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"Do you really have to go?”

“I don’t want to, baby, but I have to do this for you and my baby boy’s future.” Kai said and kissed my forehead.

He was getting ready to leave for the States. He had a few official meetings there in order to expand the business chain, leaving me alone to myself a few days.

After that night, Luhan came home often for dinners and office-related matters. Everytime I would walk past him, he would catch my hand or smirk at me without Kai noticing us. It was getting a little annoying but I just it up for Kai. I didn’t want him to lose a good business deal because of me. He sacrificed many things in life for my sake, so it only made it right that I should endure a few things for him as well.

“Hmmm.. Is Sehun going with you?” I asked, thinking at least someone would be there to take care of him over there. You might have thought or said that Kai was not a kid anymore, but still he was a baby; my baby, to be precise.

Kai had a very sensitive stomach and he's very specific in maintaining his hygiene. He would get cramps and food poisoning if he didn't eat on time and, knowing the boy, he would busy himself with work and not take care of himself, so I thought at least someone should be there with him.

"No, baby. Sehun will be staying. Someone needs to take care of the company and you while I'm gone.” He said and pinched my nose.

“Yah, who said you can pinch me?” I huffed and turned around, crossing my hands over my chest with my back facing him.

“Now, is this how you will send off your husband?” Kai asked, circling his hands around my waist from behind. I couldn’t do anything but to sigh at the thought. He was going to be gone for 2 weeks and this was definitely the first time we're apart from each other. You might have said that it would only be 2 weeks but still, each day without him was a day gone to waste in my life.

I turned around and hugged him. He pouted at me. I kissed his pouty lips and hugged him.

“How is that for a send-off?” I asked him, smiling. He just nuzzled his nose with mine and smiled. He could see the sorrow in my eyes and my hormones were definitely not helping me in controlling my tears. Damn, the pregnancy mood swings.

I smiled at him with my sad eyes. He cupped my cheek and asked, “Should I cancel the trip and ask Luhan to fill in for me?" He looked at me with a worried expression. I smiled at his suggestion. Although I would have loved my husband to stay with me, having Luhan to go to the States and leave me alone for 2 weeks, it was best if Kai went since he was chosen to go.

“It’s okay, baby... I can manage. It'll just be 2 weeks. How bad can it be?”

Really hard.

But I couldn’t say that to him. He was doing this for my sake and the baby’s sake.

“Are you sure? I can cancel it, babe. No worries.” He said while taking his phone out but I stopped him.

“I will be fine. Just go already.” I said and pushed him toward the door.

“Aish! You really want to get rid of me, don’t you?” He said and pinched my cheek. I giggled and .

“Well, I can have peace in the house for 2 weeks. What do you say, baby?” I asked, looking down at my stomach. The sight made Kai chuckle and mess my hair.

“You and your antics. I will never get tired of them” He said before kissing my lips.

I really didn’t want him to go but still, I didn’t have a choice.

“Go already before you miss your flight, pabo.” I said and pushed him off to the door again.

“Alright, alright, I'm going.” He said and crouched down to wear his shoes. Once done, he looked at me, leaning at the door frame. “But when I'm gone, you are going to miss me for sure” He added.

It’s true: I couldn't live without him even for a day.

“Yeah, right, mister. Now, shoo!” I waved him off and he left with a smile on his face. He was just adorable with that eye smile.

After sending Kai off to the airport, I got a call from Jiyeon asking if I was free to hangout. It’s been really long since I spent time with her and I really needed a girls day out with her so I accepted the offer.

I got ready in an hour and left to our favorite coffee shop. I arrived at the coffee shop and went in. I saw Jiyeon with her book and coffee.

This girl. She seriously needed to get out of her books. But even though she was reading a book, she looked really pretty. The coffee shop which we were at was one of the best shops that sold hot chocolate at a really cheap price. Well, cheap or not, the hot chocolate still tasted the best. The shop also had their fair share of good books so that people could enjoy reading books with their coffee.

I went to the table were Jiyeon was sitting and sat down.

No reaction.

I cleared my throat to catch her attention.

Still, no reaction. I scoffed at her. How could a person be so into a book? Well I was more of a movie girl so I never understood how people could get lost in their books just like that.

“Yah, Jiyeon, are you ignoring me?” I asked her, breaking her book reading. She lifted her eyes from the book and looked at me. I swore that if I was a guy, I would have fallen for her. She was really pretty; exceptionally pretty, I must say. No wonder. Baekhyun was very lucky.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there, Sera.” She said and smiled at me. Was she serious? For the past five minutes, I caught the whole café’s attention and this female was telling me this? Aish! God, help my friend.

“Yeah right, I have been here for the past ten minutes and you just notice me now?” I gave her a disbelieving look. She smiled sheepishly.  

"I'm sorry, Sera. You know how I am with my books...” She said while placing her book on the table.

“Yeah, I know. Poor Baekiee.” I and she blushed at my remark.

“So, how are you and how is baek?” I asked her before sipping my hot chocolate with a hum of satisfaction at the delicious liquid.

“Hmm... He is fine” She replied and almost turned red at the mention of his name. Wait, was I missing something?

“O-kay..? Why are you blushing so madly and why did you call so suddenly?”

“Well, I wanted to tell you something...” She answered, biting her lower lip. She looked adorable, like a school girl confessing to her crush.

“Well? Let’s hear it.” I said, taking a big shot of my hot chocolate this time.

“Hmm... Actually, Baekhyun… He proposed to me.” She explained and I almost spitted out my hot chocolate.

What? Baekhyun proposed her?

Without even telling me?

“What?” I asked, eyes round in shock.

“Yeah, he proposed to me last night and I wanted you to know the news first. You have been a big part in this relationship and I'm so greatful for t

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Chapter 25: This story is so good.....i miss Kai..T_T but i know this story is about luhan and sera.
Chapter 26: I miss this story a lot T_T
I hope you can update when you have free time pleasee
Chapter 26: The description of "Death road to anjeon" somehow reminds me about "Train to Busan". I have just watched it. About DRTA, I think it suits Chanyeol, Baekhyun or Sehun. Looking forward to this survive battle!
iminlovewithluhan #4
Chapter 25: Awwww this chapter made me miss kai aigoo
Im glad luhan is taking a good care of her
Chapter 25: Damn I miss Kai so much TT_TT
Yes bring him back pleaseee.. his first baby will be born soon!! :(
sparklesacid #6
Chapter 25: legit tears :((( this is so sad :((( Bring back kaii
iminlovewithluhan #7
Chapter 25: I'll be waiting :D
jiminisbae123 #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Kai really? but at least you changed poor sera