♥ chapter 11 ♥

loving our time [HIATUS]

“Where is that stupid dino?” Key already searched around the floor but didn’t find Jonghyun. The show was going to start in twenty and he even didn’t have his make up on yet.

“Sooner or later, you’ll be dead Kim Jonghyun.”

When he headed to the waiting room, somebody pulled him dragging him to the corner. He was ready to snap that dude for daring to disturb him. But before that happened, that dude already opened his mouth, “I stole Minho’s phone from Taemin’s bag.” He informed Key.

“What for Hyung?”

“For our plan. Don’t you want to do it?” Onew retorted. Of course Key wanted to do it. It was for his dongsaengs after all. And the faster, the better.

“And your plan is?”

“I’ll make him to hear this song I found. It’s gonna open his eyes to see Taemin in different way. And for your job Key, corrupt Taemin’s innocent.” Onew briefed his plan to Key.

“And why should I corrupt my son?” He was not sure of this plan made by Onew. And what made him more annoyed was corruption part. Key would teach Taemin everything including something dirty. But to let Taemin know now was something he dislikes. He planned to tell Teamin everything for about ten years later. Taemin was a baby now, for him at least. So, he chose to refuse Onew’s idea. “I won’t do that!”

“I didn’t mean for you to show him something erted. But let him know little by little about love.”

“Ah! Yeah, you’re right hyung. I know what I should do now!” Key smirked since he got a perfect idea to corrupt Taemin.

“We’ll talk about it again later.” Better get ready for now. The show won’t wait for us.”

Jonghyun saw that Key and Onew came out from the corner together. One thing he felt for sure, he didn’t like Key with Onew together. Any kind of reason that tied them together upset him.

Sighed, “I have to work harder since i have Onew hyung as my opponent to get Key.”


The show went well enough. Shinee brought laugh for their viewers and the show rating went to the top. Key didn’t have time to punish Jonghyun about what happened earlier. And he of course couldn’t show his anger toward that stupid dino during the show. What world would think? But during the show Jonghyun didn’t make any contact with Key, even for simple eye contact. That made Key a little lonely. When he thought that way, Key erased it straightaway and change with, ‘good, that dino got his lesson to not mess with Key!’


“It’s still early.” Taemin broke the silence that surrounding them in the waiting room after the show. Somehow his sentence had implicit meaning. That was why Key asked, “Do you wanna go somewhere? Let’s go. It’s a good time for family bonding,” and smiled in the end of his statement.

Taemin’s face hold a grimness, he didn’t like for Key to initiate that thing right now. “Let’s go get chicken!” and he hate Onew for agree with Key more over suggesting them to eat chicken. He thought about how to cancel it.

 “How about Jonghyun hyung? Have you take your revenge on him Key hyung?” reminded Key about Jonghyun could make Key postpone his idea. He really didn’t feel like to hang out with all of his hyungs today.

“Oh! Yeah! That no-good-for-live kind of person. I almost forgot. Where is he?” Key went all diva mode on remembering Jonghyun.

“He just went out a second ago.” Minho answered for him. Key sprinted over the exit to chase Jonghyun. He swore Jonghyun must had his fist for one or two. Seeing this Taemin smirked and did mental victory dance.

“Onew hyung, I think we’re not gonna have chicken for tonight.” Taemin spoke to Onew trying to make his hyung leave his need to eat chicken. Sometimes he just tired to hear Onew speak about chicken. Every day Onew eats chicken and never get bored. While Taemin, by hearing the word he wanted to vomit.

“You are not, but ME!” he confessed with tender smile then he was on his heels in his journey to chicken land.

I’ll never succeed make him forget about chicken.’ Taemin thought.

Now, it was only him and Minho.

“Let’s go.” Taemin said dragging Minho by the wrist out of the room.

“Where?” the companion just came along.

“You’ll know later.” He answered mysteriously.

Being dragged by your dongsaeng would ruin your reputation, especially when you were Flaming Charisma of SHINee. Hence, Minho stopped so Taemin looked at him. Then he released Taemin grip on his wrist. Taemin was about to protest, Minho then clutched their palms together, made him swallowed up his protest. They hand in hand walked toward the main exit of the building.

“How we get there?” Minho suddenly asked.

“HEh?” Taemin confused by this question. Honestly since Minho clutched their hand together, Taemin went out of space. He couldn’t think just felt that their hands clutched together made him feel warm inside and he liked it.

“The place. How we get there?”

“Oh. Taxi.”

“No. I don’t think so. I’ll borrow one of hyung’s car. Wait here.”

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goojayhee #1
Chapter 24: OMO!!!Love your story...
Update soon!!!
Chapter 23: Omg omg omg omg omg. Love your story very much. Poor Tae. Angry Minho is funny. Update soon if you can. ^^
Chapter 22: Oh, please update soon. Love your story. Can't wait for more! ^^
laytopinsulaydude #5
anctually,i like jongkey more......2min is second :D
laytopinsulaydude #6
i understand it.if you're free,update it :) i bookmark this story so it is easy to see if you're have update it or not...
laytopinsulaydude #7
update soon~ i've wait for 2 days,you know?
@bollyfleck it needs some more chapters before they confess. Please wait it with me :)<br />
and besides, i hv to work for jongkey also. I should start to make their move.
ah so sweet, I hope they confess their feelings soon :D
I love this!For a new author your pretty good. Teach me your ways oh wise one!