Meeting the Family

It's You

Pairing: You/Kyuhyun

You gripped Kyuhyun's hand tightly and suddenly halted your steps your stomach knotting as you came within a few feet of the door, "You know what, Kyu, I don't think I can do this. Let's go back."

Kyuhyun frowned and tugged you forward, "C'mon...I met your parents and older brothers, it's completely unfair if you don't meet my family."

You pouted at him, pulling on his hand and whining, "B-But..."

Just then the front door open revealing an older, smiling girl with wide eyes and black hair that fell in soft curls about her shoulders. She beamed at the pair of you, grinning at Kyuhyun with a evil gleam in her dark eyes. You felt Kyuhyun's hand tighten on yours as he stammered, "We should probably go, you're right."

He attempted to turn and run the other way but you were yanked out of his grasp and suddenly hugged. Yelping in shock, you turned around to see the girl stick her tongue out at Kyuhyun, "Don't try to run, Kyu-ah, mom and dad are going to be here soon and if it's just your girlfriend things'll get awkward fast~"

You paled and then shot a glare at Kyuhyun, "I swear to God, if you leave me..."

Kyuhyun raised his hands in defeat, "I'm not going anywhere. At least, not without [Name]-ah," at this you grinned in satisfaction, "So, will you give me back my girlfriend now?"

The person behind you hummed and rested her chin on your head, "Is that anyway to ask something of your older sister~?"

You blinked as Kyuhyun's face flushed and his eyebrow twitched in aggravation, "P-Please...noona,"

You were instantly released and sent stumbling forward into the arms of your boyfriend who wrapped his arms around you protectively. His sister laughed at the act, "You were always terrible at sharing, Kyu-ah~"

You craned your neck only to see Kyuhyun's intense glare, any normal person would have cowered at the sight that came accompanied by a dark, "Shut up."

But his sister merely rolled her eyes at him before lowering her gaze to meet your eyes as she grinned sunnily, "I'm Cho Ahra, it's nice to meet you."

You attempted to bow but only your head lowered as Kyuhyun refused to release his grip on your waist, "[Last Name], [First Name], it's nice to meet you too," you murmured in reply.

"It's cold out here, c'mon," she grabbed your hand and pulled you from Kyuhyun, "Let's go inside and wait for the parents, ne?"

You nodded with a nervous glance and Kyuhyun who seemed to be attempting to kill his sister with his eyes.

Ahra waltzed back into the room carrying a tray of tea and snacks, placing them on the table in front of you and Kyuhyun before taking a seat across from you. You bowed politely and sipped at the tea, avoiding her scrutinizing gaze.

"She's really pretty...yah, [Name]-ah, are you sure you're okay with him?" she asked, jabbing her thumb in Kyuhyun's general direction.

You promptly choked on your tea, staring up at her in wide-eyed confusion, "W-What?" you managed between coughs.

She handed you a napkin nonchalantly, "It was just a question, I mean...this kid was a total nerd back in school."

"Noona..." Kyuhyun stressed in a deathly calm voice.

Ahra seemed not to hear him as she continued, "I think that's why he likes Starcraft so much, cause it's not a thoughtless game, you actually have to think and all that~"

You laughed softly, "I'm not one for strategic games, but Kyuhyun really does enjoy it..."

Ahra nodded in agreement, "Hm, doesn't he? This one time I woke up early on the weekend and caught him sitting in his room playing Starcraft, I asked him when he woke up...turned out he never went to sleep."

You laughed comfortably now, covering your mouth with your hand as you giggled, "That sounds like something he'd do."

"I wonder where mom and dad are, have they called, Ahra-noona?"

Ahra completely ignored Kyuhyun's desperate attempt to change the course of conversation and continued speaking animatedly to you, "He's always been like that about his games. Even as a kid he was like that. His friends would ask to hang out and he'd make up some ridiculous excuse so he could stay home and play video games."

"Oh, wow...the sad part is how believable it is," you laughed.

Kyuhyun tried to keep a facade of cool disinterest as he clicked through his phone but in all honesty, he wanted nothing more than to grab you and escape--maybe taking you to meet his folks was a bad idea--oh, and sifting through his phone? No, he was texting his parents and asking them how close they were to Ahra's place.

"Oh, it was hilarious, I took pictures of it and everything, I's not everyday you find your little brother asleep while sittitng up and still wearing his gaming head phones!"

Kyuhyun had forgotten how annoying his sister could be...but he could deal with her embarrassing attributes, what bothered him was how you were laughing at nearly every little thing that came out of .

Was it really that amusing to you?

His sister went on to tell you about how one year during Christmas break he had spent the whole day gaming and forgotten to even eat. You turned to look at him but Kyuhyun quickly swiveled to look in the opposite direction, he didn't want to catch your mocking gaze.

This action didn't go unnoticed by Ahra, she knew the reaction well. The quick averting of his eyes meant that he was embarrassed, she would have normally held slight pride in making her brother uncomfortable but she caught the worried look on your face at Kyuhyun's sudden disinterest. She scoffed and waved dismissively in the general direction of the singer and caught your eye, "Don't worry about him, he's just being his normal brat-ish self."

You nodded politely but your eyes kept shifting over to Kyuhyun anyway.

"He did this when we were younger too, one year for Christmas, the family had gotten me more presents than him and oh, did he have a fit!"

You smiled to be polite and tried to sent an apologetic glance but Kyuhyun was completely immersed in his phone and he refused to meet your gaze. Your teeth worried your lower lip, was he mad at you?

Ahra noticed this and sighed, excusing herself from the table, "I better go get the food, mom and dad'll be here soon~" she remarked casually, sending a pointed glare at a still careless Kyuhyun.

The second she left the room the awkward tension between you and Kyuhyun became unbearable and you turned to him with a soft murmur of his name, "Are you feeling all right?"

Kyuhyun nodded, replying only with a terse, "Fine."

You frowned, "I don't believe you. Are you upset?"

He finally met your eyes and you flinched under his harsh eyes, "Would you be upset if your older brother was telling me all about your most embarrassing moments?"

"Well, yeah, of course I would be...but, Kyuhyun, that happened already."

He blinked, "What?"

"Remember when you met my parents? Oppa went on and on about various embarrassing things I did."

He couldn't remember, "Like what?"

"Like how I pulled an all-nighter and fell asleep in a plate of waffles the next morning, oppa even showed you a picture!" you replied, surprised he didn't remember.

"Those stories? But those weren't embarrassing, I thought it was actually a sort of dorky way..."

You smiled and pushed on his shoulder playfully, "And that's how I feel about all these stories about your excessive gaming," you laughed.

"'re not finding those stories a turn-off?" he asked with a raised brow.

You rolled your eyes, "Course not, pabo, if anything...the dorkiness makes me like you more."

Kyuhyun grinned and kissed your forehead, "And this is why I love you."

You laughed a bit, "Love you too, Kyu..."

He leaned down to kiss you fully but Ahra walked back into the room with a yell of, "UMMA, APPA!!!"

Kyuhyun stiffened and looked behind him and found that the door had opened and standing in the doorway were his parents. You, on the other hand, remained immobile, your face, a bright pink.

His mother laughed at the pair of you, "Aren't you going to say hi?" she teased.

Kyuhyun stood and pulled you along with him, the two of you bowed before he introduced you, "This is [Name]-ah," you bowed in greeting once more as Kyuhyun added that you were his girlfriend.

His parents smiled at you and you even though your shoulders relaxed in relief your stomach was still in knots. As if he could read your mind, Kyuhyun reached down and took your hand in his.

10 minutes into eating Kyuhyun's mother began to speak, "So what did we miss in our absence?"

Ahra smirked, "Oh, nothing much,  just embarrassing the heck out of Kyuhyun-ah~"

His mother's eyes seemed to sparkle as she clapped suddenly, "Wonderful, let me go get the photo albums~"

Kyuhyun paled visibly as he whined, "UMMA~~~~!!"

"Oh, shush, Kyu, I'm sure your girlfriend would appreciate getting a hint at what your future babies will look like."


You could only sit and laugh.

Okay so...I'm not sure how this turned out but I hope you guys enjoy it >.<

Sorry, I just...I mean, Kyu's evilness has to come from somewhere I just kind of assumed it was from his familia, ya know? keke~~

Ah, Kyuhyunnie's so popular with you guys...I was expecting more Siwon requests but Kyu's dominating. Not that I mind~~ MAKNAE POWER FTW!!! XDD

Anyway, you guys must comment and request to keep this story going so DOO IIITTTT~~~

Please~~~??? ^^

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krissy25 #1
love interest: yesung

scenario: yesung meets a girl (me) who is as weird and awkward and loves turtles like him. he falls for her

extra: henry my best friend gets jealous
Chapter 2: Love Interest; Lee Donghae.
Scenario; Soccer game! [Name] wants to prove she's just as good as any guy.
Any Extra Details; Tackle kiss xD
what-is-this #3
super junior my oppas :DD
Subscribed~ Awesome shots btw~ ;)

My Request:

Love interest: My love, Cho Kyuhyun.

Scenario: WWIII (A fight that ends playfully). Kyuhyun finally gets a break after a long time of hectic schedules. But he decides to play with his beloved laptop instead of spending with his girlfriend of 3 years. She, of course, gets mad and start a fight as soon as she goes to see him. But just as things get serious, Kyuhyun (afraid that she'd break up with him) decides to be playful.

Any extra details: She'd be serious, while he does aegyeo to ease the tension. Add in a bit of fluff, please. I love fluff~ (maybe a bit of tickling or childish acts; like a pillow fight, maybe).

I hope having a detailed request wouldn't make things harder for you, I was hoping it would do the opposite and actually help, since you wouldn't have to think for completely everything. ;) And thank you!
omo. Thank you!!!! That was DAEBAK. Seriously~!! I would squeal, but I'd wake the others up~ anyway, love it~~ Can't wait for your next update~
Love Interest: Cho Kyuhyun

Scenario: Taking me out for our anniversary

Any Extra Details: Make it sweet and cute and make us very close to each other like kiss and hug a lot :) Oh and make him evil cutie in this part

Thanks :3
Poppy1231 #7
Love interes: Eunhyuk (my love anchovy <3)
Scenario: something that ends reakly really sad ( i like sad stories. weird me 030)
Extra details: going out for 4 years now. And i dont those stories that people die of cancer and stuff. no fun! Kyuhyun is her best friend

thabk you auther nim.
Welcome back :3