
It's You

Pairing: You/Yesung

You were one of the back-up dancers in Eunhyuk and Donghae's "Oppa, Oppa" stage. You were the cute, quiet, little thing that all the other girl dancers secretly hated because you were the one that got to be dipped by the Lee Hyukjae and bump hips with Donghae at the end. You honestly could not find the logic in their dislike of you but you kept quiet about it. No use in fighting fire with fire.

You were in the middle of practicing for the special stage of "Oppa, Oppa" on the Christmas Eve's Music Core when it happened. You somehow managed to get on the opposite side of where you were supposed to be, right when the rest of Super Junior was supposed to join, so naturally, you tried to coyly switch sides between Yesung and Ryeowook's dance solos but you failed terribly. Instead of going unnoticed in between, you bumped right into Yesung. You stumbled to the side but Yesung fell straight to the ground, landing on his knees with a thump. The dance stopped and you stared in complete horror at the fallen singer. A second after the realization hit, you began bowing and apologizing profusely, not even heeding the glares of your fellow female dancers.

Yesung stood up with a hiss of pain and you apologized yet again. Yesung met your eyes as he stood upright and his glare froze your heart, "You've been practicing this routine long enough, you shouldn't be making those kinds of mistakes," he muttered lowly, so only you could hear him. You nodded dumbly, eyes blinking rapidly as a sign of your nervousness.

"Let's just take a break," Leeteuk announced with a shaky laugh. Everyone backed away and after shooting you another cool glare, Yesung left too.  You leaned your head back and let out an uneasy sigh.

Suddenly a warm, familiar, arm draped itself across your shoulders and a head leaned against the top of your own, "Yah," he sighed, "Don't worry about hyung, he didn't get a lot of sleep last night since Kyu-ah kept him up with his gaming, he's not usually so cross," Eunhyuk said cheerfully, grinning at you.

You nodded politely at him and opened your mouth to agree but in that moment Donghae was nuzzling your side, "Listen to Hyukkie, [Name]-ah, he's right about hyung. He's usually really nice and funny," he affirmed, nodding his head at you.

You smiled a bit at the two of them, "Thanks...I'm sure you're right..." you agreed even though you could feel Yesung's dark eyes boring holes in the back of your head.

The rest of the practice went by smoothly enough. Or at least, as smooth as it could of gone. Yesung had his eyes on you the whole practice, as if he was waiting for you to make a mistake. You were a quiet and personable girl, really laid-back and normally you would let something like this slide. But there was something about the look in his eyes that made you want to pull your hair out. So, just to spite him, you danced the routine like you never had before--performing each move with equal flawlessness and grace.

Eventually the practice session came to an end and the SuJu boys packed everything up and left. Yesung didn't miss the chance to shoot you a dark look before walking out the door.

You sighed and walked the opposite way out of the same door, duffel bag slung lazily over one thin shoulder as you walked down the hall. You really weren't looking forward to practice tomorrow.

The next day you walked into the practice room nearly an hour early, you were planning to use it to dance privately a bit yourself but when you walked in you found the person you wanted to see the least.

There, sitting in the corner of the room was Yesung.

You let the door shut behind you as you stepped into the room with a quiet murmur of, "Hello," and a polite 90 degree bow.

Yesung looked up at you, not even acknowledging your respectfulness as he asked, "What are you doing here so early?"

You flinched at the sharpness of his voice as you shifted your weight to your opposite foot, "...I...uh...just thought I'd get a little bit of practicing in..."

"And who told you that you could use the room for your own personal needs?"

You chewed on your bottom lip, "Well...Donghae-oppa said that if I ever wanted-"

"I forgot about your relationship with Eunhyuk-ah and Donghae-ah..." Yesung muttered bitterly.

You blanched, face burning at the remark, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Yesung smirked, "I saw how they were all touchy with you," you gaped, "They both may like skin ship but I know they don't just go and hug girls. So, how'd you seduce them?"

You had to clench your fist to keep from walking over and slapping him across the face. Tightly clenching your jaw, you manage to grit out, "They are my friends and nothing more, they were just trying to comfort me into believing you were a nice person. But I refuse to believe that all of this," you gestured at him, " just a result of a poor night's sleep. Oh, and another thing. I've never once tried to flirt with either of them let alone seduce them and I don't plan to. Don't make such assumptions about me, all right? You don't know me."

Yesung rolled his eyes, his temple throbbing irritably as he mumbled, "I'm glad I don't."

You scoffed, "Just shut up," you snapped, walking over put your iPod in the speaker system and start your music.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Yesung yelled from his sitting position on the floor in the opposite corner of the room.

You paid him no heed. You simply got into position and waited for the music to play. And when it did you let your body completely take over. You jutted and jerked to the beat and popped and locked at all the right moments. Yesung was surprised to say the least. He knew you were naturally quiet and only outspoken when provoked, that much was obvious to anyone. Never did he expect such a meek person to be able to move their body in such a way.

Briefly the face of his dongsaeng, Lee Taemin, crossed his mind. You seemed to have a complex like him. Taemin was a shy, cute boy with a slight tenancy to speak before he thinks. He was a person who was quiet around people whom he wasn't close to and a uncontrollable thing when he was around people he that he was. But on the dance floor his sweet image was tossed carelessly out the window and the music took hold of him. He was an all around different person when he was in his element like that.

Sort of like Hyukjae. Eunhyuk wouldn't dare hold a girl's hand when alone with her on a first date. But on stage he would let his hands wander nearly anywhere if it fit the song and made the fans scream.

For a second Yesung wondered if all dancers were like that as he thought of the deep similarities between the three of you but his mind went blank when you did a slow body wave before sliding down on a knee and then swaying yourself up smoothly.

He swallowed hard and looked the other way, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb.

He hadn't been sleeping for the past week and it was really starting to get to him, the bags under his eyes were darkening and his headaches were becoming more and more apparent. He already got scolded twice by Leeteuk for being to quick to anger and yelling at the other members. It was true that he wasn't normally so irritable, when he lay awake last night he felt bad about how he had treated you and decided to apologize today but another sleepless night had left him in an unreasonable mood. The moment he saw you, he took out his frustrations in verbal abuse to you--though you did nothing to wrong him.

The music ended and pulled Yesung from his thoughts, his head turned back to face you with little thought. You were grinning in satisfaction at your reflection, you had performed without a hitch and you were proud. The next song started to play and once again, you lost yourself in the music.

Yesung watched on with interest, your talent and passion in dancing were admirable. He shouldn't have scolded you for making that one mistake. Anyone could have made it, Yesung ran a hand through his hair tiredly. If he wasn't so sleep deprived he would have laughed it off but he was just so tired that any little thing made him burst into flames.

The door to the practice room opened and Yesung's head jerked to see who it was while you were so in your zone you didn't notice.

Eunhyuk and Donghae grinned and practically threw their bags onto the floor before hurrying over to you, Donghae whining, "Aw, [Name]-ah, why are practicing without us~?"

Yesung stayed unnoticed in the back and watched as his dongsaengs waltzed up and easily joined in your routine, you laughed, your eyes nervously shifting to meet Yesung's in the mirror. He was really going to get the wrong idea, you mentally sighed, "You know how awkward it is for me to dance with you two," you replied in a breathy tone as you kept on moving to the beat.

Eunhyuk took your wrist in his hand and effortlessly twirled you into him, grinning gummily at you to ease any discomfort as his hands slid to your waist. There was no secret meaning behind the way Eunhyuk danced with you, to ulterior motive when Donghae came up behind you and replaced him as your partner. It was all just for fun, just to practice their partner dancing skills that they didn't get to show.

But that's not what Yesung saw.

He couldn't explain why the sight of the three of you dancing angered him but it did. He didn't enjoy watching you laugh as Donghae and Eunhyuk tried to distract you by making ridiculous faces. He disliked the scene so much he took to voicing his opinion, "Is this any time to messing around? I can understand joking and funny dances but now you guys are taking it too far. It looks less like dancing and more like something to be done in private."

You all stopped, halting your movements despite the fact that the song was still playing. Your smile and former happiness vanished only to be replaced by an uncontrollable anger and a rush of embarrassment that colored your face a vibrant pink. Eunhyuk and Donghae worriedly looked between you and Yesung and then back to each other.

"Uhm...hyung," Eunhyuk started, but he didn't have time to finish because you were already storming right out of the room.

"[Name]-ah!" Donghae shouted taking a step toward you.

You didn't even pause, "I'm suddenly not feeling well, I'll see you later oppa."

The door slammed shut behind you and Yesung rubbed at his temples in irritation as the sound worsened his headache, "So unprofessional," he muttered to himself. He wasn't sure if he was talking about how he was letting his lack of sleep affect him or if he was talking about how you stormed out but Eunhyuk and Donghae took it as the latter.

"Hyung. That was really uncalled for," Eunhyuk sighed, running a hand through his hair, "You and me both know that the routine was nothing near inappropriate and plus we're dancers, you can't expect us to sit and let this practice room go to waste, you know?"

Donghae leaned his head back and released a heavy sigh then he caught sight of something. You had left your iPod. Donghae made a grab for it and without explaining tried to bolt down the hall to catch up with you but you were long gone. He groaned and trudged back into the room, ignoring Yesung's curious gaze and looking straight at Eunhyuk, "She left this," he explained, holding up the iPod.

Eunhyuk grimaced, "To leave something that she values so much she must've been real upset..." he said, shooting a pointed look at Yesung.

Yesung threw his hands up in defeat, "All right! Fine! I get it, I haven't been so nice to [Name]-"

"Hyung. You practically accused us of getting it on in the middle of an open practice room."

Yesung flinched. He really hadn't meant to sound so cold. The words just kind of...came out. Without further words he stood and held out his hand to Donghae, "I'll give it back to her and apologize."

Donghae's eyebrows creased and he bit his lip, handing it over with obvious apprehension, "Please control your anger, hyung...[Name]-ah's always so quiet so to see her run off like that was a real shock."

Yesung nodded, "I know...sorry for being so-"

Donghae grinned and from the corner of his eye he could see that Eunhyuk was smiling too, "We know life's been tough on you lately, we get it. Hyukjae and I know how you really are and we have the same busy schedules so it's easier for us to understand what you're going through...but [Name]-ah doesn't know you and she's not an idol, she's the one who needs the apology."

Yesung still looked hesitant so Eunhyuk walked over and quickly clapped a hand on his back, "We're not mad at you, we know how you feel," he assured with a gummy grin.

Yesung felt his shoulders relax and with a slight smile, a wave to his dongsaengs, and your address from one of the emergency contact books he hurried out to meet with you.

You were; however, in no mood to see anyone. You had bolted home as quick as your feet would carry you and the moment you reached your nearby apartment you slammed the door shut and threw your duffel bag half way across the room as tears of humiliation bubbled in your eyes. You had never felt so frustrated before in your life. You were always the type of person to simply brush something off and not let it get to you. Words didn't mean anything to you but for some reason his words bit right into your self esteem.

Yesung's knocking at your door sent you jumping about three feet into the air with a yelp of surprise. Furiously wiping at your eyes you managed to croak out, "Who is it?"

Your heart nearly stopped at the voice that answered back, "Yesung."

You swallowed the lump the lump in your throat and pulled our hands from your face with a sniffle as you opened the door and peeked out from behind it, "What is it?"

Yesung blinked in shock at your red, watery eyes, "W-Were you...crying!?"

You frowed, nose scrunching a bit in aggravation, "Is it that any of your business!? DId you just come here to insult me some more? If you did, I don't want to hear it!" and with that you attempted to shut the door but Yesung stopped it with his shoulder.

"No, no, ah, why does this keep coming out wrong? I wasn't trying to insult you, I never wanted to do that, honestly."

You leaned back and stared at him, not really believing his words, "That's not what it seemed like back in the practice room..."

He sighed, "I's just...I haven't slept more than an hour in the past week. And try going to all these schedules with just that!" you cringed when he snapped at you and his face softened, "See, it's like that...I try to just, ugh..." he ran a hand through his hair and looked at you pleadingly.

Shrugging your shoulders a bit you stepped aside, "Here, come in...I'll get you some tea...just take a seat on the couch over there," you murmured as he walked in.

"You live alone?" Yesung asked as he slipped off his sneakers.

You walked ahead of him and shrugged casually, "My mom died before I could know her and my dad' the hospital right now..." Yesung could easily tell that you weren't comfortable with the subject and dropped the subject before he offended you yet again.

Cautiously Yesung walked into the room and took a seat on the couch, sinking into the plush cushions and biting down on his bottom lip. He felt really terrible. He had only scolded you, never once said a kind word and just thinking about all the harsh things he said made him feel sick. Yet, here you were treating him like a friend when all he had done was snap at you and he hadn't even apologized for that yet.

You walked back into the room and sat next to him, handing him some chamomile tea, "It helps with anxiety and stress..." you said softly as he took a sip, "...I thought it might help...I mean, it works for me..."

Yesung laughed quietly into the cup and you looked up at him curiously, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"Why shouldn't I be?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

He shrugged, staring into the cup and refusing to meet your eyes, "...I've been nothing but a jerk to you..."

"I know," you replied without a hitch.

He finally looked up to meet your gaze, "So...why?"

"I don't really feel like you deserve my kindess to be honest, but if I'm mean to you then what's that going to do...? Nothing."

Yesung nodded. Why couldn't he think like that? He was tired as heck but what was yelling at everyone doing to help him? With guilt overwhelming him, Yesung set the cup on the nearby table and reached into his back pocket to pull out your iPod, "Here. The meaning of my visit was to return this."

Your eyes widened and you straight away grabbed for it, "I didn't even realize I forgot this, ah...thank-you so much..."

Yesung nodded, "No problem...but....there's something else..."

You blinked up at him owlishly, "What?"


Why were the words so hard to say?

"What are you trying to say?" you asked with a slight little smirk.

Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly he muttered, "I'm sorry."

Your eye brows raised in surprise, "Eh?"

"I'm sorry," he repeated, a bit more firmly this time, "Can we...start over?"

You didn't say anything at first but as the words sunk in your mouth curved into a smile, "I'd like that."

He stuck out his hand, "Kim Jongwoon, aka Yesung. Nice to meet you."

You grinned a bit wider and took his hand in yours, "[Last Name] [First Name]. Nice to meet you too."

You both started laughing at the awkward greeting and as the laughter died down you urged him to drink his tea. As he drank he told you about himself and you listened, ocassionally adding in facts about yourself. Surprisingly you got along well. Yesterday you never would have even dreamed to find yourself chatting so amiably with Yesung but here you were.

Suddenly Yesung yawned and you smiled, "You can take the couch, I'm really anticipating the return of this happy Yesung I keep hearing about~"

Yesung smiled tiredly, reclining on the couch, "Thanks...I owe you..."

You waved him off, "No worries."

Trying to be as silent as possible you reached to take the empty cup back to the kitchen but as you did you caught Yesung's last sentance, "Call me Jongwoon."

You happily placed the cup in the sink, letting the name roll off your tongue, "Jongwoon."

Shoot I feel like I strayed a lot from this request. Like there was a mention of Heechul but then I decided to make the reader a back-up dancer for the "Oppa, Oppa" stage and that wouldn't make sense if Heenim was there. But she was supposed to be unnoticed by the other members but Hyukkie and Haefish are all friendly and oh FML, I fail.


I hope you still like it though? ^^;



Anyway, feedback is always appreciated and requests keep the story going ^^

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krissy25 #1
love interest: yesung

scenario: yesung meets a girl (me) who is as weird and awkward and loves turtles like him. he falls for her

extra: henry my best friend gets jealous
Chapter 2: Love Interest; Lee Donghae.
Scenario; Soccer game! [Name] wants to prove she's just as good as any guy.
Any Extra Details; Tackle kiss xD
what-is-this #3
super junior my oppas :DD
Subscribed~ Awesome shots btw~ ;)

My Request:

Love interest: My love, Cho Kyuhyun.

Scenario: WWIII (A fight that ends playfully). Kyuhyun finally gets a break after a long time of hectic schedules. But he decides to play with his beloved laptop instead of spending with his girlfriend of 3 years. She, of course, gets mad and start a fight as soon as she goes to see him. But just as things get serious, Kyuhyun (afraid that she'd break up with him) decides to be playful.

Any extra details: She'd be serious, while he does aegyeo to ease the tension. Add in a bit of fluff, please. I love fluff~ (maybe a bit of tickling or childish acts; like a pillow fight, maybe).

I hope having a detailed request wouldn't make things harder for you, I was hoping it would do the opposite and actually help, since you wouldn't have to think for completely everything. ;) And thank you!
omo. Thank you!!!! That was DAEBAK. Seriously~!! I would squeal, but I'd wake the others up~ anyway, love it~~ Can't wait for your next update~
Love Interest: Cho Kyuhyun

Scenario: Taking me out for our anniversary

Any Extra Details: Make it sweet and cute and make us very close to each other like kiss and hug a lot :) Oh and make him evil cutie in this part

Thanks :3
Poppy1231 #7
Love interes: Eunhyuk (my love anchovy <3)
Scenario: something that ends reakly really sad ( i like sad stories. weird me 030)
Extra details: going out for 4 years now. And i dont those stories that people die of cancer and stuff. no fun! Kyuhyun is her best friend

thabk you auther nim.
Welcome back :3