A non-epic fail plan

Looking back, Moving Forward



Tiffany, Taeyeon and TOP arrived at the hotel with the drunk Tayeon sleeping like a baby the moment they reached the room.

“Let’s talk outside.” Tiffany said feeling frustrated.

Tsk, look what you’ve done master planner TOP.

“Look at this. This plan is worse than the crazy fangirl act. Taeyeon literally hates Jiyong now, I swear.” Tiffany said in frustration.

TOP sighed in disappointment.

“I know, I didn’t expect this too. I thought having Kiko in the picture will make Taeyeon jealous enough to fight for Jiyong. But now, everything’s not in proper order.” He said.

“This is what’s wrong. We kept on making moves but we didn’t know what’s really happening between the two of them. Taeyeon told me that Jiyong’s already asking her for a chance but she was in doubt to whether to accept it or not. From what I see, Taeyeon’s confused of what she really wants. Deep inside, she wanted to see how far will Jiyong fight for her, but if she sees him doing it, she’s having some doubts again. But still, we kept on making moves. Have you even asked Jiyong about what he feels? Maybe everything’s a misunderstanding.” Tiffany said.

TOP closed his eyes thinking that they’re really stupid for making these plans.

“He wouldn’t say anything. , this is all my fault. I should’ve not asked Kiko to do this.” He said.

Seeing that TOP is putting all the blame to himself, Tiffany felt guilty so she consoled him by caressing his face.

“Don’t blame yourself too much. I’m also a part of this. Let’s just try to make this right, okay?” Tiffany said with a smile.

TOP smiled too.

“So, we still have a problem left. What if Kiko and Jiyong still love each other?” Tiffany asked.

“Kiko made it clear that they’re really over and she’s happy with her boyfriend. She just wanted to help.” TOP said.

“Yeah, that’s Kiko. But what about Jiyong?” Tiffany worriedly asked.

If her best friend cries again this time because of a broken heart, she’s going to blame herself.

“Let’s stay for another day. We’ll make everything right tomorrow. You talk to Taeyeon and I’ll take care of Jiyong. I have a final plan. If this doesn’t work out, we’ll stop meddling.” He said.

Tiffany nodded.

And she finally believed that maybe, their final plan will work out because that night, Jiyong begged her to talk to Taeyeon but she didn’t allow him. Let everything be fine tomorrow.



So Master schemer as he is, TOP asked their manager to fix everything and stay for another day in Japan.

Now, everyone’s a part of the plan.

Tiffany thought that today, she should be the best friend Taeyeon needs so she asked her to stay for another day to have their bonding. She agreed if she promise that they will not go home together with Bigbang. She did. Tsk, tsk, liar.

Meanwhile, Kiko asked Jiyong for a friendly date because she wants to catch up. Jiyong agreed.

TOP, Youngbae, Seungri and Daesung stayed in the hotel to fix everything they need for their plan.

Now, all they need are signals to know if the plan’s going to push through.



Tiffany and Taeyeon surely are having fun as they go to different tourist attractions in Japan. And when they got tired, they decided to take a break and eat.

“This is fun. I suddenly realize that I miss you even if we’re always together.” Tiffany said with a giggle.

Taeyeon laughed too.

“Yeah, me too. Too bad the girls are not here but let’s do this again with them.” Taeyeon said.

“For sure.” Tiffany said.

They continued eating. Moments later, Tiffany decided to work on her signal.

“Taeng, are you okay?” She worriedly asked.

Taeyeon’s smile faded as she sighed.

“Maybe yes, maybe no? I don’t know. But I don’t want to think about it, it’s just making me feel sad.” Taeyeon said.

“Can I say my opinion about this?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon looked hesitant for a while but she finally nodded.

“I don’t know what Jiyong’s real thoughts are but based from what I saw, I have a feeling that he really likes you, Tae. Maybe, you’ve just kept your pride too high that you forgot what will truly make you happy. You didn’t have enough chance to know his side because you always ignore him. Maybe that’s what’s holding him back too.” Tiffany said.

At the back of Taeyeon’s mind, she knew that her best friend has a point. Yes, she always ignored him when all he did was asking her for a chance. She didn’t bother to know his side because all she believed in was Jiyong was a coward when in fact, she’s a coward too. But that was before Kiko came.

“Maybe this isn’t the issue anymore. Kiko’s back. For all we know, they’re together now. So everything’s over. We didn’t even start yet we’re over.” Taeyeon said with a cracked voice.

Tiffany was filled with guilt now. This is partly her fault. She just hopes that what they prepared will compensate.

“I thought he was late but I was late too. Maybe he’s right after all, we’re really impossible.” She added.

“Let’s not assume, Taeyeon. We’ll never know, maybe he’s really serious about you and he doesn’t love Kiko anymore.” Tiffany said.

Taeyeon shook her head.

“You’re right, let’s not assume. It isn’t right to assume that he still likes me.” She said.

“Taeyeon, but what if… this is purely hypothetical… What if he chooses you, will you finally give him a chance?” Tiffany asked keeping her fingers crossed.

“Please don’t ask me about that, Tiff.” Taeyeon said.

“It’s just yes or no, Taeng.” Tiffany asked.

Then Taeyeon with a sigh...

“Yes.” Taeyeon answered.

Tiffany secretly smiled. She got her signal.



Meanwhile, Jiyong and Kiko are having lunch together but Jiyong’s mind seems to be flying.

“You’re quiet.” Kiko noticed.

Jiyong somehow felt a little guilty for thinking about something else while they’re together.

“I’m sorry, Kiko. It’s just that I don’t know what to do.” He said feeling apologetic and frustrated at the same time.

“Do you want to be with her?” Kiko asked.

Jiyong looked at her a little bit hesitant thinking that maybe he’ll hurt her if he tells the truth.

“I want an honest answer, Ji.” She egged.

That’s it.

“More than anything. I miss her so much. I miss her so much but I’m losing her. I don’t know if she still likes me. She thinks I’m a coward and a flirt.” He said in disappointment.

Kiko gave him an understanding look.

“Bursting out like that, do you still have doubts if she likes you? Stop being a coward, Ji. Don’t wait for her to do something because after what happened, she won’t.” Kiko said.

Jiyong felt helpless again.

“She doesn’t want to talk to me. What if she rejects me?” He asked.

Kiko chuckled a little.

“Have you forgotten how many times I’ve rejected you before? But you kept on fighting for me. Why can’t you do it now?” She asked.

“This is different. After what happened, I don’t know if she will still believe me. And I’m afraid, honestly, I’m afraid. I don’t know if I can take it if she rejects me.” He explained.

Kiko nodded in understanding.

“You love her, don’t you?” She asked in confirmation.

Jiyong knew what he felt for Taeyeon, but now, he’s finally going to admit it.

“Yes, I love her. And I’m afraid to lose her even if she’s not mine.” Jiyong said.

Kiko patted his shoulder.

“You can make her yours if you want to. Fight for her, Ji. Let her see that you can go through things for her.” Kiko advised.

Hesitant as he is…

“Will she believe me?” He asked.

“Trust her. You need to trust her.” She said.

Jiyong finally smiled then nodded. And she secretly smiled too. Here’s her signal.



TOP received a text from Tiffany.

From: Tiffany

We’re pushing through. Fighting, handsome! <3

One down. When suddenly, he received another message from another angel, Kiko.

From: Kiko

The coward ain’t a coward anymore. Let’s go!

Nice one.

With that, the schemers need to work again.

“Okay, let’s do this. “ TOP said.



Tiffany and Taeyeon spent the whole day bonding and when they both felt tired, they decided to go back to the hotel.

“Aaaah, I’m so tired.” Tiffany said.

Taeyeon laughed.

“Yeah, right. But it was fun.” Taeyeon said.

“So fun. But Tae, we haven’t seen the rooftop yet, I want to go there.” Tiffany excitedly said.

Taeyeon liked the idea too.

“Oh, I like that too. Let’s go there.” Taeyeon suggested.

Tiffany wrinkled her nose.

“I need to go to the bathroom first. You go first, I’ll follow. Have some loner moment.” Tiffany teased.

Taeyeon laughed. Liking the idea of looking at the view alone for the mean time, Taeyeon agreed to go there.


Jiyong just came back to the hotel but the room is locked. His brothers aren’t there so he decided to call them.

“Hyung, where are you? The room’s locked.” He said.

“We’re here in the rooftop. Come here.” TOP said.

“I’m too tired.” Jiyong whined.

“Sleep outside the room then because we won’t go there.” TOP said then he ended the call.

Left with no choice, Jiyong went to the rooftop.



Taeyeon was shocked when she reached the rooftop because it’s not what she expected so she decided to go because she thought someone reserved this for a special date or something.

She bitterly smiled because she remembered Jiyong.

So she was about to turn her back when a waiter approached her.

“Are you Kim Taeyeon?” The waiter asked.

Taeyeon nodded in confusion. Why would the waiter ask for her? Aaaah pabo Taeyeon, you’re a celebrity.

“Please sit down here.” The waiter instructed.

“Huh? Why?” She asked. Now she’s confused.

Then suddenly, she saw the man who’s been bugging her mind awestruck with what he saw.

For a while, their gazes met but it was her who looked away first.

The waiter then approached Jiyong.

“Are you Kwon Jiyong?” The waiter asked.

“What’s this?” Jiyong asked in confusion.

“Follow me.” The waiter said.

Jiyong did, though really confused as to why Taeyeon’s here as well.



They’re now only one seat apart. Awkward… Like sooooooo awkward.

It was Jiyong who spoke first.

“Do you have any idea what this is?” He asked.

Taeyeon shook her head.

“I-I don’t know. Tiffany and I planned to go here to look at the view but she went to the bathroom and asked me to go here first.” She explained.

Jiyong’s now realizing what could be happening in this weird situation.

“I think they set us up.” He said.

Taeyeon frowned.

“And why would they do that?” She asked.

Jiyong faced her intently.

“Because they realized we’re both cowards.” He said.

“We are. We really are.” Taeyeon answered.

They were staring at each other when the waiter came back with a bouquet of roses. He gave it to Jiyong.

“Kwon Jiyong-ssi, you’ve been ordered to give this to her.” He said.

It’s official, they really set them up and Jiyong could only shook his head and smile.

“I would like to give you another set of flowers really coming from me but right now, let’s follow orders, Taeyeon.” Jiyong said now smiling.

Taeyeon smiled too as she accepted the roses.

“So they really set us up?” Taeyeon asked.

Before Jiyong could answer, the waiter talked again.

“You’ve been ordered to sit down and watch something.” He said.

Alright, so be it.

Jiyong and Taeyeon sat down facing a projector. Moments later, an audio-video presentation played.

It started with a question flashed on the screen saying:


Then Seungri appeared on the video.

“Ah, Jiyong-hyung? Way back 2007, I found out he has a crush on Taeyeon-noona. If I remember correctly, his laptop has a special folder only for her so I strongly believe that he really really likes her until now. And after that incident in the club, ah, I don’t want to say it, tell her Jiyong-hyung!.”

Youngbae’s video clip appeared next.

“Jiyong? That freaking coward almost killed me yesterday for flirting with Taeyeon so isn’t that obvious? Anyway, sorry man, I just had to do it. I did well, right?”

It was Daesung’s clip next.

“Jiyong-hyung was always mean whenever we talked about Taeyeon. Maybe he was in denial but seeing what happened in the club, everyone will believe GTAE is real.”

TOP’s video clip appeared next.

“Jiyong is a coward. No doubt about that. But sometimes, you become a coward to take risks if you know that something worse might happen if you decide to take that risk. I think he’s afraid because he cares for Taeyeon. He doesn’t want her to get hurt. Because if not, he should’ve chosen to flirt with her like what he does to other girls and leave her after a while.”

Then, it was Kiko’s clip.

“Jiyong never knew this but I actually know about that folder Seungri was talking about. I knew he loved me but seeing him now, I know he really likes Taeyeon. He won’t be jealous if he doesn’t. He won’t be afraid if he doesn’t. He won’t be said if he doesn’t. Hmm, which made me realize, yah Jiyong! So you didn’t protect me that much?! Kidding. Anyway, I know what he feels, but I want him to be the one saying it. Just say yes Taeyeon, two thumbs up, he’s the sweetest boyfriend.”

Then, another question popped saying:


Then Tiffany’s clip appeared.

“Short and simple YES. Taeyeon-ah, I’m sorry for setting you up but I’m really the best best friend for doing this, right? I hope you find your courage again to choose your happiness. Don’t be afraid to follow your heart. Don’t be afraid of “why not?”. Stop doubting. Stop thinking about the future. Yah, Kwon Jiyong, my bestfriend cried a river just recently because of a baby jerk so stop being another jerk and make her happy.”

Then another question popped.



SEUNGRI: Why shouldn’t they be?

YOUNGBAE: They just complement each other. Taeyeon’s an angel who can be Jiyong’s savior and Jiyong’s a devil who can teach Taeyeon how to have fun in life.

KIKO: It’s just meant to be. No other reason.

TOP: Just freaking be together. I’m so tired!

Then the video ended as two violinists appeared playing Taeyeon’s favorite love song.



Jiyong and Taeyeon were beyond shocked with what they saw. They didn’t expect that their friends will make such an effort for them.

Taeyeon was fighting her tears. She’s so overwhelmed with everything she heard and with what she’s seeing right now. Especially Kiko. When she heard her say those words, she felt like a heavy rock was removed on top of her chest.

Jiyong, on the other hand, was so surprised and thankful at the same time and he just wouldn’t waste this opportunity to say everything he wants to say to this woman in front of him.

He faced Taeyeon who’s now on the verge of crying.

“You owe me a dance. Can I claim it now?” He said as he asked for Taeyeon’s hand.

Taeyeon nodded so they’re now dancing.

“I can’t believe this. I---“ Taeyeon said but she was cut.

“Ssshh. Taeyeon, now, it’s time to say what I feel. I’ve always had a crush on you. I didn’t know how strong it was because I always chose to let it stay that way. But something kept pulling us together and heaven knows how hard I tried to fight with my feelings. I knew it was going deeper but I was so afraid to hurt you, I was afraid that you’ll receive so much hate or that your life may be endangered. I was afraid that one day you’ll be gone because I didn’t make you happy. I had so many fears, Taeyeon, that’s why I thought it would be better not to pursue you even if it hurts me. Then after you said everything, I felt like a jerk because you were saying that you can fight for us but I chose to be a coward. I’m not asking you for a chance because I felt guilty. I asked you because you gave me enough strength to believe that we can really fight for us. But you kept on being mad, you kept on ignoring me. I was so jealous of Youngbae. Don’t you know how insecure I feel when you’re together?” Jiyong said not leaving Taeyeon’s gaze.

Taeyeon wanted to cry after hearing Jiyong’s words. But there’s one thing she needed to make sure of.

“But Kiko… she came back.” She said in hesitation.

But Jiyong cupped her face.

“You saw the video, Taeyeon. We’re over. I don’t love her anymore.” He assured her.

But Taeyeon’s doubts needed to be cleared out.

“How long will you be with me? How long can you fight for me?” She asked.

Jiyong held her hands now.

“Let’s stop thinking about the future, Tae. We don’t know tomorrow’s surprises but all I know now is I love you so much and I’m sorry for being such a coward. But please, let’s try. Let’s give us a chance.” Jiyong said.

“You won’t give up on me easily? Taeyeon asked.

Jiyong shook his head.

“You won’t care if I’m mean sometimes?” She asked again.

Another NO.

“You won’t care if I’m boring?” Again.

A big no with a smile.

“I just care about having you only for myself. Now, stop torturing me. I really want to kiss you right now.” He said in a husky tone.

“But we’re not in our fantasy world.” Taeyeon said.

Jiyong smiled again as he caressed her face.

“Guess what? Our fantasy world crashed because it became reality. So I can kiss you anywhere. I can kiss you here. I can kiss you now.” He said.

It was Taeyeon’s turn to smile.

“Kiss me then.” She commanded.

And they didn’t waste any time. With so much longing, they shared a passionate kiss in the Land of the Rising Sun, at the rooftop of the hotel they’ll never ever forget. After all the coward moments, awkward moments, sad moments, jealous moments, they finally saw sense.

 “Hmmm, your lips are my sweetest dessert. I love you, Kim Taeyeon. Can you be my girlfriend?” Jiyong asked.

But Taeyeon didn’t answer. Instead, she kissed him again abruptly.

“So, do I need to answer that?” She asked in a teasing way.

Jiyong pinched her nose.

“You’re addicted to my lips. Come here.” Jiyong said as he kissed her again.

Tonight, all the epic fail plans were compensated.

The schemers did a good job after all.



Everyone has smiles on their faces after hearing the story.

“Aww. That’s a sweet moment. Kiko’s so nice. And I think I want to ask for Bigbang’s help too.” The reporter said.

Jiyong and Taeyeon laughed.

“That’s a good idea. Their talent fees are affordable.” Jiyong said.

“Master schemer TOP, please meet me later.” The other one joked. “Oh, by the way, that time was close to MAMA 2015. I actually saw some fancams of you with very little interaction. What’s with that?” He asked in follow up.

“Ah, MAMA. When she left earlier before we even received our award.” Jiyong said.

“Yes, that MAMA when he didn’t even see my performance because  he was late.” Taeyeon added.

Uh-oh, love birds. Are you on a quarrel?





Merry Christmas! Hohoho.

Thank you everyone! Let’s pity them already, let’s just make them happy. Hahahhahahahahhaha.  

I love you guys! Thank you again!

GTAE Fighting!

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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute