The Arrangement

First Romance


At the top of a tree somewhere at the backfield, Dara was leaning her back on the trunk of the tree. She was contemplating whatever happened a while ago. She was still in shock to see her childhood friend in front of her. But she was more surprised that he was with someone else, especially that it was a girl. She started to speculate things. She started to think if he replaced her for that girl.

“What? Is he going to marry her?” Dara wondered. “What’s her name again? Chae Yeon? Chae Rim? Chae Young?” then she paused, holding the pendant freely hanging around her neck. “I wonder if Seunghyun still wears the necklace.”

“I still do. I never removed it,” Seunghyun said.

Dara straightened up. She looked at the foot of the tree expecting him to be there, like he did when they had a camping several years ago. But he wasn’t there. She turned to see him staring at her.

“And her name is Chaerin,” Seunghyun said, chuckling. He joined her on the tree. He smiled at her.

Dara just stared at him; she still doesn’t know what to say. But she was sure what she’s going to do. She immediately hugged him tight to him.

Seunghyun hugged her back.

“I missed you, Seunghyun. I really do. You don’t know how long I waited for your return. When you left, I longed for your presence. You just can’t imagine how long I recovered since you left. I was always alone. I never befriended anyone. I was left a loner at school. They laugh at me, telling me how you just left me and how desperate I am. Every day, I would just sit alone at the see-saw or at the swing where we used to play, every day I would climb up a tree and imagine that you’re just beside me even though you weren’t. Every day, I would just hug the guitar with me until I fall asleep. I wanted to finish the songs we started. There were so many times that I thought ‘I wish Seunghyun is here.’ Always, I was lonely and alone. I always wish for you to come back. But as time passed by, I lose hope. I thought that you’ve already forgotten all about me. I thought that is why you stopped writing to me. I thought that you have found another best friend.” While Dara was saying these, she was crying hard. Even wetting the suit that Seunghyun was wearing but he didn’t mind at all.

Seunghyun just her hair while crying. He waited for her to stop crying. She caressed her hair gently, saying that he’s here.

Dara leaned away from Seunghyun as if realizing something. “Could it be?”

“What?” Seunghyun asked.

“That Chae-Rim girl.”

“It’s Chaerin. And no. I haven’t replaced you for her. You’re still my best friend. She’s just my…” he trailed off.

“Your girlfriend?” Dara continued.

“No, don’t misunderstand. She’s just… let’s say, our parents are friends. And…” he trailed off again.

“And what? They’re going to let you marry her?”

“What? No! Seunghyun protested. He cupped her face again. “I told you, you will never be replaced. I loved you before and I still love you.”

Dara’s expression eased. She sighed.

“How about we take a walk?” Seunghyun asked and jumped down the tree.

Dara didn’t answer. But she got down too, but she lost her balance. Had it not been for Seunghyun, she would fall for sure. Fortunately he caught her, causing them to be in an awkward position – her on top of him.

She stood on her feet and they started walking. Dara was surprise to feel his fingers interlacing with hers like he did before.

“Do you mind?” he asked.

Dara just shook her head. After a moment of silence while walking around the campus, Dara started to talk: “I got a million of questions to ask you.”

“Me too,” he said.

“Ladies first,” Dara said, giggling. She cleared . “Why did you stop writing to me, Seunghyun?”

“I didn’t. Before, when we were writing each other, I never missed a day to immediately write back. But after a year or two, mom told me to stop writing because it disturbs my schooling. I was home-schooled and she said that I spend more time writing to you than studying.”

“Was that true?” she asked, feeling concerned.

“No, of course not. Instead, while we were writing with each other, I’m always inspired and I get high scores on every tests. But mom wasn’t satisfied. So when she saw me writing a letter, she immediately tore it off. The next time, I tried sneaking out to deliver the letter to the post office. But she caught me and tore it off again. She became stricter and even hired a guard to stay in my room and commanded him to tear everything I write. Mom and I even fought. But I was punished for that and so I got grounded,” he explained.

“Mianhe,” Dara said, softly, suddenly feeling guilty.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

This brought a smile to Dara’s lips. “So, did your mom remarry?”

“Yes, he’s kind. I learned to love as if he’s my real father.”

Dara nodded. “So, um, can I ask another question?” she asked hesitantly. Seunghyun waited. “How did you meet Chaerin?”

Seunghyun giggled. “Well, when I entered middle school, I met her. I was about to climb a tree like we used to but when I arrived at my favorite tree, I found her crying on the foot of the tree. I approached her and she didn’t hesitate to tell me the reason. She said she got a low score on an exam and she’s afraid to go home because her mom would certainly punish her.  Then, for the next exam, I tutored her and she aced it. Then, during a business party, I was surprised to meet her there. We found that mom and her mom were business partners. Later on, we got closer and because we only lived on an apartment, her mom insisted to live with them.”

“Do you think she got special feelings for you?” she asked, shyly.

Seunghyun laughed. “Why are you asking? Are you curious? Or just jealous?”

Dara elbowed him. “Fine. Don’t answer.”

Seunghyun laughed more. “I’m kidding. Okay, she once admitted her feelings for me but I told her I still have feelings for you. Maybe that’s why she came with me, to look for her true love.”

Dara smiled.

“You look relieved. You were jealous, right?” Seunghyun teased.

Dara let go of his hand and pretended to walk out.

Seunghyun panicked and held her hand immediately. “Hey! Hey! I don’t want to ruin our reunion okay? I’m sorry.”

Dara laughed. “You were funny back there. If you had just looked at your face, you were panicking like crazy.”

“Fine. I’m funny. Whatever. I just want to spend time with you. I won’t let you go now.”

Seunghyun just waited for Dara to stop laughing.

“So, are you done now?” Seunghyun asked.

Dara nodded, keeping her laughter to herself.

“Look at all the students staring at us, Dara noticed.

“Of course, they’re staring. I’m an international star,” Seunghyun said, smug.

“Arrogant!” Dara said, and laughed again.

“Hey! What’s wrong with you?” Seunghyun complained.

“Nothing,” Dara said, still laughing. “I just remembered, I used to call you ‘arrogant’ and I called you ‘arrogant’ again now.”

“Is that even funny?” Seunghyun asked, an eyebrow rose.

“Yes,” Dara said, but seeing Seunghyun’s expression, she stopped. “Aish!”

“Can I ask you something?” Seunghyun asked. Dara nodded. “Was it all true?”

“What is?”

“Everything you said outside the faculty room.”

“I was angry that time. Don’t mind everything I said.”

“Maybe you said that because you haven’t seen my magazine.”

“You know that I don’t read those kinds of things.”

“Yeah, I know. I was thinking that you could stumble upon it, you know?” Seunghyun said. “Shall I buy you one then?”

“No need,” she said, tightening her grip on his hand. “I already have you here.”

Seunghyun blushed and bowed his head down. After a moment of silence…

“Tell me about your friends…” he said.

“Well, when you left, I transferred to this school and I met Bom. She was the one who first approached me. She’s my best friend here. . I’m sure you won’t be able to miss her; she’s the one with the red hair. Also, she has a cousin, his name is Jiyong. He’s my seatmate and we became friends because I used to tutor him and also, Taeyang, he’s Jiyong and Bom’s childhood friend. He’s the one with the Mohawk hair and those very cute eye-smiles. The two of them were the ones who stayed at Bom’s both sides,” Dara explained.

“I want to meet them,” Seunghyun said.

“Oh, you will,” Dara said. “Oh, there they are,” Dara said, pointing to the small basketball court. “Taeyang-ssi! Jiyongie!” she waved.

The both of them just looked at Dara and Seunghyun and immediately went back to playing basketball.

“Oh?” Dara said, dropping her waving hand, disappointed. “What’s wrong?”

“They don’t seem to like me,” Seunghyun said, matter-of-factly.

“How can you say that?”

“Didn’t you see how they glared at me?”

“I thought they were glaring at me.”

“Have you forgotten that we were holding hands?” Seunghyun said, showing their interlaced fingers.

“So?” Dara said, an eyebrow rose.

“I think they like you,” Seunghyun said.

“What?! No!” Dara protested.

“They must be jealous,” Seunghyun continued to tease.

“As I told you, they don’t like me.”


Later… they had lunch.

“Look at that,” a girl whispered. “Isn’t that Dara and the new student who’s an international star?”

Dara and Seunghyun heard this and straightened, but they didn’t turn their heads. They listened to them.

“Oh, yes, it’s them,” another one said.

“She’s such a flirt.”

“Yeah. Last time, I saw her going out with Taeyang, and then just last week, she’s flirting with Jiyong, and now, T.O.P.?”

“Ugh! She’s going out with all of my crushes.”

“Yeah! I hate her.”

“Yes, a flirt.”

Dara tensed up. Seunghyun felt this and tightened his grip on her hand.

“Are you feeling uneasy because of them?” he whispered.

Dara didn’t answer. He let go of her hand and started to stand up but Dara pulled him back to his seat.

“I’m alright. Don’t do something scandalous. You’re a celebrity. Your reputation would be destroyed.”

“But you’re hurt.”

Dara shook her head. Seunghyun sat back to his seat.

“Are you alright?” he whispered.

She nodded.

“I’m sorry to ask this, but why are they saying all of those things?”

“Taeyang invited me to watch a movie and have dinner with him. It’s the only one we had. After that, we never got out. As for Jiyong, as I said, I only tutored him. For the whole week last week, we were always together because I was tutoring him. That’s all. They’re all rumors.”

Seunghyun nodded.

“Did you believe them?” she asked.

Seunghyun shook his head.

“Let’s talk about other things,” Dara said. “Why are you known as T.O.P.?”

“It’s just a screen name they gave me.”

She nodded.

“How are the songs we composed?” he asked. “Have you tried singing them?”

“No. I didn’t try to.”

“How about we record it?”

“No, I’m too shy,” Dara said.

“Don’t be. Then we could send it to the company label I’m under.”

Dara gasped.

“Don’t be nervous. You’ll do well,” he said.

Dara thought about it. “Okay. Let’s try doing it.”


The bell rang…

“My name is Choi Seunghyun,” he bowed in front of the class. “Please take care of me.”

The girls in the class squealed in excitement.

“Annyeong. My name is Lee Chaerin. Please take care of me too.”

Whispers… gossips…

“Okay. Be good to the two of your newest classmates,” Mister Choi announced.

“Ne…” the students said in chorus.

“Mister Choi. Can I choose my seat?” Chaerin said.

“Oh, sure, my dear. Choose your seat.”

“I want to sit…” Chaerin said, looking for the perfect seat for her. “…there.”

She pointed at Dara’s seat, just next to Jiyong.

“Oh… although it’s not available… okay, Dara, could you transfer to the seat behind you?”

“Ah-Yes,” Dara said, starting to gather her things.

However, a hand stopped her. Jiyong held on to her wrist. “You’re staying here.”

Dara was taken aback, and so did the other students. Jiyong noticed this and stared at the people’s eyes staring at them. Chaerin and Seunghyun were surprised by his act.

“I’ll be the one to sit behind you, Dara,” he said, transferring to the seat behind her.

“Okay, then, I’ll be sitting beside him,” Chaerin said, pointing to the other desk just beside Jiyong’s new seat.

“Hmmm. Then, I’ll be sitting beside you, Dara,” Seunghyun said, taking the desk where Jiyong was sitting.

Now that everyone is settled. Dara took a peak behind her shoulder where Jiyong is. He was just leaning his head to his folded arm.

What just happened? Just a while ago, he stopped me from transferring seat. I thought he wanted to just sit beside me. Now, he’s sitting behind me and beside Chaerin. What is the meaning of this? Dara thought.

Suddenly, her reverie was interrupted when she felt someone slip a paper on her desk.


                I’ll walk you home after class, okay? – Seunghyun


Dara stared at Seunghyun and nodded. She smiled at him, too.


Author's Note:

Happy 30th chapter. :D kekeke. thanks for all those who subcribed, read, and commented on this fic. i really appreciate them all. keep all the comments coming. when a notification says: "New subcribers" or "New story comments", it makes me so giddy. you're comments mean so much to me. they motivate me to update fast [if only i'm not busy with studying]. and also, to those who will comment the most, you will be featured on my thank-you section when this fic ends. kekeke. and, oh, i don't know how long would this fic be. so stay tuned. kamsahamnida *bows*

PS: avoid spamming and trolling and unnecessary flooding. :D

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wow, i'm amazed. this story has been completed for a week now but there are still people who subscribe to this. thank you^^ thanks for all the love. :D


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Chapter 1: Interesting.