” He teased while laughing.

“it’s fun hurting you.” She said.

“You can if that makes you happy. But C’mon Kim, be a darling and agree.” He said.

Ugh! Why is he insisting too much? But…

“Fine fine fine! But if I found out that you’re even one centimeter less hot than my crush, we’ll never see each other again.” She said.

“Deal.” He said.


And so the two stupid idols decided to meet with a deal of not seeing each other again if they would think that both will be less attractive than their respective crushes.


Two pabos, do you realize how stupid you are?



The next day, Taeyeon was pacing back and forth in her room. Ji and Kim were supposed to meet today in a certain coffee shop. She tried several disguises but she’s sure she’ll be caught even if she wore those. But she said yes already.


Eottoke? You’re so stupid Taeyeon.



But Jiyong was also in the same predicament. After the call, that’s when he realized that he was really impulsive.

What will Kim do if she finds out that he’s G-Dragon?


Aaah Jiyong! Think! Solve your damn mess.





It’s 5PM, luckily, both Taeyeon and Jiyong don’t have any schedules for today.

No schedules on TV, but they both have schedules somewhere.


“Hey, where are you going?” Tiffany asked.

Ah yeah, her best friend doesn’t know about her virtual friend.

“Here, there and everywhere.” Taeyeon answered with a grin.

Tiffany rolles her eyes.

“Are you possibly dating?” She asked.

Taeyeon thought for a while. Will she go on a date?

“No, I’m just going to buy something. “ She denied.

“Did you call Jiyong already? He needs to go with you if you’re going somewhere.” She said.

Aaaaah, Jiyong, her supposed bodyguard. Well, she didn’t. She decided that she won’t bother him if that crazy fangirl is not disturbing her.

“I didn’t. I think the fangirl realized that she’s being crazy so she stopped. Don’t worry about me, Tiff.”

Taeyeon didn’t wait for Tiffany to reply. She just went out of the house wearing a disguise.



“Call her. Make sure she’ll be afraid.”  

Someone made a call. Some crazy fangirl’s doing her job again.




Taeyeon’s on her way to meet with Ji. But SHE will not meet HIM. Suddenly, she smiled. She remembered her plan.


Taeyeon didn’t know what to do about the mess. She wanted to see Ji but she couldn’t risk her identity so she called her cousin and asked a favor from her.

“Unnie, please, please, just this once. This will be the first and the last time. Please!” She desperately pleaded on the phone.

“Kim Taeyeon! Are you in your sane mind? You’re suddenly asking me to meet someone whom I don’t even know and pretend to be his phone pal? Yah, are you sure you don’t want me to make a fool out of myself there?” Her cousin angrily asked thinking that Taeyeon’s idea is the worst of all the idea existing in the world.

But Taeyeon’s just desperate.

“Unnie, I know, I’ve been stupid but I can’t back out now. Please help me just this once. Please…” Taeyeon still pleaded.

And finally, her cousin agreed.

“Ugh! Okay fine. Tell me the details.” She conceded.

Then Taeyeon did, every detail.

“Eeew, you’re both so corny!” She said.

“Yah, unnie, act nice like you’re the nicest person in the world. You’re supposed to be an angel.” Taeyeon explained.

“Seriously, if we’re together right now, I’ll bathe you with sugar. Okay then, what shall I get out of this?” Her cousin asked.

Taeyeon thought for a while.

“G-Dragon’s fansign.” Taeyeon said.

Her cousin smiled.

“Hell yeah.” She said.

End of flashback…

Taeyeon is smiling to herself. She’s so awesome. Now, she’s gonna see Ji without him knowing who she really is.

But she remembered something. Ah yeah, she will have to ask the dragon for a fansign. Okay, maybe she can swallow her pride again for her unnie who’ll be doing a huge favor on her behalf.

As she was enjoying her trip, her phone rang again.

“Hello?” She asked.

“I know where you’re going. I’m watching your every move, Kim Taeyeon. I can make tonight your last day on earth. Be careful.” She said with a serious voice.

Then the line went dead.

Taeyeon became a statue. She somehow felt scared to go anywhere without a company.

Should she call any of her sisters? But what can girls do?

Should she call her manager? But everything will be a mess if she does.




Then finally, she decided to text the reason she’s been receiving crazy threats.

To: G-Dragon

Where are you? Bodyguard duty alert.



Jiyong received a text from Taeyeon while he was on his way to that certain coffee shop.


From: Taeyeon

Where are you? Bodyguard duty alert.


What?! How can she be best in timing? He replied.


Jiyong: Can I pass? I need to go somewhere right now.

Taeyeon: Yeah you can pass. But don’t forget to pass by my wake too.


Ugh. Yeah Kim Taeyeon, why are you suddenly becoming a pain in the neck?

Jiyong: Fine! What time?

Taeyeon: Now.


Now? Are you freaking serious?

Jiyong: Can I follow an hour later?

Taeyeon: I’m on my way now but your crazy fangirl called me telling me nonsense things again. I don’t want to die yet. But if I’ll die, I want you to die with me.

Jiyong smiled at that text.

Jiyong: You’re sweet, Taeyeon-ssi.

Taeyeon: Yah! Have a little brain and realize that it’s a bad thing, sunbaenim. I’ll send you the place so go there now. N-O-W. Now.

Jiyong’s torn between being a bodyguard and a phone pal. What should he do?

Seconds later, she received a text from Taeyeon.



You aren’t serious, Kim Taeyeon, aren’t you?! But thank heavens!


Taeyeon sent the same address he’ll be going in. Jiyong felt relieved.


Today’s his lucky day.


Taeyeon arrived first at the coffee shop. Her unnie is already there but of course they can’t sit with each other so she chose a table not too close but not too far from her.

To be honest, she’s really nervous. She really wanted to meet Ji and actually, she doesn’t care how he looks like. He’s her friend and she’s happy with that.

Suddenly, she received a text from Ji.


Ji: I’m here now.  


Dugeun. Dugeun. She looked around the place and saw someone seemingly searching for something. She texted her unnie at once who stood up and waved at the man. Moments later, they were sitting together.


Looking at him, Taeyeon thought Ji was really a good looking guy. She smiled.


But she was at that thought when…


























“Yah, Kim Taeyeon.”

Someone called her name so she looked at him.

She frowned at first then she realized that the person was no other than G-Dragon.

His disguise was a little funny. Unknowingly, she laughed.


“You’re late. But I forgive you because you look really stupid with that disguise now.” She said in between laughs.

“Ah, so instead of saying thank you, you’ll just laugh at me?” He asked but in the corner of his eyes, he’s looking for someone.

“Guilty.” She said.

He sat down across Taeyeon and searched the whole place. Then his eyes stopped by the man who almost killed him earlier. He smiled.



“Hyung, you love Dara-noona, right? How about a group date with us and 2NE1? Do you think that would be a good idea?” He started.

He is talking to his cousin who’s really in love with 2NE1, especially Dara Park.

“What do you need?” His cousin asked realizing that this would be a barter system.

Jiyong smiled then told everything to his hyung.

“No! How do you want to die? Go meet your phone pal if you must but don’t disturb my peaceful life.” He said.

“Hyung! Please. I really need help right now.” Jiyong pleaded.

But his hyung was just really stubborn.

“Help yourself. You need to be independent.” He said.

“Hyung, Dara noona is really pretty! Please say yes! I’m really desperate now!” Jiyong helplessly said.

The conversation continued but at the end, his hyung agreed.


End of flashback…


Jiyong looked at the woman his cousin’s with. Well, Kim is really pretty, he must say. If you will actually look at her intently, she looks like this girl sitting in front of him.

Beautiful. But one’s prettier of course. Jiyong unknowingly smiled.

That caught Taeyeon’s attention.

“Hey, why are you smiling like crazy?” Taeyeon asked.

“Huh?” He asked.

Then Taeyeon looked at his direction. He’s looking at the couple.

“Why are you looking at them while smiling crazily?” She asked.

Jiyong shook her head.

“Nothing. Don’t you think they’re sweet?” He asked.

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows then she laughed.

“Are you GD sunbaenim? I know you’re wearing a disguise but I didn’t know you also embodied it.” She said.

Then Jiyong looked at her.

“Why are you here anyway?” He asked.


“Uhm, I-I was supposed to meet someone here and I’m waiting for her. But she didn’t text me yet.” She said covering the real reason why she’s in the place.

Jiyong just nodded.

“Good thing it’s on the way. If not, I would’ve chosen not to go here.” He said.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened.

“What?! Yah, you’re not keeping your words. You said you’ll be my bodyguard while you’re in Seoul. If I checked well, your next schedule is next week so you’ll still be here in Seoul.” She explained then realized her fault again after. Pabo!

Jiyong raised his eyebrow.

“So you checked? Aaah, so this is the picture. My fan is stalking you then you are stalking me.” He said.

Taeyeon blushed. Well, do you call that stalking? Checking his schedule?

“I’m not stalking you. Tiffany just told me because she’s your fan.” She said.

“Ah really? I see. But I think it’s normal to stalk your crush though.” He said.

If you would ask her to choose whether she wanted to be Kim or Taeyeon that time, she would’ve chosen to be Kim. This freaking dragon is killing her.

“Whatever. Bodyguards don’t talk so shut up.” She said to finish the conversation.



Taeyeon and Jiyong are patiently and secretly waiting for the couple who seemed to start liking each other.

But finally, after one and a half hour, the couple decided to end their date and went outside the coffee shop.


And the two seemed to forget that two people are waiting for them.


! Where are they going? They won’t have , right?




Taeyeon is thinking how she can escape this place.

“Aren’t you going anywhere?” She asked.

“Well, I cancelled my appointment because of you but this seemed to be useless so maybe I’ll just rest at home.” He said.

“Okay. I can ride the cab. You can go now.” She said.

“No. I’ll send you home.” He said.

Taeyeon looked at him from head to toe.

“Maybe you can since you look ugly now. No one will think that you’re the handsome G-Dragon.” She blurted out.

. Not again Taeyeon. You and your tongue.

“Thanks, you’re really sweet.” He said with a smile.

Taeyeon, thank the heavens because he’s wearing a disguise right now. If not, then you’ll be dead with that smile again.

“It was generalized. It didn’t mean I found you handsome. Let’s go.” She said.

Then she went outside the restaurant mentally killing her midget self.

Then Jiyong followed.




“It’s lacking. Do more.”

And so the fangirl has to work again.



After a silent ride, Taeyeon and Jiyong reached the former’s apartment. But before she can go down, her phone rang showing an unknown number again.

“H-hello?” Taeyeon nervously said.

“Say your sweetest goodbyes to everyone. How do you want to die, Kim Taeyeon? Sleep well.” The other line said.

Call ended.

Then moments later, she received an SMS with a picture of a dead girl ghost.


She froze. Is it the end of her?


Jiyong noticed it.

“Taeyeon-ssi, are you okay?” He asked.

But Taeyeon seemed to be in her tiny little world.

“I’ll be dead tonight. Damn, I’ll die a . Sunbaenim, please tell my manager to choose the prettiest picture to display. Please tell my family and my sisters I love them. And since I’ll die tonight, okay, I’ll admit you’re my crush. ” Taeyeon said.

Jiyong was shocked with her words. What is she talking about?

“What the hell are you talking about?” He asked confusedly.

Then Taeyeon answered again.

“Your crazy fangirl will kill me tonight. I’ll go ahead and prepare.” She said not in herself and was about to get out of the car.

“Wait.” Jiyong said.


Taeyeon paused and looked at him.

“I don’t understand what’s happening but l’ll come with you. C’mon.” 

Then Jiyong went out of the car. Taeyeon followed with a blank mind.



As they entered the house, Taeyeon felt like floating. Suddenly, she really felt scared. Is this becoming serious? Should she tell her family and friends?

“Are you okay?” Jiyong asked with a hint of concern.

Then suddenly, Taeyeon cried loudly.

“I don’t want to die yet. I still want to win many awards. I still want to go to other countries. I still want to meet my future boyfriend. I still want to experience that thing! I don’t want to die a ! Sunbaenim help me!” She cried.

Jiyong doesn’t know if he will laugh or he’ll pity Taeyeon. She’s crying but she’s funny. And he felt guilty for thinking she’s funny so he approached her then pat her shoulders. He wanted to hug her but it won’t be a wise action.

“Help you? Are you saying you want me to deize you?” He said trying to joke because he’s uncomfortable seeing Taeyeon crying.

But Taeyeon cried more.

“No! That’s painful. Maybe more painful that my death.” She said while still crying like a child.

To her surprise, Jiyong laughed so hard and somewhat, it made her back to reality. Slowly, everything she said sank in her mind. Then she blushed profusely.  

“Why are you laughing?!” She shouted at the top of her lungs.

“You’re funny, Taeyeon! I’m sorry but you’re just funny.” He kept on laughing.

Taeyeon wanted to die right that moment. Can the fangirl kill her earlier? Like, now?

“Shut up! I’m commanding you to forget everything you heard because they are all lies! ” She said.

“Don’t worry about everything you said. I can keep secrets. And you don’t need to be shy if you’re supposed to really die right now.” Jiyong said.

Taeyeon glared at him.

“You’re really useless! Why did I even ask for your help?” She said.

“I’m not helping you with anything yet. You said it would hurt so I don’t know if you still want me to help you.” He teased.

Taeyeon was raging mad.

“Shut up! If I’ll die now, I’ll take you with me!” She said.

“Now, you’re being the sweet Taeyeon again. So you really want me to die with you?”  He said.

 Taeyeon glared at him again.

“These are all your fault. You made my life into a chaotic hell. So whatever you say, you need to help me with this mess.” She said seriously.














Then Jiyong stopped with that.

“Don’t worry, I won’t go anywhere.” Jiyong said seriously.


Taeyeon looked at him. 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds…
















“Taeyeon, do you know that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?” Jiyong said without leaving her gaze.





The people watching the conference were like hearing a romantic comedy novel. It’s just so funny. How can anyone hate this couple?


“I don’t know what to say anymore. It’s just really unbelievable.” The reporter said.

Jiyong laughed.

“It is, right? When I look back at it, I couldn’t believe too.” He said.

“But we did have some ups and downs too. It wasn’t always fluffy.” Taeyeon added.

 “Somehow, that can’t be helped. But I’m curious what happened to Kim and Ji after that day.” Another reporter asked.


Aah, Ji and Kim…


Jiyong and Taeyeon looked at each other.

Ji and Kim, what happened after that?





A/N: Hello guys! I’m really not confident with this chapter so I’m sorry if I somewhat disappointed you. There are many things going on. Just say so if I confused you. I hope you can leave comments too. :)

But thank you so much for your support. I hope you’ll continue ‘til the end. I love you guys!


GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute