Let's stop liking each other

Looking back, Moving Forward


Jiyong was awakened because of TOP’s loud voice seemingly talking to someone over the phone.

They arrived at dawn in Korea after their concert in Macau and his hyung decided to sleep in his apartment because he was too tired to go home.

Ugh, this flirt Bingu is disturbing his peaceful sleep.

The endless conversation was really beyond endless so he went outside his room.

“Yah, hyung! It’s noon and you’re flirting.” He said irritatingly.

But TOP didn’t notice him. So he was left with no choice but to overhear his flirting hyung while finding himself some meal.

What?! The crazy fangirl did it again?

 What the?! With a gun? That’s scary as hell! What if she really shoots her while singing?

Ah, so that could mean she’s gonna execute her plan after the concert.

Taeyeon must be really afraid. Is she okay?

Ah, Jiyong? I don’t think he can come though. We just arrived last night from our tour.

I’ll come. But I really doubt if Jiyong can.


Those were his hyung’s words. And based on those, he figured out that he’s talking to Tiffany. Ah no, he’s flirting with her.

But what caught his attention were Taeyeon’s name and her situation. He thought the crazy girl didn’t call again? Did she lie to him because they don’t want them to be together?

Maybe but it’s his fan’s fault. So somehow, he’s still responsible for her safety so he chose to forget all his concerns to make sure that she’ll be safe after her concert.

So after TOP finally ended the call with Tiffany, he approached him.

“Oh, have you been there all along?” TOP asked.

“Yeah, I’ve heard everything from the flirting until the thing with Taeyeon. When did you become close with Tiffany, anyway?” Jiyong asked.

“None of your business, man. So you heard about your damsel’s problem. Your crazy fangirl strikes again. But don’t worry, I already told Tiffany that you can’t come. We’ll take charge.” TOP said.

“Who says I can’t come?” Jiyong asked.

TOP raised his eyebrow.

“You can? You aren’t tired?” He asked.

“Well you’re tired too, but you can come. Why can’t I?” Jiyong said.

“I’ll come with Tiffany, that’s why. You?” TOP asked.

“Stop asking too much, hyung. It’s not manly at all.” Jiyong said then he walked away.



That night, he thought of texting Taeyeon to tell her he’ll be going to her concert but he chose not to because he doesn’t want to add any more confusion. He told her that she isn’t allowed to be nice to him. Then suddenly he’ll text her once in a while? What’s that?

He said that she’s the prettiest, then Yoona, then her again?

Crap, this little crush is beginning to be complicated. Nevertheless, he knows it should stop from there.

So he was in deep thoughts when his phone rang. It was Kim. Thank God she called.

If Jiyong were to be honest, he actually enjoys talking to her. It’s like he has a certain connection with her that he couldn’t explain.

“Hey.” He said.

“Hi. How have you been?” She asked.

“Quite good. You?” He said.

“Troublesome.” She said.

“Care to tell me why?” He asked.

“It’s been stressful these past few days. Been having some troubles I can’t tell.” She said.

Jiyong mouthed an “oh”. It’s like this. They respect each other’s privacy so one has the right to choose up to what extent one’s going to say.

“Maybe because you weren’t able to talk to me?” He teased.

Kim laughed.

“I don’t want to admit but maybe yes.” She said.

He smiled.

“I knew it. I miss you too, Kim.” He said with a chuckle.

“If I’m not mistaken, I said I’ve been stressed for not being able to talk to you. Not because I miss you.” She said.

“But it’s pretty close and I’m good at reading between the lines so you don’t need to lie.” He said.

“Whatever. Anyway, can I ask you something, Ji?” She asked.

“Sure thing.” He said.

 “Have you ever been confused?” She asked.

He thought for a while. Was he ever confused with Kiko? Maybe not. 

Then he remembered Taeyeon. Does this little crush he has confuses him? He doesn’t want to ponder on that because his mind is close when it comes to Taeyeon. It’s just heaven and earth.

“You mean, confused confused or just confused?” He asked.

“Confused like, hot and cold, yes and no, in and out, up and down.” She explained.

“Let me keep this straight. You’re REALLY confused right now, aren’t you?” He asked.

He heard Kim sigh.

“Maybe? I’m even confused if I am really confused. It’s just that, I feel like my mind wants something different from what I actually really want.” She said.

“Now that’s confusing me. But you know, just don’t think too much. Go with the flow but do what you think is right. You know, I don’t know why we somehow have the same situation every single time we talk.” He said.

“You noticed too?” She asked.

“I do. Maybe we were really meant to meet to be each other’s comforter?” He asked.

“I think so. You actually give me comfort.” She said.

“You do too. You know, if our set up is not complicated, I could actually fall in love with you.” He said with a chuckle.

Kim also laughed.

“Really? You can fall in love with me but not with your eternal crush?” She asked.

He laughed. He actually can, but he chooses not to.

“She’s off limits. She’s not a reality to me.” He answered.

“But what if your crush likes you too, don’t you really want to try?” She asked.

He remembered that Taeyeon slipped and accidentally told him she likes her. He felt glad with that thought but then again it had to stop there. Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Jiyong are just too impossible. See? Even if something’s not happening to them, she’s already receiving some threats from fans.  

“She told me she does. But it’s really not possible.” He said.

“You’re so frustrating. I could kill you if I was that girl.” She said.

Jiyong laughed.

“Fortunately, you’re not her so you can’t kill me.” He said.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” She said.

And they continued to talk until they ran out of words and decided to end that night’s call.



Taeyeon thought about what Ji said. Yeah, if their set up isn’t like this, they can actually fall in love. She’s very comfortable with him but he doesn’t know who she really is. She’s lying to him. And somehow, she’s starting to feel guilty.

Then her mind shifted to G-Dragon. The guy who’s making her confused. The main reason why her life is so complicated right now. Just last month, she had only one problem and that’s being heartbroken with Baekhyun. But suddenly, she’s now thinking about a person who doesn’t actually cross her mind before.

She sighed.

“What are you doing to me?” She asked in the air.

Tomorrow’s her concert and according to Tiffany, Bigbang’s in Korea. But she doesn’t want to ask GD to come. She really doesn’t want to.

But in the deepest part of her heart, she’s secretly hoping to see the man.



It was the night of Taeyeon’s concert and she’s currently in her dressing room. Couple of minutes ago, SNSD sent their good luck to her before going to the VIP seats.

Then she received at text.



She just closed her eyes.



SNSD was shocked upon seeing Bigbang’s TOP and G-Dragon with them in the VIP seats wearing disguises.

Tiffany told the other people there that they’re both Taeyeon’s cousins to avoid questions.

Good thing that Taeyeon’s family didn’t watch the concert anymore since they already went during the first set.

“I can understand why TOP-sunbaenim is here, but why GD-sunbae?” Yuri asked having their little mini conference.

“Me too. I think the rumors are true, Taeyeon unnie and him are really dating.” Yoona said.

“We need to know everything, we’ll corner them later on, okay?” Sunny said.

Everyone nodded.


Moments later, finally, the concert started. Taeyeon appeared on stage seemingly like an angel who went down on earth.

She was breathtakingly beautiful in her white long gown.



And that’s what Jiyong’s seeing right now. He’s seeing the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. He can’t lie anymore.

As soon as she started to sing, Jiyong was captivated. And he’s not liking this so he tried to divert his attention to forget how perfect the woman in front is.

After some time, the concert ended. And everyone including TOP and Jiyong went to Taeyeon’s dressing room.

They congratulated her for another successful concert.


Taeyeon thanked everyone with a smile but deep inside, she’s afraid because of the text she received earlier.

She was busy hugging everyone that she didn’t notice two men who are also inside the room. When she finally saw them, her eyes widened.

She couldn’t believe she’s seeing G-Dragon inside her dressing room. Yes, maybe a part of her wanted to see him come to her concert but she didn’t expect it to become reality at all.

Both TOP and Jiyong approached her.

“You were really great, Taeyeon. Congratulations.” He said.

Taeyeon bowed and thanked him. And before Jiyong can mutter his congratulations, her phone suddenly rang so she looked at it.

She froze upon seeing an unknown number again but she kept calm.


“You were like an angel, Taeyeon-ssi. Would you now like to be a real one?” The other line said then she hung up at once.

Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon suddenly turned pale.

“Taeng, are you okay?” She worriedly asked.

But Taeyeon stood there like a statue so everyone got worried.

“Hey, unnie, are you alright?” SooYoung asked her.

“What’s happening?” Hyoyeon asked.

But Jiyong got it. The caller was his crazy fangirl again so feeling responsible, he had to do something.

“Wear a disguise. We’ll leave now. Go.” He commanded.


The starstrucked Taeyeon heard G-Dragon’s voice which somewhat turned her back to reality.

“I can’t.” She said.

“I said wear a disguise. Now, Kim Taeyeon.” He said firmly.

Taeyeon felt scared with Jiyong’s voice but somehow, she felt at ease with the thought of him accompanying her again. So even if her mind doesn’t want to, she still obliged.

Everyone’s mouth dropped of what they’re witnessing. They wanted to ask what the real score is between them but they were afraid of the dragon.

And moments later, Taeyeon was ready and Jiyong didn’t give her a chance to say goodbye to everyone because he held her hand and pulled her and got out of the place.

And during those moments, Taeyeon was just speechless.



They were inside the car and it was filled with silence until Taeyeon decided to speak.

“W-what’s the meaning of this and why were you at the concert?” She asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Why do you still need to know?” He answered.

“Because I didn’t ask you to. And you said you couldn’t come.” She said.

“I never told you I couldn’t come today. And it’s not important anymore.” He said.

Taeyeon decided not to answer anymore but he talked again.

“I won’t say this again but you were wonderful on that stage. I couldn’t find any more words to describe how perfect you were.” He sincerely said.

Uh-oh, someone couldn’t fight with his sanity again. And someone blushed.

“T-thanks.” She said.

“I thought I didn’t allow you to be nice?” He asked.

“Give me some rest. I’ll still thinking of some mean ways to show you.” She answered.

Jiyong didn’t answer.

“Where are we going anyway? Can you just send me home?” She asked.

“No matter what she told you, I won’t allow you to be home tonight. It’s just very dangerous.” He said with finality.

Taeyeon didn’t talk anymore after that and just rested her head on the headrest.


Few minutes later, Taeyeon was awakened by a light tap Jiyong gave her.

“Wake up, we’re here.” He said.

She was really sleepy but she opened her eyes and she was shocked when she saw where they stopped. Jiyong brought her to his parent’s pension house. Dolce Vita.

“What are we doing here?!” She asked in horror.

“We’re staying here until tomorrow.” He said.

“No! Do you really want me to die? What if you have fans inside? Just great, this is really the end of me.” She said.

“And you think I won’t protect you? Just stop talking.” He asked.

That muted Taeyeon so she stopped talking and just followed Jiyong still wearing some disguise.

Taeyeon was fascinated with what she saw inside. Truly, this place is really a work of art.

“Wow. This place is amazing.” That’s all she’s able to say.

“Thanks.” He said as they walked into the front desk.

The receptionist looked at the woman his boss is with.

“Do we have many guests?” He asked.

“Only two Mr. Kwon. So what room is she going to have?” He asked referring to the woman GD’s with.

“Crayon.” He simply answered.

Both Taeyeon and the receptionists eyed widened.

Crayon?! Even Taeyeon knows that Crayon Room is only for freaking G-Dragon. Why is she going to have that room?

“Pardon Sir?” The receptionist said.

“Crayon. We’re going to have the Crayon room. Give me the keys.” He commanded.

But upon hearing that, Taeyeon gasped. Why are they having a single room? Fine, Crayon room is huge enough for the both of them but still! They’ll be in a freaking single room!

“Oh no no no no! That won’t be possible. Just give me any available room, please.” She told the receptionist.

But Jiyong talked.

“Follow her and you’ll lose your job effective now.” He said with a warning.

So does the poor receptionist have a choice?

At the end, the protesting Taeyeon wasn’t able to do anything.



The pictures didn’t give this room justice. It was just perfect. But the fact that she and Jiyong will be in the same room is making her crazy.

“What the hell’s this? First you brought me here without consent and now we’re staying in one room! Yeah I may not die of murder but I’ll die of !” She asked.

Knock knock Taeyeon, did you hear yourself? And as soon as she realized it…

“Okay, forget my last sentence. Don’t ever comment to that or I’ll jump outside the window.” She said.

Jiyong didn’t answer at once maybe thinking about what to say.

“What’s the point of staying here if I won’t look after you? Just relax, I won’t even touch your nails.” He said.

Wait wait wait, Taeyeon’s was supposed to be the one who’s mean, right? Not the other way around.

“Yah! Why won’t you even think of touching my nails? Am I not beautiful enough?” She asked quite insulted.

Then Jiyong looked at her.

“Don’t ask me that question again. I don’t want to lie.” He said then he entered the bathroom.

Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?

You, Kim Taeyeon, are so stupid. You’re seriously embarrassing yourself every second you talk. Just shut the hell up.



Inside the bathroom, Jiyong was thinking too. Ever since the concert ended, he couldn’t understand himself. If you were to ask him, he also doesn’t know the answer why he brought Taeyeon in Dolce Vita.

It’s too cheesy to say that he’s been magnetized by her. In the car, he was supposed to just simply congratulate her and not say some sweet words yet he wasn’t able to stop his mouth. But now, he couldn’t understand why he’s acting mean. What do you call that again, Kim? Hot and Cold? Yes and No?

Maybe he’s really beginning to be confused. But he needs to end this confusion. He needs to make up his mind. If he wants his life to be simple, he should be fixed with the thought of Taeyeon being only his crush. Nothing more. Even if they need to be together until heaven-knows-when, he shouldn’t pass beyond the lane.

Should he tell her then? Just to calm his mind, should he?



Jiyong went out of the bathroom and saw Taeyeon looking nowhere.

“You can use the bathroom now. I already prepared the things you need.” He said.

Prepared everything? Even uhm.. well, you know.

“You also prepared that?” She asked.

“Huh?” Jiyong asked in confusion.

“That, I mean… You know, what you’re wearing beneath that pants.” She said.

“Boxers? Briefs? Are you asking if I prepared those for you?” He asked.

“Aigoo. Never mind. I’ll find a way.” She said then headed to the bathroom.

Just as she was about to close the door, Jiyong talked.

“I don’t have undies for you. But if you want, you can use mine. Don’t worry, they are new. And I have long shirts there. Just choose.” He said.


It took 30 minutes before Taeyeon went out of the bathroom.

And just right now, Jiyong is looking at her with a blank expression. She doesn’t know what he’s thinking.

“Sorry for wearing your shirt. Before we go tomorrow, I’ll wash it.” She said.

But he looked at his phone again.

“Never mind. You can have it.” He said.

Taeyeon’s suddenly thinking why he is acting like this now. Has he grown tired of her endless nagging?

“Uhm… where should I sleep?” She stupidly asked.

“The bed is big enough. We both can sleep here.” He said.

Taeyeon wanted to answer but she chose to keep quiet and just lied down the bed. Yeah, it was big for the both of them.

While Jiyong is busy with his phone, she decided to sleep.



Jiyong, on the other hand, is thinking whether he’ll continue with his plan of telling Taeyeon about what he feels. At least if Taeyeon knows his stand about his feelings, she would understand. Anyway, he’s pretty sure of what he wants. And maybe Taeyeon needs to know about it.

“Hey Taeyeon, are you awake?” He asked.



Taeyeon was slightly startled when she heard Jiyong talked.

“Yeah, why?” She answered.

“Sorry.” He said.

“Why?” She asked.

“I don’t know, I just feel like I need to say sorry.” He said.

Taeyeon suddenly became nervous of the unknown. Why is he talking like this all of a sudden?

“Uhm… Should I be rude?” She asked.

“No. Just be Taeyeon while I talk as Jiyong.” He said.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

She heard him sigh.

“You know, I just want to get over something.” He said.

Why, why, why in the world are they having this kind of conversation?!

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, sunbaenim.” She answered.

“Stop calling me sunbaenim. That’s not my name.” He said.

Taeyeon didn’t answer so Jiyong continued talking.

“You have a crush on me right?” He asked.

 Say what?! Ugh, Taeyeon, this is your fault for having such a stupid big mouth!

“A-and where did you get that idea?” She asked.

“That’s just answerable with YES or NO.” He said.

Now what, Taeyeon? Blame your non-stop talking machine mouth.

But she was contemplating as well if she’ll answer or not. Will she get over this feeling if he tells him?

In the end, she decided to admit it, at least  before she dies in the hands of his crazy fangirl.

“Yes.” She said then she covered her face with a blanket.

Silence for a while…







“You know, I have a crush on you too. Would you believe? I liked you when you first sang and danced in the stage way back 2007.” He said.

Inside the blanket, Taeyeon froze like the Statue of Liberty. He isn’t serious, right?

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said as she went out of the blanket.

But Jiyong smirked.

“I’m not. But you see, I’m not telling you this because I want you to be my girlfriend or anything. I just want to get over this little confusion inside my head. You’ve been my long time crush but I just want it to stay that way. I don’t want to make a further move.” He explained.

Upon hearing that, Taeyeon felt mixed emotions that she couldn’t describe. And right now, she’s asking herself if she felt pain because somehow, she wanted to cry. Why? Beats her.

“Why?” She asked.

“It’s better off that way. Kim Taeyeon being out of reach. We’re just too impossible, right?” He asked.

 Taeyeon somehow wanted to answer NO but of course she won’t voice that out. This guy is seriously telling her he likes her but he just wants it to stay that way.

Suddenly, she remembered Ji. Maybe, this is what his eternal crush is feeling right now.

“Before I answer that, let me admit something too. I like you for quite a while now. I liked you when I saw you smile in that club and right now, I like you yet I don’t know why anymore. But you’re right. We’re just too impossible. Way too impossible.” She said.


“Let’s stop liking each other then.” Taeyeon said.

When Taeyeon said that, Jiyong felt something painful inside him that he couldn’t name but he chose to ignore it.

But hell, maybe this one time won’t cause trouble…













“Can we do that after tonight?” He asked.

“What?” She asked.

“Let’s try living in that fantasy that you and I can be together.” He said.

Taeyeon didn’t answer.

Did she say yes?




“Did you really stop liking each other?” The reporter asked.

“I don’t know about her. I didn’t.” Jiyong said.

“It’s his fault. He was such a coward.” Taeyeon said with a laugh.

Everyone laughed too.

“And what about that crazy fangirl? I don’t know but I have a strange feeling about her, is she someone you know?” The reporter asked.

“We’ll come to that point.” Jiyong said.






Hello guys! Again, thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your support. I feel so overwhelmed.

I’ll really try my best to update on a daily basis like in ITEIWF. Let’s see if my crazy mind whispers some crazy ideas. Hahaha.

Thank you so much guys! Saranghaeyo!

GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute