chapter 31

Broken Family

Hana Pov

I hear a soft knock at my door and i roll over i see my dad standing next to my door smiling at me “ wake up little princess” i smile and sit up rubbing my eyes “ what time is it ?” he pulls out his phone and checks the time “it’s 1:00 “ i nod and get out of bed i grab my crutches and walk over to my restroom “ get dressed were gonna go for a walk “ i nod and go inside of the restroom i take a shower and i began to get dressed. I brush my hair and go down stairs i walk over to my dad and he smiles “ready to go “ i nod and we leave the house. We walk to the park and sit down in front of a tree i look over at my dad and he smiles “ look hana i am very sorry about what happened this morning i didn't mean to scare you” i sigh and shake my head ” i'm okay now appa but tell me the truth what has been happening who was that dude and why did he know my name ?”

Tao Pov

I look away from hana not being able to look at her i don’t know what i should do i don’t wanna tell her about the blackjacks but if i do she can learn to defend herself just incase anything goes wrong she can be prepared. I sigh “ i'm sorry hana for your own safety i can’t tell you right now i hope you understand” i turn to look at her she looks upset but she knows that i'm only doing this for her protection. She smiles and nods “ thank you appa for protecting me i love you” she leans over and gives me a hug i smile and hug her back” i love you too my little princess” she laughs “ can we go get some ice cream appa ?” i nod and help her stand up we began to walk to the closest ice cream shop when my phone vibrates we continue  to walk as i look at my phone its a text from kris he says the task is done and that i have to come to work tomorrow i sigh and put my phone away. I might as well enjoy my day off while i can. We arrive at the shop and we walk inside hana walks over to the counter and looks at the menu deciding what to get  i pull out my phone and begin to take pictures of her she looks over at me and covers her face laughing “ appa stop it” i laugh and put my phone away “ why though” she uncovers her face and pouts” i don't wanna take any pictures right now let's order “ i nod and walk over to the counter i look at hana letting her know that she can tell me the lady her order she smiles “ i would like a cookie dough ice cream two scoops in a waffle cone please” the waiter looks over at me” can i get a vanilla two scoops in a waffle cone please” she smiles and begins to make our orders hana watches in excitement basically watering i laugh and she looks over at me “ what’s funny ? “ i shake my head the lady hands us our ice creams and i pay for them we walk back out of the shop and sit down at one of the tables outside we beginning to eat our ice cream and hana looks so happy she is stuffing her face with ice cream and she couldn't look any happier i smile “ you look like your mom” she stops eating and looks at me she gives me a sad smile and begins to eat again. Hana reminds me so much of her mom i miss her so much i miss her voice her cooking i miss everything about her and i'm pretty sure hana misses her too i wish i could have saved her but i couldn’t i tried but i couldn't. We sit there in silence eating our ice cream it wasn’t an awkward silence it was… comfortable and relaxing i liked it.


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Chapter 5: How old is she ?
minholove911 #2
I love this story
yaya321 #3
Chapter 8: Good story ((((( ❀ )))))))
