
The Forbidden Game {Killing Me Softly }

Jiro looked up from the paper that he was reading as the door on his office opens,and he was surprised to see his Uncle Sammie in the office.He has not seen him since he arrived from Europe.He left the house the day he came home, and he has never been home since then. It has been almost a month now.Not that he doesn't want to but he needs to get far away from the house as much as possible.He wondered what was his business in the office right now.He has gone semi retirement and he has taken over the office.He only comes around when there is a big case that Jiro needs helping with.So far they have a couple of cases that involved the family but it is nothing big,he already figured it out,how to get them out.

"Uncle Sammie?What brings you here?" Jiro said in surprise.

"Well I have not seen you since I came back.You never came around in the house even on weekend." Uncle Sammie said with an accusing tone.

"But we always on the phone,almost everyday.It's not that I have forgotten about you." Jiro said as he smiled at his Old Man.He can be his Father,in fact he is more than  a Father to him.But yes he wants care and affection,especially nowadays that he is nearing his age.

"I am sorry ,I have been busy with work lately.I'll try to come around this weekend." Jiro said."But is there anything that I need to know.We don't have any big case around that involve the family.or is there a new one or something big coming?" he asked.

"No,only the ones that you are handling so far.And it looks like a winner for me." he said."Do you have time for lunch with your Old man?"

Jiro smiled...the Old Man must have missed him already."Of course,you know I always have time for you." Jiro answered."let me just checked my schedule for today." as he buzzed his secretary to come in.

Jiro and Uncle Sammie went to the nearby Italian Restaurant across the office.They always have lunch there when they were working together.They knew the owner and the people there knew them.Jiro knew that they also have connections with the family.They are known friends of the family.And yes they business thrived and flourished under the Family's security.They were given a private room all to themselves.

During lunch,the two men shared stories about the people that they knew and about the business,and the office.It is like Father and Son sharing each other;s stories,but nothing was mentioned about Hebe.Jiro plainly omitted her name ,and so his Uncle.When it is time for coffee and dessert,Jiro saw the changed of expression in his Uncle's face.The look of worry and anxiety can be seen in his eyes.

"Uncle what is the matter.You looked troubled,is there something I need to know or something you want to tell me?" Jiro asked.

"Jiro I am worried about Hebe." he said.

"What about?" Jiro asked as a frown came to his face and his heart started racing so fast.

"She doesn't looked too well lately.She was so sad,quite depressed I might say.Although she tried to hide it from me,but I just knew something is bothering her." Uncle Sammie said.

"She didn't say anything?" as Jiro swallowed hard at the question."Maybe it is her time,you know sometimes girls goes on their cycle or she might be bored at home."

"No it is something more than that.Is she seeing someone else when I was away?" Uncle Sammie asked."I don't know,she has this faraway look most f the time.I was thinking,she might be in love with somebody else."

"As far as I know,she stayed in the house ,almost all the time you were away.She doesn't even go out and shop and all that ,like any other girl.She only goes out on Sundays for church." Jiro said.

"How did you know?" Uncle Sammie asked.

"Of course the usual,I checked with the driver and the maids." Jiro said.You want me to tail her?"

"No,of course not.I just want to know why she looked so unhappy.I just want Hebe to be happy,just like i want you to be happy too.You two are the only two most important people in my life.I hope you know that.And there is nothing that I want most than the two of you doing good and being happy in your chosen life." Uncle Sammie said with all the affection in his eyes as he looked at Jiro.

Jiro smiled in acknowledgement."I guess me and Hebe are so lucky to have you in our life.And I am so grateful for that." he said."If Hebe is in love with somebody else,will you ever let her go?"

"No,not unless that that guy that she is in love with,can give her more than I can give her." Uncle Sammie said with conviction."The guy  should love Hebe more than I love her and can give her all the luxuries more than I can give her.If he can't love her truly and can not  make her happy,then he won't have her.He doesn't deserve her."

Jiro just looked at his Uncle as he nodded his head.Yes his Uncle can give her more than he can give her and can love her more than he can love her...but how come his own heart is hurting so much.

"Can you talk to her Jiro? Maybe she'll open up to you more.You are almost of the same age,maybe she'll be more receptive of what you have to say." Uncle Sammie asked.

"Me? Talk to her? But what am I going to say to her.I don't think she will even listen to me." Jiro said.

"Just try talking to her,you'll come home this weekend right?" he asked ,as Jiro nodded his head."Just do it for me.Try to talk her out of her depression.I want to know what is troubling her and if I could do something."

"Alright,I'll be home and I'll try but I can't promise anything and I don't know if it is going to help at all." Jiro said.

"That's all I want to hear.Try ." Uncle Sammie said."I guess I have accomplished what I need to do.I'll bring you back to your work.But don't forget to come home this weekend.I will be waiting for you."

Jiro smiled at he nodded his head and put his hand on his Uncle Sammies shoulder .And then think of Hebe....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Chapter 26: haha love this story!
Chapter 25: aaahh im so happy they made up!!!
JovwyLove #4
So sweet! Wish there was more! :D
so nice~~~~
Anne, this story is one of your wonderful "óbra"! I want to comment some more but I'm afraid that I might summarize the whole! Of course I also want other readers to have the excitement that they deserve.. All i can say is that, this story is one of the best!<br />
I'm also glad that this is a Jiro & Hebe tandem :)<br />
Btw, I miss writing on you wall..I hope that the moderator can do something about it...
Jirbe <3
vy_kitty_sweet #7
you're an amazing writer. can you write more story about hebe tian and jiro wang please. i love them really much. they look so cute. please an you write more about them please. thanks a lot.
daphdaph #8
Hey! very interesting Chapter. I felt like my heart was squeezed. Jiro is so mean to Hebe. Great Job Ms. Anne!