If a kiss could kill

Jungkook's face was too blotten up and some of his blood were dried up on his skin. He has also coughed too much blood on his saliva and his knees were so weak right now.

He's on the verge of falling when a strong hands caught his petite body and carried him around.

But his consciousness won't stay with for too long and everything went black for him.

He's only five yet he's been feeling these cruel things?

He wore a piece of cloth on his left eye, just to cover that ocean like iris he has. He's been itching to remove that thing but his father will always say no.

Yes, he's so curious about that eye he has. Everytime a vampire will get near by him both of his eyes will change their colors.

He did questioned his father but only said, "Don't ever ask that stupid question again."

He did not get the answer he was asking for.

One time, he removed that cloth that was blocking his other eye and went outside to play with the kids in his age.

They saw his eye and older people got up to him and nearly killed him asking why does he have that eye.

Like how would he know it? He answered with silence.

They leave scratches on his arms, even punched on his vitals.

He was called a traitor, he was called a monster.

Don't they deserve that name? Monsters?

He run and run, he was asking for help but no one would care, some were even spitting on him like he's not the prince of the kingdom.

Only because he has that eye.

He hated that eye, so much the he almost gogged out that eye out of desperation to live peacefully.

He moved in his sleep and the surroundings were audible to him, the darkness he was seeing earlier was now filled with light coming from the ceiling.

He looked around and saw a man with a crown on his head grinning widely with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Jungkook blinked out some of the rheum on his eyes and stared in surprise at the man infront of him.

Despite his broken limbs and aching back, he stood up almost immediately and bowed in right angle.

"King, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mr. Kim only laughed at his cuteness, "Yah! Get back to the bed, you need to rest." Almost yelling to make Jungkook get back on resting.

Both recognized each other, both were part of the royal family of each clan but there is this something Jungkook has that caught Mr. Kim's attention.

He has a blue eye.

Not that he complains, he actually found it pretty cool.

By just that sight, he knew that something beneath this kid was treated miserably.

And he actually yearns for a son.

"Jungkook, your name, right?" Mr. Kim asked after he took a sip out of his coffee.

Jungkook shivered and kept his head low while sitting on the bed.

"Y-yes, King." He muttered under his breath.

Mr. Kim chuckled and put down the cup he's holding to the table beside him. He stood up and went closer to Jungkook. He sat on the side of the bed near Jungkook and messed his jet black locks.

"Don't be too nervous and don't call me King! You are a prince, you should just call me dad or something after all, either you or your brother will marry my daughter."

Jungkook eyed widened and turned his head upwards to meet Mr. Kim's eyes looking deeply at him.

"P-pardon? I will marry someone?"

Mr. Kim smiled brightly at him and already decided that Jungkook will be the husband of his daughter. He likes Jungkook more than the other one he doesn't even remember the name.

And he believes that Jungkook will be a good match for his daughter, both are mysterious.

"Yes you will. My daughter Hyoyeon will be the queen of my clan, you will be the king of your clan. If the clans we have will go together perfectly, the kingdom will be restored." Mr. Kim explained slowly for Jungkook to understand what he meant.

Jungkook's eyes became sad when he heard the word 'clan' repeatedly. Yes, it was exciting for him to be the king, but how can he even be the king if people surrounding him dislikes him so much?

Mr. Kim did not fail to see the sadness in his eyes and held Jungkook's shoulders.

"I can do a thing about your eye, I can teach you how to control them, reappear them whenever you want and hide them anytime. But only for one thing." Mr. Kim suggested at Jungkook who's now beaming in happiness but got disappointed about the the last statement.

Jungkook nodded his head for Mr. Kim to continue and Mr. Kim got the signal and continued.

"You will live here with me, my wife and my daughter starting today."

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ice_jung #1
Chapter 27: sad in the end
I love the poster ;;;
junedtwofourthree #3
It's so good~
googlemaniac #4
Chapter 18: Update sooooooonnnnnnnnnnn... oh my goddddd its addicting!!
Aqua_Hunter #5
Chapter 18: Woah even at a young age they are both very cute
Divampires #6
Chapter 17: Jungkook must always with hyoyeon make them together:D
Kim_MinYeon #7
Chapter 17: Poor Jungkook, his past is so sad.
Chapter 17: I hope jungkook will always with hyoyeon
leekimchoding #9
Chapter 12: First i want to say sorry for being so fussy here
i do that because i really love this story, and i'm so impatient for them or the next capt keke
hope you'll do the best for this story, and that right, more you put secret in this story, more we love your story and more i'm being fussy keke
well hope untill u finish this story you'll make seqeul for illusion hehe
i can't be patient if it's belong to hyoyeon or your story
coz you are one of my favorite author here
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 12: I thought Taehyung would not mess with Jungkook after the fighting incident, but I guess he'd come back with revenge.