tag you're it!

What Not to Write {fanfiction tips}

tag you're it! —

When you write a story always, always, always work out the basics of your story. Work the basics out. It is a must because otherwise you'll have a lot of kinks in your story and people won't read it too long. Something that was suggested in another tutorial is using the Snowflake Method. There's nothing I have against this bizarre method that I've never heard of before. I don't trust it so to speak. It seems like a sketchy idea to me because if it was more common more people would be using it and there would be less horrible stories floating around--no offense.


This is how I used to format my ideas that I came up with when I was spouting them like a fountain of some sort. It's pretty easy to follow because you don't have to make a million parts to it like the snowflake thing. This is going to be called the "J Method" because I say so. If you outline stories the same as me then good for you! You can call it whatever you'd like. In order to make this clear, the main stuff that is stationary (cannot be changed) will be bolded while everyone else will be typed in regularly.  


Title: Her Past Becomes His Present

Genre: , angst, romance

Characters: OC, Yong Junhyung, Jay Park

Minors (Characters): Beast, Goo Hara

Duration: shortfic -- one to five chapters at most

Plot: OC and Junhyung were dating for (said time). He broke up with her just before Christmas, breaking her down. Jay is OC's friend for years, supporting her through the breakup. One Christmas later, Junhyung pops back into her life on accident with his new girlfriend, Goo Hara--who happens to be cheating on him with (said guy). Jay wants to win OC's heart over before she crumbles again, being in love with him still somehow deep down. While Christmas approaches, OC has to find happiness, alone without Jay--her rock. Jay is busy on the other hand with his friends from Seattle. He has to confess before her mind strays too far back to her ex. On the other hand Junhyung is dumped by the girl he left OC for, for her "own benefit" as he claims. As a last reach out, he goes to his old friend's house to see that OC and Jay are there together (with his friend(s)). They all leave, OC and Jay get into a tragic accident. Junhyung realizes what he's done in the past.

"own benefit" : he's an idol with a busy life. He thought it would be beneficial to OC if they broke up so that she could live a less hectic life. Result was haters disliking her because his manager had told him to say to the public eye that she broke up with him.

Ending: Jay ends up with OC. Junhyung ends up being happy.


Of course the ending would be written in more dept. I didn't really put a lot of description in it because I didn't want to retype what happened. I linked the story because I finished this before. Read it if you'd like. It's finished and it is exactly 5 chapters as listed. When you write something like this for yourself, always include the ending. You can worry about the little stuff in the middle later. The beginning and ending are important parts to a story. I didn't write it down but always map out your .


Stories all have the same elements if they are written well. Each and every story has a rising action, a , resolution, and some type of sequence. Exposition is an element that is applicable. You can find an example of exposition if you read To Kill a Mockingbird. I read it. I read it and trust me, it doesn't as much as everyone thinks!


As a big word of advice, have your tags relate to genre of your story. Don't put bizarre tags because you like a said person or anything like that. In case you've never tried or noticed, there's a limit to how many tags you can use. The main point: don't be an and tag randomly. Tag with purpose guys.


People like to say that I'm yellow. I tell them that I prefer to be considered gold (;


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"What Not to Write" jwhong: 790 subs. Thank you so much after all this time!


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Thanks so much for making this, it really helps a lot! >w<
i read it all but i don't get the tags bit :(
KidFromPluto #3
Chapter 6: Hmmmm good idea author-nim
KidFromPluto #4
Chapter 2: Woa... this is helpfull, i always have authors block and how i overcome it is by talking to someone tbh, and i am always scared that my fanfic isnt that nice and it's boring that's why i have few subscribers but idk why but you post makes me feel like , idk >< whats wrong with me!?
Do you know how much you help me with this? You inspire me to write better!! Thank you so much!
woah, this was super helpful, thank you!
Changdeol #7
Chapter 4: I wouldn't necessarily say using apostrophes for dialogues is wrong, many books published in the UK prefer this format...