Gary Gary Gary

Chapter 2: Ouch!

Jihyo, your friends are here to see you.” I heard my mother call out to me while she tried not to trip over the mess in my room. I didn't bother to respond but instead bury myself in my bed sheets until the covers were ripped off of me.


Jihyo what is your damage? We've been callling and texting you all day and you have not been responding!” Minzy was the culprit who stole my sheets. I could see that Lizzy was also here but no Suzy.


What's the deal with the music...it sounds like I am at a funeral.” Lizzy covered her ears. “And you need to fire your maid...your room looks terrible.”


I don't have a maid..” I mutter lowly.


Oh that's right, I forgot you poor people don't have maids...you need to fire your parents then.” Lizzy said stupidly as she made her way to my computer to switch the music to her liking. That being SNSD, the last group I wanted to listen to heck I didn't want to hear any type of happy music. Since that party I have been feeling like major crap..I can't get that look Gary had on his face off my mind. Every time I try to get out of bed it's like gravity turned up the pull on my body and the weight is just too unbearable. I know my face probably looked zombified with all the crying I've been doing. Why did he keep calling for me like that..does he not know that his voice is haunting me now?


Suzy is ticked about you bailing on us. She's totally going to go Jason on you when she finds out you've been laying around listening to my grandma's music instead.” Minzy warned me.


Go tell her to put me out of my misery...no hockey mask required just the machete.” I snatched the covers from her and hid myself again from the sunlight that came from my window.


Lizzy, could you go get her some medicine I think she is sick.” Minzy ordered Lizzy who nodded. I figured it would probably take Lizzy almost an hour to figure out where the medicine is, I felt a weight on my bed and another body crawl under the blankets with me.


Minz..” I whined.


This is because of Gary right..” she whispered. “ You're acting like a total emo. I'm surprised you haven't slashed your wrist yet.”


I'm not acting like an emo...I'm just..I don't know..I can't get him off my mind Minz.” I whispered back. I suddenly felt like we were little kids sharing a secret during a sleepover party. It was a bit comforting in a strange way.


Jihyo...I know how you're feeling okay and I can totally help you.”


How do you know how I am feeling?” I turned to her. I could see a bit of her face from areas where the light crept through from openings of the blanket.


Can you keep a secret?” her voice lowered a bit with an added hint of nerves.


I quickly nodded my head finding myself super curious. What kind of secret could my dear BFF be hiding from me?


No one knows about this...and I trust you more then Suzy and Lizzy.” she began. “There was a guy..well there's still a guy...no no...I mean.” she struggled to talk. “There is a guy at our school that I use to like but not anymore.”


Who?” my voice perked up.


His name is...Yonghwa. “


You mean that guy all the girls secretly swoon over who paints and stuff...” I asked.


Yes..him...” she started wiggling around under the blankets.


Why don't you like him anymore?” I asked in confusion.


Because duh Jihyo he's father owns a freaking fish market. That would be total social suicide if I went out with him. Don't you get it. Girls like us cannot date guys that aren't on our level or higher.”


Well I'm not exactly rich...”


It doesn't matter if you're not...girls live to be pampered...correction beautiful girls like us are.”


Her words didn't sit so well in my stomach. Before I came to Running Man academy, I never was the type to be seeking a man for anything like that. I was the kind of girl with big dreams and stuff. I was independent and being a gold digger was just out of the question. Crazy how things changed so suddenly..I can't even remember half of my dreams anymore.


So what happened between you and him?” I asked.


Well he made this painting of me and confessed his feelings...it was so hard to reject him but I had no choice. Then after that he just kept trying to win me and crap. People were going to notice and if anyone knew I had feelings for him..I'd be dead, So I did something similar like you did. I told him 'hey I can't be seen with a guy who can't afford to buy me Channel.' Then just when I thought 'okay this is over he's got the point' I still had feelings and stuff. Even after I told myself over and over that he's not good enough for me. Then I figured it out...I had like some new kind of disease that is undiscovered. It's like a illness that makes you attracted to Mr. Wrong.”


A d-d-disease?” I don't know why but I found myself totally buying into what she was saying. I mean..like what do I know about love and stuff..Gary is the first guy I ever found myself attracted to.


I found a cure though...all you have to do is kiss him and the feelings just go away.
It's like the kiss just gets him out of your system.”


Wait...are you saying I have this disease and I..I..have to k-k-kiss Gary! Omg !” I screamed and fell right off the bed onto the floor' Minzy fell along with me. We both wailed in pain from hitting our heads on my wooden floor. Despite the pain, I was still freaking out,


Relax...Ji.” she grabs a hold of me.


No way...there is no way I can do that after all of that and I am a thousand percent sure he tots totally hates me right now. That's it I'm never going to school ever again.” I tried to hide away again but Minzy pins me down. For being sucha small girl with a bob hair cut, she's super strong.


You're going to school..I mean like I hate going too but we have to go and you will get through this,”


But..Minzy...what if the kiss doesn't work. What if I am doomed to like Gary forever.” I whined.


You won't and it will work.”


But..” she cuts me off.


Even if you still liked him and lost your mind and got with him you'd be miserable. “ she tells me.


Why is that?” I asked.


Where is your yearbook?” she suddenly asked me randomly and I pointed to a bookshelf with clothes thrown on it.


Now look.” she said to me after retrieving last years copy and opening up to our class page. Her purple polished nail stopped on some familiar faces.


See these two: Tiffany and Taecyeon? They have been dating for 6 months and are both cheating on each other. Next, Hongki and Sulli, been dating almost a year but they break up like almost every week. Then these two Sehun and Hyorin..nobody knows but Sehun totally plays for another team as in gay. He's only dating her as a front. I caught him and Suho totally making out in the back of the library. “


My jaw dropped at all the information Sherlock Minzy just told me.


As you can see all relationships have problems but each of them benefit from each other. Sulli gets to ride in fast cars and shop till she drops, Tiff and Taec get to have all the fun they want plus Taec will be partnering with her father at HBS because of arrange marriage. Hunnie gets to fool his parents and have what he wants without losing his inhertance. But if you were to get with a guy like Gary...you'd get nothing in return..because he has nothing to offer. He has no money, inheritance..nada.”


But what about love?” I asked.


Love is just fairy tales.” she pats my head. “Trust me, if you get with a guy for that reason you'll end up miserable.”


Oh...okay...” I trailed off.


It hurt to have my dreams of being Gary's girlfriend crushed even more than they already were. This is all just too much to swallow, I wonder if my parents even love each other..have I been taught all my life just a lie? Love is just something we all made up just to entertain ourselves?


I found the medicine..” Lizzy finally returned shaking me out of my thoughts with her perky voice.


Those are skittles...” I said as she the bag in my face.


The best medicine in the world.” she poured the bag into my mouth nearly choking me. “Don't tell anyone but I totally take these even when I am not sick.” she chuckled.


I fear for humanity sometimes when I realize that one day Lizzy will have kids.


Okay you have your medicine now so go shower and get dress, We have another party to go to!”



Here I was at school again trying to figure out exactly how I was going to get this kiss to happen with me and Gary. I had to get rid of these feelings fast because my face is beginning to hurt from all the fake grinning I've been doing.


I heard from some students that the nerds like to hang out at some old tree outside during the warm season at lunch time. I figured maybe I'd see him there. I usually have a hard time escaping the Beckies at lunch because it was the time we have our meetings but I made up some excuse about being forced to do a make-up quiz. I was so nervous as I wandered outside and to add to my nerves I was getting stares. I had officially entered into untouched territory by a Becky. There was a huge group of students here that I didn't recognize then and saw no sign of Gary.


What are you doing here?” I turned to see a tall girl with long hair and black glasses. I think her name was Jessica. She was like one of the smartest girls in our whole school, rich too but an outcast because Suzy hated her guts.


I'm looking for Gary..have you seen him?”


You have some nerve! I can't stand you Beckies!” she started swinging punches to my surprise and on impulse I did the same.


Jessica...Jessica stop it!” A guy grabbed her from behind and I recognized him as Yonghwa. Omg talk about awkward,,


Why are you stopping me Yongie? This tramp hurt our best friend and has the nerve to try to show her face to him!”


So I figured that these two probably heard about the party from Gary...and their his best friends too!


I know, I know but don't stoop to their level..” he calmed her down a bit but she still glared at me.


Um...er..” I was clueless at what to say after that. Clearly they hated my guts.


Can you do us a favor and stay away from Gary.” Yonghwa asked me kindly. “Find some other guy to play with. I'm sure there are a ton of guys who can buy you the things you want.”


That really hurt more than ever...I was not playing around with him at all. Then again what I said at the party didn't exactly prove that. For some reason his last words didn't sound like they were aimed at me..more like Minzy. I wasn't in the mood to fight..so I made an exit. Despite their desire for me to stay away from Gary I wasn't going to do that. I had to get rid of these feelings first then I'd gladly then follow there wishes.


After lunch and the rest of classes, Suzy stopped us once we approached her limo. I was nervous when she turned to me.


I heard that you were seen with the nerds today, is that true?” she asked.


Oh...that's impossible I was taking that quiz remember.” I tried my best to sound as normal as possible. Luckily she bought my lie.



Good, don't let me ever catch you around you know who again...” she added in almost a sinister voice as we got into her limo.


As if that would ever happen.” I responded in a frighten tone. “Don't worry about it.”


I better be more careful next time when I try to speak to Gary.


We were at the mall again as usual. Suzy was on her cellphone with some guy and kept beaming at us. Which meant that she probably had some good news for us.


Omg guys, I just got off the phone with Jongkook and he wants to go out with me1”


Ahhhhhhh!”we all screamed together.


He's so hot. Omg I knew you two were totally going to be a thing.” Lizzy said in excitement.


Those abs mm you're so lucky. I would kill to date him.” Minzy said.


Too bad so sad he chose me and we'll totally be the hottest couple in the whole school.


I don't know about that. When he was with Eun Hye they were like totally perfect.” Lizzy said before she got struck by Suzy.


We will be better together than him and that female.” she glared Lizzy down and Minzy and I her ego to get her to calm down.


Anyways like I was saying before this bimbo started saying crap..” she glared at Lizzy who was rubbing her head. “He asked me out but there's more. It's like a group thing so you guys will be the dates for his friends.”


Oh joy another undesired date with an idiotic, hormone crazed douche. Whoopie! This is just what I needed to add to my already stressful week. I better at least get some really good food out of this.




It's almost as if fate was against me. Every time I tried to get anywhere near Gary, Jessica or Yonghwa was around. This was making things ten times more difficult.


Have you kissed him, yet?” Minzy whispered to me in the back of the classroom during math.


No...” I whispered back.


What's taking so long?” she asked in frustration.


I didn't want to tell her about his body guards because I know she'll totally advise me to do something nuts which will get me caught by Suzy.

“I just need the right timing..” Which was true. I needed an opportunity when they both were away from Gary. A moment where he was completely alone. Hmm..




The place where Gary was always alone was the PARK!


I can't believe I didn't think of it before..Gary always had his little personal solo concerts there. I don't think he tells anyone about it. Every time I see him there he's always alone. I couldn't wait for the final bell to ring. I was practically spazzing in my chair.


Ding ding dong ding ding ring dii


Um..girls..I need to go home for this thing with my dad so call me, kay.” I raced off not wanting to be stopped by them. I don't think I ever ran this fast in my life especially in heels. I had to get there and just wait for him and then I don't know. I didn't exactly plan what I would say. Maybe I didn't need to say anything just plant a kiss and leave.


Then again..I wasn't exactly sure at how to properly kiss him. I've seen it done in a thousand dramas but what if it wasn't as simple as that. Plus Minzy wasn't exactly detailed on how long the kiss had to be or what kind of kiss either.


Gosh, Let me not screw this up!


My heart did leaps as I realized this whole time I been running Gary was only a few feet away from me. I recognized that black back pack with all his favorite rappers names on it from anywhere, I slowed for a moment not wanting to run in the back of him. The nerves came back again as well as that nasty flashback.


Can I really do this to him?


I can't help but fear that kissing him will make things worst but Minzy said love isn't real so maybe it won't. I swear though for being not real...he sure made me believe.


Ah-ha...just as we thought.” I heard an unwanted voice.


It was them again the vengeful BFFS.


I...I...am just walking home.” I lied.


Yeah and stalking down Gary in the process.” Jessica grabbed onto my hair and we started swinging punches at each other like before.


Get off me!” I screamed.


I won't until you stay away from him!” we kept going at it and this time Yonghwa couldn't contain the wrath of the brainy girl.




We all froze when none other then Gary...my personal disease had spotted us.


Oh my Jason....stab me now.

Author's Note:

The pink text went crazy when I tried to paste it into this chapter. I guess I'll just do all black text. Did Kook even have abs when he was younger? I saw one pic of him when he was in a boy group and he looked so adorable lol Anyways nect update coming soon//maybe today. <3

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Chapter 19: Update soon ^-^
bestfriend1234535 #2
Chapter 2: This story is off the hook!
(But remember to put it back on the hook because the story might get dirty since it was on the ground)
bestfriend1234535 #3
Chapter 1: Good Job can't wait to read the rest of the chapters
<3 the story
Godlike1983 #4
Chapter 17: Pali pali update......
Chapter 16: Update please~~ Make everyone know who "Kang Gary" is!
helloflower10 #6
Chapter 1: Love this story so much <3
mikawait03 #7
Chapter 16: Love it!!! Waiting for next update. Hope you get well soon authornim.
uri_sunshine #8
Chapter 16: The forming of 'The Smarties'.. sounds good.. Keep update, authornim :)
Chapter 16: the smarties hhehehehehehhehe

oh.. get well soon authornim...
rest well
mongae #10
Chapter 15: I knew it.... gary is from a rich family :O