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"Are you ready?"

"Seriously, Baek?"

"Shut up and act along. Okay, so are you guys ready?"

"Oh boy, this is gonna be a long night."

"C'mon, just say the damn words, Baek!"

"Okay, just cooperate with me! Are you guys ready?"


"So, let the games... Begin," and the empty bottle started spinning. Yes, you got it right: they were playing Truth or Dare. From the acting above, you might have thought that something big was gonna come but let me tell you, with Baekhyun, everything had to be dramatized and made big, even if was as simple as a board game.

"Hah! Hyung, it's your turn! Truth or dare?" the bottle stopped at Kris and he picked truth. Well, considering Baekhyun's version of Truth or Dare, everything had to be a little bit above the average of Truth or Dare, meaning everything had to be a little dirty for the stupid little ert.

"Describe your first kiss?" was one of Baek's many shameful questions. Everyone could see Kris's face turn red at the question. It's not a common thing to share the details of your first kiss. Hell if anyone were in Kris's place, they would have knocked Baek's head.

"Uhh.. It was, uhh... Good? I guess,"  Kris answered with a gummy smile, scratching his neck at the embarrassing question.

"C'mon hyung, we want the details! Details- Details- Details!" Baekhyun started chanting and it made Kris sigh.

"Baek... It's not nice to force someone if they are not willing to answer some really personal stuff," Sera butted in for poor Kris.

"But that's what the game is for, SeSe! To reveal personal stuff," Baek countered with a cheeky grin.

"Not if it puts you in an uncomfortable position," she countered back and Baek huffed in defeat.

"You are no fun, SeSe," he pouted. Kris gave her a look of gratitude and she just chuckled at Baekhyun's reaction.

The evening was getting fun with all the questions and dares. When it was Baekhyun's turn, they made him pick dare and do a for them, especially dedicating it to Jiyeon. Everyone saw Baekhyun heat up into crimson and Jiyeon turned into a human puddle when she saw him strip for her. She closed her eyes due to her shyness and the rest of them roared into fits of laughter. It was a fun evening.

"Luhan hyung, it's your turn!" Baekhyun squealed in glee.

"Truth or dare?"

"Hmmm... Anything, I guess."

"Okay, so it's an open one.. Ahhh, let me see.. Okay, describe your perfect romantic night or do 30 pushups with Sera on your back."

"Okay, I pick truth because I don't think my back can carry heavy loads," Luhan replied.

"Hey!" Sera flicked his head.

"Ouch... Just kidding, sweetheart! You know I will always lift you, no matter how heavy you are."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Sera countered, shooting Luhan a cold look and making the latter chuckle and pull her into a hug.

"Ughhh.. Please tell me why I invited you both for this game?" Baekhyun groaned at the sight of the couple being touchy with each other.

"Well... You love your one and only lovely sister, Byun Baekhyun," Sera replied and poked her tongue out to him. He huffed in defeat and shook his head at her childish behavior.

"Well anyways, my idea of a romantic night is to stay in my girl's arms and hold her all night long. I want to whisper sweet nothings into her ears until she falls asleep so I get to watch her cute little face when she is drifting to dreamland," Luhan's word made everyone shut up and look at him with adoration. It was no doubt he loved Sera a lot and he could move mountains for her. Jiyeon cooed at Luhan's response and broke the silence. It was very sweet of him to always put Sera first, before himself, and always look out for her.

It was already half past nine when they thought of calling it a night. One by one, they each said their goodbyes and left Baekhyun's house to return to their own respective homes. Sera decided to sleep over at Baekhyun's and he insisted on driving Jiyeon and Luhan home since Luhan hadn't brought his car along with him. Sera accompanied them with herself and Luhan at the back seat while Jiyeon and Baek at the front.

They first dropped Luhan off at his place. Jiyeon and Baekhyun were in the car and Sera was bidding goodnight to her boyfriend.

"Well.. Shouldn't the guy be the one dropping the girl off to her house?" he said and chuckled, curling a hair behind Sera's ears as he made her smile.

"It's not a ritual tha the guy should always send the girl off. The girls can also send a guy home safely," Sera answered and winked cutely at him. He ruffled her hair and pinched her cheek, earning a soft pout from her.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

"Goodnight, Luhan," she tiptoed and pecked his lips then returned to the car. Luhan stood there, watching the car disappear into the distance. He shook his head then entered his home, chuckling.


"Well, well, well... What do we have here? The great Luhan and, who was that? His girlfriend?"

"What do you want?" Luhan replied rather uninterestedly to his step-brother who was sitting in the living room, smirking at him.

"Sometimes I wonder Luhan, how could your girlfriend have such a bad taste in men? Sorry, who am I kidding? Are you even a man?" his words were sharp and struck Luhan like knife but Luhan knew better than to just fight with this immature brat.

"If she had bad taste, she would have chosen you when you asked her out in elementary school but let's face it. I'm way better than you and so she chose me, Luhan retorted with equal spite and sarcasm to his brother's words.

"Well I can always make her change her mind. All I have to do is get her to have a taste of my heaven and she will be begging for me," that was it. That was the last thread of patience Luhan had. He approached his brother and grabbed him by his collar.

"I'm warning you. If you ever go near her or even think of laying a finger on her, I will rip your head out from your body and shred it into pieces. This is the last time I want her name to roll off of your tongue. Am I clear, Huang Zi Tao?" Luhan held his death glare at his brother. Tao just smirked back and pushed Luhan off of him.

"We will see, brother. We will see," then he ascended the stairs.

Luhan knew Tao liked Sera. He was the first out of the both of them to confess to her but she politely rejected him. When news broke out that Luhan got into a relationship with Sera, Tao got offended and was seething with anger. It hurt his ego. He felt he was better than Luhan at all costs and he wanted to prove it.

Besides, it wasn't fair. First, he wouldn't get the equal share in property and now he couldn't even get the girl he liked. And, it was all because of him: Luhan. He despised Luhan and his hatred was eating him, too. Tao wanted to get back at Luhan in any way possible but he was waiting for the right opportunity to roll by.

"I will prove to everyone what you are, Luhan. This, I swear," he said to himself, gripping their family photo and trashing it down with all his hatred.

It was a day before Valentine's day and everyone was making arrangements for the party at Luhan's house.

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Chapter 25: This story is so good.....i miss Kai..T_T but i know this story is about luhan and sera.
Chapter 26: I miss this story a lot T_T
I hope you can update when you have free time pleasee
Chapter 26: The description of "Death road to anjeon" somehow reminds me about "Train to Busan". I have just watched it. About DRTA, I think it suits Chanyeol, Baekhyun or Sehun. Looking forward to this survive battle!
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 25: Awwww this chapter made me miss kai aigoo
Im glad luhan is taking a good care of her
Chapter 25: Damn I miss Kai so much TT_TT
Yes bring him back pleaseee.. his first baby will be born soon!! :(
sparklesacid #6
Chapter 25: legit tears :((( this is so sad :((( Bring back kaii
iminlovewithluhan #7
Chapter 25: I'll be waiting :D
jiminisbae123 #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kai really? but at least you changed poor sera