If a kiss could kill

"Minah, contact my dad." Taehyung ordered his secretary around while he tripped over some beer cans in thought of sitting down on the blocks of can trays.

He took a cigarette from his pocket and took his lighter in which he lit up as soon as his lips touched the filter.

His eyes were turning crimson and his delight was far good than it was before.

The princess' powers has awakened, who wouldn't be happy with that?

His dark and low voice ringed throughout the room with his arrogant laugh, his fringe were wet from sweat, his legs were goddamn hurting since he was hunting down his brother for hours.

Minah ran inside the room and panted hard before turning to his master, "Sir, your dad's on the phone already." With that remark, Taehyung clapped his hands once and grin evily, biting his cigarette between his teeth.

He took the phone and rested it on his left ear, his right index and middle finger walked to the white tube hanging on his mouth and clipped it between their spaces.

He breathed out with a long heavy sigh and regained his balance from the seat, "Yes dad, I have a very good news for you. The princess has awakened." He exclaimed.

The man on the other phone widened his eyes from surprise, "But how? It was sealed for 20 years!" His loud voice shook the things beside him and surprisingly vibrated the phone on Taehyung's ear so much.

Taehyung smirked once again and blinked his eyes, his heart is beating fast and his skin's producing too much liquid that it itches him and excites him even more.

"Go ask your other son, dad. Jungkook has done it." He put back his piece of cigarette and inhaled a long breath and exhaled everything through his nose.

His vision was flooded by a grayish air and his nose was lingered around by a strong smell that makes him cough, but who cares, cigarette is like a blood for him.

It's addicting.

The man on the other line fumed in anger when he heard that Jungkook was the one who did it. He remembered the deal, if only he did not favored Jungkook so much that time.

"The Kim's gonna kill me for this, Taehyung." He breathed so loudly that even Taehyung heard some snort flew from his nose.

Right, the highness will kill you and mom. That's what you get. Taehyung blurted out on his thoughts.

"Well, apparently dad, the princess can always marry me." Taehyung simple rolled these words out from his tongue and smiled from the thought.

If the princess and him are gonna marry, the world they originally lived in will be jumping from happiness. If only that princess chose him, nothing like this will ever happen.

But Taehyung's so sure that in days counting on his two hands, something will change.

And the change will advantage him so much.

"I'll go think about it." The man on the other line sighed as he pushed himself to collect all his thoughts together and think about a good idea apart from Taehyung's suggestion.

"'Kay." Taehyung shortly replied and threw the phone back to Minah.

Minah lowered herself and bowed before walking towards the door to leave his master inside.

Taehyung's so enjoying this moment so much.

So much that he's feeling pleasure by just thinking about what Jungkook's reaction would be when he finally hear the news.

He would be so damn surprised.

Taehyung evily laughed.

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ice_jung #1
Chapter 27: sad in the end
I love the poster ;;;
junedtwofourthree #3
It's so good~
googlemaniac #4
Chapter 18: Update sooooooonnnnnnnnnnn... oh my goddddd its addicting!!
Aqua_Hunter #5
Chapter 18: Woah even at a young age they are both very cute
Divampires #6
Chapter 17: Jungkook must always with hyoyeon make them together:D
Kim_MinYeon #7
Chapter 17: Poor Jungkook, his past is so sad.
Chapter 17: I hope jungkook will always with hyoyeon
leekimchoding #9
Chapter 12: First i want to say sorry for being so fussy here
i do that because i really love this story, and i'm so impatient for them or the next capt keke
hope you'll do the best for this story, and that right, more you put secret in this story, more we love your story and more i'm being fussy keke
well hope untill u finish this story you'll make seqeul for illusion hehe
i can't be patient if it's belong to hyoyeon or your story
coz you are one of my favorite author here
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 12: I thought Taehyung would not mess with Jungkook after the fighting incident, but I guess he'd come back with revenge.