Dance Practice

It's You

Pairing: You (Jinae)/Eunhyuk

"Okay. So, Hyukjae, you're going to keep your hand here on Jinae's thigh while she dips down, swipes her free fingers across the ground like so," a demonstration, "Okay, Jinae? You getting this?" a nod, "You sweep down like this, remember to make the motion flow and Hyukjae you better be following her closely, match her movement, all right?" a  different, more subtle nod, "After this, song goes," an imitation, "and Jinae, you're going to turn, when you're crouching, this leg would be stretched right?" the sound of a hand hitting pant fabric and a nod from a second party, "You're going to swing this leg around so your kneeling in front of Hyukjae who's going to turn and be on both knees in front of you by then with his hand having slid up to your waist, keep your hand on his neck the whole time, Jinae, remember that," another nod, "Lean in and right as the song cuts to a close, Jinae turns as if rejecting a kiss, end, lights off, and we're good. Got it?" 

Two more nods.

"Great, meet you in an hour to see your progress, I got to go meet up with So Nyuh Shi Dae."

A door closes and two sighs fill the empty practice room.

Eunhyuk meets your tired eyes and cracks a gummy smile, "We got this, don't worry."

You nod, running a hand through your hair, tying it back up into a ponytail, "Yeah,"  you smile, "I know."

He grins a bit wider and takes a chug of his water before turning back to you, "So, should we get back to it?"

You stretch your arms behind your head, nodding lightly and stepping toward your place on the practice room floor, "Ne~~"

The music starts and you start the short beginning solo you have, the moves are easy, fluid, all your own and you pause at a beat, breathing hard but maintaining your pose as Hyukjae enters his solo and as soon as the next familiar beat hits, you're falling into the partnered cheorography, it's going well till the end, Hyukjae's hand's on your thigh and you're both leaning to the left, your right arm loosely on his neck as you arch into him, your head on his shoulder and his half lidded eyes meeting yours, the moment's short but you feel your heart racing and it almost makes you forget to turn your head to the left and crouch downward, sweeping your free hand across the practice floor and bringing Hyukjae with you, that's where the good ends because you can't sweep into a kneeling postion and you end up letting go of Hyuk's neck, with a muttered curse you stay seated on the floor, grumbling to yourself about the mistake. 

Eunhyuk merely grins, "Don't worry about it, Jinae, it's your first mistake today, let's try it again, it'll be fine."

Except it's not.

And it's not the time after that, or after that, or even after the one after that.

"Dammit!" you shout, pushing off the floor and storming to the side of the room.

"Jinae..." Eunhyuk says gently, standing from the floor.

"I keep screwing up!"

"It's ok-"

"No it's not! I just ah..why can't I do this?" your anger's gone, left only by a weak desperation, "I just really wanna get it right..."

Eunhyuk nods, giving a reassuring smile, "And you will, c'mon, let's give it another go..."

With a newfound determination, you and Eunhyuk perform the routine again but to no avail, you manage to slide into your kneeling position but you still can't hold onto Eunhyuk's neck.

"Okay, what about this..." he begins, sitting next to you against the wall of the practice room, "You just slide into the kneel and switch hands as you do it, that should work right?"

You thought about it for a moment, shrugging afterward, "Whatever, let's give it a go."

The routine is almost second nature now and you don't even have to think about the moves anymore, they just fall into place. The only time you need to think is the last bit, not only because of the difficulty but also because of that last heartstopping look Hyukjae gives you before you sweep down, as your feet carry you through the routine, you briefly wondered if that was what was messing you up, the fluttering rampage your heart got sent into every time his eyes met yours instead of a simple inability to perform. As you contemplated this, you missed a step in the dance, sending you ungracefully toppling over onto said man.

You only managed to stop a complete collision by pushing your arms out in front of you, palms landing on either side of Hyukjae's face as your knees hit the ground, one between his legs and the other on the side of his left thigh. The moment you landed you let out a yelp of both shock and pain as Hyukjae let out a rushed breath of air when his back hit the floor, after the initial discomfort you started to mumble an apology when the extent of your compromising position hit you and you stopped midsentence.

"I...u-uh...ah...I'm...oh my God, I'm so sorry..." you were a stuttering blushing mess to say the least and the man under you looked to be in no better shape, his mouth opening and closing as words failed him.

You had been blinking rapidly, looking everywhere but him but as the silence became too much you made the mistake of meeting his gaze. He had that same hazy, heartstopping look in his eyes from earlier and you couldn't help but lose yourself in it, you were hypnotized by his gaze and there was no getting out. You were so caught up in the moment you didn't notice yourself leaning steadily closer to the male beneath you, well...not until the door shot open with a childish cry of "HYUKKIE~!"

As soon as the door opened you shot backward, landing on your a foot away from Eunhyuk who was still sprawled on the floor, dazed and confused.

"Oh, was I interrupting something?" Donghae asked innocently in the doorway.

You shook your head, still unable to form words while Eunhyuk sat up slowly, scratching the back of his head, "Yes. Ah, no...I mean, I don't really know, but I do know that you should probably go now, Hae, I'll talk to you later."

Donghae nodded, grinning at his best friend, "Okay, just remember to lock the door if you're going to do it in here~!"

Eunhyuk's head snapped toward the door as if he were about to scold the younger man but before he could even open his mouth, Donghae was sprinting down the hall leaving only giggles in his wake. Running a hand through his already mussed hair, Eunhyuk turned back to you, "Uhm...Jinae..." he started awkwardly.

You stood up, still blushing and turned to get your bag, "Yeah, I know,  save your breath, let's just pretend that whole whatever almost thing...never happened, okay?"


You froze, turning around slowly, "W-What?"

A light blush rose to color his cheeks but he stayed firm despite how nervous he looked, "I...I've sort of liked you for a while and...I really don't want to pretend like that never happened, it's the first time you've shown interest in me and I'd rather rememeber that..." he trailed off, the entire time he'd been speaking you had been advancing toward him and now you were kneeling in front of him, "J-Jinae?"

You grabbed onto the collar of his loose t-shirt, a slight smile dawning your lips, "I like you too~" and with that you pressed your lips to his. His lips were softer than you imagined and though it was a short, simple kiss you could tell you would never tire of the taste.

As you pulled away Eunhyuk grinned gummily, "What are your feelings about skipping the rest of practice and grabbing some know, like a date?"

 You smiled back, "I'd like that."

Ohmahgod. It's an update o 3 o

hsjksdnhjkddsjjm I'm sorry I at updating, I just had this major writer's block OTL 



And keep requesting it keeps the story alive~ 



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krissy25 #1
love interest: yesung

scenario: yesung meets a girl (me) who is as weird and awkward and loves turtles like him. he falls for her

extra: henry my best friend gets jealous
Chapter 2: Love Interest; Lee Donghae.
Scenario; Soccer game! [Name] wants to prove she's just as good as any guy.
Any Extra Details; Tackle kiss xD
what-is-this #3
super junior my oppas :DD
Subscribed~ Awesome shots btw~ ;)

My Request:

Love interest: My love, Cho Kyuhyun.

Scenario: WWIII (A fight that ends playfully). Kyuhyun finally gets a break after a long time of hectic schedules. But he decides to play with his beloved laptop instead of spending with his girlfriend of 3 years. She, of course, gets mad and start a fight as soon as she goes to see him. But just as things get serious, Kyuhyun (afraid that she'd break up with him) decides to be playful.

Any extra details: She'd be serious, while he does aegyeo to ease the tension. Add in a bit of fluff, please. I love fluff~ (maybe a bit of tickling or childish acts; like a pillow fight, maybe).

I hope having a detailed request wouldn't make things harder for you, I was hoping it would do the opposite and actually help, since you wouldn't have to think for completely everything. ;) And thank you!
omo. Thank you!!!! That was DAEBAK. Seriously~!! I would squeal, but I'd wake the others up~ anyway, love it~~ Can't wait for your next update~
Love Interest: Cho Kyuhyun

Scenario: Taking me out for our anniversary

Any Extra Details: Make it sweet and cute and make us very close to each other like kiss and hug a lot :) Oh and make him evil cutie in this part

Thanks :3
Poppy1231 #7
Love interes: Eunhyuk (my love anchovy <3)
Scenario: something that ends reakly really sad ( i like sad stories. weird me 030)
Extra details: going out for 4 years now. And i dont those stories that people die of cancer and stuff. no fun! Kyuhyun is her best friend

thabk you auther nim.
Welcome back :3