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“Is she okay? Ms. Jung?”

“Yes, young master, she is getting better. Although, she hasn't fully recovered but she's slowly recovering.”

I woke up just in time to overhear a quiet conversation outside my bedroom.

Wait a minute, this was not my bedroom. The colors of my bed room walls were white, not light blue. What in the world?

Suddenly, the door creaked open and a lady around the age of her forties entered the room. Last time I checked, I didn’t have any maids in my house nor did I have any butlers. Was I dead?

I was curiously staring at her. She was a really pretty ahjumma for someone who seemed to only be in her forties.

“Good morning, young lady. How are you feeling?” She asked as she strode to my side.

“Excuse me but where am I? And who are you?” I asked as I looked at her intently. She had this smiling face that could calm anyone down.

“I'm Ms. Jung, the head of the maids here.” She said with a smile. “How are you feeling, miss? Are you okay? Do you feel any pain on your wrist?”

My wrist? I looked down and found my wrist bandaged. Oh right, I cut my wrist. But how did I even survive?

“You lost a lot of blood and were in the ICU for a good two days. If it was not for young master finding you at the right time, god knows what could have happened.” Ms. Jung said and poured tea for me in a cup.

Young master? ICU? Was I dreaming?

“Ma’am, with all due respect, who is this young master you're speaking of? And where am I?” I asked, rather feeling confused on how I ended up being hospitalized then straight to an unknown person's home.

“You are in Mr. Luhan’s mansion, miss.”


“I'm where?”

“In the Lu mansion in China.”


“What?” I got up from the bed, startled, and looked furiously at Ms. Jung.

“What am I doing here? Who brought me here?” I asked, anger seething through my veins at the mention of his name.

“Miss, I request you to calm down. I have been told to take care of you. Please sit down and have breakfast then your medicine will be ready shortly.” Ms. Jung said rather calmly, trying to help me back down on the bed. How could she be this calm when I was freaking out and yelling?

“I would rather die than eat anything that is owned by him. Tell your young master to meet me right now.” I said with sternness in my voice. What in the world was he thinking? After taking the most important person in my life he was still trying to reach for Kai’s place; to replace him. How could he have the guts to do such a thing?

Ms. Jung sighed and got up. She left the room and I heard a few whispers outside my room. The whispers suddenly stopped and the door opened, revealing the person who I didn’t want to see at all in my life: Luhan.

Luhan strode towards me until a few steps away, where he stopped and stood in front of me. He looked tired and pale but I didn't care even he was terribly sick.

“You called for me?” He asked with a bored tone. This guy had the audacity to ask me such a question in such a tone?

“What am I doing here?” I questioned.

“You are here with me.”

“And, why am I here with you?”

“I saved your life.” I scoffed at his statement. Saved my life? He was the one who ruined it in the first place.

“Saved my life? Saved my life?!” I yelled this time. “You were the one who ruined it! I had a happy life with my husband and you literally came into my happy picture and destroyed it. This is called 'saving my life'?” I continued to screech, controlling my tears that were trying to spill from my eyes. I didn’t want to be weak in front of him.

“Why did you even do that to him? Was taking a life so easy for you? Is that how much a life means to you?” I said, almost whispering.

“I DIDN’T FREAKING KILL KAI! GOD, WHY DON’T YOU TRUST ME?!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, anger and frustration seeping from his words. I got startled and fell on the bed. I have never seen this side of him.

“I will never do that to anyone, I might be a bad person but not a murderer. Even though I hate him for taking you from me, I will never punish him with his life. Please trust me. I'm begging you...” His voice was low and he reached over to hold my hand. He was crouching in front of me. He looked really sincere and for a second, I wanted to believe him but his words from days ago rang in my head:

‘What if your husband dies, will you be mine?’

My eyes snapped to his hands holding mine. I brushed his hands off and stood up.

“Whatever you say and however innocent you try to be, you are nothing but a murderer in my eyes. A murderer who killed my husband for his lust and desire over a married woman.

"I despise you. Go away” I said and turned my back to him. He sighed and looked at my back.

“Fine, I will leave but eat your breakfast. You shouldn’t be stressing in this condition of yours.” He said with finality then turned around to leave.

Stressing in this condition? Did he know?

He left the room and left me alone. I couldn’t help to sit on the bed and stared at the window. Why was this happening to me? Why was karma being a to me?

I looked at the breakfast and saw my favorites. How did this guy know all my favorites? I shrugged off the thought and had a pancake. Although my ego wasn’t ready to eat, I still had one more mouth to feed inside me. I can compromise my health but not my baby’s. So I swallowed my pride and had my food.

Luhan closed the door to her room and stood outside for a long time. He slumped on the nearby wall and buried his face on his knees. The terrible memory of the night a few days ago flashed in his mind.

Flash back

After paying his respect to Kai's grave, he left Sera alone and chose to hide behind a tree to watch her.

His heart hurt at the sight in front of him. He couldn’t see Sera crying and it killed him a lot. He wanted to run up to her, hug her, and tell her that he was there for her and he would protect her. However, he swallowed that urge and stood there like a statue, only watching from afar.

He longed for her love and he was too deep to realize what was right and what was wrong.

He stayed there and continued to watch her until she finally decided to leave, where he followed her home and waited outside her house. He had this strange feeling that something was going to happen, so he had followed her home. When the lights were turned off, he slowly crept in. If people had seen him right now, they would have thought of him as a burglar, but he didn’t care. He had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure that Sera was fine.

He slowly opened the door to the living room. He saw all the mess: the broken mirror and empty photo frames scattered all over the floor.

Everything gave a sad aura.

He saw the dinner prepared was still at the dining table, untouched and forgotten. He slowly unlocked the door and saw a horrible sight that he didn’t wish to see.

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Chapter 25: This story is so good.....i miss Kai..T_T but i know this story is about luhan and sera.
Chapter 26: I miss this story a lot T_T
I hope you can update when you have free time pleasee
Chapter 26: The description of "Death road to anjeon" somehow reminds me about "Train to Busan". I have just watched it. About DRTA, I think it suits Chanyeol, Baekhyun or Sehun. Looking forward to this survive battle!
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 25: Awwww this chapter made me miss kai aigoo
Im glad luhan is taking a good care of her
Chapter 25: Damn I miss Kai so much TT_TT
Yes bring him back pleaseee.. his first baby will be born soon!! :(
sparklesacid #6
Chapter 25: legit tears :((( this is so sad :((( Bring back kaii
iminlovewithluhan #7
Chapter 25: I'll be waiting :D
jiminisbae123 #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kai really? but at least you changed poor sera