
The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

Uncle Sammie stared at the door waiting for Jiro's arrival.He was already late .He said at meet him here at eight oc lock and it is half past nine,and he is still not here.He seldom get late from their meetings.And for him not to show up is something else.he has been calling his cell phone and he is not picking up.The cell phone must be off ot there is really something going on,that he needs to know.

The restaurant is halfway empty is a slow star for the week for them.he signaled the waiter to bring his tab.He cannot sit here and wait for him.He got to look for him.Something is going on with Jiro and he is not telling.He wants to talk to him ,so that they can discuss the case that he has been handling.He wants to know what was the postponement for. The family is not too happy the way the case has been dragging on.This shouid be in the can already.

He paid his tab and hopped in his car.he told the driver to bring him to Jiro's apartment in the city.He must be home..he couldn't be that far.He wondered that if everything has something to do with Hebe.He knows he is hurting from his lost.he neevr knew that he has feelings for her. Never even suspected,if he has known earlier,then maybe he could have done something for both of them.

Uncle Sammie knocked on the door ,and there was no response.he knew he is home for he saw his car in the garage.He got a spare key ,something that jiro gave to him when he moved out of the house.He tried it on,as the door opens.

The place was quiet and very dark ,there was no movement  or any sound at all.He must be in his room,as he reached out for the light.As the bright light came in,he found Jiro sitting in the chair.oblivious of his sorroundings.His eyes glossy,and as he tried to wipe away the tears from his face,he did forgot,Uncle Sammie has been waiting for him.....

"I have been waiting for you.I figured something must be going on,for you were never late nor you never stood me up before.This is the first." Uncle Sammie said.

"I forgot.There are a lot of things on my mind." Jiro said,as he stood up to replenish his drink.

"How can you think when you are already drunk.What's going on? This is your old man asking you." Uncle Sammie asked.

"I found her,I saw Hebe today but it is already late.I am too late." he said as he gulped down his drink straight up.

"What do you mean,too late?" Where is she Jiro?Where is the baby?" he asked.

"She lost our baby,and it is all my fault,if only I have accepted the baby when she told me the first time.If only..." Jiro said.

"But where is Hebe?How come you never brought her home?Where is she?" Uncle Sammie asked.

"She doesn't want me anymore.She doesn't love me anymore and she never wanted to see me ever again.She hates me now." Jiro said,as he slump on the chair.

"Tell me where she is ? I need to talk to her." he asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore.Just let her be.She is happy where she is right now." Jiro said "I think I hurt her enough.Just let her be."

Hebe was unable to sleep that night.The images of jiro that day played before her mind.She can still hear his voice when he tolld her ,he loves her.Does he really love her? She has been wanting to hear him say that.But is it really the truth???Lying to him about the baby hurt him too,but she cannot be sure.He might take away the baby from her.And John-John is the only one she got right now. He is her only life....and she cannot let Jiro take him away from her,as she cried....

The next day Hebe is back to work again.It has been busy Friday afternoon.Tomorrow is her day off,she will have time to play and be with her son.he is growing so fast now.He started to look around and smile.He can even recognize her now,as he smiles everytime she came back hme from work.And the smile on his face is the one that keeps her going everyday.

She went to the back door,getting ready to go home.She started early today and that means ,she will be home early too.She looked outside and the sun is still must be one of those rare Indian summer.Although the leaves on the trees are turning yellow now.She went inside as Mrs Spiras was in the counter and handed her an envelope,containing her earning for the week.She smiled at her.

"So don't forget,you are starting early on Monday." she said

Hebe nodded her head and smiled when she saw the content of the envelope.She can start looking for a place now.Maybe she has enough for a new apartment....

She was happy and smiling and singing a tune today.She doesn't know why.She just feel like light today....and then as she turn to go to the main road.There was a car that looks so familiar and the man standing by the car is also a familiar face.He smiled at the sight of her.Hebe likewise smiled back,as she ran to him....and hugged him.

"Uncle Sammie." Hebe said."How did you find me?"

"Hebe,I finally found you. How are you?" he asked.

"I am fine,just fine.I miss you though." Hebe said."Jiro told you?"

He nodded his head."I gathered he came here to see you?"

Hebe nodded her head."And what happened?He has been looking for you all over.He was so worried about you and the baby." he said.

"I told him,that I don't want to see him again.He hurt me before." Hebe said.

"And the baby? You lost the baby.he was so heartbroken when I saw him the last time." he said.

Hebe did not say anything.She will hate to lie to this man.He has been good to her.He is a father that she never got.She was confused for a while what to tell him.

"Do you have time? I want to show something.But promise me ,you are not going to tell Jiro,until I said so?" Hebe said.

"No,I have all the time in the world for you." as they boarded his car and Hebe showed him the direction to their house....

"Hebe can I say something,about Jiro.Can't you give him a second chance?He really loves you but he thought,that you were my woman.I never told him,about your  Mom and me,and never really explained our relationship to him.Not that I am giving him a reason,for hurting you.But I do understand his loyalty to me.Why he gave you up for me,eventhough he loves you very much." he said.

"That kid went to a lot growing up,and I am the only who gave him a chance.he was living on the street,doing all the things that a boy at his age should not be doing.And I took him in.And now he thinks he owe me everything,even his life.I love that boy very much and it hurts me to see him so broken.If you still love him,can you at least give him another chance?"

Hebe did not answer but cried as Uncle Sammie hugged her."You two have been into so much already.Why don't you give each other to be happy for once Both of you deserved to be happy.And if both of you are happy,then I'll die happy in my life.."

They stop in the  farm house as Hebe lead him inside,and on the infant chair,a little boy with a bright eyes and a big smile greeted them."Uncle Sammie,my baby,Jonathan Tian Wang." as Hebe took him and gave to Uncle Sammie as the man hold the baby in his arms and the Old Man cried for the first time after a very long time.......Holding John-john is like holding your grandchild for the first he stared at him.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!