that's what she said

What Not to Write {fanfiction tips}

that's what she said —

I was going to make this about cause and effect but I changed my mind. This isn't going to be a sick, erted chapter but one that is going to give you alternatives to using the word "said" after dialogue. I'd normally do my best to get the list in order but because my mind isn't an alphabet and I can't think of these words in order, you'll just have to read the whole thing (if you want) to find what strikes your fancy.

  • exclaimed - "Watch where you're going!" she exclaimed.
  • explained - "We didn't mean to run into you. It's not our fault that our bus was late." She explained.
  • complained - "You should know by now that I don't like going to the park." She complained.
  • noted - "So we'll be going to second lunch from now on. That's interesting." She noted.
  • asked - "How am I getting there?" Minji asked.
  • questioned - "What makes you think I trust you?" Junhyung asked.
  • inquired - He inquired for more information but received none from his friends.
  • added - "I promise that I'll be on time tomorrow," she added quickly before the bell to end school rang.
  • acknowledged - "That's nice of you to do so." Misses Park acknowled.
  • hinted - "That's a really pretty watch. My birthday is coming up soon," the girl hinted to her boyfriend.
  • commanded - "Get over here now!" the teacher commanded.
  • agreed - "I know, right. We should've gotten a higher grade." Hyunseung's peer agreed.
  • argued - "I swear I didn't do it. How come you can't listen to me?" she argued.
  • began - "Well," she began to explain, "it wasn't our fault that this happened. You should've listened to me."
  • ranted - "This is so unfair!" she ranted.
  • recalled - "Oh yeah, we did that yesterday." He recalled.
  • joked - "That's what she said," the boy joked to his friends.
  • repeated - "I said, tomorrow we're going out." Seohyun repeated slowly.
  • commented - "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the girl commented.
  • stammered - "I-I didn't mean to," he stammered.
  • stuttered - "B-But I thought y-you said we were f-friends." The girl stuttered.
  • volunteered - "I'll do it." A classmate of Hyunseung's volunteered.
  • roared - "You're such a joke," the jocked roared into the freshman's face.
  • retorted - "Last time I recall, you failed this class too." The girl retorted.
  • moaned - "S-Stop ..." she moaned out.
  • jeered - "I don't see what's so good about that band." Two teens jeered.
  • croaked - "I swear I didn't mean to." The little girl croaked as tears stained her cheeks.
  • piped - "What's going on?" the new kid piped up.
  • taunted - "Where's your girlfriend now, huh?" a punk taunted.
  • stated - "It doesn't bother me." Junhyung stated in a rather bland tone.
  • threatened - "Don't ever come near me again." He threatened.
  • urged - "C'mon, just try it." The group urged.

Please be aware that there are more words to replace "said" with that are not listed. There are over 200 words that you can use so just keep that in mind when you're typing. I gave you thirty two, so go from there. And I can't believe this, but my title for this tutorial chapter amuses me even though I don't mean it in the context that it is normally said.

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"What Not to Write" jwhong: 790 subs. Thank you so much after all this time!


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Thanks so much for making this, it really helps a lot! >w<
i read it all but i don't get the tags bit :(
KidFromPluto #3
Chapter 6: Hmmmm good idea author-nim
KidFromPluto #4
Chapter 2: Woa... this is helpfull, i always have authors block and how i overcome it is by talking to someone tbh, and i am always scared that my fanfic isnt that nice and it's boring that's why i have few subscribers but idk why but you post makes me feel like , idk >< whats wrong with me!?
Do you know how much you help me with this? You inspire me to write better!! Thank you so much!
woah, this was super helpful, thank you!
Changdeol #7
Chapter 4: I wouldn't necessarily say using apostrophes for dialogues is wrong, many books published in the UK prefer this format...