Japan Quarrels

Looking back, Moving Forward



“Taeyeon, do you want us to give it a try?” Jiyong asked.


If Taeyeon just heard that question yesterday, she would’ve been the happiest woman in the world. But Jiyong just had to ask that after everything she said.

 And instead of being happy with his question, it annoyed her. That he can only have the guts to ask that after all.

“You’re making me laugh.” She said as she pulled her arm.

But Jiyong held her hands and interlaced them with his while looking at her. Taeyeon could just look down.

“I’m serious. Let’s try.” He said.

She just won’t say yes, not now that she’s hurt and annoyed about his actions.

“Let’s just stop talking.You can go now. It’s not good for people to see us together.” She said.

But he isn’t giving up. Funny that he’s not giving up just NOW.  

“I don’t care anymore, I want you, Taeyeon.” He said still holding her hands.  

But Taeyeon shook her head and pulled her hands again.

“Too bad I want to be the coward now.” Taeyeon said.


Jiyong knew he deserved Taeyeon’s rejection. He was actually the first who rejected her by being a coward and just right now, as much as he wanted to fight, he knew that Taeyeon won’t say yes. She was hurt and it’s all his fault.

“Alright, I’ll go. But please take care of yourself.” He softly said.

Taeyeon didn’t answer but she nodded.

So Jiyong left.

And when he left, Taeyeon felt like she experienced another heartbreak.

Why does he have to be late?


Taeyeon left her unnie’ shouse to go home. And it was a silent night for her and Jiyong. Usually, at this time, Ji and Kim will be having a conversation before sleeping. But Ji and Kim are now history. They’re already a part of the past.

Taeyeon, as usual, is lying on the bed trying to forget everything. But the ever big mouthed Tiffany appeared.

“Pack your bags. We’re going somewhere.” She said.

Taeyeon frowned.

“Huh? Where to?” She asked.

“Japan. We’ll stay there for three days.” Tiffany said.

But Taeyeon’s just too lazy to go somewhere. She wants to find comfort in her bed.

“Last time I came with you, a bigger problem happened to me. I don’t want to come.” Taeyeon said.

But Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“That’s why I’ll make it up to you now. Let’s unwind before our concert.” She said.

“Why Japan? Let’s just stay at home.” She said.

“Kim Taeyeon, you’re such a boring person. C’mon, I know you’ve been stressed. Maybe this can also help you think things over.” Tiffany suggested.

“I don’t want to think about anything. I just want to sleep.” Taeyeon said.

And Tiffany started to be frustrated.

“Ugh, why are you so stubborn, Tae? I just miss you and lately we haven’t had enough time to bond. But I’m hurt that I still have to beg you to come with me.” Tiffany said with a hurt tone.

Way to go Hwang Miyoung! Because now, Taeyeon’s feeling guilty.

“Why are you such a blackmailer, Tiff? Okay fine. When are we going?” She asked.

The best actress smiled.

“Tomorrow afternoon. I already told our managers so no need to worry. Sleep well, beautiful.” She said then she hugged Taeyeon and went out of the room.

Taeyeon could only sigh.



Tiffany and TOP already planned it all out. To avoid scandal, they won’t go to the airport but they will board the same plane. Their manager agreed since he supports the boys all the way. And Plan B with a C will start once they arrived in Japan.

But really, destiny is in the house because Jiyong and Taeyeon’s seats were next to each other. And that was the only time Taeyeon realized that Tiffany asked her to come because of TOP so she went to her best friend’s seat to kill her.

“Hwang Miyoung! I’m giving you one minute to explain because I swear I want to open that freaking window to push you out.” She said.

But Tiffany just showed her best friend her signature eye smile.

“I love you, Tae. Let’s talk about that later. Good night.” She said then she closed her eyes leaving the angry Taeyeon who’s whining when she got on her seat.



Jiyong’s actually surprised to see Taeyeon and Tiffany. He didn’t expect them to come. Well, maybe Tiffany, but not Taeyeon. And the fact that they’ll be sitting together makes it difficult for him.

He misses her, that’s for sure.

Taeyeon looked so pissed off, did she expect to see him there?

He cleared his throat.

“How have you been?” He said while looking at her with worried eyes.

Taeyeon looked at him for a second then looked away the next.

“Stop looking like that. We aren’t friends.”  She irritatingly said.



Taeyeon’s really pissed off. Just imagine! She was set up to be a chaperone! And worst, she’ll be sitting with the last person she wanted to see.

She thought she’ll be peaceful for a few days because she’ll not see Jiyong. Then her heart will be peaceful too. But no! She had to sit with him! And he has to talk so softly.

“Are you still mad, Taeyeon?” He asked.

Ugh, just stop talking. I need to be firm with my decision!

“Can you just stop talking? I want to sleep.” She said in an angry voice.

But the freaking coward has to speak again.

“Don’t sleep. You’ll make it difficult for me.” He said.

 Damn this man because even though she’s annoyed, her heart still beats fast for him.

“And why is that?” She asked.

“I can’t promise not to kiss you.” He said.

Taeyeon thought if she’s holding something hard, she would’ve hit Jiyong for him to sleep and not talk anymore because his words are making her nervous. And she shouldn’t feel this way because she should be angry. She should be firm with her decision.

 “Flirt. A coward flirt. Such a nice combination. Very attractive.” She sarcastically said.

“Let’s see. A coward flirt who’s close to falling in love in with a perfect girl. It fits well.” He said.

It fits well, your face! If only you said that earlier!

“A perfect girl who’s so annoyed with a coward flirt who chose to stop liking her. Never gonna happen.” She said with a raising eyebrow.

 “But the coward flirt is trying to be a brave man for the perfect girl.” He said.

“But the perfect girl thinks he’s too late.” She said.

He smiled sadly.

“The coward flirt is now depressed.”  He said.

“The perfect girl doesn’t care.” She answered.

“The coward flirt can’t sing and dance because he’s too depressed. His concert will be a mess. The people will not enjoy.” He said again.

Ugh, just shut up Jiyong.

“The perfect girl still doesn’t care and she’s swishing for the coward flirt to shut up.” She said.

“The perfect girl is so mean.” He said.

“The coward flirt deserves it.” She answered.

“But she’s so pretty.” He said then he looked at her with, uhm, longing?

No Taeyeon, you can’t be affected with that.

“She knows. And for her, the coward flirt isn’t cute anymore.” She said.

He just smiled dejectedly.

“Sleep well, Taeyeon.” He said then he put his earphones and closed his eyes.

Taeyeon, for a while, thought she felt guilty. But hell no, she wouldn’t buy that act!


On that same plane, TOP and Youngbae are sitting next to each other.

“Man, I need you for a mission.” TOP said.

Youngbae frowned.

“Huh?” He asked.

“How about a little acting moment in exchange for your best friend’s happiness and Kwon Yuri’s phone number?” TOP said.

Youngbae seemed shock with that.

“K-Kwon Yuri? How did you know about her? No, I mean, no! I have a girlfriend, hyung!” He said.

“I was just kidding, idiot. Well I can’t think of anything in exchange but here’s what I want you to do. Tiffany and Taeyeon’s coming with us. They’re gonna watch our concert. And being clueless as you are, your bestfriend is actually acting like the biggest jerk on earth so you need to make him jealous.” TOP said.

“What?! No, my girlfriend will kill me!” Youngbae hissed.

“We’re in Japan, you freak. Plus, it’ll be more effective because Jiyong knows you have a girlfriend. He won’t allow you to flirt with Taeyeon.” TOP said.

“Hyung, he’ll burn me in fire. Why don’t you just do it?” Youngbae suggested.

“Are you out of your mind? Jiyong knows I’m dating Tiffany. C’mon, this is just temporary. You’ll just be the dough of the cake. And you just need to do it when I say so. Someone will be a part of it too.” TOP said.

Youngbae sighed in defeat.

“Just make sure my girlfriend won’t know it.” He said.

“Alright.”  TOP answered.

Now, they’re slowly putting up the Plan B with a C.


Bigbang, Tiffany and Taeyeon arrived in Japan with Jiyong and Taeyeon still not talking to each other avoiding each other like a plague.

And even after their concert the next day, the coward couple still didn’t talk to each other. Taeyeon did just a simple bow to congratulate them.

And the scheming lovebirds are not happy anymore.

Someone has to start something.

“Oh no, oppa, I left something in the hotel. I need to get it, it’s something important.” Tiffany said.

“Let’s drive back there then.” Seunghyun said then he looked at Youngbae.

“Ugh pabo, I also left my phone, I need to get it. Seungri, come with me.” He said.

“Hyung, but I’m hungry already.” Seungri whined.

“You’ll go with me.” He said with a scary look.

“Hey, I’ll go too. I want to change.” Daesung said.

As far as Jiyong knows, everyone’s clueless about what’s really happening between the two of them so he doesn’t want to think that they’re trying to set them up. He just kept silent.

“Let’s just all go back to the hotel first.” Taeyeon suggested.

“No,Taeyeon, you need to go to the restaurant because we already told them the time. It might be cancelled if we’ll be late.” TOP said.

“Taeyeon-ah, just go with Jiyong and wait for us there.” Tiffany said.

That time, Taeyeon wanted to pull all of Tiffany’s hair because she already has a clue about what’s happening. But of course, she needs to be calm. The others should not know that something’s really happening between the two of them. They knew that Jiyong became her bodyguard but it ended there. They don’t know about their confrontation. They don’t know Ji and Kim as well. And it should stop there.

“Alright, we’ll go.” Jiyong said.

So without further ado, the gang minus Jiyong and Taeyeon went back to the hotel as the two headed to the restaurant.

“They aren’t setting us up, right?” Taeyeon asked.

Jiyong shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t think so. I didn’t tell them anything.” Jiyong said.

But Taeyeon had to misunderstand his statement.

“Of course you won’t tell them, you’re a coward.” She said sarcastically.

Jiyong sighed.

“I didn’t tell them because I don’t want you to feel awkward around them.” He said.

Oh, that’s why.

But out of pride, Taeyeon didn’t answer anymore.

“Are you okay?” Jiyong asked.

“Why are you always asking if I’m okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay?” She said.

“Taeyeon, I was just asking.” Jiyong said.

Taeyeon is a little pissed off because he seemed to be cool while she’s trying her best not to feel affected by his presence. She should be angry. Just angry.

“Fine. I’m okay. Of course, I’m okay.” She answered.

Jiyong nodded then none of them have spoken but after a while, Jiyong talked again.

“Hey, I miss you.” He said while looking on the road.


When Taeyeon heard that statement, she almost slapped herself just to stop from saying “I miss you too.” Taeyeon, he’s a freaking coward who couldn’t fight for you so you should be affected.

“So?” She asked trying so hard to sound uncaring.

Jiyong shook his head.

“Nothing. Did you miss me too?” He asked.

And Taeyeon was praying so hard for them to reach the restaurant because she doesn’t want to talk to a sweet-sounding Jiyong anymore!

Okay, few more minutes , Taeyeon. You can do this.

“I’ll tell you if I do.” She said with a sarcastic voice.

Jiyong smiled sadly.

“Yeah, I guess not. But I miss talking to you at night.” He said.

Well at least he didn’t use the name Kim.

“You were talking to Kim not to Taeyeon.” She stubbornly said.

“But she is a sweet part of Taeyeon.” He said.

“That you call fall in love with, right?” She asked in mockery.

Jiyong sighed. Maybe he’s getting tired of their catfights. But hey, she has all the right to be mad at him.  

“I know was wrong, but I want to fix things that’s why I’m asking you to give us a try.” He said.

Sadness and desperation are really evident in Jiyong’s voice but Taeyeon wants to stay mad.

“You know what, I can’t be with a person who wouldn’t even fight for me.” She said.

“Taeyeon, we’re running around in circles. Can we just stop this and start again?” He pleaded.

“Stop sounding so frustrated. You were the one who wanted this. You wanted to get over your feelings for me, right? You should say thank you because I’m helping you with it.” She said.

Jiyong didn’t talk for a while,

“Don’t you like me anymore?” He asked.

Great, he has to ask this too.

“There’s something I like about you. I like to forget you. That’ll happen soon, don’t worry.” She said.

“Taeyeon…” That’s all he has to say.

“Stop talking.” Taeyeon said.

So he did.



Jiyong and Taeyeon arrived at the restaurant but still, they didn’t talk to each other. For 30 minutes.

And so when the gang arrived, Tiffany and TOP were really disappointed because the time they gave to the both of them seemed useless.

“What took you so long?” Jiyong asked.

“Stuffs. Don’t ask anymore.” Tiffany said.

Everyone sat down. TOP secretly signaled Youngbae to sit beside Taeyeon so he did.

For a while there, Youngbae thought Jiyong shot daggers at him but he ignored it.

“Can I sit beside you, Taeyeon?” He asked with a wide smile.

Though a little bit surprised, Taeyeon smiled out of politeness.

“Sure.” She simply said.

So Youngbae sat down beside her and Tiffany was smiling all the way.

“Why are you smiling, Tiff?” Taeyeon asked.

“Nothing, it’s just that you and Youngbae look good together. It’s cute, right Jiyong?” She asked Jiyong of course in fake innocence.



Out of politeness, Jiyong just nodded even if he wanted to shout NO because it should be him and Taeyeon. Not Youngbae and Taeyeon. And hey, this freak has a girlfriend!

But then he had to hear some remarks from the others.

“Hmm, I didn’t notice that until now but somehow I agree, noona.” Seungri said.

“You don’t have a boyfriend, right, Taeyeon?” TOP asked.

Jiyong looked at Taeyeon only to see her blushing. And deep inside, he’s in deep rage.

“Taeyeon doesn’t have a boyfriend now but I’ll be very happy if she ends up with you, Youngbae.” Tiffany commented.

Youngbae chuckled.

“Oh, really? Well, thank you.” He said.

And that time, Jiyong wanted to punch his best friend for being such a flirt.

“In case you forgot, you have a girlfriend.” Jiyong said with a hint of warning.

But to Jiyong’s surprise, they laughed. Except Taeyeon, of course.

“Relax Jiyong, Youngbae’s just being friendly.” TOP said with a slight chuckle.

Friendly?! He’s flirting! As much as he wanted to grab Taeyeon to get out of the place, he won’t make a scene for their safety.

 So instead, he didn’t answer.


Taeyeon looked at Jiyong to see his reaction. Is this the fixing he’s talking about? He even can’t do anything about his flirting friend.

She felt bitter again but all the while, she’s just being silent.

“Can I tell you something, Taeyeon?” Youngbae asked.

“Yeah?” She asked quite startled when she heard him talking again.

“I actually think you’re prettier today than the last time I saw you.” He said with a face obviously having admiration for her.

Though she’s feeling awkward, she just smiled.

“Thank you. You’re looking good yourself.” She commented.

“You’re not in love, aren’t you?” He asked.

“Oh no no, it’s not like that.” She said.

 “I’m glad you’re not. I’ll be really sad if you are.” He said.

Amazed as they are, the people on the table were just listening to the conversation of the flirting schemer and the clueless victim. And someone from that table wanted to do something to stop the flirtation.

Oh, the night is so slow…



“I actually think G-Dragon-ssi deserved the treatment.” The reported said.

“Really? I thought Taeyeon-ssi was a little too harsh.” The other reporter said.

“Maybe but was that the Plan already? To make you jealous using Taeyang-ssi?” The reporter asked again.

“Oh no, there was more.  They were effortful.” Taeyeon said with a slight laugh.

“Really? So you mean, they succeeded?” The reporter asked with excitement.

“Let’s see.  After that…” Jiyong started narrating again.





Hi guys! How have you been? I’m running out of ideas as of the moment. Hahhahaha please bear with me. Thank you so much for the continuous support.

Do you want them to be together already on the next chapter?

Your opinion matters. Hehhehe. Thank you so much. Saranghaeyo!

GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute