
It's You

Pairing: You/Eunhyuk


"[Name]-ah! Want to go out to lunch, I'm free today!"

You smiled weakly, nodding even though Eunhyuk couldn't see you, "Mm, yeah, sounds good~! So I'll see you soon~?"

"I'll pick you up in an hour~! See you then!"

You smiled to yourself and put your phone on your dresser. It had been two weeks since you last saw your boyfriend so how were you going to refuse his offer, even though you were sick.

You had a fever and a cough and you knew that with the weather the way it was, you really shouldn't be going out but this was for Eunhyuk, you weren't going to miss a chance to see him for the world.

You dressed warmly, hoping that the layers would keep you safe from the frigid winter air. You barely finished doing your hair when the doorbell rang. You hurried off to answer it and as soon as you did you were pulled into one of Eunhyuk's bear hugs.

"I missed you~" he cooed, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

You laughed and weakly hugged him back, "I missed you too~"

Eunhyuk pulled back and pressed the back of his hand to your cheek, "You're really warm, [Name]-ah...are you sick?"

You shook your head, "No, I'm just blushing," you lied.

Eunhyuk grinned and offered you his hand, "Well, c'mon let's go,"

You walked hand-in-hand down the street to your favorite place to eat. Everything was going fine till you stood from your chair after lunch. You suddenly felt really dizzy and you would have collapsed if Eunhyuk hadn't reached out and caught your elbow in one hand and your waist in the other, stopping you from falling.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

You nodded, feigning a smile and steadying yourself, "Yeah, headrush," you murmured.

Eunhyuk frowned and wrapped an arm around your waist, making sure you had someone to lean on.

"Liar," he murmured as you rested your complete weight onto him. He pressed a hand to your cheek and tsk'd, you were burning up.

He walked you out of the restuarant but as soon as you got out he gave up leading you and picked you up instead. You tried to object, assuring him that you were fine, even though you weren't, but your protests fell upon deaf ears.

Eunhyuk stayed with you the whole night, tending to you and working hard to bring your fever down. He refused to leave your side or even sleep because he was so concerned.

"You should've just told me you weren't feeling well," Eunhyuk whispered, laying down beside you.

"And miss a chance to see you? Never." You murmured against the fabric of his shirt. Eunhyuk chuckled softly.

"Still, though...your health matters the most....okay?"

"Yeah, yeah...I know...sorry..."

"It's okay, just don't do it again..."


Eunhyuk pressed a kiss to your temple, smiling to himself as you fell back asleep.

"I don't know what I'd do without you so you have to stay healthy, [Name]-ah..."


Awww I love Eunhyuk~! I'm so happy someone requested a drabble for him~! ^^

Hope you liked it~!

Comment and request~!!!

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krissy25 #1
love interest: yesung

scenario: yesung meets a girl (me) who is as weird and awkward and loves turtles like him. he falls for her

extra: henry my best friend gets jealous
Chapter 2: Love Interest; Lee Donghae.
Scenario; Soccer game! [Name] wants to prove she's just as good as any guy.
Any Extra Details; Tackle kiss xD
what-is-this #3
super junior my oppas :DD
Subscribed~ Awesome shots btw~ ;)

My Request:

Love interest: My love, Cho Kyuhyun.

Scenario: WWIII (A fight that ends playfully). Kyuhyun finally gets a break after a long time of hectic schedules. But he decides to play with his beloved laptop instead of spending with his girlfriend of 3 years. She, of course, gets mad and start a fight as soon as she goes to see him. But just as things get serious, Kyuhyun (afraid that she'd break up with him) decides to be playful.

Any extra details: She'd be serious, while he does aegyeo to ease the tension. Add in a bit of fluff, please. I love fluff~ (maybe a bit of tickling or childish acts; like a pillow fight, maybe).

I hope having a detailed request wouldn't make things harder for you, I was hoping it would do the opposite and actually help, since you wouldn't have to think for completely everything. ;) And thank you!
omo. Thank you!!!! That was DAEBAK. Seriously~!! I would squeal, but I'd wake the others up~ anyway, love it~~ Can't wait for your next update~
Love Interest: Cho Kyuhyun

Scenario: Taking me out for our anniversary

Any Extra Details: Make it sweet and cute and make us very close to each other like kiss and hug a lot :) Oh and make him evil cutie in this part

Thanks :3
Poppy1231 #7
Love interes: Eunhyuk (my love anchovy <3)
Scenario: something that ends reakly really sad ( i like sad stories. weird me 030)
Extra details: going out for 4 years now. And i dont those stories that people die of cancer and stuff. no fun! Kyuhyun is her best friend

thabk you auther nim.
Welcome back :3