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Sera was in the living room. She had finished reading the journals and she was shocked to say the least. She didn't expect the journals to reveal such a past of hers, especially which those she couldn't remember at the slightest.

She then heard someone enter.

"Sera?" she heard Luhan call her name. She looked up and saw him, standing with his eyes fixed on her or, rather to say, the journals she was holding. His smile disappeared when he saw her holding his journals. He was speechless with the way she looked at him with questioning eyes.

There was silence. No one broke the eye contact. Luhan sighed and came closer to her. She watched every move. Her eyes demanded answers yet her lips didn't utter a word.

"Sera, I--" she cut him off.

"Tell me what happened after you left my house that day, Luhan," her voice was soft like a whisper yet demanding at the same time. He stood there, staring back at her. So many things were running in his mind but he didn't know how to voice them all. She looked up at him.

"Tell me, Luhan," her voice was soft yet desperate. A sigh escaped his lips.

"After I left your home that day..."


Luhan was walking lifeless on the street. He felt worse and thought that he didn't deserve her love. He was ashamed of himself to call him as her lover, but yet, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted her for himself. He knows he had made many mistakes but punishing him upto this extent was cruel.

He walked to his home and entered it. He knew everyone had left to the airport and silently went to his room. He saw his bags already packed and kept close to the window. He went to his bed and sat down. A small sigh escaped his lips as he thought about her. He took the photo frame on his bed side table and looked at it.

The photo was taken on the day of his birthday, where they were sitting in the park under a cherry blossom tree. Luhan was kissing her cheek. He felt broken looking at it. Tears slipped down his eyes and he hugged the picture frame to his heart as he silently cried his heart out.

He packed the photo frame in one of his bags and left the house for the airport.


On the other side


"Kris? It's Sera."

"Hey, girl. Is there a problem?"

"Ah no, no, Kris. I called to ask about Luhan's flight details. Do you know when he leaves?"

"Ah.. His plane leaves at 1PM, SeSe. Why?"

"Ah, yeah. I forgot to give him something. Thank you, Kris."

"No worries! Bye."

=Sera only had 2 hours to catch Luhan before he leaves and clearly, luck wasn't on her side. Incheon International Airport was far from her house and, to top it up, it was pouring cats and dogs outside. Sera almost got drenched when she hailed a cab. It was already 11:30 and she couldn't trust Seoul's traffic. She had to ask the driver to speed up to reach the airport. She was literally praying that she could make it on time.

Luhan reached the airport at 12:30. His parents were waiting for him at the boarding counter. He went to them and greeted them. There was one person missing, not that he cared about that person's presence but still. He shrugged it off and sat down on the bench to wait for his flight. He felt uneasy, like something bad was going to happen. He had a mild dizziness and chest pains.

His father noticed this and asked him if he was alright. Luhan just shrugged it off and said he was feeling tired and that he would be okay. However, inside, he had a very bad feeling about today.

Sera reached the airport with great difficulty. The flight would take off in 15 mins and she had yet to meet Luhan. She was about to cross the road when she saw Luhan walking towards the boarding counter. Her eyes were fixed on him and she ran, not bothered about anything else. She ran and stopped in the middle of the road when she saw him enter the boarding gates.

She was about to yell his name to make him stop but then it was too late. She didn't notice a speeding car towards her direction. She didn't hear the honk. Everything was soundless to her ears and just like that, her body flew to the air due to the impact and hit the pavement. Blood was everywhere and she closed her eyes with her final word.




It's been two months since Luhan went to Canada. He was living in the college dorm. He never felt content. It was not his home. He missed everything and everyone, especially his special one. It's been two months since he last talked to her. He tried calling her, but it was always the same reply.

This phone number does not exist.

He sighed and fell on his bed. He missed her a lot. He tried contacting Baekhyun but his calls were always unanswered.


"Hey, Kris. It's me."

"Luhan, my buddy! How are you, man? It's been a long time."

"Yeah, long time."

"How's Canada? Settled?"

"Yeah, I'm all settled, but I miss home," Luhan replied then sighed.

"It will be fine. Don't worry," Kris cheered him up.

"Hmm.. How's Sera? Is she alright?" Luhan asked in hopes that she was doing fine.

"She is getting better. She just woke up two days ago from a coma and the doctors are saying---"

"WHAT?!" Luhan shot up from his lying position on is bed, flabbergasted, "COMA? WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Luhan asked, petrified.

"You didn't know? Sera meet with an accident on the day you left for Canada. She was on her way to see you. She said she wanted to give you something. She ran across the road and got hit by a speeding car..."

The phone fell from Luhan's hand. His whole world crashed. She came to the airport to see him and got into an accident. He was the main reason for her accident. He fell on the ground, tears were streaming down his eyes.

"Hello? Luhan? Are you there?"

"I'm coming back, Kris."


Luhan left Canada and came back to Seoul. As soon as the plane touched South Korean ground, he ran. He ran to see Sera. He didn't care if people saw him as some weirdo. He just wanted to be with her.

He rushed to the hospital.

"Can I know which room is Kang Sera admitted?" he asked the receptionist.

"She's in room 345."

"Thank you," he dashed off to the third floor.

He reached her room. He was breathless but calmed himself and slowly peeped inside. There she was, lying down peacefully in the bed, covered in bandages. His heart constricted at the sight in front of him. His beautiful Sera was lying helpless on the hospital bed. He felt sorry and sad for her.

He was about to enter the room but got yanked backward. He turned around and was meet with a pair of angry eyes.


"What are you doing here, Luhan?" he asked, almost calming himself down, not to hit the person infront of him.

"What do you mean, Baek? I'm here to see her," Luhan said and pulled the door open only for it to be

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Chapter 25: This story is so good.....i miss Kai..T_T but i know this story is about luhan and sera.
Chapter 26: I miss this story a lot T_T
I hope you can update when you have free time pleasee
Chapter 26: The description of "Death road to anjeon" somehow reminds me about "Train to Busan". I have just watched it. About DRTA, I think it suits Chanyeol, Baekhyun or Sehun. Looking forward to this survive battle!
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 25: Awwww this chapter made me miss kai aigoo
Im glad luhan is taking a good care of her
Chapter 25: Damn I miss Kai so much TT_TT
Yes bring him back pleaseee.. his first baby will be born soon!! :(
sparklesacid #6
Chapter 25: legit tears :((( this is so sad :((( Bring back kaii
iminlovewithluhan #7
Chapter 25: I'll be waiting :D
jiminisbae123 #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kai really? but at least you changed poor sera