Chapter 16

Alright, Deal

Krystal’s POV


“Amber, you have to come out of there at some point.”




“I’m getting sweaty, please come inside.” 


“I am inside.”


“Inside a treehouse, where it’s probably infested with mold and dead animals. I meant inside my house where there is air-conditioning and Netflix.”




“Amber Josephine Liu, you come out right now or I’ll grab an axe and chop this damn tree down myself.” 


I tried the Jung method of extraction. I honestly didn’t like using threats, no matter how good I was, but it really was getting too hot out here and I was hungry. 


She kept silent for a beat, “I can’t. I’ll try to kiss you and you said I can’t do that.”


Krystal sighed at the little infant she was currently trying to pacify. 


“It’s only for 12 days. You know why we can’t and we’re keeping to that promise.” 


I should be branded the tiest human being on earth for not breaking up with Kai before going to Amber’s house last night. 


I hadn’t been thinking about anything else but her, and I really, honestly didn’t plan on kissing her. Regardless of another guilty fact, which was that I also didn’t regret it in the least because it was the most exciting feeling I’ve ever felt in my entire life, I regained clarity after awhile and told her that we couldn’t do anything more until I broke up with him.


However, I got a text from him this morning saying that his aunt had a minor and that he and his family were flying to Jeonju to be with her for a few days. What kind of person would I be if I broke it off while he was in a somber state? Not any worse than a girlfriend who cheated on him not once but twice over the course of our short-lived relationship I suppose, but I don’t know what other options I had. I’ve never been in a situation like this before. The only choice I figured would be the least terrible, would be to wait till he gets back to tell him. 


Meanwhile, I needed to focus on the task at hand. 


A head appeared out of the window of the treehouse at that moment, mouth pursed, bangs covering her eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at the stupidly adorable sight.


“This is going to be hard.” She murmured.


“I know. It’s only for 12 days though, then I’m all yours.” 




My chest did a little jump but I quickly shook it off.


“We don’t have to stay away right?” Amber asked, a little too innocently for someone who was capable of making my hairs raise in desire just by a brush of a finger.


“No, we don’t have to do that. Just your hands and lips have to stay away.” I replied pointedly.


She heaved a dramatic sigh and started to climb down. 


Her hair was absolutely disheveled by the time she did. 


“Have you eaten yet?” I plucked a small piece of bark from her hair and brushed off the dust from her shoulders. She shook her head in the negative and I smiled, “Let’s bake. I’m starving!”


“So holding hands isn’t part of the deal?”


I hadn’t registered that I was even doing that. I let her hand go immediately.


“Probably not a good idea.”


“The er of fun. That’s my new petname for you.” She declared.


“In that case, you’ve effectively revoked all spoon privileges.” I quipped.


“You’re only proving me right, princess.”


“If I didn’t love you so much you would’ve been on my hit list years ago, you know that right?” When Amber hadn’t said anything, I turned to her only to find her looking back at me with a goofy smile.


“Sorry,  I’m still getting used to that.” She said, still smiling as she helped me retrieve ingredients from the pantry.


“Getting used to what?” I asked, curiously.


“You saying that you love me.” She grinned.


“Well, I- yeah I do. So what.” I mumbled, trying to hide my reddening cheeks. 


She chuckled but decided to not respond. 


I smiled a little at that. I hadn’t had much time to think about what happened last night.  Her confession, my confession which had been at the back of my mind lately but hadn’t been consciously processed yet. 


My confronting her wasn’t to eventually lead to a confession. Admittedly, I felt unwanted and that was what drove me to her house. A familiar feeling when Amber used to date other girls. I was confused because I had thought that those petty feelings of jealously and neglect would fade when I’m with Kai. It never did and so here we were, leaning into each other-


I gasped and took a huge step back. 


Amber scratched the back of her neck, smiling nervously. 


“That was-”


“-it didn’t happen. Didn’t happen”






I bit my lip and walked over to the other side of the counter.


“I’ll just prepare breakfast in this corner, and you just… stay there.” I gave her a look.


She put her hands up, “I’ll be here..…” She said as she looked around, finally picking up a random kitchen utensil, “….. baking.”


I nodded and we did only as we promised. Bake.


I did notice her sneaking glances at me. 


Of course, I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t doing the same.


Sulli's POV


“You’re seeing what I’m seeing right.” I whispered.


“Yeah, your face in my lunch.” Luna said, pushing said face away.


“You pig I’m talking about Kryber.” 


“What about them?”


I rolled her eyes at the girl continuously shoving food into .


“Would you stop for like five seconds and look at them.” 


Luna groaned loudly and looked across the table. 


It wasn’t odd to see the usually stoic ice princess to laugh like a little schoolgirl in the comfort of her closest friends, but what made me take a second look was the sense of normalcy that seemed to have been restored.


The morbid closeness between the two object of my interest was something that has been missing for the last couple of months, yet now it has returned in full force. It was just a simple gesture of Krystal laughing at something Amber had said, but what threw me off was their eyes. That momentary flicker of longing, the subtle peek at lips, a seemingly innocent lingering on the other's face. 


Everything was like it used to be and that made everything completely change. 


I could've chosen to say something, or had my fun with this newfound knowledge of my two best friends. 


Instead, I gave Luna a look when it finally dawned on her, as if to say that this time, we should just let things pan out the way it should. Without any meddling on our parts.


I was just happy that they were again.



Krystal's POV


"So you're saying that I can't watch this show, that you yourself have been begging me to watch for three weeks now, unless it's with you. Is that what you're trying to tell me?" I asked, looking at Amber with a slight glare.


"Who else in this entire world would have the patience to explain every little thing to you, every second, of every scene, of every episode." She emphasized all the ‘every’, trying to be as irritating as possible.


"There is google for that. Your services are not needed." I said indignantly. 


"Yeah, well after 2 minutes of a million searches, even Google will be fed up and shut down." I knew she regretted saying that right after, since she’s literally stuck sitting next to me on this flight for the next hour with no way to escape.


I looked at her with a devilish smile but didn't do anything.


"We're roommates, for a whole week. You remember that, my dear little llama. Sleep with your eyes open." I said ominously, giggling on the inside at her slightly fearful look. 


I sighed blissfully and closed my eyes to take a short nap.


Not even a minute later, I felt my eyes drooping, my head finding comfort on Amber’s shoulder. 


Before I could completely dose off, I felt her shiver a little.


She let out a slow breath.


"This will be a long vacation."



“We’re here! Praise the higher beings for their benevolence!” Kibum dramatically fell out of the car, making a show of delicately petting his ears.


“Excuse me, for all you know, I could be the next idol in the making with the most beautiful voice in the world.” Jessica said dreamily, exiting the car with a flourish of her arm. 


“In an alternate universe maybe.” I added, hiding behind Amber, who was busy unloading luggages from the trunk, when a glare was directed my way. 


“Alright, children. Before everyone runs off to do their own thing, I’ve called the drivers to pick us up at 6pm sharp to go to the restaurant. Anyone late will have to walk there, you understand?” Dad announced, looking specifically at Kibum and I. 


“What? I’m always on time.” I said, looking offended.


“Same here.” Kibum agreed innocently. 


Right.” The rest of the Jungs and Liu’s chorused. 


“What’re you snickering at?” I pinched Amber’s side. 


“Nothing. Nothing.” She smiled back, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. However, she stopped at the last second, looking at me apprehensively. 


I bit my lip and smiled, reassuring her. 


’12 days.’ I mouthed to her, reaching up to lightly touch her jaw. 


She nodded respectfully, looking back at me with this cute smile that made me want to go ‘squish squish’ and kiss the living daylights out of her at the same time. 


Thankfully, before I could do anything stupid, I was pulled along by the person who was tempting me with these stupid thoughts, towards the Liu/Jung family summer house.


It wasn’t an exceptionally lavish place, by the standards of the common rich folk, at least. It was a large enough beach house, with five bedrooms, that could house the bunch of us for a couple of days. The lot sat on a small cliff that overlooked the beach, which could be reached by a series of stairs that started at the top of the spacious deck attached to the house.


My favourite place of this house though?


“Oh god, Krystal we just got here.” Amber laughed.


I mumbled incoherently, tuning everything out the minute my body was engulfed by the dream-like satin sheets. 


“No. You do this every year. You are wasting a good day just by taking one nap, you know that?” She tugged at my leg. 


“I’ll bite you if you don’t let me take my beauty sleep.” I warned, kicking my feet away.


“You don’t need anymore beauty sleep, you’re already gorgeous. Come on, take a walk with me.” She probably didn’t mean to intentionally make me blush, but my face turned into a tomato anyway. 


 “Error. Error. Robot Krystal is unable to compute instructions.” I beeped at her, burying myself further into the sheets, mostly to hide my ridiculous smile. 


“Okay, fine. I’m going to have to bring you in for repairs then. Upsy-daisy.” I couldn’t contain my ear-piercing screech when she lifted me up and over her shoulders. 


“Oh my god, Amber I’m going to puke on you.”


“Robots don’t puke.”


“I will make a special delivery just for you!” I yelled at her, trying to tickle her but she seemed to be immune to me today. 


We passed by an unbothered Donghae on the way downstairs, and our parents who waved amusedly at us from where they were having their wines in the kitchen. 


“Where are you taking me you evil thing?” I laughed when she continued to carry me out the door and onto the streets. 


“I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter. I just want to hang out.” She said, patting me roughly on the back of my legs. 


“Well…. can you put me down now. I’m not going to run back to my bed.”


“You promise?”


I tugged her ear, our solemn way of making promises. 


She looked at me suspiciously, but relented. The minute my feet touched the floor I giggled and ran ahead of her, almost tripping because of the head rush from being upright again. 


“You promised you sly little butthead!” She laughed, chasing after me. 


“I promised I wouldn’t run back to my bed.” I yelled back, sticking my tongue out at her and ran as fast as my legs could take me, “Come on Ambutt, time to live on the fast lane.” I’m pretty sure she couldn’t hear me from how far she was behind.


“I’ll get you, princess. I’LL GET YOU.” She was already on the brink of wheezing. 


“Soon, love. Soon.” I said breathily, letting the gentle breeze ease all of my lingering fear and troubles.



“Donghae you literally have two cards left. It’s not that hard!” The oldest Liu clicked his tongue and covered Jessica’s mouth with his hand, probably the only soul on this earth brave enough to be able to do that. 


A moments hesitation, before he decided on a card to put down.


Amber sighed thankfully and slammed her last, winning card on the table. 


“OH MY GOD! That was the longest game of my life. Remind me to never play with ahjuma Donghae again.” Jessica rejoiced. 


The oldest Jung was about to head upstairs when she remembered Yuri who passed out on the couch an hour earlier. She bent down and started prodding and pulling at the girl’s cheeks in every direction.“Eh, Kwon. Get up. I’m not carrying your fat . Wake up, dumb dumb.” The taller woman grumbled at being bullied by such a tiny woman but complied anyway, letting herself be dragged by the ends of her shirt by an impatient Jung. 


“It’s okay, we’ll still play with you.” Amber said sympathetically. Donghae swatted her away, chuckling.


“Go to sleep, you two. I’ll stay for a bit. I have some assignments I need to finalize.” 


“Goodnight!” I said and he waved back, retreating to the den. 


“No offence, but I don’t think I’ll ever play games with him again, too.” I whispered to Amber when we were out of earshot. 


“Damnit, that means I have to.” She sighed dramatically, and we both giggled at that. 


When we got to our room, the first thing I did was to throw myself onto the bed.


“How can someone so fit be so lazy? That’s something I’ll never understand about you.” 


“My body is a temple and it should be pampered as such.” I said as a matter-of-factly. 


“It sure is.” She said unthinkingly. 


When I noticed her staring, she became nervous and hurried to the bathroom, mumbling some more. 


To think that that was me two years ago, admittedly still me to this day. 


Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would become a reality. Amber Liu, notorious for breaking hearts, never intentionally on her part of course, reacting to me the way that her fangirls would just by being in her mere presence alone. I didn’t think the day would come and quite honestly, besides the obvious giddy feeling it ignited in me, I couldn’t help but feel that persistent sense of dread. I have been in madly in love with Amber for what seems like forever now and the feelings, despite the constant effort of trying to get rid of it, has never faltered in the least. I knew my best friend was loyal to the bone, especially to me, but nobody can dictate how long one’s feelings will last. What if one day, she realizes that she isn’t as in love with me as she was in the beginning? 


I covered my face with a pillow and resisted the urge to scream.


Why am I so insecure?


Before my thoughts could swallow me further, the door to the bathroom opened and out walked a refreshed looking Amber. It took only a look on her face, the loving smile and noticeable gleam in her eyes that I knew was only reserved for me, to wash all my fears away in an instant. 


“What?” She asked dumbly.


“Nothing.” I couldn’t help but walk up to her and give her a light, but innocent peck on the shoulder, “And everything.” I whispered in her ear, noting the hairs raising on her neck. 


This time it was my turn to repeat to myself that I had to keep it together for 12 more days. 


When I emerged from the bathroom, I didn’t see Amber anywhere in the room.


“Right here.” She called out from the floor on the other side of the bed.


“Are you doing yoga or something?” I inquired.


“Are you kidding. I have the attention span of a 2-year old, yoga will never be an option for me.”


“Then what are you doing on the floor?”


“Well, I’m trying to sleep so shhh.”


“On the floor?” I asked, completely confused, “Who in their right minds would opt to sleep on the smelly floor rather than this goddess of a bed?”


She sat up, her head already in a matted mess, “Uhm, I can’t sleep on it. Not while you are on it.”


Registering her meaning and her sudden shyness, my cheeks became tinted pink, “Babe, that’s sweet of you to think about that, but it’s not necessary. I’m not going to let you sleep on the floor.”


“It’s better for my back anyway.” She waved me off.


“Okay, then. We’ll take turns, I’ll sleep on the floor tonight and we'll alternate.” I said, peeling the sheets off of the bed and setting it on the ground. 


“No, I’m not going to let you do that. Please, just get on the bed.” 


I raised an eyebrow at her, “What? You think you can be the only chivalrous one between us?”


“No, but…. you can’t.” She paused, struggling to try to convince me to sleep on the bed.


“You can’t stop me. If you have to sleep on the floor, then I will too.” I said and fluffed my pillow, trying to get comfortable.


She scratched her head, probably coming up of ways to change my mind, but we both know very well that I was stubborn as hell.


“You will be the death of me.” She gave up and lied back down. 


Smiling in victory, I curled to my side and closed my eyes, imagining Amber shaking her head. 


A few moments of comfortable silence passed before I whispered, loud enough for her to hear.


“I love you, Amber.”


“ You know I love you more.” 


I fell into a dreamless sleep not long after, with the comforting assurance that I was safe, even though I felt like my protector was miles away.  





"JESSICA JUNG ANY LONGER I WILL BE BACK IN SEOUL." An exasperated Yuri yelled, panting like never before. 


“That was my intention, smartass. 4 days living with you is more than enough for 20 lifetimes!” The oldest Jung quipped. She tried to throw the ball anyway but it flew not even a feet away. It didn't matter to Jessica, who shrugged and started dusting sand off of her tank top. 


"I told you I couldn't play."


"Well, you managed a whole minute of working out. I'm impressed you did that, at least." Yuri rolled her eyes.


Jessica placed a hand on her hip, "Oh, I like exercise, plenty. Just not the kind I'd ever include you in." She smirked saucily. 


The llama sitting next to me held a palm over to muffle her snorting. 


"What makes you think I'd want to participate in your 'exercise' anyway." Yuri challenged, making a show of looking down at her shorter frame.


Jessica didn't back down with the literal eye- that was going on right now and Amber and I were so uncomfortable that we couldn’t stop watching.


"Everybody wants what they can't have."


"You and I both know that has changed, hasn't it. It's only a matter of time." Yuri could've very well just poured hot lava onto Jessica right then because hot damn. It was the taller girl's turn to smirk before she made her way back to the beach house.


"Ooohoohoo-mghffff" I grabbed Amber in a head lock, muffling her laughter with my hand.


Jessica, as if having just noticed us, turned her nose up.


"You kids saw nothing." 


Still holding the wriggling woman, I held my hand up in compliance.


When she left, I released my hand with a grumble. 


"Really? Really?" I wiped her saliva on her shirt.


"Your hand smells like chocolate." She shrugged. 


"You know you could've gotten us killed.”


“Worth it. Oh my god, that was hilarious. Almost makes me want them to not get together just so I can continue to witness this.”


“What makes you think they’re going to stop arguing like that now that.... things have changed?”


Two night ago, Amber and I had snuck out to enjoy the local club scene. It wasn’t a long night because we were already tired not even a few minutes after midnight and decided to head back. We got out of our cab a couple of houses before ours, just to avoid being caught. However, just as we were reaching, we noticed two familiar silhouettes on the deck, looking like they were in a deep embrace. Initially, we were completely grossed out thinking it was one of our parents but at closer inspection, Amber recognised their hair and almost lost her . 


I didn’t believe her, obviously, because even though I made that bet awhile ago about them getting together in two months, I was only half serious about it. Then we saw the pair break away and I couldn’t stop blinking because I would recognise my sisters face a mile away. 


Immediately after, the both of us, really quietly, lost our s in the middle of the empty street.


All I said to her after we calmed down somewhat was, “You owe me 50 bucks.” 


So here I was, 50 bucks richer and 50 times more disgusted at remembering that I saw my big sister making out with my childhood friend. 


“Well no doubt, but they’ll be doing it with all the soppiness and grossness that comes with being in a relationship.” Amber made a face.


I crossed my arms, “You have a problem with romance, Amber?”


She looked shocked then, and I had to stop a smirk at catching her off guard.


“Of course not! I-I love it…… all of it. The mushiness, the Couple-T’s, how people start to look alike after being together for awhile. I love every single bit of it….. because I’ll be with the only person I want to do those things with anyway.” She looked away, suddenly bashful. 


I shook my head, thoroughly amused, “Well… just an fyi. I hate Couple T’s. And God forbid looking like you. I like myself just fine.”


“Noted.” She chuckled awkwardly and I found this unfamiliar side of her absolutely adorable.


Resisting the unabating urge not to touch her or show affection in any way, I tried to change the subject. 


“Want to ditch dinner?” I said cheekily, already pulling her towards the main part of the beach where there was a night market going on. 


“I love it when you get rebellious.” She grinned.


“I learned it from the best. Or worst. Depending on who’s looking at it.”


“Please, you were always the mastermind in our escapades. I was just the hapless little girl who was forced to carry out your naughty deeds.” 


“Only the first part is true, I am a mastermind. Do you remember that one time Mr.s cats-a-lot was gardening on her front lawn-”


“And you decided to steal one of her cats just to see if she would notice if one was gone.” Amber burst out in laughter.


“But I convinced you to sneak in while I waited across the street. Then the old woman saw you but didn’t catch onto your plan, and thought you just wanted to visit her. So you ended up spending hours helping her out with her chores, and I was laughing at you from my house because you were stuck hanging out with her the entire day.” Tears of laughter were spilling out of us at the memory. 


I fondly recalled that annoyed little expression permanently etched onto her face, mouthing revenge at me the whole time. She wasn’t mad at me for long, and by dinner time, we were already planning our next mission.


“You were so cute being all mad at me after she released you.” I cooed at her. 


“I was really determined to stay mad but you looked so guilty after seeing how upset I was. I needed to make you smile again.” She looked at me adoringly, a simple glance to my lips made my skin vibrate in excitement. 


Her fingers were unconsciously playing with mine and I had to resist pulling her closer to me. 


I reluctantly pulled away and her face dropped a little. 




“Please don’t be. We just need to wait a little longer.” I looked at her sincerely, “Then we can…. you know.” Blushing furiously, I stopped whatever it was that I wanted to finish that sentence with.


Amber’s eyes shined with mirth and a hint of anticipation, “I’ll be counting down the moments.”


My heart swelled and I nudged her a little rougher than intended.


We took our time exploring the market. We ate way more than the average teenager, mostly on my part because I deluded myself into thinking that I was still growing. Amber bought me a few things, not because I expected her to but because I forgot my wallet and she kept insisting that I ‘needed’ this pair of sunglasses, or ‘had to have’ those earrings to match a certain dress I forgot I even owned. It wasn’t really fair when she said I looked good in something, because to her, there was nothing in this world that I didn’t look beautiful in. 


“Fine. I’ll wear a potato sack to dinner tomorrow. We’ll see if you still want to sit next to me then.” I shook my head, finishing the last bit of my creampuff. 


Amber shifted closer to me on the bench that we sat on, feigning feeling cold but I knew better. I didn’t move away though and continued to enjoy watching the beating of the waves against the shore.


“I’ll still sit with you…. because I’ll be the only one wearing the same thing.”


“I won’t say anymore. You’ll probably actually do it, knowing you.”


Amber stayed silent and I looked at her to see that her sights were locked to a busker who was packing up his guitar. 




“Give me a minute.” She sped off, running barefoot on the sand to talk to the man.


He had a pleasant smile on his youthful face and was nodding enthusiastically at her as she seemed to be telling him an elaborate tale. After giving him something, she returned to where I was sitting.


The busker started playing on his guitar again and I looked up at her with a curious smile.


“I think you owe me a dance.” She offered her hand to me, chuckling nervously as she tried to look at me and not at her feet.


My cheeks went bright red at the sudden turn of events.


“It doesn’t count, if you’re worried. I just want to dance with my best friend. Nothing more.” She said, giving me an earnest smile.


Returning her smile, I placed my hand in hers and she lifted me into her arms. 


We adjusted a little funnily at first, dancing in the sand was not as graceful as the movies like to portray. Eventually, we just found a comfortable compromise by swaying on the spot.


I didn’t really know the song that was playing. It wasn’t important anyway, my heart could’ve drowned out an atomic bomb by the fervency of it’s beating.


I nestled further into her chest, hyperaware of the feelings ready to implode within me by just being this close to her. How could I ever have thought that I would want anything else but this?


“Do you what I love about dancing on the beach?” Amber whispered to me.




“That I don’t actually have to dance.” 


I giggled into the curve of her neck, delighting in the rumble of her own chuckle against me. 


Lifting my head, just enough to look at her teasingly, “Your dancing always makes me look so graceful.”


“I’m glad my humiliation can be of use somehow.” 


“That’s why I keep you around.” I affectionately brushed my thumb against her jaw.


“Do you know what I love about not being able to kiss you?” She asked again.


“What?” I replied, slightly breathless. 




In a moment of boldness, she leaned her forehead on mine, leaving barely any space between us, leaving me barely any room to calm my unstable heart.


We stayed like that for who knows how long, even when the music stopped playing and we were the only two souls left. 



It was our last night in Busan and we were having dinner at a nice restaurant by the beach. The atmosphere was merry and boisterous, as was every occasion with the entire Jung and Liu family in the same place together. Too bad for the guests who wanted a quiet dinner, but most of them seemed to be amused by us nonetheless. Though, I couldn’t say our younger brothers felt the same way about our embarrassingly inebriated parents and older siblings. 


There was only contentment in my heart at the moment, seeing the family so happy together. My only wish is that it’ll stay that way till the end of time. 


Speaking of, I glanced at the other table where Amber was still arguing with Yuri about her ’30 oysters in a row’ streak. I think she just ordered another round to prove that she could hit 50 by the end of the night. I just hope she doesn’t fall ill because of that big head of hers.


“Stupid.” I sighed worriedly. 


“Krrrrrryyyysyyyyyyy…… My baby Krystalllllll.” I sighed, preparing myself for Jessica’s onslaught of sisterly affection. It’s not that she wasn't vocal about her devotion to her younger siblings when she’s sober, but she’s definitely more generous (and sloppy) with it when she’s not. 


“Yes unnie, that’s my name.” I let out a grunt when she plonked herself on top of my lap.


“I have to tell you something, but it’s a secret. You can’t tell anyone about this okay? It’s a….” She asked it like a teacher would when they’re expecting their students to finish they their sentence.


“Secret.” I said, seeing her nod her head about ten times.


“It’s about someone…… around here.”  She said, sweeping her hand across the air, almost beheading me with the action.


I struggled to keep from laughing at her antics, because I really wanted to know who and what the hell she was going on about. 


“Unnie, you were trying to tell me something?” I encouraged her when she became distracted by cleaning a spoon with the tablecloth.


“Shhh… unnie is thinking.” She patted me on the head like a child.


I gave up, thinking that she probably forgot or didn’t really have anything to say in the first place when all of a sudden she spoke up. 


“You know unnie loves you right?” 


“Yes I know that, I love you too.” I hugged her and childishly nuzzled against her arm. 


“I’ll love no matter what. No matter who you love. Men….. women. They’re all the same.”


I stilled in her embrace, my heart picking up an unsteady pace at her words. I couldn’t properly process it because I had never expected to be having this conversation with her. 


“We don’t get to choose who we fall in love with. Especially, the people we least expect. Who are we to tell ourselves, let alone another person, who to be with or not to be with if it isn’t hurting anyone? Whether you believe it or not, we naturally gravitate to the things we desire the most. Only our brain makes us second guess ourselves. What I’m trying to tell you is the only unnatural thing about loving someone is…. trying not to love them. Okay?”


I was breathing erratically because of the sobs seeking to escape my throat.


“And here I thought you were going to go on a drunken spiel about a rude waiter or something.” I laugh and cried against her.


She laughed with me, “This is still sort of a drunken spiel but these are sober words.”


More tears fell from my eyes and I looked down shyly. 


“You have no idea how much I needed for you to say that. I mean… I didn’t even know I….”


“Sweetie, you’ll always be my baby sister. No matter what.” She said, the tears building in her eyes. 


“And you will always be my unnie. No matter what.” I gave her a look that told her that I accepted her the same way she accepts me.


She understood my underlying meaning and held my cheek, “I know, but that’s for me to figure out. Okay? You just take care of yourself.” 


No more words were needed after that, both of us relishing in our renewed bond with just those few exchange of words. 



“Kai? What’re you-”


I was embraced by a broad frame, their arms holding me closer to them as I unconsciously tried to pull away. 


My family teased us a little but soon went inside to give us some privacy. 


“Surprise! My grandmother is recovering nicely, so my dad and I decided to come home early.”


He finally pulled away and I was met with eyes filled with nothing but happiness at seeing me. My stomach dropped and that guilty weight that I was suppressing for the past week woke me up like a harsh slap to the face.


“Oh… Oh! That’s great about your grandmother! I can’t imagine how you must’ve been feeling.” I smiled back. 


“Yeah, I was really worried something bad might happen but everything’s cool now. I hope showing up in front of your house is alright? You said you were arriving home around 3 so I thought I’d pop by. Are you hungry? Maybe we could grab something to eat?” He smiled expectantly.


“Uh, I’ll just leave your bags in your room and head out.” Amber said a little awkwardly, making her way inside.


“Am, wait. We were supposed to have dinner.” I gently removed the arms around me to go to her. 


She looked at me and smiled understandingly, “It’s okay. Go do what you have to.”


“I’ll tell him tonight. Out of respect for him……. and I don’t want you to wait anymore.”


“Take your time. You’ve been waiting for two years. I’ll wait as long as you want me to.” She said softly so that only I could hear her, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” 


I looked down, not trusting myself to keep my hands to myself if I continued looking into those loving eyes. 




Her hands moved to touch my cheek, but instead chose to ruffle my hair in the last second. 


“Take care of her, Jongin.” She playfully pointed at him and he saluted back.


“So….. dinner?” He held his arm out in a charming gesture.


Resisting to run away and hide in a ditch somewhere, I summoned the courage to take his arm and mentally prepared myself for the night ahead of me.



It was close to 10pm by the time I reached home, the emotional weight that burdened me for the past week having been completely set free, but not without a cost. 


It will probably be awhile, if not ever, until Kai forgives me and I deserve every little bit of it. I cheated on him, twice. Even though Amber was the love of my life, that was one of the worst possible thing I could’ve done to someone. I can only hope that one day he finds someone that would love him as much as Amber and I loved each other.


I found her in her backyard, legs dipped into the pool, a sense of contentment on her face as she studied the night sky. 




I walked up to her and instinctively held her from behind. 


“Princess?” She asked curiously, tenderly inspecting my face, “How’d it go?”


“As well as telling your ex-boyfriend you’re in love with someone else, and yeah that you cheated on them goes.” I sighed into her neck, my legs falling next to hers in the water.


“I’m guessing he threw you a party then.” She chuckled mirthlessly, rubbing my arms that were securely around her waist, “Did you eat, at least?”


“We didn’t make it to dinner. I couldn’t sit in my lies for any longer.”


“I’m proud of you. I know how much you hate confrontation.” 


“He deserved to know.” I turned my head to breathe in the scent of her freshly washed hair. I felt mildly embarrassed at remembering that I haven’t showered since this morning and probably smelled like a combination of post-break up sweat and salty tears.


Sensing that I didn’t want to talk about today’s events anymore for now, she changed the subject.


 “So have you figured out what you want to do after school?”


“Nope. I’m even thinking of taking a year off. See the world, get thrown in the deep end, jump off a plane, drink out of a shoe. I’m not sure of anything yet. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.” I hummed, my fingers reaching up to play with her fringe, “How about you? Have you told your parents yet?”


“That I want to pursue a music career rather than join the empire? Uhm, hell no.”


“You have to tell them sometime, Amber. They’re eventually going to find out that you’re all of a sudden enrolled in Berklee.”


“Eh… I’ve still got a few more months left to try to find the words to say to them.”


We looked at each other and chimed at the same time. 


“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”


We fell silent after that, but my mind was still doing that thing where it goes off in endless tangents, exhausting me with it’s propensity to overthink whenever I’m left alone with it.


To any other person I would’ve appeared to be just fine, but to my best friend, nothing gets past her.


Well, that is, with the exception of my burning desire for her for the last two years. 


“What’s wrong, princess?”


I knew shrugging it off wouldn’t work on her so I told her the truth. 


“I’m kind of scared.” 


She looked taken aback by the sudden confession.


“Of what?”


I responded with another question, “Do you think we'll last?


I didn’t expect her to answer with little hesitation. 




“How can you assume that?”


She turned around in my embrace, the prominence of her sincerity making my heart skip several beats. Once again, she successfully quelled all of my fears in an instant with just a look.


“Because… even if this, whatever this is, doesn't last. I know that I'll always love you. I will always be with you, in whatever form that is. You’re my best friend first. Everything else comes second.” 


In that moment, I knew exactly why it had been so easy for me to fall in love with her. And it seems naive to be so sure, but I couldn’t see myself ever stopping. 


She tugged my ear and waited with unfaltering loyalty. 


I returned the gesture without a moments hesitation, assuring our promise to each other the only way we knew how. 


Our heads moved on it’s own accord, leaning in to each other with a gradual intensity. 


This was it. Not a drunken whim, no tears, no guilt weighing me down.  


This will be our first real kiss.


When I was about to finally get what I’ve been longing for all these years, Amber pulled back with a cheeky smile plastered on her face.


She swiftly got up, leaving me dumbfounded on the floor.


“You said you didn’t have dinner, right? Gosh, you must be famished.” Her eyes were gleaming devilishly but I wasn’t playing games. 


I got up and grabbed her by top of her shirt, roughly bringing her down to my level.


“You will kiss me now or so help me I will burn your entire collection of Jordan’s.” I might as well have burnt her with my eyes what with the way I was glaring up at her.


She didn’t seem bothered by my frustration in the least, but her eyes softened and her grin changed into a smile so full of devotion it left me breathless in a different way. Her strong arms encircled around my waist, pulling me into her warm and protective hold. My hands naturally found its way behind her neck, holding onto to dear life because good God her breath on my skin created sensations in my body that had my legs feeling like it wasn’t there anymore.


I forget…. what had I been mad about again?


Amber’s twinkling brown eyes was the last thing I saw before my eyes fluttered shut. 


“Who am I to deny my princess.” 


Then she kissed me in a way that I’ve only ever had dreams about. 





Damn, okay, to those of you that are still waiting on this, ya'll are total MVP's. This will likely be my first and last ever story I’ll write about these two, and I’m so glad to have seen this through even though it’s been a hundred years overdue. It’s finally completed. 

Next and last chapter will be the epilogue.


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: Reread again!
snackplate #2
Chapter 16: I have moments while reading this. Good ones of course! Thank you so much for putting a lot of efforts to finished it. It’s a beautiful story.. hope you’re doing well too with your life. Fighting! Stay safe & healthy wherever you are. ^_^
Chapter 16: Author nine where’s epilogue ㅠㅠ
Kryberyulsic #4
Chapter 16: 2 years still don’t get the epilogue :(
Chapter 16: Wheres the epiloue author??? T_T
Chapter 16: Author nimmmmmmmmmm the epilogue ?????
Chapter 1: i like this, it's lively
Chapter 16: Hi author! I would totally glad if you have a good life thereee! Stay healthy and productive to your job and thus I believe youll be able to create more and more stories like this cz youre damn potential in writing such storieees
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 16: Last chapter please ?