Waiting For The Big Day

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

A/N I just have a few chapters left.I had it all figured out already,all I need is to write it down.Just bear with me.

Ohh i just lost everything that I wrote...again.This is making me crazy.....it can't be ....I guess i just have to do it all over again.But somehow the origial seems to be always the best....cause the real emotions is there.

Ella found Hebe in the porch ,sitting in the chair doing her quilt.They have just finished dinner and although ,it almost past seven oclock, it is still quite bright outside.The wind is not that cold anymore,it is more of a cool breeze now.It is a quiet Friday afternoon and Ella has come home for the weekend.Eventually she is going to move back home again after their lease in the apartment is up.

She stood near Hebe,with a mug in her hand,looking outside,with such seriousness in her face.

" You know I saw him this week,and he has been looking for you.He came to the apartment asking for you?" Ella asked.

Hebe was quite lost for a while,unable to comprhend what she is talking about,as she stared at her.

"Attorney Jiro Wang??? he is the father of your baby,isn't it." Ella said."I figured out that you can't be having problem with the law.The reason that he was looking for you is something personal,isn't it."

Hebe nodded her head ,as panic rose to her.He hsa been looking for her.For what???

"You didn't tell him anything,did you?" Hebe said in panic.

Ella shook her head."He came by the apartment last Monday looking for you.He looked desperate enough...Why don't you give him a chance and talk to him.?" Ella asked.

"I don't think,it will do any good.He told me that he does not love me nor want anything to do with the baby.If ever,he might take the baby away from me ,if he learned that the baby was really his." Hebe said."He got all the money and this is what he do for aliving.My past ,he might slapped it right into my face,and pictured me as an unfit mother to my child.it will be too easy for him to take my child away from me."

"Relax, I did not tell hinm anything,I just thought,that he looked like he really cared for you.But i will respect your decisions.You should know him better." Ella said."He is quite tall and yes quite good looking,that is why you fell for him."

Hebe had a dry laugh after that.Images of Jiro played in her mind.She still has not forgetten him,Not a day pass that he is not in her thoughts,and yes she still loves him...."But I will not be the woman in his life.he told me himself,plain and simple and right into my face."

"Somehow seeing him,my opinion of him has changed.he is not the big bad werewolf that I pictured him to be.he is alot tamer now." Ella said.

Hebe laughed out ..."Tha father of my baby a werewolf.Somehow I never imagine him to be." as they both laughed together....

It is a hot summer day when Hebe felt the real pain .She has been feeling tha pain on and off and she just knew that the baby is coming soon,it is Sunday afternoon and the family is gathered together for lunch,as she felt the pain.Today,the baby has decided that it is time to see the real world.

Ella's Dad drove her to the hospital ,together with Ella and Chun,who happens to be there.Hebe moaned and groaned in pain as she hold on Ella's hand as Chun looked on with pity in his eyes.No woman should undergo to this kind of pain alone,he thought.The baby is ready to come out and nothing can stop him....

Jonathan Tian Wang was born later that day at 845 at night.He has a vigorous cry,he is pink with lots of black hair.He weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces,and 22 inches in lenght.Hebe fell in love with her baby, the first time she laid her eyes on him.She hugged him and yes this time,it is just gonna be the two of them now.And yes she will give all her love to her baby,to make the lack of love from his father.She will love him as much...as tears came to her eyes...Now,it is just the two of them,against the world.

Days went by,as days came to a weeks,and weeks to months.hebe has quietly setteld in her new role and in her new quiet life.She found a job,as a cashier in the grocery and also as a waitress in the diner along the highway.She has been earning enough and yes she has to start saving.Pretty soon,she needs to find a place of her own and the baby.She doesn't want to over streched the hospitality that Ella's family has given.It is good enough that they have taken her in,in her rough days.She needs to stand on her own pretty soon.

Ella's Mom has been taking care of the baby while she is working.And she has treated her like her own daughter and John-John as their own grandchild,Forever she will have a gratitude in her heart for them.And yes,she has been pretty lucky in finding them in her life.

The air is getting cold once again.Fall is here once again.The kids are back to school and the tourist and visitors are long time gone.She zipped up her jacket,as she walked to the diner. She is not scheduled to work todaybut she was called to come in to cover for Susan who was sick.She decided to come in,she needs the extra time anyway,so she can save faster for a new place.

The diner is not that busty today.it is a monday,and aside from the hectic breakfast,lunch time is pretty slow.it is almost past lunch when a gentleman walked in.Hebe not looking up  as she approach the costumer to give the menu and get the order .She never expected that she will be looking in his eyes again.Never knew that she will staring back at Jiro'e eyes once again...

Jiro's eyes was in disbelief.Hebe is right in front of him.The woman that he has been looking for,the one that he has been missing and has been wanting to see the most,is right before his eyes.

"Hebe???"...as he tried to hold her hands...but Hebe was quicker,she ran before he can touch her....as he ran after her....




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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole story..lol! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!