To Tell Him Or Not

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

It was already past noon when Hebe gathered enough strenght and courage to get up and leave her room.She heard that Uncle Sammie have gone out to play golf  with Jiro.They won't be home until mid afternoon is the earliest.Knowing that she have a baby inside,Hebe forced herself to eat something so as to provide nourishment to her growing baby.She had a glass of warm mik and a sandwich,She felt better after consuming the whole thing,although her stomach is still queasy.But she has to think past herself and think of her baby.

She also ordered the maid to prepare a dinner for the three of them.He knows that both of them will be famished when they get back from the game.She went back to her room and started to sort out her things.Uncle Sammie has been giving her a big allowance and she hasn't touched it.She doesn't need anything,anyway.Everything has been provided and given by Uncle Sammie.She counted the money and she was surprised that it was a big sum of will be enough for her and the baby until she give birth and then she can start working after the baby is born.She just have to pay back Uncle Sammie once she gets a job.

But  where will she go?She doesn't know anybody,she doesn't have any friends to rely on?And then she remembered the girl on the parlor who was always been nice to her.She looked nice and they have been exchanging stories now and then...maybe she can help her  out to  look for a place to live.As far as she knows,she also lived by herself.She will see her tomorrow and she will talk to her.Yes Ella will help her out.

She heard a sound in the living room,they must have gone back  from the game,as she hid her things away.She will talk to Uncle Sammie and she will tell him her plan.It will not be fair to him if she would just leave without speaking to him.He will understand.And Jiro,she is still undecided whether to tell the baby or not.He probably don't want to have anything to do with her and the baby.But he have the right to know about the baby.Tell him bout the baby and then it is up to him,she won't beg again.She will be calm about it and just tell him about the baby.She said a prayer and hoped that she will have enough courage to accomplish whatever she set out to do today....

There was a knock on her door and it is Uncle Sammie...

"Hebe,are you awake? Can I come in?" Uncle Sammie asked.

"I am up,yes you can come in." she said,and then Uncle Sammie looked at her and smiled.

"Ahhh you must feeling better now.I am glad." Uncle Sammie said."I was worried about you."

"I am fine,as you can see i am up now,I even ate something for lunch earlier."Hebe answered."How was the game?"

"I won this time.Jiro is getting rusty,,,already." he answered."So you can join us for dinner?"

"Yes,of course,I'll join you for dinner." Hebe said."I'll be down in a minute."

"It is alright,I still have to take a shower first," Uncle Sammie  said."Glad you are feeling better." and with that he left.

Hebe went down to help prepare the dinner.She found Jiro in the bar with a drink in his hand as he looked at her.She ignored his stare,as she went to the kitchen.Jiro looked at her.She looked a lot better now.She have more color on her cheeks now.She ignored his presence,and Jiro quite expected it after the last time.But somehow,it hurts him,when Hebe ignored his very presence.He swallowed the liquid on his hand and it quite burned him.

Dinner was done with the conversation mostly between Jiro and Uncle Sammie.Hebe was awfully quiet all throughout the dinner.She have that certain look in her which Jiro could not place.After dinner,Hebe excused herself and went to her room.But she felt restless as she walked back and forth,battling herself whether to tell Jiro or not about the baby.

A little bit later Uncle Sammie knocked on her door,as he bid her goodnight.He is having an early night for he is exhausted after the game.,as he kissed Hebe goodnight.Somehow the battle between herself is still raging inside of her.and then finally Hebe went down to look for Jiro.He was still in the bar,he seems to be drinking more than he can for today.His eyes glossy from the drink already.

When Jiro stared at her,her heart seems to gone out with him.The courage that she has been holding on,seems to slip away.

"Jiro,can I talk to you" Hebe asked."I just need to tell you something"

"And what is it? The old man wants me to tak to you too.He is worried about you." Jiro said,"What is going on inside your mind of yours? Are you really sick or is it just an act?"

"I am not acting or anything.I am really not feeling well." Hebe said.

"And because I dumped you?You really want me to believe that?" he asked.

"Don't flatter yourself,whatever it is that I plead you with,I got over it.I will live.You are not the only guy in the world." Hebe said."There are a lot more deserving of my love and affection.I won't beg for your love anymore."

"Quite an early recovery,I might say.I am right all along.You don't have faithfulness and loyalty.Done with the one and be with the next one is it?" Jiro said as anger rose to him."I just know your kind."

Hebe bit her lips and flinched at his atatement."I came here to tell you one thing.....I am....pregnant    ... and that.... this is your baby."

"My baby?" Jiro uttered in astonishment he doesn't know what to think at the moment.His mind was clouded by alcohol."You've got to be kidding," was all he can think of saying.

"It is alright if you don't believe me.I just have to tell you.You have the right to know." Hebe said as she looked at him and looked for any sign that somehow,he will have some sort of feeling with regards to the news ,but found none.

"Do you think,I would believe you?Not in the world that it can be my baby.You might be pregnant and all but that is not mine." Jiro said.

Tears came in Hebe eyes....unable to stop it.He doesn't want this baby ,just like she has expected...She walked out of him unable to bear what he has to say about her and the baby ,as she locked the door in her room and cried.....Jiro has hurt her enough that will last a lifetime,and she told herself  that this will be the last time............he cannot hurt her anymore....after today.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!