
It's You


Super Junior's Kyuhyun, DATING?!

Super Junior's Maknae, Cho Kyuhyun, has a GIRLFRIEND?!

Articles like this were popping up all over the web, on covers of the latest tabloids and even featured on the most recent gossip shows.

It was everywhere.

If someone had told you that coming clean about your relationship would cause this much of a headache, you would have never complained about your secluded, 3 am dates with Kyuhyun. At least then, you were able to freely exit your apartment complex!

Yes, thanks to all the press that had gathered at the main gate, you couldn't seem to find a way out.

It had been a few days now and the press were still as rabid as ever. With the way things were progressing--you would never leave the building again.

At first, you were mildly amused by how everyone was blowing up the situation between you and Kyuhyun, making it seem like the fact that the singer could possibly have a girlfriend was unthinkable. You had initially kept yourself updated on the gossip but after the first hundred nasty comments you stopped.

Before, you never thought that anyone could ever say something that would make you self-concious or affect how you viewed yourself. But after reading what some of those people couldn't help it.

They called you ugly. Said you were unworthy of Kyuhyun. They made remarks about your intentions and how you probably only wanted his fame. They said it all. They showed no mercy, they were harsh and their words were sharp and peirced your confidence like a knife. They could say whatever they wanted about your body, that was their opinion and you honestly didn't care but it was those comments about your intentions, their words on how worthy or deserving you were. Those were the ones that really got you.

And in the end, you put away your laptop and stored it under the bed figuring out that reading their stupid assumptions wasn't getting the paparazzi off the sidewalk.

After that you spent your days avidly playing your Nintendo DS and texting Kyuhyun since you weren't allowed to see each other until the havoc calmed down.

The seperation took more of a toll than the netizens snide remarks, though.

Kyuhyun had managed to get the day off since his manager understood that putting him on any shows would ensure someone asking him about you and so you were talking on the phone with him on day 5 of your confinement.

"You finished all of your Pokemon games, twice?!" Kyuhyun exclaimed in shock.

You nodded, leaning back on your bed with a sigh, "Yeah, that's what this whole 'not going outside' thing has done I guess..." Kyuhyun went silent for a long moment and you worried he hung up, "Kyu?"

"Ah, yeah, sorry...I uh, zoned out for a bit..." he chuckled then paused, "I'm sorry," he blurted.

You blinked owlishly, "What for?"

"For...wait. No, I can't tell you this over the phone."

"Huh? Kyuhyun what are you-"

You stopped short at the sound of a beep and frowned when you realized he already hung up. With a sigh you placed your phone on the nearby night stand want wondered what Kyuhyun was trying to say.

Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was busy rushing out of the dorm from the back door. He was covered in a mask, sunglasses, and a beanie and rather than walk to the complex, he rode his bike, figuring that even less people would recognize him if he was cycling down the road. He circled around the complex the back way to avoid photographers and the like and snuck in through the back entrance.

You were caught off guard when a knock suddenly sounded at your door. You briefly worried it was the owner but as the door opened and Kyuhyun walked in you breathed a sigh of relief and ran into Kyuhyun's open arms. He roughly tugged the mask down and kissed you fully, kicking the door shut with his foot and making up for the time you had been apart. When Kyuhyun pulled away you giggled a bit, "I thought we weren't supposed to see each other so soon?" you teased.

Kyuhyun shrugged, pulling off his glasses and dropping them on the tabletop, "When have I ever listened to anything anyone's ever told me?" he asked coyly.

You laughed, "Good point."

Kyuhyun looked pained for a moment then he roughly tugged you into his arms, wrapping you in a tight embrace as he murmured an apology into the crook of your neck.

"I'm sorry..."

You placed your hands on either side of his face and pushed him away so you could meet his eyes, "What for?"

He looked away and bit his lip awkwardly, "This is all my fault."


He pulled away and waved his arms about, "This. All of this. If I had thought about the consequences a bit more then you wouldn't have had to gone through all this...I was only thinking of myself."


"No, it's true. I didn't even ask your opinion. I was just too eager to show you off, I hate that I have to hide you and I could see how much you hate hiding. So I just let them find out about us and now can't even leave your apartment and everything's worse than before."

He threw himself onto the couch and rubbed at his temples. You smiled a bit and walked over to him and sat down quietly next to him, resting your head on his shoulder and taking one of his hands in both of yours.

"Everyone would have had to find out eventually and once everything cools down it'll be worth it and even if it's not, we'll get through. We always do."

Kyuhyun turned to you and suddenly smiled. You returned the gesture and he pulled you into his arms, sighing contentedly as your own arms came to wrap around his waist.

"This is why I love you. You're my logic."

You laughed quietly. It was true. Kyuhyun was all emotion, he was the emotion that you had trouble expressing and you were all the logic that he tended to ignore. You balanced each other out. You needed him and he needed you, without each other you just weren't whole and that's why you were together.

You bit your lip from smiling too wide and nuzzled closer into him as you replied, "I love you too."


Ooh, Kyuhyun's popular, 2 requests for him in a ROW~!! Okay so this is meant to be a continuation from chapter 4 but I guess both could be read seperately and enjoyed alone...right?


Anyway, I hope you liked it.

Comments are loved and appreciated.

By the way, I just got off for break so expect more updates ^^

Don't forget that to ensure this story's constant updates you must request~~

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krissy25 #1
love interest: yesung

scenario: yesung meets a girl (me) who is as weird and awkward and loves turtles like him. he falls for her

extra: henry my best friend gets jealous
Chapter 2: Love Interest; Lee Donghae.
Scenario; Soccer game! [Name] wants to prove she's just as good as any guy.
Any Extra Details; Tackle kiss xD
what-is-this #3
super junior my oppas :DD
Subscribed~ Awesome shots btw~ ;)

My Request:

Love interest: My love, Cho Kyuhyun.

Scenario: WWIII (A fight that ends playfully). Kyuhyun finally gets a break after a long time of hectic schedules. But he decides to play with his beloved laptop instead of spending with his girlfriend of 3 years. She, of course, gets mad and start a fight as soon as she goes to see him. But just as things get serious, Kyuhyun (afraid that she'd break up with him) decides to be playful.

Any extra details: She'd be serious, while he does aegyeo to ease the tension. Add in a bit of fluff, please. I love fluff~ (maybe a bit of tickling or childish acts; like a pillow fight, maybe).

I hope having a detailed request wouldn't make things harder for you, I was hoping it would do the opposite and actually help, since you wouldn't have to think for completely everything. ;) And thank you!
omo. Thank you!!!! That was DAEBAK. Seriously~!! I would squeal, but I'd wake the others up~ anyway, love it~~ Can't wait for your next update~
Love Interest: Cho Kyuhyun

Scenario: Taking me out for our anniversary

Any Extra Details: Make it sweet and cute and make us very close to each other like kiss and hug a lot :) Oh and make him evil cutie in this part

Thanks :3
Poppy1231 #7
Love interes: Eunhyuk (my love anchovy <3)
Scenario: something that ends reakly really sad ( i like sad stories. weird me 030)
Extra details: going out for 4 years now. And i dont those stories that people die of cancer and stuff. no fun! Kyuhyun is her best friend

thabk you auther nim.
Welcome back :3