Learning The Truth

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }
Fan Fiction

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

by Anne

Chapter 6

Learning The Truth.

Hebe walked slowly as she went to Uncle Sammie's home office. Here Uncle Sammie stayed most of the time when he is home,working on his cases and studying each angle so as to free his client.There is a big shelves for all his books.She wondered ,if he was able to read them all.It seems to her that it will take her forever to read all those books.

There was a diploma hanging in the wall where he got his degree.Uncle Sammie is no ordinary lawyer.He got his degree from a very prestigious university,and managed to graduate at the top.The Family knows where to invest their money.

As Hebe looked at the picture of Uncle Sammie on his younger days,he is quite a looker,not that he is gorgeously handsome like Jiro.But he can hold well with anybody.Jiro is handsome with a tall built and quite manly,while Uncle Sammie is just average height but he makes up for it by his stance.Hebe wondered how come she ends up comparing the two,today.She doesn't know why.

Today,Uncle Sammie is leaving to attend some business,as far as Hebe knows,he is going to Europe,in Italy and Switzerland.And he is going to stay there for some unspecified time.She miss his company,she will miss his smiles and his gentleness towards her.It seems he is the only one who truly loves her and cares for her for what she is.He doesn't sees her as the woman from the brothel,but a woman and in fact she feels like a a respectable woman the way he treats her.

Jiro has not showed up since that night.She never heard anything.He must have hate her too much,the way he tried to get away from the house,as much as possible.She should be the one hating him,the way he is treating her,but she is loving him more each day.If she had not known Jiro ,then it will be so easy to love Uncle Sammie.He has been so good to her. And she doesn't know how to repay his kindness and generosity.

Uncle Sammie saw her as he reached out for her hand."Hebe ,come here,I have something important to tell you." he said.as they sat on the sofa by his office.

"Something important?" Hebe asked and wondered what is all about.What if he asked for her? Will she be able to refused him,when he has given her so much? But what about Jiro? She loves Jiro,and it will be so wrong to be with Uncle Sammie,if I love Jiro,he deserved a better woman than me.

"You must be wondering,the circumstances why I brought you in my house.It has been almost a year now,right?" he said.

Hebe nodded her head."I have been thinking why are you being so nice to me.I thought you liked me,but you didn't....even touched me." as she was embarrassed to say it,as her cheeks colored.

"Your mother is a beautiful woman,you looked just like your mother.The same eyes,the same nose and yes the same face."he said with a smile on his face , as the memories of the girl that he only loved came to him.The sweet and innocent Leila,the girl who captured his young heart.

"You...knew my Mother?" Hebe asked as her eyes started to tear,remembering the memories of a gentle and sweet woman,who loved her and protected her from the beatings of her own Father.

"Yes,I knew your Mother.She was a very beautiful woman,just like you.I met her in Madame Song's house.She is not one of them,but more like a helper,although,she can be easily one of the girls,but she is a decent woman.Her honor is more important to her more than anything else.She needs a job and that is the only place that can offer her a job,since she got no education and training." he said.

"We fell in love despite of our differences.We were young and yes quite impulsive at that time.We were together while i was in school.And then I left for my work and for further training.And she promised me that she will wait for me.But when I came back,your Mom has already married your Dad.She didn't tell me what happened.She refused to see me nor talk to me after she married your Dad." he said."I asked you when and where you are born,when I met you.I was so shocked to see her in you.I have learned that she had a child,and that is you.And I have been thinking if I can possibly your Father.I can't asked your Mom,for she is gone.I was thinking of asking you for a DNA testing,to make sure,but then now I have learned that I don't have to" Uncle Sammie continued."I know now the truth."

"So,are your my Father?Is that why my Dad hated me,and was beating me up,because he is not my Dad?",as she looked at him with pain and anguished as she remembered the times that she has to suffer from the hands of her Father.

"Are you my Dad? Please say that you are my Dad.You have to be my dad." Hebe said."Then he will have reasons not to love me,and to hate me." as she cried.

"I am sorry Hebe...I am not your Father.Your Dad is your real Father.In as much as I want to be your Father,I am not." he said.

"How can you be so sure? You are my Father,you have to be my Father."Hebe said."Then I can say that my Dad loves me,just like all the girls that I knew.Their Daddy loves them,while my own Father sold me to the whorehouse.Do you know how much it hurts?" as Hebe sobs,letting out all the hurt,pain and the humiliation that she felt.

The Old Man hugged her as he took her in his arms for the first time.He did love this girl now,he just love her so much.If he can only take away the pain and the hurt that she is feeling right now,he will do it.But she has to learned the truth.

"You may not be my daughter,but I love you like a daughter.You will be the daughter that I never have,just like Jiro is the son that I never have." he said."Everything will be alright now,don't worry,I'll take care of you from now on and you will not look back at your past .You will only have to look forward for tomorrow." as they hold each other for a long time until Hebe's crying eased down.

"Thank you Uncle Sammie.Thank you for your kindness.I love you." Hebe said,as she tried to wiped away the tears in her eyes.

"And I love you too.You take care of yourself while I am gone.Jiro will be here for you while I am away." he said.

"Please come back to me.Promise me?" Hebe said.

"Yes I will come back.Now why don't you smile.I will like to remember the smile on your face while I am gone." he said.

Hebe force a smile on her face,and Jiro was standing on the door and he can see them as they hugged and as Hebe said the word that he wished he never heard...she loves him...She got to be kidding..After making love to him with such abandonment and now she is proclaiming her love for his Uncle...Anger burned inside of him.He feels like shaking her and hurting her,just like the way she was hurting him......

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole story..lol! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!