Last few moments of "Looking Back"

Looking back, Moving Forward



Jiyong and Taeyeon were silently seated facing each other. They were both stunned with how things turned out.

Jiyong honestly didn’t expect Taeyeon to bring his family. One, she doesn’t know them. Two, she isn’t that bold to do something like this. And though he appreciated his girlfriend’s effort so much, he suddenly felt awkward.

Taeyeon, on the other hand, was really embarrassed that moment. She didn’t expect to see every member of her family in that place. She suddenly lost her confidence. Going to the Kwons was tolerable, she would do that for a million times just for Jiyong. But facing her family now, she felt so awkward because they didn’t even have the slightest idea that she’s dating THE G-DRAGON.

So silence filled the place until Mrs. Kwon talked.

“Won’t you even introduce us to each other, kids?” Mrs. Kwon amusedly stated while looking at Taeyeon and Jiyong who are obviously dying of embarrassment.

That startled the both of them.

“A-ah, yeah. Uhm…”

“Oh..Sorry, uhm…”

Jiyong and Taeyeon said at the same time.

Everyone laughed which made the two more embarrassed.

“Hey, why are you two like that? It’s not that we’re gonna kill you, you know.” Dami said.

“Right. Where’s the mighty G-Dragon who came to us out of nowhere telling us he loves our Taeyeon?” Jiwoong said holding his laugh.



Ooh, Jiyong remembered that time. Mr. Kim almost sent him out of the house when he saw him and his tattoos and if not because of Hayeon, he would’ve not finished his speech that time. But that was way more tolerable!

But in front of his own family, he felt so awkward. Like, his mom would’ve squealed to death because she has always told him to be serious with girls when he was younger.

And now, his whole family found out the thing he did which is surprisingly the same thing his girlfriend did. But boy, he’s really speechless.

“Uhm…” He said not finding the right words.

Then from under the table, Taeyeon slightly kicked his foot. He looked at her somewhat saying “TALK!”

“I’m sorry, it’s just…unbelievable. It’s well-planned and not at all.” Jiyong honestly said.

It’s his dad who answered him.

“Well, everything’s fine with us. I believe your girlfriend here is the best thing that happened and will ever happen to you. But you just missed the fact that you still have a family to inform.” Mr. Kwon said.

Right. Jiyong suddenly felt so guilty because he didn’t inform his family. Well, they’ve just started dating and Jiyong thought that Taeyeon would be uncomfortable if he introduced her to his family this early. So having this kind of thought, he decided to inform Taeyeon’s family first.

“I’m sorry appa, we just started dating and I didn’t know if Taeyeon will like the idea of meeting you this early so I didn’t tell you yet but I’m planning to, I swear.” Jiyong explained defensively.

 Dami laughed again seeing her brother looking so guilty.

“Yah, stop having cold sweats Kwon Jiyong.” She said.

“Noona! Stop laughing!” Jiyong complained.



The Kims remained silent because they were also having the same feeling like the Kwons. A little disappointed that Taeyeon didn’t tell them about Jiyong but it was too little that it was overflown by happiness.

“You can also have the floor to explain, Kim Taeyeon.” Mr. Kim said.

Taeyeon was startled again when she heard her father.

“Appa, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you. I mean, Jiyong is different from the other guys I’ve dated and I wanted to show you first that he’s a great person before you can even judge him.” Taeyeon explained.

But Jiyong talked.

“Yah, is that supposed to be a sweet remark?” He complained.

“Ssshh, shut up, Ji.” Taeyeon said while glaring at him.

Taeyeon looked at his dad again who’s now wearing a smile.

“Well, thanks to me, unnie, appa and omma loved Jiyong-oppa immediately. I was such a great GD manager!” Hayeon proudly said.

“Really, young lady? Well, thank you so much.” Mrs. Kwon told Hayeon.

Then Mr. Kwon talked.

“Alright, so amidst everything, here’s what I think. I’m so glad that you found each other and I’ll be a very proud dad on your wedding day.” Mr. Kwon said.

Taeyeon and Jiyong’s eyes widened.



They said at the same time again. Wedding? They just started dating, hello? Mr. Kwon, hello?

“Yeobo, don’t you think it’s too early to talk about that?” Mrs. Kwon amusedly said.

Mr. Kim talked next.

“But I would feel the same too. I must say, I love G-Dragon already.” He said with a slight chuckle.

Everyone laughed again expect for Jiyong and Taeyeon who finally relaxed.

They just couldn’t contain their happiness.

What happened tonight was planned yet unplanned.

And it was the best night of their relationship so far.

If only the world is easy to please like their families…



After staying for another day in Hongkong, TTS and Bigbang went back to Korea but having different flights. Same with the Kims and Kwons who didn’t fly together to avoid some scandals.

Bigbang continued with their MADE tour while TTS had been busy promoting their Christmas Album.

It was that one night again when the lovebirds had some time to spend.

They were now lying on the bed in prone position together facing the laptop. That night, they planned to stalk the social media world to see if something came out of MAMA.

They saw some fancams particularly that something in which Jiyong imitated .

“Goodness.” Taeyeon said.

But Jiyong actually found the video cute.

“Why? I think it’s cute.” Jiyong said casually.

Taeyeon was motified that she stood up from the bed.

“What?! Ji, I told you to be careful. Look, even that single thing was being caught on camera.” Taeyeon worriedly said.

 Jiyong stood up too.

“Tae, stop being so worried. That video won’t do anything to us, okay? They won’t even think of that as something meaningful.” Jiyong explained.

But Taeyeon’s still worried. She’s afraid Jiyong’s fans will hate him.

“But… I’m afraid. What if your fans get mad at you? They won’t like me for you. They like Dara-unnie and whoever else but me.” Taeyeon said.

Seeing Taeyeon’s worry, Jiyong’s heart was so overwhelmed. How he loves this woman.

So he went closer to her and hugged her.

“So what if they get mad? So what if they won’t like you for me? I’m not them. Much as I’m thankful to them, you’re more important to me. You see, I’ve been successful my whole life, and I can trade anything for you. The only thing I’m afraid of is you getting hurt, but other than that, I’m ready to tell everyone about us.” Jiyong said to assure Taeyeon.

That calmed Taeyeon down, and if she were to be honest, she doesn’t want to hide their relationship too but it’s just too risky. G-Dragon is G-Dragon.

“Why are you so sweet?” Taeyeon asked finally accepting defeat.

Jiyong chuckled.

“I don’t know, I didn’t know I can be this sweet too. I’m glad the boys are not seeing me, if not, they’ll laugh.” He said slightly laughing.

So they went back to bed and continued browsing Twitter, Instagram and Youtube to look for some other stuffs about them.

“Hey Tae, I didn’t know we are called Gtae. Awesome!” Jiyong said as he kissed Taeyeon on top of the head while browsing Twitter.

Taeyeon smiled.

“Come to think of it, we do have supporters. Look, they even edit pictures. This one looks real.” Taeyeon said as she pointed an edited pic of her and Jiyong together.

Jiyong shook his head.

“If only we can send them a selca kissing, they won’t need to edit. “ He teased.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes but a sudden idea popped up her mind.

“I know! I have an idea.” Taeyeon suddenly said.

“What?” Jiyong asked.

Taeyeon looked at him.

“Let’s do it subtly until people notice. These people right here, though few in numbers, I know they’ll support us all throughout. Let’s use the social media.” Taeyeon suggested.

Jiyong frowned.

“What do you mean?” Jiyong asked in confusion.

Taeyeon explained her plan further.

“Instagram. You post, I’ll post. You like this kind of picture, I will too. You wear this kind of clothes, I’ll wear the same. I’ll make a pose, you copy me. Until they connect the puzzle.” She said.

Jiyong thought for a while then smiled at his girlfriend’s brilliant plan.

“Until the haters accept that Gtae is real.” He said nodding his head.

“Such an intelligent dragon.” Taeyeon commented while she wrinkled her nose.

And with that, the lovebirds started their social media plan.



Weeks have passed and Jiyong and Taeyeon continued with their plan though they were so busy with separate schedules. True enough, the netizens are starting to notice. Some liked it, some hated it to the bones.

And during those weeks, they didn’t see each other often and it was very difficult since Bigbang is going on with their MADE Tour.

So when they finally had free schedule, Jiyong prepared a special dinner for the both of them but due to so much fatigue, Taeyeon fell asleep that she wasn’t able to go to the dinner.

Uh-oh, of course, who wouldn’t feel bad?

So the next morning…

Taeyeon kept on dialing Jiyong’s number since she was so guilty with what happened. She didn’t expect that she won’t wake up. Last night after her schedule, she decided to take a nap because she wasn’t feeling well but she forgot to unmute her phone so she didn’t hear the alarm and Jiyong’s calls.

“Ji, answer the phone please.”

“I’m really sorry… I’ll make it up to you, please answer the phone…”

“I love you, babe. Are you still mad?”

Those were few of Taeyeon’s voice mails to Jiyong since he wasn’t answering his phone.

And she’s really so frustrated.



Jiyong, together with Bigbang, is in their practice room but again, the leader wasn’t in the mood because of what happened last night. And currently, they are taking a break.

“Hyung, Taeyeon-noona won’t stop calling so can you just answer your phone? You’re just torturing yourself.” Seungri advised. 

But Jiyong glared at him.

“You don’t understand. Why would she forget a date that has been long planned? I mean, doesn’t she miss me? I miss her so much. I know we’re both tired but I’m trying my best.” He said feeling so disappointed and sad at the same time.

Youngbae, being the bestfriend that he is, patted Jiyong’s shoulders.

“Why don’t you listen to her explanation first? You know, you need to understand each other. You didn’t know how tired she was, for all we know, maybe she was sick and she didn’t want to worry you so she didn’t tell you anything.” Youngbae said trying to state some possibilities.

But Jiyong’s just too hurt. He prepared something for the both of last night. But he waited like a fool.

“I know but I just really feel bad.” He said.

“So until when are you planning to ignore her?” TOP asked.

“I don’t know.” Jiyong simply answered then he walked out of the room.



Taeyeon was so depressed that time. Jiyong ignored her the whole day, she has been sending messages but none of them were replied and she just felt so frustrated that time.

“Hey, are you planning to be a cry baby again? Don’t wait for Jiyong-oppa to come to you. It’s your fault, Taeng.” Tiffany said being so frank.

So Taeyeon felt sadder.

“Yeah, I know but I’ve been apologizing yet he doesn’t answer my calls and messages. So what should I do? Pabo, Taeyeon! So stupid.” She said then she buried her face with her pillow.

Tiffany let out a sigh then she sat beside Taeyeon.

“You know, you must stop doing that, Tae. You must step up. Hey, you were able to face the Kwons, right? So what’s with this little problem that you can’t solve? Just stop acting like a child. If you want Jiyong’s forgiveness, do something. Don’t just wait.” Tiffany advised.

Taeyeon sat down and fixed her face.

“But what if he doesn’t want me anymore because he realized that I’m not worth the sacrifices he’s been making?” Taeyeon worriedly asked her friend.

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“Do you want me to bang your head? What kind of stupidity is that? Aish! Alright, let’s think.” Tiffany said now thinking of a way to make Jiyong talk to her friend.

Then she suddenly thought of something.

“Hmmm, do you have something that you don’t want to do but you know will make Jiyong happy?” Tiffany asked.

Well, if he doesn’t want to talk to Taeyeon, then Taeyeon must get her attention, right?

 Taeyeon thought about the answer and yet she couldn’t think of any. But, there was one time, Jiyong asked her if she wants to have short hair again.

“Nothing serious but he once asked me if I want to have short hair again.” Taeyeon said.

Then Tiffany remembered something from before.

“Ah! I remember, Jiyong once said in an interview that he’s attracted to girls with short hair. Hmm, I think I know how to get your boyfriend’s attention.” Tiffany said with an evil smile.

Uh-oh, she doesn’t want to cut her hair!!!!!

But, fine, she’ll do it for Jiyong.



Next thing in the morning, Taeyeon, Seohyun and Tiffany went to the salon to get their hair fixed. And seriously, Taeyeon had a haircut.

“Wow, you look so gorgeous, Tae!” Tiffany exclaimed.

But Taeyeon was a little unsure.

“Will Jiyong like this?” She asked hesitantly.

Seohyun was the one excited though.

“Of course, Unnie. That dragon is so in love with you. Come on, let’s take a selca. You post it after.” Seohyun commanded.

Minutes later, Taeyeon posted it.



Meanwhile, in the practice room, while having a break, TOP saw TTS’s selca since his girlfriend was tagged.

“Whoa, look at this. Are you really ignoring your girlfriend that she has to cut her hair because she got depressed?” TOP asked in amusement while showing the others the selca.

Everyone looked at the selca including the surprised Jiyong. True, he had been ignoring Taeyeon since the other night. But why did she cut her hair? Is it because of him? Suddenly, he felt so guilty because he knew his girlfriend prefers longer hair.

“Aww, Seohyun’s so pretty.” Seungri commented.

Youngbae hit Seungri’s head.

“Yah, you have a girlfriend.” He said.

That same time, Jiyong decided to call Taeyeon already. He thought maybe a day of ignoring her would be enough. Plus, he’s so guilty with the haircut.

He went outside the room and called Taeyeon.

After several rings, she picked up.

“Ji? Is this really you?” Taeyeon greeted.

Oh, how he missed his girlfriend’s voice.

“Yeah. Why did you cut your hair?” He asked.

“I don’t want to tell you over the phone. See me if you want to know.” Taeyeon stubbornly said.

Finally, Jiyong smiled. Alright, he isn’t mad anymore. No more explanations needed. But teasing is allowed.

“What if I don’t want? In case you forgot, I waited the whole night while you, princess, are peacefully sleeping on your fluffy bed.” Jiyong said.

“Yah, I know, okay? But I miss you already, why are you torturing me so much? So mean.” Taeyeon sulked.

So tell him, how can he resist his girlfriend?

“Alright, fine. Are you free now? Where are you? I’ll pick you up.” Jiyong said.



Taeyeon almost jumped in glee when she heard what Jiyong said. Finally!

“For real?” Taeyeon confirmed.

Jiyong laughed on the other line.

“Yeah. Where are you?  Wait for me.” He said.

“I’ve just arrived here at SM but are you sure you’re going to pick me up here?” Taeyeon asked.

Jiyong thought for a while.

“I’ll just borrow manager hyung’s car. Wait for me in the parking lot. I’ll be there in 15.” He instructed.

Taeyeon nodded happily even though she knew Jiyong won’t see it. Aaah, she’s just so happy.

“Yeah, bye. You love me!”Taeyeon excitedly said then they ended the call.

Taeyeon went to their practice room where Tiffany and Seohyun are. She told them that she and Jiyong are fine and that they’ll be going somewhere. Being the best supporters as they are, the two ladies agreed.

After around 15 minutes, Taeyeon decided to go to the parking lot and wait for Jiyong there.



Taeyeon is already in the parking lot waiting for Jiyong when suddenly, someone she didn’t expect to see that time appeared in front of her.

“Noona…” He said.

Taeyeon turned around and saw Baekhyun.

Yes people, Byun Baekhyun, the infant ex-boyfriend.

“B-Baek, you’re here.” She said feeling so nervous because she knew any minute, Jiyong will arrive.

But the infant is not leaving!!

No no no, he’s not gonna chat with her, is he?

“Yeah. How have you been, Noona? Uhm, I just want so say sorry for everything. It’s been a while but I’m really sorry.” He said.

“Yeah, it’s okay already. Uhm… Aren’t you going to leave yet?” She asked him obviously looking bothered and silently praying that Jiyong won’t arrive yet.

“Uhm, can I ask you out for lunch? I really wanted to talk to you.” He said again.

And Taeyeon’s seriously wanting to go to the bathroom out of nervousness.

Baekhyun, just shut up already!

“Uhm… I’m sorry… I can’t…” She said.

She would’ve actually said something more but a car arrived.




And Taeyeon wanted to die right at that moment.










Because after few moments, the dragon came out of the car.



“Kim Taeyeon! Get inside the car. Now!” He commanded.


What now, Taeyeon?




Everyone was at the edge of their seats waiting for the next part of the story.

“So did something like Clash of Idols happen?” The reporter asked.

“Well, Baekhyun almost borrowed a face from a cow.” Jiyong said with a slight laugh. “Hi Baek, if you’re watching now.” He added.

“And the instagram posts, I knew it. I knew they were really something. So, does this mean, we’re nearing the end of the story?” The other one asked.

Taeyeon nodded.

“We are.” She said.






Hello guys!!!!! So yeah, since I couldn’t think of anything else to write in this story, I decided to end it maybe in the next chapter or two. Hahaha.

I want to thank all of you for the endless support.  Please hang on. :)

Saranghaeyo! <3

GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute