Moving Forward

Looking back, Moving Forward



Everyone gathered in the room has no words listening to the love story of the two idols that made history in K-pop world of dating.

From a simple phone call, Kwon Jiyong and Kim Taeyeon were now seated in front of the whole bunch of people sharing their story. They are aware that after this interview, things will change for the both of them and for everyone around them. But they’re ready.

“That’s it. That’s our story.” Jiyong said obviously glad that finally, everything is revealed.

Under the table, he intertwined his fingers to Taeyeon’s which she gladly returned.

When the reporters finally recovered, one of them looked up to stop her tears. Even she was emotional of the story.

“I don’t know what to say. I honestly can’t believe it. These aren’t scripted, aren’t they?” She asked.

Taeyeon smiled and playfully gave some tissue to the reporter.

“Well, if this is, then SM and YG would need to pay the writer.” She joked. “But no, everything was real.” She seriously added.

“I have no words. I didn’t expect the whole story at all. From idols to phone pals to lovers, life truly made a joke on you.” The other reporter said while sniffing.

Jiyong looked at Taeyeon with a smile before answering.

“Looking back now, I also didn’t think I’ll be with her in this situation. Sometimes, when I think about it, it still feels surreal. We’ve been dating for a couple of months now and the feeling grows every day.” Jiyong said.

Then Taeyeon added to his statement.

“Yeah. Somehow, everything fell into the right place at the right time. Well, I want to thank the person who made Jiyong’s sim card. If you’re watching now, know that you’re truly an angel.” She joked as she winked to the camera.

Everyone laughed with Taeyeon’s gesture.

“He is, right? So now that the whole South Korea already knows the truth, do you have something to say to your fans?” The reported asked giving them a chance to give their message.

Taeyeon talked first. She faced the camera, smiled and waved.

“Hello! Fiest of all, thank you to everyone who has been supporting us all along. To SONES and VIP’s, we don’t know if you’ll accept us or not but all I’m asking for is your understanding. I’m sure many of you have fallen in love so I know you’ll understand what I’m feeling right now. I can’t force you to like me for your Jiyong-oppa but all I can promise you is I’ll always take care of him like the way you want to take care of him. I’ll love him like how much you want to love him and most of all, I won’t take him away from you. Kim Taeyeon is only second best next to VIP unnies and dongsaengs. And to GTAE shippers, wow, you’re the best. Thank you for all your support. While many people were bashing you, you stood tall and supported us though the world thought you were being delusional. But yehey, you’re not!! Because GTAE…” Then she raised her and Jiyong’s intertwined hands. “is freaking real. So thank you so much. Fighting!” She said with a voice filled with fulfillment.

Everyone clapped to Taeyeon’s surprise.

“That was so sweet of you, Taeyeon-ssi. Do you want to add something, Jiyong-ssi?” said the reporter.

Jiyong nodded.

“Yeah. I also want to grab this opportunity to be the voice of every idol. To our fans and supporters, you know that we love you so much, we are so thankful to have you. Without all of you, we are not here. Bigbang won’t be here, SNSD won’t be here. You make us want to continue singing. But like you, we are also humans. We feel like you do, we love like you do. We want to be free like you do. We want to date without fear. We want to date without wearing disguises. We want to be normal because at the back of these bling blings and shimmering clothes and stage, we are just simple people who want to experience simple life while entertaining you with our music so we don’t impose but we truly hope for your whole hearted support. Thank you.” Jiyong said with a bow.

Everyone clapped again. Both Jiyong and Taeyeon know that they won’t please everyone. After this interview, they might gain support but they’ll be hated too. But what’s more important is that they have each other to move forward together.

“Very well said, Jiyong-ssi. So to all the fans out there, let’s all spread the love!” said the reporter as she did a fighting pose.

“So to cut this interview up, do you want to say something to each other? Taeyeon-ssi?” asked the reporter.

Taeyeon smiled. What must she say? Jiyong already heard everything.

“Hmm, it can wait tonight.” She playfully said earning laughs from everyone.

“Simple but meaningful message, I must say. What about you, Jiyong-ssi?” the reported asked.

Jiyong cutely pouted then he wrinkled his nose.

“Can’t wait for tonight, babe.” He said which made everyone laugh again.

Anyway, he has all the time in the world to tell Taeyeon how much he loves her.



Right after the interview, Jiyong brought Taeyeon in one of her favorite places in Korea. The Han River. One time in Taeyeon’s debut days, she went there to ready herself in facing another challenge in her life which was to be a celebrity. And now, she’s going back there again, with someone special, to face another challenge. But unlike before, now, she’s braver knowing that she won’t face the world alone.

They were both walking hand in hand as they began to notice the surroundings. People were looking at them with smiles on their faces but to their surprise, they were not coming near them to ask for selcas and autographs.

“Ji, are we suddenly not popular?” Taeyeon asked.

Jiyong smiled.

“No, we still are. It’s just that they love us too much they respect our privacy.” Jiyong answered as they continued walking.

Moments later, when they got tired, they sat at a nearby bench overlooking the beautiful river.

“Can you imagine it, Ji? We did it. We actually did it.” Taeyeon said feeling so calm and happy yet inside her is a surreal feeling knowing that she can now be with Jiyong in a public place.

“Together. Are you still afraid?” Jiyong asked as he held Taeyeon’s hand and kissed it.

“Not anymore. Why would I be? I have the best bodyguard in town. So crazy fangirls be ready.” She playfully remarked which made Jiyong laugh as he put his arms around her shoulders.

For a while, they kept silent as they enjoy the peaceful atmosphere the river gives. Then Jiyong talked all of a sudden.

“Tae, thank you.” He said while kissing Taeyeon on top of her head.

Taeyeon frowned yet her heart is bursting of happiness.

“For what?” Taeyeon asked.

“For so many things I can’t even enumerate anymore.” Jiyong sincerely replied.

Taeyeon laughed.

“Let me simplify it for you. Tae, thank you for being so perfect.” She said with a giggle which Jiyong returned.

“Exactly. And I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” Jiyong answered.

Awww. If Taeyeon wouldn’t joke, she’ll seriously cry because of happiness.

“Well, you’re too cute that heavens blessed you with the prettiest creature, Kim Taeyeon.” She said while keeping her tears to her eyes.

Jiyong chuckled.

“So intelligent. Close your eyes.” He commanded.

Taeyeon did. And when she opened her eyes, she saw a ring. And it made her nervous that her heart started beating fast.

“A-Are you p-proposing? Ji, I think it’s too early.” Taeyeon said with a bit of fear in her eyes.

Jiyong smiled as he caressed her face.

“As much as I want to, I won’t just yet.  As a couple, we still need to learn many things together to make us strong. I don’t want to promise anything, Tae. But this, here…” he emotionally said pointing the ring which he is slowly putting on Taeyeon’s finger. “…is my heart that I want you to carry everywhere you go. As long as you wear this, you’ll know that I, Kwon Jiyong, will only love you, Kim Taeyeon, for the rest of my life. There’s no forever, they said. But let’s prove them wrong.” He added while also keeping his tears from falling.

Taeyeon wasn’t able to hold it in anymore. She started to cry and smile at the same time.

“Awwwww. After that, I’m suddenly sad that this is not a proposal yet. I’m so lucky to have you, Ji. And I know I’ll forever be one because of you.” She answered in between her cries.

Jiyong wiped her tears.

“I’m running out of words. Let’s just kiss?” Jiyong teased.

Taeyeon wrinkled her nose.

“So turtle. So slow. So----“ So she has to shut up as he mouth was sealed.

And that’s how the story of Kwon Jiyong and Kim Taeyeon go.


As expected, the G-Dragon-Taeyeon revelation went viral all over the social media. There were haters still but the GTae supporters went from maybe hundreds to millions.

People also became more acceptant of their idols dating another idol. Jiyong and Taeyeon’s revelation didn’t actually only give them freedom but it gave courage to other idols as well.

Of course, like our beloved TopFany. And this revelation also offered more success to both YG and SM Entertainment that finally, they considered having a collaboration between the two.

The presidents of the respective companies became closer unexpectedly because of that nerve wrecking moment. Here’s what they had to say in an interview:

“That was like me committing suicide but was saved by my own self in my own house. And well, I didn’t know Yang Hyunsuk can actually make me richer.” Lee Sooman, the president of SM, stated with a laugh.

“If only I knew GD and Taeyeon can save other idols’ love life, we should’ve set them up a long time ago. Then I would’ve been richer than my new found friend, Lee Sooman.” Yang Hyunsuk, YG president, stated with a laugh as well.

And after this revelation, who would’ve thought G-Dragon and Taeyeon would star in a Korean drama together with the other members of SNSD and Bigbang? That even though everyone’s busy, they made sure to shoot the drama.

As expected, it soared high in ratings surpassing the highest rating in the television history. Well, that’s how Soshibang power is.



One time, Bigbang and SNSD were in a restaurant having late dinner after their shooting.

“Aaaaaah, Samgyeopsal is really the best after a tiring day.” Sunny stated while munching her very delicious wrap.

“I hope it can add an inch to your height, Sunny-yah.” Daesung playfully said which made the tall ones laugh while the petite ones glare at him in fake anger.

Then suddenly…











“Yah Kang Daesung! You want to die?”


Everyone turned their heads when they heard someone spoke.

Then all the SNSD members shouted in glee as they all stood up and ran to the person who spoke.

It was their sister Jessica.

“Sica!!! We miss you so much!” Everyone said as they happily hugged their sister.

“I miss you too girls.” Jessica replied with so much happiness too.


So there, Jiyong and Taeyeon’s revelation also rebuilt broken friendship. It was Jiyong who actually talked to Jessica and explained the girls’ side which she accepted. According to her, she’s just waiting for the girls to come to her.

“So, will there be an additional cast in our drama?” Seunghyun playfully asked.

“Of course!” SNSD chorused.

For Taeyeon and SNSD, having Jessica back is another blessing they should be thankful for.




Remember “Ji and Kim” couple? The cousins? Donghae and Jihye.

They got married. :)

And the byuntae couple just had to get married on Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Jiyong’s second year anniversary.

They were in the church for the wedding ceremony that has a theme of winter. According to the byuntae couple, their favorite season is winter because it’s the best time to be so in “hot” with each other. Real byuntae, aren’t they? :D

Everyone was silently listening as the priest preaches about life, love and marriage.  

“I suddenly think marriage is a little burden. You won’t have freedom. It’s okay if we won’t get married, Tae, right?” Jiyong innocently commented and asked Taeyeon in a whisper.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened as she pinched Jiyong’s thigh making the latter whine.

“What?” Jiyong asked innocently again as he grimaced in pain.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. We won’t get married. And you won’t have a girlfriend too.” She said then she didn’t talk to Jiyong anymore.

Jiyong silently smiled.



They were already in the reception but Taeyeon’s still pissed. So pissed. Imagine, in a wedding, Jiyong just had to ask her if it’s okay for them not to get married ever. Seriously! It’s even their second anniversary.

So all the while she’s sulking to herself which Jiyong noticed.

“Are you alright?” Jiyong worriedly asked.

She glared at him then faked her sweet sarcastic smile.

“I am so alright. Sooooooo freaking alright.” She said then she rolled her eyes again.

Bigbang and SNSD silently laughed. The lovebirds are quarreling again. But that’s okay. This night will be very special anyway.



The reception ceremony went on as they did some of the traditional wedding practices like the slicing of cake, drinking of wine, the doves, and of course, the passing of the bouquet and garter.

And Taeyeon wasn’t really in the mood for that bouquet. She would have if only Jiyong didn’t ask his question earlier. So she didn’t really put an effort to catch the bouquet but really, the world is joking again that even though she stood there like a statue, she caught it making everyone clapped.

Jiyong caught the garter too. So they were partners.

The emcee started to explain the mechanics.

“We will call this as CopyCat. So from the word itself, the one who caught the garter will copy everything the groom has to say and do. Are we clear?” She asked.

Jiyong and the groom nodded with silent smiles on their faces.

Taeyeon, on the other hand, was just so bitter. She’s in a wedding but her own boyfriend asked her if it’s okay if they won’t get married.



Donghae kneeled and held her wife’s hand. Jiyong did the same.

If Taeyeon’s not controlling herself well, she would’ve punched Jiyong’s face but all the while, she’s just faking her smile for the guests watching.

Next thing Donghae did was to kiss his wife’s hand which Jiyong copied. Everyone was squealing looking at the newlyweds and the lovers in a sweet moment.

Then Donghae got something from his pocket. Oh, it was a ring. Then he put it on his wife’s ring finger.

Taeyeon felt so bitter. How sweet of Donghae, another ring for his wife. But she is secretly making faces to her boyfriend who’s clueless about her feelings. And worst, this is copy cat! But what will Jiyong put on her finger? Kill her if Jiyong has a ring on his pocket.

But to her surprise, Jiyong smiled every so sweetly and…

















Got something from his pocket too.

Taeyeon’s eyes widened because if she’s not imagining things, Jiyong is putting something on her finger.















A ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



















Taeyeon, breathe! What is the meaning of this?

Somehow she felt so confused that she looked around the place. But to her another surprise, the newlyweds aren’t in the middle of the floor anymore. And instead, something was flashed on the screen. Something like:




















Taeyeon’s mouth dropped. She would’ve looked at Jiyong again who’s still kneeling on the floor but suddenly, she heard dogs barking. She looked from where the sound came from and she almost cried upon seeing Ginger and Gaho. The two dogs have something on their necks.




Taeyeon’s tears fell. She didn’t expect this at all. But wait, isn’t this a joke? They were just playing copycat, right?

“Unnie, Oppa, isn’t this still a part of the game?” She cried.

Donghae and Jihye who were already with the crowd shouted: “NO ONE’S COPYING SOMEONE!”

Then Jiyong talked.

“Hey, my knees hurt already. Can you please answer the question?” Jiyong said while looking at her eyes smiling.

Then Taeyeon cried and kneeled on the floor with Jiyong. She cried because she couldn’t believe what’s happening. Earlier, Jiyong’s question made her pissed but now, his question is making her cry.

“You said you don’t want to get married!” She yelled while crying like a baby.

Everyone laughed and oh yeah, it seems like everyone’s having fun capturing every moment.

Jiyong smiled and assisted her to stand up. Then, he held both of her hands.

“I just don’t want you to have a clue about what’s going to happen now.” He grinned.

Taeyeon hit his arm.

“Did you even ask unnie and oppa’s permission to dishonor their wedding?” She asked sounding a bit embarrassed.

Then her unnie shouted from the crowd.

“It’s fine, Taeyeon-ah! He paid our whole wedding!”

Taeyeon suddenly laughed with that.

“Hey babe, can you say yes already? This is getting a little bit embarrassing. Your answer should only be yes, then we’ll hug and kiss. Not talk in the middle of the crowd.” Jiyong said as he caught Taeyeon on her waist then grin mischievously.

Oh yeah, she almost forgot. Her dragon is asking her to marry him.

And so what more can she ask for?

Right now, the only option is yes and YES. So either way, she’ll have the best of both worlds. She’ll be with her perfect eternal admirer.

But she looked down.



Jiyong’s heart started beating fast. Why did she look down? She should say yes, right? She would marry him, right?














Everyone was shocked with Taeyeon’s answer that they started gossiping.

Jiyong was dumbfounded and it was very obvious.








But Taeyeon laughed…



“I just don’t want you to have a clue about what’s my answer going to be.” She said with a grin copying Jiyong’s words earlier. Then she kissed him on the lips and continued talking. “Are you crazy? Of course I’ll marry you!”

Eveyone sighed in relief even Jiyong who’s now recovered from that deadly “NO”.

“I knew you’d say that. I love you so much, Tae. I just… I’m running out of words. I’ll just save it in my vows.” He said as he leaned forward to kiss his girlfriend, and now, his fiancé.

“I love you too, Ji. Eternally.” Taeyeon said as they continued the kiss.



Like in movie scenes, everyone clapped in happiness. Taeyeon’s family, Jiyong’s family and everyone who loves them.

And not to forget their two instant children who kept on barking…




Indeed, Kwon Jiyong and Kim Taeyeon were something. Life truly made a joke on them, but for the rest of their lives, they’ll laugh at that joke.


Because it was the funniest.


And yet it was the sweetest.


And as they continue to move forward, they’ll forever carry that joke that made them together…


And will bring them to forever….




The End



A/N: Finally! There’s the ending. Honestly, I’m not so confident with it but I hope I didn’t disappoint. *fingerscrossed*

I noticed, I ended this story again with another proposal. Haha.

So thank you to everyone who supported this fic since day one. I have nothing but deepest gratitude. Thank you so much. I’m just so overwhelmed to see that you guys viewed this story 11,207 times, 43 of you believed this story is worth voting for, 402 of you thought of subscribing to it and bothered to leave 202 comments for it.

Thank you.. thank you so much..

So see you guys in 15 SUMMERS!

Saranghaeyo <3

GTAE Fighting!

SHINYEONJUNG, signing off.


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Chapter 16: Hoping this will happen for real.
Chapter 16: it feels reaaaaal aaah ♡♡ best of the best!
drawnpaper #3
Chapter 16: THE BEST GTAE FF
Jiyoona #4
Chapter 16: Perfect story the best!!!!
Chapter 16: I re-read this and it's worth it! Nice story :)
vippandaarmy #6
Chapter 16: wahhhhh the best gtae fic ever! <3333333 much love author-nim! it was the most perfect ending to the most perfect story <3
Chapter 16: ang cute nung nasa leeg ni ginger pero natawa ako kay gaho. LoL! it was the most perfect way to end it. I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME GTAE FIC!! i hope you write more! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 16: Finish rereading it! Grabe! Worth the read its really enjoyable reading this! XD thank u fighting! Will u make a topfany fic? Bcause ur really good and because i really love topfany! XD
Chapter 2: Rereading it again... xD topfany moment there even its just a little bit.... <3 i died there like tiff... xD
Bumella #10
Ohh this is so goood n cute