
Third Time's The Charm
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Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:20-21

With enlarged eyes, Krystal simply stared at him, unable to speak. Kang Minhyuk…liked her? There was no way. Could she have just imagined hearing him because her heart desperately wanted to hear it?


That could have been a possibility if she hadn’t seen his lips move. And she definitely saw his lips move. And that’s what stunned her. The fact that he said it. And judging from how he wasn’t cracking into laughter, he seemed serious.


While Krystal was silent from shock, Minhyuk was nervous. Why wasn’t Krystal responding? Was she disgusted from his confession? She was a very popular girl at their college, after all, and recently broke up with her boyfriend, only because he broke up with her, not the other way around. What if she still harbored feelings for her ex? What if she thought receiving a confession from a guy three years older than her who she barely knew was awkward and weird? What if-


“I-” she finally spoke but stopped. Breathing in deeply, she breathing, “Please tell me you're not joking.”


Huh? Minhyuk didn't quite understand what she was saying.


“I-I'm not joking. Why would I joke about this?”


Krystal's face split into a large grin. “You mean you're serious? You actually like me?”


At this, Minhyuk became more confused. “Yes, I actually do,” he repeated slowly.


“Good,” she stated happily, “because I-” she paused, suddenly nervous and shy. “I like you too.”


Now it was Minhyuk who was beaming. “Really? You mean it?”


“Yes,” she laughed, nodding eagerly. And they smiled at each other so happily with smiles so full of love, they could have been exchanging wedding vows and nobody would have guessed otherwise.


With a sudden of boldness, Minhyuk took a step forward, his hands bringing Krystal closer to him. Their sudden proximity of one another surprised her, but in a good way. She was no longer laughing, all too nervous for what he might do next.


Don't let him kiss you! her mind screamed. Did you forget Kai already? You're moving too quickly!!


But it was like her body was disconnected from her mind. Heart pounding, she met his eyes and was unable to look away as his warm gaze searched her eyes. There was just something entrancing about Kang Minhyuk’s eyes, she decided.


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Just found out about this story. I am a Hyukstal fan and its getting hard to find new fanfic of them here. Can’t wait to read it.
oh my god ; ;; ;
Chapter 33: As a Hyukstal fan, I love their stories and really can't stand the ones with bad grammar which is probably why your fic attracted me :)
I'm a bit sad as well that now I can't really hope for them but I hope they're both happy anyhow! Anyways, happy to have found such a delighting fic, and the way you structured your updates really made me think to follow the same way as I always prewrite then fall behind otl ._.but hope you keep up the great writing :D
Chapter 33: Huhuhu... i dont want to disrespect ur desicion but im really sad because there are a lot of hyukstal twitter accounts that disappear... and there are also a few hyukstal fanfics in english and this made me really sad... u know i just wish to read a lot of hyukstal stories because its just a delusion and the news really breaks my heart... huhuhu sorry for ranting... :(
Chapter 33: Im sorry but I think it's up to you if you want to continue writing hyukstal, this is mainly fanfiction. it doesnt mean that u r disrespecting them or anything, u didnt do anything bad. Not forcing you to write some hyukstal again but its alright if u change ur mind too.
LYG9210 #6
Chapter 33: I think you can continue to write hyukstal.
Well it a STORY you are the WRITER, you can do anything. Hahah
Everyone know kaistyal is true but we can be what we want in story. Hahah. I think its ok
UphaUpe #7
Chapter 33: If you know how SM theory, then you will know when you will start writing about hyukstal again. I said this didnt hope they to broke up, but SM will be SM. Dating scandal just one of their way to increase money.
Chapter 33: I believe it's okay to continue writing stories about them even though Krystal's dating someone in real life. For me, the fact that this is FICTION gives us the right to satisfy our imaginations regarding 'hyukstal' and it's not a bad thing, right (or it's just me thinking that way. Ha. Ha.)? Plus, as long as we don't obsess over these. :) So I hope you'll still write good stories whether it'd still be hyukstal or other couples. Fighting! :)
Chapter 33: I loved the Seulkai and Hyukstal in this. :)