Queen Of The Night

Some Cheering Up Required

Yeon Doo sneaks into boys' room at night. It's a bad habit she just can't quit. ?/YD.   



She wears all black and creeps around the building like a burglar. She has a knapsack on her back and a small flashlight between her teeth. Her fingers fly across her phone as she texts her accomplice; Hyo Sik is loyal and crazy enough to help her whenever she asks. Plus, she could always count on him to hold onto the rope so she doesn't fall to her doom.


Yeon Doo scales the wall as if she's done it a hundred times. She's got incredible leg muscles from dancing—it comes in handy during times like these.


Hyo Sik pulls her up and through the window, whispers an aggitated, “Seriously, Yeon Doo? Again?”, but rolls his eyes and stiffles a smile when she gives him a cheeky grin and a cheekier retort.


“If this wasn't fun, you wouldn't have kept helping me!”


“Whatever,” Hyo Sik mutters, “I'm going to bed. Night, Yeon Doo.”


She hears his feet padding away, and then the sound of a bed creaking as Hyo Sik settles into it for the night. It leaves her standing alone, trying to see clearer in the dark now that her flashlight was switched off. Only the light from the moon is there to help her along.


She sees unmistakeably, the sleeping forms of Kim Yeol--still and peaceful with an arm under his pillow; of Ha Joon, sprawled across the bed, blankets strew at his feet; and finally of Dong Jae, curled up on his side, hugging a stuffed toy she had given him a few years back.


She smiles, and approaches the one she had came here for. Yeon Doo toes off her shoes and takes off her knapsack. Her bag, only stuffed with her school uniform, doesn't make a sound as it hits the floor.


She crawls into bed, hovering over him as he continues to sleep unaware. Yeon Doo's eyes gleamed with mischief.


Gingerly, she laid her head down beside his and tickles his neck until he stirs awake. It takes awhile for him to pry open his eyelids, and his brain is slower to catch up on what was happening.


He's justified, when the digital clock reads two a.m. 


“Yeon Doo?” His voice is heavy from sleep, and laced with surprise at seeing her in their room, in his bed.


“Hi,” she whispers with unsuppressed affection and glee. 


Even in the dark, he could see her grin.  



Word Count: 400

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choandin #1
Chapter 12: This is a brilliant story i love it
Chapter 19: I end up rereading my favorite Hayeon stories and I never felt more thankful! The feel returns and crushes me in three in the morning.
Damn! Rewriting their beginning is utterly a brilliant idea!
I'm so in love with your talent! Damn! You better take responsibility, Kat!
Chapter 16: I love this stories...
Chapter 13: Poor dong jae XD
Chapter 20: All of them were so beautiful
Chapter 16: I think it's worth to say that this story, especially Hayeon ones is one of the best things in life.

Not planning to stop the love letter.
I miss you!
Happy Tuesday c:
Chapter 20: teacher Im and yeol XD that's the very funny moment I can imagine him doing that evil eye smile while saying it to Mr. Im can't stop laughing XD
Ha Joon and Yeol are so caring towards Yeon Do :D she's so lucky
I wish this was the epilouge of the drama it will be so hilarious ho ho ho