
doll collector

Chapter: when your doll gone missing


For the Nth time since he met SeokJin, JungKook found himself staring at the ceiling again. Endless, untainted, white ceiling. Once in a while he gets bored with the blank canvass overhead but every time he is reminded why he kept it that way. Looking at it draw him to empty thoughts. When memories haunts him, the boring white ceiling becomes his minds haven. His playful mind would stop reminiscing and just process how unblemished it is. It was pathetic, his way of tending to his pains but it's all he could do. He only have himself.


"Dinner?" his Butler asked, JungKook isn't surprised anymore that he didn't noticed him enter the room 


"I'm fine. Did he eat?" the younger inquired with lethargy that he plan to keep for the night




"Did he asked?"




"What did you say?"


"As I was instructed"




There was a pause before the younger heard the other sigh, meaning his NamJoon hyung would drop formalities and nonchalance 


"This past week you were happy. You know, the before-TaeJoon kind of happy"


"Have you served me for that long already?" JungKook tried to distract


"You said Jin isn't TaeJoon and I believe that"


"Jin is more like me. But his questions, they reminded me of how TaeJoon accused me, how he left me. I'm just hurt, I can't help it"


"Try, if not him then give yourself a chance"


"I tried countless times, you've seen where it got me" JungKook rolled to lie with his head buried in his pillows. NamJoon sighed knowing the younger won't really be listening from that moment on 


"I told him he is free to leave whenever he please. I told him of the one week agreement and gave him his bank book as you ordered earlier"


"Arasseo, let's just see then"




JungKook didn't want to look like he had high hopes but he couldn't help but check on SeokJin first thing in the morning. He opened the door slowly, minding that the other could still be asleep. But once he got glimpse of the made bed everything dropped, even the corners of his lips. He stared at the empty bed for a little while with genuine longing before he pursed his lips in a tight line


"He left early this morning" NamJoon informed 


"He must hate me so much to not even say a goodbye"


"Do you want me to track him down?"


"No, we're leaving. I'm gonna pay Sehun hyung a visit"




"Let's go" the authority in the younger's voice cut off any protest. NamJoon only nodded and headed to the car 


Visiting Oh Sehun was never a great idea for JungKook, especially early in the morning. Sehun is a caring hyung for JungKook but his ways of helping the younger cope was never favorable for NamJoon.


They drove miles to reach Sehun's condominium. He got the pent house reserved for him even before the 50 storey building was built. NamJoon chose to stay at the car for his Young master's orders and JungKook let him be. Sehun and NamJoon never got it good with each other.


A single buzz was all JungKook needed and he was welcomed inside but not by his hyung. Instead a cute smiling brunette greeted him and let him in.


"He is still getting dressed, sorry. I'll check on him. Make yourself at home" Sehun's boyfriend said as he left the living room. He waited not for long and the couple were stumbling to the living room. The shorter male is still fiddling with Sehun's tie as they made their way to their guest.


"Hyung, it's fine. I'm just taking kookie out for fun. I won't attend a meeting" Sehun convince his boyfriend into letting go of the tie with his childish whining and Secret weapon, his irresistible pout. The short brunette beamed at him before tiptoeing and pecking the taller boy's lips.


"Fine, we don't want to keep the guest waiting. I'll just prepare drinks at the kitchen" and he walked off with a sway in his hips that tells Sehun he'll get lucky tonight once he get back home. The thought made the predatory smirk to appear on his face as he sat beside JungKook. 


"Sorry, so how are you?"


"Same as before. Left again. I'm really envious" JungKook frowned looking at his lap. 


Sehun held JungKook's hand and leaned close to his ear to whisper 


"Don't be. You know the story" the silver-colored hair boy pulled away a bit to smile and he gave the younger's hand a light squeeze before asking 


"So who do you want today? I'll make sure they are free for my dongsaeng "


"How about the twins?" JungKook tried a smile


Sehun smirked knowingly, starting to dial 


"Oh, sure"




"How could you two live without me?" Jin started the lecture once he was in his friend's apartment 


"We live with freedom" YoonGi said grinning 


"Haha! Just kidding! Of course we missed you!" HoSeok happily said patting Jin's back as the older wedged his way between the two on the sofa. They were all grinning like idiots 


"So does this mean you're free? Did he at least pay for your abduction? Is he giving your work and house back? Come on, tell us" HoSeok fired the questions without pause


"No, I have to go back. I did a mistake and I can't leave knowing I didn't even try to fix it. That kid, I misjudged him and said things. I think I should apologize and make up to it" Jin fiddled with his own fingers with a small smile 


"If you think staying would help him, then follow what you feel is right" 


"That is some deep YoonGi! When did you even -" HoSeok loudly pointed but was cut off 


"Shut up this is because you are never a help".and YoonGi made a face that made the three go into laughing feats 


Time flew fast as Jin spent it with his friends, telling them things about the rich kids' life. Of course aside from little facts such us how normal it was for them to insult and degrade others, they don't have to know that part. He painted his last week to his friends as colorful as he could. Mostly telling them how caring JungKook was to not make them worry about his decision of staying. 


It was dark when he got back to JungKook 's home. He slid past anyone who could question him, not really in the mood for that. He was surprised when he saw a curled up figure on his bed, cocooned in the pink blankets with soft breathes as the only sound in the room. He made sure not to make any sound as he made way beside the bed, which proved to be a chore considering he's not really the graceful type. SeokJin knelt on the floor just beside the mattress to peek at the face, which is the only uncovered part of the younger. He didn't mean to but his eyes were glued at the sleeping one. JungKook have long, dark lashes a girl would be envious of, his cheeks are a bit chubby just adorable enough, his pinkish red plump lips were agape and Jin just needed to gulp there and stop gawking. He stopped scrutinizing but he didn't stop his hand from caressing JungKook's hair. The younger must be really tired to be asleep that early. Jin didn't mind falling asleep, sitting beside the bed. He is even lulled to slumber by the soft puffs of warm breathe hitting his face. Sleeping with his face a few centimeters away from the other is another thing he won't mind getting used to.




JungKook dreamt of waking up in the middle of the night to see Jin sleeping by the bedside. He dreamt about carrying the other to the bed and cuddling against him like a puppy missing the heat. He could totally remember the feeling of SeokJin's warm skin as the older wrapped an arm around him. He could remember but when he woke up alone as he was when he fell asleep his mind convinced him it was all a dream. Maybe he was missing the other. 


He checked his phone, there are text messages from his classmates. He checked the time, two hours late. Maybe he'd just miss his morning classes. He is never one to miss school but he couldn't will his body to move. Is it because of Jin leaving? He's used to getting ditch what else is there to feel. He knew he was numb to rejection a few dolls ago but why does he start to feel that clenching in his chest again? Why does his stomach flipped, making him sick, every time he pictures Jin turning his back and walking away? Is it Jin or is it the date? 


Monday, 31st of August. He got such hope for tomorrow but getting left alone today ruined everything.


JungKook was staring at the ceiling and he was greeted by luminescent stars.


"JungKook " NamJoon peeked over the ajar door


"Get me a ladder hyung"




"A ladder "


"But-- "


"Ladder. Now."


NamJoon got him a ladder and chose to stay silent afterwards. JungKook reached out for the ceiling in tiptoe at the top of the ladder and started peeling off the stars one by one. He got 3 stars off when a familiar voice called in uncertainty 


"JungKook what are you doing?"


To say he was surprised was an understatement. JungKook's eyes were wide, his hands midway of ripping another star off


"Jin hyung "


"Why are you removing the stars?"


"Umh I thought you left and... and... you said you hated them"


"Uh... did I? Erm sorry. JungKook, I... okay, I knew I said things a bit callously. I should have thought before letting the words out. So really, sorry" Jin was staring at the floor waiting. Because it is JungKook he is talking to, a reaction is expected. Whenever Jin talks or do just anything the younger would do something. A hug, smile whatever but what followed are footsteps that didn't even reached his line of sight if he didn't look up. The distance JungKook left between them is unusual, he is not even an arm's reach


"It's okay. You just got me worried a little. I'll put the other stars back then follow you for breakfast"


Completely weirded out, SeokJin still walked his way to the kitchen to wait. 


Jin can't help but stare when he saw JungKook all covered up as he stride to the table with his head bowed. JungKook likes comfort clothes and doesn't like the heat. He even sleeps in only his boxers so seeing him in long sleeves and sweat pants is past unexpected. The younger quietly sat opposite him hugging his knees to his chest, sluggishly eating spoonfuls every minute or so. 


"Hey, what's up?" Jin wanted to smack his head for the words he just said. He really wanted to ask if the other is okay, or if he's angry or what not. Though treating people like objects is far from good, so far that's his only problem about the younger. SeokJin promised himself he'll help JungKook to straighten but when V insulted him and he lashed out to the innocent. He was wrong in accusing the poor boy so he decided to keep his temper on low no matter what and try his best to get through JungKook. 


JungKook didn't respond on anyway, like he was spacing out so Jin reached out planning to tap his hand but as soon as the contact was made JungKook jumped out of his seat like he was burnt and stared wide eyed at Jin.


"I'm sorry, I just..." then the younger run to his room.


Jin didn't waste time, he followed JungKook and fortunately the other didn't lock the door, he never does.


He found JungKook curled up, clutching at the covers over him. Jin placed a hand on the younger's shoulder and felt JungKook stiffen. The older pulled the covers off swiftly without the other throwing a fight. As he does he got a peek past the younger's askewed collar. He is quite sure there was a dark reddish spot hidden there just below the collar bones.


"What's that?" Jin pointed and JungKook immediately covered it up. SeokJin didn't know what his simple question brought. JungKook's eyes were wide and staring but his mind was reeling with his terrifying memories 


'What's that kookie?'

'TaeJoon hyung, it's not--'

'You are disgusting! You are such a ! How could you do this!?'


JungKook was down in a fetal position, his eyes tightly shut, his arms covered his ears. Jin wasn't saying anything but JungKook was still afraid to hear anything. Those words aren't needed to be said anyway because they are already embedded in his head. Finally the younger muttered words in pained voice, 


"I'm filthy, don't touch me"




A/N: Lolz...I tried really I did. I tried to not make this look filler-ish.. I hope it didn't disappoint any of you that much... 


And really I want to thank everyone who reads this, and those who voted! And special Thanks to those who comments.. gosh I love hearing from you guys really..

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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(