I'm angry

Looking back, Moving Forward



October 2015

It is now Taeyeon’s first solo debut in M!Countdown and she’s nervous as hell. Yes, it won’t be her first time on stage but hey, this is a solo stage and she’s afraid of the response she’ll get from people. She’s confident about the song but still, she’s nerve-wracked.

Her sisters and other SM artists continue to send their love and support though messages and that made her calmed down a little. But whatever you say, this is big! 

Well at least, she’s not gonna go on stage alone. She’s with Kanto, the substitute rapper for her song.

“Noona, are you okay?” He asked.

Yeah, this boy is nice. She smiled.

“I’m a little bit nervous, but hopefully we can pull this off perfectly.” Taeyeon said.

“Of course, we will. Especially you.” He said.

“Thank you.” She simply answered.

Then she suddenly remember the what ifs G-Dragon told her during that night. He was offered about the rap part, right? What if he accepted it? Was he supposed to perform with her? Taeyeon feat. G-Dragon. Wow, not bad. Hmm, so how will they be called? GTAE? Kyeopta!

Little did she know, she’s smiling like an idiot which Kanto noticed.

“I think you aren’t nervous anymore, Noona. Thank God, you remembered your boyfriend.” He said.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened.

“Oh no no no! It’s not like that.” She said with a blushing face which made Kanto laugh.

Boyfriend?! G-Dragon?! No, no, no! Pabo Taeyeon! Why are you even thinking about him smiling like a fangirl? You may have the slightest crush on him but keep that to yourself, that will never ever be possible in this lifetime! Plus, you’re brokenhearted. You’re supposed to act like one.

“Taeyeon, Kanto, you’re up.” The PD said.

Wow, moment of truth.



On the other side of the world, five boys are enjoying the U.S of A.

“This is life!” Daesung started while comfortably sitting on the couch munching some snacks.

They are currently on their rest day before they resume their next schedule on the 10th.

“Yeah, sometimes the best part of being an idol is having a day-off.” Youngbae said while holding the remote control finding a “non-English” program.

“That TV is useless, I can’t understand a single word but hello, hi, how are you, thank you and sorry.” Seungri whined which made everyone laugh.

Then suddenly, miracle or not, they found a Korean channel.

“Oh, M! Countdown. Nice.” Youngbae said.

“I heard today’s Taeyeon’s debut stage in M! Maybe she’ll perform there.” TOP said.

Everyone looked at him.

“And how did you know about that?” Jiyong asked.

“Uhm, well, someone told me. Yah, watch already.” TOP said trying to change the topic.

“Hmmm, can we call that someone Tiffany Hwang?” Deasung said.

“Hmm, can we call someone to kill you right now?” TOP said glaring at Daesung.

“Yah, shut up Daesung!” Daesung said then slapped himself.

“Pabo.” TOP said.

Moments later, the girl they were talking about appeared on screen. Jiyong’s intently looking. No doubt, Kim Taeyeon’s really perfect in his eyes.

“Yah, Jiyong-hyung, it’s okay to blink once in a while.” Seungri teased.

As usual, Jiyong glared at him then threw a pillow on his face.

“Ouch! Why are you and Seunghyun-hyung like that? You’re too obvious.” Seungri whined.

“Well, that rapper could’ve been you, Jiyong-ah if only you said yes. You could’ve been a perfect pair.” Youngbae said.

Perfect pair? Yeah, perfect pair on stage, maybe. Then the fandoms would declare war, no thanks.

“No thanks. I might outshine her.” He just said to cover up the fact that he agrees he and she would’ve been perfect on that stage.

“A little arrogant dragon, aren’t you?” TOP teased with a laugh.

“Which made me remember, oh my goodness Seungri, you’re really brilliant. You had a crush on her way back, right hyung?” Seungri asked.

Jiyong threw another pillow on Seungri’s face.

“You remember useless things but forget vital ones, you idiot.” Jiyong nervously said.

Well, actually it’s true. Jiyong had a crush on Kim Taeyeon way back 2007. But that was old news, yet this panda has to remember everything again. Worst, no one knew but him so this is a revelation.

“Whoa, really hyung? Aaaaah, that’s why you write songs with SNSD lyrics before.” Daesung said.

Okay now, Jiyong’s secrets have been easily revealed to his brothers. But never ever in this lifetime will he allow them to know that until now, he still has a crush on that girl. Eternal crush as he may call it.

“Why are you digging up the past? Just watch.” Jiyong said.

Then everyone focused on the angel singing.



Taeyeon’s performance was a success. Everyone congratulated her for doing a great job. And somehow, she wanted to share this moment with Ji. Well, of course, she won’t tell the exact things but she just wants to talk to him because she’s happy.

So when she arrived home, she tried to call him.








But no one answered. Awww, maybe he’s busy.

“Maybe, not tonight.” Taeyeon sadly said.


But two days have passed and the phone pals Kim and Ji became busy with their lives. So no more late night talks.

Taeyeon has been busy with her solo album promotions and Bigbang’s currently in the USA for the MADE World Tour.

Both are tired. Both forgot each other.

But Taeyeon kept hoping.


Bigbang arrived in Seoul for a few days rest again before they fly to Australia.

“Ahhh, I’m really tired. Are we supposed to go to clubs again?” Daesung asked.

But Jiyong doesn’t want to go anywhere. Suddenly, he became tired of partying.

“You all can go but I won’t. I miss my bed so much. I think I’ll make love with it while I’m in Seoul.” Jiyong said.

“Maniac. But I think I’ll do the same too.” Youngbae added.

“Okay then so see you after 3 days, brothers.” TOP said.

And with that, the boys went their separate ways.

Jiyong straightly went home then checked his phone which he left when they went to US.

, Kim called. Should he return the call?

At the end, he decided to call her.



Taeyeon was readying to go to bed when her phone rang.

It was Ji.

Should she answer? But she’s a little mad at him for not returning her calls.

Ah, whatever.


“Yeah?” She said with a bored tone.

“Hey, I’m so sorry for not returning your calls. I left my phone at home and I was really busy with work.” He explained.

Left his phone? Who in the world can live without a phone?

“Yeah.” She said.

She’s pissed but she doesn’t know why. But to her surprise, the other line laughed.

“Kim, are you mad?” He asked obviously holding his laugh.

Uh-oh. Someone got more pissed right now.

“What’s so funny with the word “yeah” that you’re laughing like it’s the funniest comedy movie you’ve ever seen? She sarcastically said.

He stopped laughing.

“Nothing’s funny with the word, what’s funny is that you actually missed me so you’re mad.” He said.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Did he really think it’s the reason why she’s mad?!

“Yah! And why would you think that I missed you?” She said with a slightly high tone.

“Hmm, let’s see. 20 missed calls? Okay, maybe you didn’t miss me.” He said while holding his laugh again.

She blushed because it’s true, she kept on calling him.

“Yah, that’s only 19! But okay fine. I won’t call again. Remember this, as much as I enjoy talking to you, I won’t call you again because you’re a jerk!” She said then she hung up.


Jiyong was laughing all throughout. She’s really cute.

He called her again.

No one’s answering.

So he texted.


Ji: I miss you too, Kim. Please answer the phone. (//-)


So he called again.

Moments later, she answered.

“What?! I’m busy with work.” She said.

“But I miss you already. Why won’t you talk to me?” He said in a puppy voice while holding his laugh.

“Yah! Don’t say that word again or you’ll be dead.” She said.

“Okay, I’ll stop.” He said.

Then both became silent. Then…

“Sorry.” Both said at the same time.


Then they both laughed at the same time.

“Wow, you’re a tiger!” He said.

“A pretty tiger. And you have amnesia.” She said.

He laughed.

“I was out of the country and I accidentally left my phone. Sorry babe.” He said.



Babe? What the hell? Suddenly she remembered G-Dragon calling her babe. Then she blushed.

“Babe your face. Don’t call me that.” She said.

Then he laughed again.

“Do you have your monthly period? You’re seriously being so mean now.” He said chuckling.

“Yah, ert! Just don’t call me that because I remember someone.” She said.

“Someone? Who, your ex-boyfriend?” He asked.

“No. Someone very cute but way out of reach.” She said.

“Ah, your crush?” He asked.

“Yeah.” She answered.

“You can use a ladder. But I would suggest to just use an elevator to make if less difficult.” He said.

“Tell me when to laugh.” She said sarcastically.

“Haha. Alright, tell me why he is out of reach?” He asked.

“Hmm, because he’s too different from me. We have different worlds. It’s just too impossible.” She answered.

“Well, nothing’s impossible if you’re really decided. If you really like him, then you must do something.” He said.

“Yah, I’m not saying I’m in love with him. It’s just a crush, why are you so serious?” It was her turn to laugh.

“I’m not serious. I’m just saying that maybe you can make a move before you become an ahjumma waiting for someone to knock on your door and ask your hand for marriage.” He said.

“Hah! As if! Okay, make a move on your eternal crush and I promise to make a move too.” She said.

“Then you can forget about making a move on your crush because never in the world will I do what you’re telling me.” He said.

“Coward. Anyway, tell me about your eternal crush.” She said.

Jiyong paused for a while then…

“Her? She’s the perfect girl. She’s like an angel. You know, I would’ve gotten a chance to be with her but I declined it.” He said.

“Huh? And why is that?” She asked.

“It’s just too complicated. And I’m afraid. I don’t want my feelings to change. I actually enjoy liking her. Like you know, I’m sure I like her but I just want it to stay that way because I don’t want to pursue her. So if I accepted that chance, maybe I won’t be able to help myself and fall in love. I don’t want that to happen. Liking her is just a fantasy for me because I might hurt her in reality. Do you understand what I mean?” He asked.

Taeyeon realized that this guy she’s talking to is a deep person. Suddenly, she felt a huge respect for him.

“I suddenly want to cry right now.” She said.

Jiyong chuckled.

“Well, don’t be jealous, babe. She doesn’t have a chance on me.” He teased.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Flirt.” She said which made the guy laughed.

“I like you too, Kim.” He said laughing.

And so their conversation continued with both of them forgetting that they originally wanted to rest.



The next day, Taeyeon received a call from Hyungdon-oppa, her virtual husband on We Got Married way back. Actually, even after the show, they’ve been close. He was like an older brother to her and she was like his little sister.

His wife, Han Yura, also became close to her that they share fashion and cooking tips.

“Oh, oppa? What made you call?” She excitedly said.

“Congratulations, baby Taengoo! You were great!” He said.

“Thank you oppa. How’s unnie and the kids?” She asked.

She suddenly wanted to come over because she misses them already.

“They’re good. Actually, I called to invite you for dinner. Yura will prepare something. This will be our treat for you plus the kids miss you so much.” He said.

Good timing.

“Wow, I would really like that. See you later then?” She asked.

“Alright. Bye!” He said.



Jiyong also received a call today asking him to come over for dinner. He originally wanted to rest but how can he say no to Huyngdon-hyung?

“Okay, hyung. I’ll go.” Jiyong said.

“Ah by the way, I have another guest later on but don’t worry, you know the person so it won’t be a problem.” He said.

“I got it.” Jiyong replied.

Little did he know, he will be seeing his eternal crush.




That night, two people were meant to see each other again unconsciously.

Jiyong’s on his way to Hyungdon’s apartment when he saw a girl seemingly scratching her eyes.

He approached her.

“Miss, are you okay?” He asked.

When she raised her head…





















Both their mouths dropped. But it was Jiyong who recovered first. He cleared his throat and acted cool.

“Taeyeon-ssi. So we met again.” He said.

Taeyeon, on the other hand, was shocked because she didn’t expect to see G-Dragon, her crush. Goodness Taeyeon, why didn’t you apply make-up? Pabo, if I only knew, I would’ve worn something better!

“Ah y-yeah. H-hello, sunbaenim.” She bowed.

“Are your eyes okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, thank you.” She said.

“So, what brought you here? Are you visiting someone?” He asked.

“I’m actually going to Hyungdon-oppa. He invited me for dinner.” She answered.

What the hell? Are you effing kidding?

“You’re kidding, right?” He asked.

Taeyeon frowned.

“Huh?” She asked.

“I’m going there too. I’m actually on my way.” He said.

Uh-oh then Jiyong realized something.

“Ah, so you were the guest he’s talking about. Anyway, come on, let’s go together.” He said.

“Oh but, isn’t it dangerous, sunbaenim?” She asked.

“We’re not doing anything, right? No worries.” He said.

Taeyeon agreed then they both went together to Hyungdon’s apartment.



Unknown to the both of them, someone actually saw the together and he was about to capture that moment but his phone was lowbatt!

“Aigoo. And the best in timing award goes to me. But still, I can make something out of this, right? Hmm, blind item? Not bad. Can I add something to it? Oh my God, I’m so excited.” He said with a giggle then left the place.



Taeyeon and Jiyong were now inside the apartment.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that you’ll come together. Are you two dating?” Hyungdon asked.

“No!” They both exclaimed.

“I mean, we just bumped into each other outside so we decided to go together. Right, Taeyeon-ssi?” Jiyong said.

“Yeah, that’s right. Stop thinking non-sense oppa.” She said but actually hiding her blushing face.

Then moments later, Yuju and Yuha came out with excitement of seeing their samchon and imo together.

“Taeyeon-imo, you’re here! I saw you in TV, you were very very beautiful!” Yuju said while hugging Taeyeon.

“Aww,thank you so much, Yuju-yah. I miss you!” She said while returning the kid’s hug.

“Jiyong-samchon, did you watch Taeyeon-imo too? She’s very good and pretty, right?” Yuha asked.

Jiyong was caught off guard. What’s he gonna say?

“A-ah. Yeah, your imo was very beautiful.” He said.


Taeyeon was like a tomato ready to burst but thankfully, the kids are there to serve as shield for Jiyong to see her face.


The whole family plus Jiyong and Taeyeon enjoyed the dinner. And at 10PM, both decided to say goodbye to the Jung family minus the kids who are now sleeping.

“Thank you for visiting, Taeyeon-ah, Jiyong-ah. I hope you could come again.” Han Yura said.

“Of course, unnie. I’m just a call away.” Taeyeon said.

“Yah, don’t be too busy. You’re forgetting me already.” Hyungdon joked which made everyone laughed.

“Don’t worry, hyung. Starting from now, I’ll prioritize you above anything else.” Jiyong joked back.

“Jiyong-ah, it’s late and it’s not safe to ride a cab. Can you give Taeyeon a lift?” Yura asked.

Jiyong froze. Oh no.

“No, unnie, I’m okay. I’ll just call Tiffany to pick me up. It would be a bother for GD-sunbaenim.” She said.

She doesn’t want to ride with him! No!

“No. It’s not safe. Jiyong, be a darling and send Taeyeon home, okay?” Hyungdon said.

At the end, Jiyong agreed.


They were outside now.

“You don’t need to send me home, sunbaenim. I’ll just wait for Tiffany here.” She said.

“It’s okay, Taeyeon. I may be everything bad you think of but I’m actually a gentleman. Let’s go.” He said with a smile.

And Taeyeon died of that smile. Why is he so cute? Why? Why? Why? Taeyeon wanted to cry now.



The ride was so quiet. Awkward baby. So Jiyong the radio. It’s Taeyeon’s song.

“Oh. You can change the channel, sunbaenim.” She shyly said.

Jiyong wanted to do that but…

“No, let’s listen to it. It’s actually great. Congratulations.” He said.

“Thanks.” Taeyeon said.

Then when the song reached the rap part, GD rapped it live.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened in surprise. How the hell did he know the song?!

“I would’ve sounded better than Verbal Jint-sunbae, right?” He joked.

Then Taeyeon smiled.

“Too bad you didn’t accept it.” She said.

“But I’m singing it now.” Jiyong said.

“Yeah.” Taeyeon said.

Then silence again.

“No, but seriously, you were perfect.” Jiyong said without looking at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon blushed for the nth time. Her crush is telling her that she’s perfect. Eottoke?

“Your songs are great too, sunbae.” She said.

“Really? Which is your favorite?” He asked.

Aigoo, thank heavens he was forced to learn Bigbang songs because of Ji.

“Bang Bang Bang.” She sang while doing the gunshot step.

Crap! What did I do?! Pabo Taeyeon! Pabo!

Silence filled the car then after a while, Jiyong laughed so hard.

“You’re funny, Taeyeon-ssi. You’re the funniest perfect girl I’ve ever seen.



The next day, out of the blue, something came up.



Big Bang's G-Dragon and Girls' Generation's Taeyeon rumored to be dating?



Where the hell did this come from?!




“Awww, that’s so sweet. Funniest perfect girl.” The reporter commented.

And so that’s how the dating scandal happened. So it wasn’t true that time.” Another reporter said.

“Yeah, it wasn’t true that time. But this girl right here jumped in glee when she heard about that.” Jiyong joked.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes which made the audience laugh.

“You’re funny but not today.” She said.

“So, we’re curious now how did you handle that rumor?” The reporter said.



Yes, that rumor. What happened to them with that rumor?





A/N: Hi there! I suddenly thought about updating this. Hope you liked it. :)

Thanks everyone.

GTAE Fighting! 

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute