
doll collector


They rode different cars but on the way home JungKook excitedly tells NamJoon how he missed spending the night with his Sehun hyung. Jin almost rolled his eyes. 


'So I'm not enough company at night ' SeokJin bit his inner lip in irritation 


To make things worse, JungKook never turned to him to say anything. Excuse, explanation anything would do. Is this JungKook getting tired of him? Finding a new playmate? The younger didn't even pay him a look. He missed the other's attention. He want him back.




As they were walking through the pathway to the main door JungKook suddenly jumped at Sehun's back and forced a piggy back ride. 


"Kookie I don't give piggy back rides" Sehun complained but he held the younger's legs in place 


"Hyung just a few steps!" JungKook whined


"Ugh, you are crushing him" Sehun muttered quietly as he started to walk to the door. he caught Jin staring at them with pain in his eyes. 


The younger just smiled




Never once did JungKook spoke a word to Jin as he was busy flirting with Sehun. SeokJin tried not to glare, or cry. He clenched his teeth the whole time to hold back any untimely outburst, reminding himself that the younger won't probably coax him even if he throw an uncharacteristic tantrum. Instead he forced himself to stay and watch as the two talked at the dinner table about everything.


JungKook was never subtle in his skinship. The younger would hold the silver haired's free hand as he spoke promises of hanging out more often in the future and hug Sehun whenever the older boy reminds him of fond memories of their childhood. He knows he is tormenting himself and at some point it'll sting too much and he'll need to go. But he tried to hold out as long as he could. 


The inevitable happened a bit too early when JungKook leaned too close to the other to whisper something. Everything ached, he isn't numb yet so he walked away with minimal sound, though he'll be noticed one way or another. With his head bowed as he turned, SeokJin didn't see JungKook followed him with his gaze.


"He is gonna break soon" the younger smirked as he put a piece of steak in his mouth. Thinking Jin gets jealous brings him a twisted kind of glee


"Aren't you being too harsh?" Sehun asked as he started eating too 


"You were worse before with..." the silver-haired didn't let the younger to finish 


"Ours is a special circumstance, I have two at hand to play. You go this far for him. He's got to be special"


"H-He's not" JungKook stuttered hearing the word 'special'. 


TaeJoon was his first  special someone then he left the 14 year old JungKook with no innocence, a ed up temper, self-loathing and trust issues. He doesn't like the word or it's implications.  He isn't ready to feel that way again. He is still not ready to open up to someone 'special'. He will never be ready. His heart is already beyond repair. 


"Right, that's why you aren't talking to Taehyung and JiMin" the older of the two rolled his eyes, snapping the other awake from his reverie 


"How'd you know it was about Jin hyung?"


"Taehyung is whining to BaekHyun everyday about Kim SeokJin. It even brought a fight between Yeol and Baek" they turned to each other in silence before sharing their secret smile 



After the dinner they decided to go to the younger's room. They passed by Jin's room. JungKook paused by his door for a few seconds. Seconds too long that Sehun thought the younger is going to knock. But JungKook shook his head deciding to wait a few more days. He could still last a few days without talking to his princess. He'll wait for Jin to do something. With that firm resolved he invited Sehun to his own room. Of course he didn't lock the door just in case Jin wanted to barge in and take him away.


They settled for the floor. They liked star gazing since they were young at the same spot as now, by the open balcony. JungKook can't suppress quiet giggles as he sat there and remember Jin kissing him. Though it wasn't that intense and it was cut short, he'll still label it as one of his best kisses. Because things that you work for so hard are good to indulge 


"What's really up with you though? I heard you haven't touched him. It's been what 3 weeks?" Sehun asked as he stared at the night sky trying to find familiar constellations.


"Because he doesn't want to. I won't force him into that" JungKook was also eyeing the sky but he was just appreciating the stars, wondering if Jin ever looked at them with the same fascination as his 


"Right, because that's so you. Considerate and of others then you still keep denying that he is special"


"Is that how you feel about LuHan hyung? You don't want to force him into with you because he is special? Because you believe he's the one for you?"


Sehun might not be role model material but his faithful love has never ceased to amaze the younger. Sehun loves and will always love only one person. Unfortunately he is in love with LuHan, the one person he can't be with. But still he is trying and whenever that comes to mind JungKook is encouraged to strive 


"If I say yes would you admit that this Kim SeokJin is special?" Sehun arched an eyebrow though none of them turned to each other 


"Hyung!" JungKook pouts, though not seen the tone brought out a sigh and a sad smile to the older 


"Me and LuHan have a really complicated situation. He'll be back in a few months. We'll celebrate his home coming at the same time as my engagement. You should be there"


"To watch you break once he pull MinSeok hyung instead of you? No Thanks"


"That's the plan. MinSeok won't go with him. He loves me" Sehun smirked but it was different, there was fondness lingering 


"You sure? Lost love returning is easy to fall back into" the silver-haired could almost taste the bitterness edging the comment 


"Would you take Taejoon back if he comes knocking?"


"Hyung, Taejoon is different. He is a-- a jerk" JungKook had his eyes on his lap as he almost stuttered with the mention of that name  


"Jerk? Through all the ty things he did and that's your insult to him? Kookie, the person who  makes fun of you without legit reason in school is a jerk, but TaeJoon? He is way past a ing arsehole. I should see him burn in hell" Sehun spewed, his eyebrows almost meet in his scowl 


"Thanks hyung"


"I promise if he comes back and I catch you even look at him, I'm going to punch you in the face"


JungKook just smiled at the older 




Jin is quite sure there'd be a crater in his bedroom floor when morning comes in the way he walks back and forth since he heard JungKook's bedroom door opened and closed awhile ago. He isn't one for nail biting but his anxiety made him pick up a hobby. He decided to pick up his phone to talk to someone because he believe if he won't have any outlet he'll literally burst. 3 rings and his friend picked up. He knew how YoonGi could get cranky when disturbed in his writing so he beat him into complaining 


" YoonGi I feel like dying. Thinking that he is with someone in his room right now and he could be doing something not innocent makes me really angry" 


YoonGi sighed and Jin heard clinking sound that must have been YoonGi putting his pen down to tend to his drama crisis 


'What do you feel about him?'


"I don't know"


'If you don't know then you don't have the right to do anything' YoonGi almost hissed because what he doesn't need right now is denial 


Jin gulped and spoke with a tinge of fear in the admittance 


"I think... I think I like him a lot. Okay. I want him to hug me like before. I want him to be sweet to me again. I want him to like me like before. Gosh I'm selfish"


'Yes you are. If you like him, want him back then  you need to commit. You can't just tell him to not be close to others just so you can have all of his attention without you giving him anything'


"You mean I need to confess?"


'Yes and right now. We know he isn't a and he is so much ually active as they come but now that you have feelings for him that is a serious matter'


"I really don't want him to do anything with Sehun. . Thinking about it hurts." Jin slapped his  forehead with his freehand as he shut his eyes 


'Are you crying?' YoonGi asked flatly 


"No but I'm about to" the older admitted 


'Kim SeokJin don't be such a girl. Take the lead!'






Jin stood in front of JungKook's bedroom door, hearing how his Kookie giggles inside. Yes, his. If what he'll do goes bad then so be it. He'll leave because he can't take getting treated like a rag doll. If it was before he could cope because he doesn't have a liking on him but now it's a different matter. He knocked on the door and when the younger opened up Jin immediately pulled him out and pushed him against the wall. JungKook was surprised especially when SeokJin's lips clashed with his in a messy kiss. Jin bit his lip once he pulled away. His eyes were fiercely looking into the younger's. JungKook frowned and tried to push him off but Jin was unbelievable strong as he held him in place. 


"Hyung you can't keep kissing me just because" the younger reasoned with eyes wet 


"It's not just because. I think... I think I like you."


Sehun bust out of the room looking stern as ever as he said 


"And well I think I'm out of here. Make out all you want when I'm out of earshot. I don't need to be while driving" the silver-haired turn around and waved as he walked away. The two watched him vanish to the next corridor before they got back to their conversation 


"What did you say hyung?" JungKook almost whispered


"I think I like you. I love you"


" please don't do this. Don't say that" JungKook looked down his tears begun to stream down his cheeks. 


"Why JungKook? " Jin wiped the tears with his thumb, confused by the reaction he got 


"Hyung I've heard this enough times. I'm tired of this lie. Please, I prefer to stay as we- whatever we are than hear you lie and then hurt me. Hyung please don't do this to me" the younger pleaded 


"Kookie I'm not lying. Look at me" Jin held JungKook's face with his hands on both cheeks of the younger. He held JungKook's eyes in an intense gaze and slowly he leans down to press his lips on the other's own in a gentler kiss. When the older starts to move his lips and press harder, JungKook shut his eyes tight as well as his mouth. Jin didn't missed any of it, even how he stiffened. He pulled away and looked at the pained, scared face of the younger. 


"No don't fight it" Jin caressed the younger's cheek to ease the grim expression. After some more gentle touch, the wrinkle on JungKook's forehead fade. JungKook's eyes fluttered open ever so slow. Uncertainty still glimmering in his dark orbs but at least he is meeting gaze with the older. A small smile starts to bloom on Jin 's lips.


"Just feel and tell me if it's a lie" JungKook nods and SeokJin took his lips again. This time the younger was  responsive and their lips melded together. They were in synch in exploring how their lips fit. SeokJin took his time with JungKook's plump lips. Jin's hands slid down to grip at JungKook's hips as his tongue dart out to the other's lip and ask for entrance. JungKook opened up for their tongues to play, their saliva mixing as slick muscles try to dominate each other. The muffled moans that escaped their still attached mouths made something hot inside the older that triggered his aggression. He grabbed JungKook's hands and made him wrap his arms around his neck. He pulled away and whispered 


"Hold tight" as he lift the younger by gripping the back of his knees. JungKook was surprised but instinctively tightened his arms around Jin and also wrapping his legs around the older's hips. JungKook kissed SeokJin again and they continued their lip lock as the older walked them inside the younger's bedroom, not forgetting to close the door behind them. 




A/N: or no ? Ehehe... I'm not teasing guys, I'm just not really good with or any intense scene as you saw in this chapter... so I'm not sure if I should write a scene or just do the implied thingy and skip the getting down and dirty... Hehe... 


BTW.. guys, I'm really really thankful to all of you.. when I started this I was just thinking that JinKook Fics are scarce and I just want to add one out there.. I never thought lovely people would read it and like it... 


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Chapter 38: what the actual ....
Alfiya_kook #2
Chapter 38: Did JK die?
Geeyuu #3
Chapter 32: U always change name, even in 1 sentence there will be JHope & HoSeok. It's confusing.... But the story is so much worth to read, superrr great job!
fidesvisorde #4
Hello! When will you update this story? :(
colorfulaskpop #5
Chapter 38: Ohmygod authornim we wouldn't mind if you'd update this after a year of your last one. Pleaaaase, we need some closure? *shoves jungkook's puppy dog eyes*
re-reading this story again ;a when are u going to update?? I don't usually rush authors to update but pls don't forget this fanfic that has gotten me into shipping jinkook :(
Johanna_Weber #7
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Johanna_Weber #8
Wow, that sounds interesting. I would like to translate it into Russian.
Rwalton566 #9
Chapter 38: Woah...way to rip my heart out Authornim.
Chapter 1: idk if I should start this fic or not. I don't think the author will update again :"(