She's Gone

The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

Hebe looked at the big house for the time as she rode on the taxi.She only have a luggage with her .She didn't bring much,her toiletries,a few clothes that will get her by for now while her stomach is small.Pretty soon,she needs to buy a maternity clothes....

She gave the driver the address ,where he should be taking her.They went out of the suburban city and then through the highway until they entered the city.They went to the tall buildings of apartment complex.He finally stopped at the tall building in the corner.

"This is it Mam,the address on the paper." the driver said,as he handed her back the paper.

"Thank you very much."" Hebe said as she paid the cab driver and gave him a generous tip.

She took her luggage with her as she opened the heavy main door.She buzzed the buzzer and then the voice of Ella loomed in the intercom.

"Yes,who is this?" she asked.

"This is Hebe." she answered.

"Alright come on in when I pushed the buzzer.Do you need help with your luggage?" she asked.

"No it is alright.I will be fine." Hebe answered back.

"Alright it is apartment 405.You have to take the elevator tot he fourth.:" Ella said as Hebe went inside the building.She took the elevator on the way up.iI is quite old and it shook as it moved up.Ella was waiting by the doorway when she stepped on the fourth floor.

"Over here Hebe.Did you have a hard time finding the place?" Ella asked.

"No, not really." Hebe answered.Ella helped her out with her only luggage,as Hebe walked in to her new home.

There was a small kitchen which also serves as a dining room, a living room just enough for a sofa,and then three doors that are closed.She assumed that it could be the 2  bedroom. and the bathroom.

"Thank you Ella for taking me in." Hebe said.

"Thank you too for helping me pay up the rent in this one.We are just trying to help out each other." she said.

"Your bedroom is the the door on your right.You can put your things there now and get settled while I 'll prepare something for our lunch."Ella said.

"Thanks a lot again." she said as she went to her bedroom.It is not much of a space but this will do.She got single bed on the corner against the wall,a little dresser and a little closet for her clothes.She put away her things and soon enough,she felt so tired as she lay down on the bed and fell asleep....

Uncle Sammie arrived in the house and found it silent and empty.Jiro aske him not to tell Hebe about the things that they have talked today. Jiro wants to break the news to her.He just knew that she will be surprised at the turn of events...

He went looking for Hebe but he could not find her.He asked the maid but nobody seems to know where hebe is,at the moment.He asked the driver,but he has never seen her at all the whole day,as he dismisses them.He went around looking for her,in the rooms,in the garden and in the kitchen,but he could not find her,....until he found Hebe's letter to him....He was shocked and as he stared at Hebe's letter....Hebe is gone....

Jiro was so excited planning the evening with Hebe.he made reservations to his favorite restaurant,he ordered long stemmed of red roses for her.And then he went to the jewelry store to pick up the ring for her.he stared at the ring as it glistened in his eyes.He can't wait to put the ring in her finger.....

And then his cell phone rang and it is Uncle Sammie.he must be as excited as him,as a smile came to his lips.He answered the phone ,only to hear Uncle sammie;s sad voice."Jiro,she is gone.......Hebe is gone." Uncle sammie said in shock....

Jiro was unable to believe can't be ,as panic rose to him. She can't be gone,she still didn't know,she still didn't know that he loves her.he still didn't tell her that he loves her....Hebe and the baby.....he can't be losing the two most important people in his life in one day.....he just knew that he got to find her,he needs to find her,,,Hebe and the he ran all the way to his car



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!