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Hey guys.. i sorry for yet again a false alarm.. i just wanted your suggestion.. well after finishing ALWAYS WITH YOU i was having a little confusion on chosing a lead for my other story which will start shortly after AWY.. so tell me who do you want? and its should be someone that i didnt already write about. soo no Kai, Lulu, sehun, yixing and Baek.. the story will be a little soft so i m wondering why not Jongdae? do tell me your ideas.

and oh i almost forgot.. i wrote another oneshot on Baek.. its M rated so guys do check it out and tell me what ya think.. i hope it will be nice... hehehe and yeah i will finish AWY within this december and start the new fic next year.. and next update will be on CROSSING PATHS and then it will be fully ALWAYS WITH YOU..

thank you so much for your patience and putting up with me .. hehehe love ya and ohh...

this is the link to the new fic.. do tell me your thoughts.. love achurith <3


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Chapter 25: This story is so good.....i miss Kai..T_T but i know this story is about luhan and sera.
Chapter 26: I miss this story a lot T_T
I hope you can update when you have free time pleasee
Chapter 26: The description of "Death road to anjeon" somehow reminds me about "Train to Busan". I have just watched it. About DRTA, I think it suits Chanyeol, Baekhyun or Sehun. Looking forward to this survive battle!
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 25: Awwww this chapter made me miss kai aigoo
Im glad luhan is taking a good care of her
Chapter 25: Damn I miss Kai so much TT_TT
Yes bring him back pleaseee.. his first baby will be born soon!! :(
sparklesacid #6
Chapter 25: legit tears :((( this is so sad :((( Bring back kaii
iminlovewithluhan #7
Chapter 25: I'll be waiting :D
jiminisbae123 #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kai really? but at least you changed poor sera