loving our time

loving our time [HIATUS]

Inkigayo, Mei 28th 2008

SBS Studio was full of audience like always. Many boybands, girlbands, singers, dancers had performed there. And today, one band had their chance to perform for the first time for their debut.

“Now, we present you Shinee !!” The MCs present the studio Korea latest boy-band. Shinee, a very new boy-band in South Korea. Consist of five members, Lee Jinki as the leader, since he was the oldest, Kim Jonghyun as the main vocal, Kim Kibum – one of the rapper in group, Choi Minho – another rapper in Shinee, and the youngest Lee Taemin – Shinee dancing machine.

There were they, performed their single Noona neomu Yeppo (Replay). The audience went crazy because of their outstanding show. It can be said that they succeed for their first debut. And that song came as number one single for weeks in Korea music chart.


Not very long after that, Shinee became trend setter in South Korea. They were well-known in the entire Korea. They had talent in sing and dance, style, and of course face. People started to follow the way they dressed; they style their hair, and everything. They were sure very succeed as idols.

As a proof for their talent and success, Shinee won many awards for their works. Best Male Rookie, Multizen, and many more. Because of it, Shinee got more fans.

As a group the members of Shinee lived together in their dorm. Sleep in one room together and do many activities together. They knew their fellow member personality and felt like family toward each other.

Lee Jinki or known as Onew(Ring Ding Dong appearance), the leader and oldest member of the group. He was born in December 14th 1989, likes chicken a lot and bit clumsy for someone his age but has sweet voice that make fans have toothache. s in Shinee called him Dubu Leader since he has soft skin like Dubu. Kim Jonghyun(RDD appearance), dinosaur face like. He has great voice and funny person. Born in April 8th 1990. And then there was Kim Kibum(RDD appearance), prefer to be called as Key, born in September 23rd 1991. He was such a diva- Jonghyun likes to say that. Younger than Key was Choi Minho(Hello appearance). Rapper in Shinee. Has frogy face – according to Key but very handsome because he has very big and round eyes – Taemin explained that, and well-toned body everybody could envy for. The maknae of group was Lee Taemin(RDD appearance). Maknae or the youngest because he was born in 1993. He has feminine feature, milky white skin, petite body, and very beautiful face. He had the innocent image of all Korea since he was so cute and well, innocent. He also has great personality and his smile could melt you away.


Now, there he was. Lee Taemin. Tried to wake up his hyungs on this beautiful morning.

“No, taemin!” said jongyhun as a reply. They were all minus Taemin had a late show for KBS variety show. They needed more sleep than 5 hours.

“Taemin, I want my beauty sleep, could you please go away?” Yes, you guessed it right. It was Key gave Taemin answer.

“No. I can’t. I’m hungry! Please, cook for me hyung.” Begged Taemin with his expert aegyo. He knew no one in Shinee could refuse his aegyo.

“Minho hyung, wake up!” called Taemin. But the said man didn’t even twitch. “If you won’t I’ll stop talking to you!” threaten Taemin. And Minho can only sigh.

“That’s not fair!” he complaint. “How can you say that? You’re so mean Taemin-ah. That’s really immature.”

“I’ll be more mature if you cook for me.” Came Taemin reply.

“I know you won’t!” Minho said as he got out from the bedroom followed by cheerful maknae.

“Taemin has Minho in his hand.” Commented Onew out of nowhere.

“Hmm, yeah. He has super duper soft spot in his heart for Taemin. Whatever Taemin wants, Minho can give them for him.” Now Jonghyun gave his perspective.

“Maybe because Minho wants little brother but his parents can’t give him, since his mother already incapable to make one. And here he has Taemin to spoil.” This one came from Key. “Um, guys. How about we sleep now and stop to think about Taemin and Minho? I’ll have panda eyes if I don’t have enough sleep and that ain’t pretty.” Continue Key.

“yeah!” reply the agree sleepy Jonghyun.

“… yeah. No.” came the confuse onew. Since he couldn’t stop to think about 2Min. Shinee fans called Taemin and Minho 2min. he didn’t know how this came. But every time they held concert, since August 2008 there were always banners that say 2MIN. He even once did research for 2MIN in google. As the result he found many pictures of their maknae and Minho together.

Onew knew Minho really close to Taemin since debut. But he didn’t know that their fans could misunderstand their closeness. Because some of the pictures he found showed 2MIN in ‘mature content’ position. But not the real taemin and minho, just the fanarts. But still Onew got the message. And here he was. Thinking about his dongsaengs and their relationship.


Meanwhile in the kitchen, 2Min had their breakfast. With Minho cooked ramyun for Taemin and a cup of coffee for himself. The maknae sure was happy since he got what he wanted. But Minho didn’t feel the same. He lost his time to sleep just for Taemin and know latter he might be grumpy. Last night he together with his hyungs attended variety show and came home at two. 5 hours of sleep in weekend with no schedule of course was not enough for him. But he can’t bear when Taemin threaten not to speak with him. So, he can’t refuse him.

He didn’t know why he can’t say NO to Taemin. Maybe because he doesn’t want Taemin to feel being left behind and lonely so he let Taemin to have his way, he thought. He had experience as the maknae before Taemin came. And he got his hyungs to take care of him. Now, Minho wanted to be useful for Taemin like the other hyungs did for him. But he ended up spoiled him.

“Mom said we should head to your home very soon.” Taemin said distracted Minho from his thought.

Since their debut, they knew others’ family. And if one family held an event, the other Shinee member would invited too. They were more than willing to attend that occasion, because that’s what family are for, right?!. To support each other and be there to feel the love.

But, in Taemin and Minho’s case it was quite different. Since early 2009, every month when 2min have day off, their parents insisted that they had to come home. But, not to their own homes. Their parents somehow managed to hold family reunion together. Sometimes in Taemin house, the other times in Minho’s. They even once held it in Jeju Island, as reward for their success. They had party and Taemin’s mom with Minho’s father got drunk at that time. Quite embarrassing for the two. Because all they said was about 2MIN in romantic way. Their parents were number one 2min shipper. They already admit that there was no such relationship between them, but they said that 2Min is too blind to see it. And they believed that one day they will realize it.

“I don’t wanna go!” said Minho.

“No. We have to!” answered Taemin still ate his ramyun. “My mom cooked my favorite food for me and your mom promised me very delicious desert. I won’t let the offer go, hyung! NO WAY!”

“so, you go alone!”

“Oh, you think they’ll let me have those foods if I go alone? You’re my ticket to them, hyung.” Whined Taemin.

“Can’t I have my beauty sleep for once Taemin? I really need it, since I work late last night.”

“you sound like Key-hyung.” Snorted Taemin and continue, “ but you already beautiful hyung.” Bribe Taemin along with his beautiful and sweet smile.

“I’m not. You are.” Said Minho earned him blushing Taemin. Taemin didn’t know why he was blushing. But he knew that everything about and from Minho affect him so much. Maybe because Minho such a role model for Taemin, he thought.

“Hey, guys.” Said the leader who just got up from bed. “I want chicken in the morning.” Sung Onew as walked to open refrigerator and set out the chicken. He was ready to heat up his favorite food when Taemin chirped in, “You’ll  get sick hyung. Having chicken every time you eat. It’s not healthy, ya’ know!”

“Yeah, said the ramyun for breakfast eater.” Mocked Onew.

“That’s what can I have for him for instant.” Minho answered defensively.

“So, you are the one who decided what Taemin can eat and not?” asked Onew curiously. “Can’t you decide it for yourself Taemin-ah?”

“I can. But refuse to. That’s what I have Minho for. To sort out trivial things for me. Right, Minho Hyung?” Taemin didn’t see Onew face when he told him that, since he had his attention all to Minho. Onew had weird expression once Taemin blurted out like that. More concern for 2Min, thought Onew.

“So, hyung. Since Minho and I don’t have schedule today, we’ll visit our parents.” Announced Taemin happily, ignored Minho refusal.

“Um, may I ask you one question?” asked Onew after he put his chicken in the microwave.

“Sure Hyung.” Replied Taemin still focused on his food. Minho took a glance to Onew, felt fidgety about what Onew was going to asked.

“Why you always have this family gathering together?” Onew asked them both with serious expression.

Taemin didn’t show any movement to answer his hyung’s questions. So Minho took that as a clue it was him who have to answer Onew. “Honestly, we don’t know.”

“How come you don’t know?”

“Well, “ started Minho. But still he couldn’t find the right answer for Onew.

“Hyung, go take shower, I’ll wait here. We have thirty minutes before leave.” Cut Taemin after finished his food and stood up to wash the dishes.

Minho decided to follow Taemin instruction because he didn’t feel like to answer Onew. Better go with Taemin than have serious conversation with their leader. Like a flash Minho ran out of the kitchen and leave Onew with Taemin.

“So?” Onew insisted. “are you gonna answer me?”

“Our parents became best-friends?” answered Taemin unconvinced, even for himself.


“No.” Finally he admitted it. He can’t lie to his hyungs. He felt horrible if he hid something. “Hyung, I think our parents try to set us together. Because every time we go home, they always talk about 2MIN. You know about 2MIN, right?” Onew nodded.

“But didn’t you both ever try to talk to them that 2MIN isn’t real? Or, is it real?”

“Wha- what?! No! And, we did. But still they refuse to listen to us.” Taemin answered Onew but had crimson red cheeks and Onew noticed it right before Taemin looked away from him.


That microwave sound canceled their conversation for a while. Since Onew really craved for chicken even though he had them three times a day. “Continue!” commanded Onew as he was munching his chicken.

“My mom and Minho’s dad were the greatest fans of 2MIN. So they always held this meeting to make us closer than ever.” He finished his explanation with huge sigh.

“And none of your family member goes against it? I mean, boys in -” Onew doubted to continue his speech, but Taemin got the message anyway.

Taemin shook his head.

“Hyung, I think I should go check on Minho.” And with that he went to their shared bedroom. Leaving Onew with his thoughts left unanswered and his lovely chicken.



“Are you going somewhere? Already showered in such time. Usually you still sleep and refuse to shower in weekend.” asked Key still in the bed.

“Are you really asked me that? I think it’s rather obvious. I have no schedule today, neither does Taemin.” Answered Minho a lil’ bit annoyed, since he knew that Key knew everything happens in dorm. Including this monthly meeting. And because he envy Key for having his beauty sleep.

“Oh, that family dating.”

“Wha—t?” Minho asked dumbly.

“Don’t play dumb, I know you know what I mean” key spat him for his fool.

“I know what you mean. But I don’t get the dating part.”

“I’d like to say that way. Since it is held for your family only. I still remember when I got kicked-out of the party.” Several times all of Shinee members were invited to join this monthly occasion. And they were welcomed by both sides of family. And one day, it was only Key who tagged along with 2Min. In the beginning, he was welcomed. Since Key has a good personality and great sense of humor. But, when Key participated in 2min activity, he got kick-out by Taemin parents. They, No, only his mother confronted him but his dad could only nodded - told him to stay away from Minho. At that time Key didn’t understand why. But after he had an explanation from Taemin the very same explanation he had for Onew, he knew and understand perfectly.

But, not even once Key thought that Taemin and Minho’s parents were crazy. Weird maybe, but not insane. Since they wanted their sons end up as a couple. Because Key also noticed the interaction between his donsaengs. It was more than friends. But he didn’t want to make false result for those two, so he stick with brotherly affection reason. But still it felt wrong. He witnessed every moment those two had and it was way from brotherly affections. You won’t hug your brother every hour, right. You even bickering and mock each other. But not even once Key saw them show their anger toward each other. Minho sure like to yell, but he never use anger tone when he yelling to Taemin, it was just playing around. And Taemin likes to tease and threaten Minho, but never he act like one. He was too afraid to push Minho away and Minho was too afraid or more like refuse to leave Taemin’s side. They just can’t live without each other. But, brothers maybe like that. Key didn’t know how it feels to have brother, so that’s why it was a bit difficult for him to define relationship 2MIN have.

“So what?” asked Minho more annoyed.

“Hyung, are you finished yet?” Taemin came to the room right after Minho finished adjusts his shirt. “Ppalli! I don’t want to stay here any longer since Onew Hyung can’t stop ask me questions!” Taemin informed Minho.

“Me too.” Minho told him as he took a look to Key.

“Key hyung, see you later.” Taemin bid his goodbye to Key with his smile and got “Be careful when you drive.” in return.

“But we won’t drive Minho’s car.” Taemin replied immediately.

“We won’t?” asked Minho surprised his eyes widen. “So, we use your car?” teased Minho.

“Don’t be silly Minho hyung. You know I don’t have any and haven’t get license either. We’ll take a cab.”

“Wae?” now Key asked curiously as he sent them to the front door.

“I want Minho hyung to take his sleep. How he can have it while he’s driving?” explain Taemin, really concern about his hyung.

“Aww ..” that was the only reaction Key has at that time. But he started to think that Taemin really care for Minho. Key looked at Minho. He had goofy smile in his face that creep Key out.

“Yah! Frog, stop that weird smile you wear on that face. You creep me out!” Key snapped at him and immediately his smile went off Minho face replaced by frown.

“What? I just feel happy that my dongsaeng care about me. Is it a crime?” he almost yelled, he felt annoyed with Key.

“Yes! Oh, look. It’s your cab.” Said Key after the cab stopped in front of them. “Please tell them I say hello. Bye.”

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goojayhee #1
Chapter 24: OMO!!!Love your story...
Update soon!!!
Chapter 23: Omg omg omg omg omg. Love your story very much. Poor Tae. Angry Minho is funny. Update soon if you can. ^^
Chapter 22: Oh, please update soon. Love your story. Can't wait for more! ^^
laytopinsulaydude #5
anctually,i like jongkey more......2min is second :D
laytopinsulaydude #6
i understand it.if you're free,update it :) i bookmark this story so it is easy to see if you're have update it or not...
laytopinsulaydude #7
update soon~ i've wait for 2 days,you know?
@bollyfleck it needs some more chapters before they confess. Please wait it with me :)<br />
and besides, i hv to work for jongkey also. I should start to make their move.
ah so sweet, I hope they confess their feelings soon :D
I love this!For a new author your pretty good. Teach me your ways oh wise one!