Silent Goodbye....

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

Jiro woke up the next day,as the sun shine through his is almost noon already as he looked at the clock.His head was like a rock banging at each other.After Hebe left him,all he can think was to drown his pain,confusion and inadequacy.He can't even do the things that he wants to do.He doesn't know whether to believe Hebe or not.It seems like his life is in chaos now.Loving Hebe has made his life upside down.He should have never met her nor touched her at all.

He could hardly get up as he holds on the wall to get to his bathroom.he washed his face to wake himself up as he stared at himself at the mirror.What he saw is himself and he doesn't even like what he saw in there.He can see the pain,the anger and the bitterness within himself.He stared at himself,trying to fight himself,trying to be tough and strong.Weak people doesn't survive.He got to be strong in order to survive.Emotions are the one that makes people weak,and he need to take away the emotions that he is feeling right now....He needs to throw away the love that he is feeling for Hebe right now....for it is making him weak....

After few minutes,he is all dressed up and full of confidence, as he walked in the living room.he found the house empty except for the help.Hebe and Uncle Sammie must have gone somewhere.The better for him he thought.It will be easier for him to leave.He doesn't want to see Hebe again with her accusing eyes.He can just call his Uncle that he has an important meeting this afternoon.

He doesn't know yet what to do with Hebe's pregnancy,and if she really is pregnant.Maybe she is just trying to trapped him.Girls do that ,when they are desperate enough.But Hebe doesn not looked that desperate last night.What if she really is pregnant with his baby? He shook his head.She can't be pregnant,he was always careful,although the last times that they have been together,they have been careless because it is the thoughts came to him....Hebe pregnant with his could have been a different picture if she didn't hooked up with Uncle Sammie, and with the other guys...He will be happy by now...if ever she have his baby....Somehow,he did not know that  tears came with the thought of it,as he quickly wiped it away.

He heard a car from outside.It seems like ,they are home already and he is too late to move ,to avoid them.And then Uncle Sammie walked in.

"Jiro,you are up.How are you feeling now?" Uncle Sammie asked as he eyed him with concern.

"I am alright.I think I took more than I can last night." Jiro said.

"Yeah,you have to watch out.I have noticed that you have been drinking a lot lately.Is something troubling you?" Uncle Sammie asked.

"No,nothing." as he tried to avoid his eyes.

"It is not about the office or a girl problem,is it?" he asked.

"No,it is nothing,just unwinding after a week of hardwork.There is nothing to it." Jiro said."I have to go,for i have a meeting this afternoon."

"You are not gonna wait for Hebe?She just went to the parlor." Uncle Sammie said."Did you ever get the chance to talk to her?"

"Yes last night.But she didn't say anything.She must be sick,that is why she looked sad.But don't worry she is getting better."Jiro said."Got to go now ,just call me if you need anything." Jiro said and then left without a back glance....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!